
Krazy's EKP

Jul 24th, 2013
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  1. [08:29] krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  2. [08:29] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut' by [^_^][email protected]
  3. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> hai
  4. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> everypony
  5. [08:29] <+Foresight[Mem]> Hi
  6. [08:29] <+Foresight[Mem]> Why are you freaking the hay out?
  7. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> hai
  8. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i
  9. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> reaeted
  10. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> reseted
  11. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and now
  12. [08:29] <+Foresight[Mem]> What? Why?
  13. [08:29] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> im FREAKING
  14. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> pk
  15. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  16. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> so
  17. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i
  18. [08:30] <+Foresight[Mem]> From resetting or you reset because of that?
  19. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> was about to sleep
  20. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  21. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i was about to sleep
  22. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and then
  23. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i flelt pinkie again
  24. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> but
  25. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> somepony was on my bed
  26. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> holding a nife
  27. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> gonna kill me
  28. [08:30] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> an
  29. [08:31] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> HOLY
  30. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> O_o
  31. [08:31] <+CardSpin[FS]> like someone was actually in your bed?
  32. [08:31] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> STOP THINKING OF IT FOR THE LOVE OF
  33. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> Were they real...?
  34. [08:31] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> HELL YAH!
  35. [08:31] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I CANT STOP LOOKING BEHIND ME
  36. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> wtf
  37. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> How did they get there?
  38. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> Where did they come from?
  39. [08:31] <+Foresight[Mem]> WHY were they there?
  40. [08:31] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I DUNNO!
  41. [08:32] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> they
  42. [08:32] <+Foresight[Mem]> And how did you keep them from slitting your throat? :/
  43. [08:32] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> wre out to kill me
  44. [08:32] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and i
  45. [08:32] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> opened my eyes before it feelt like they wrre on me
  46. [08:32] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ohhh
  47. [08:33] Action: krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut calms hersefl down
  48. [08:33] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i even heard strange noises
  49. [08:33] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> before this
  50. [08:33] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> like a buzzing saying "come"
  51. [08:33] <+Foresight[Mem]> That's just bizarre
  52. [08:33] <+Foresight[Mem]> Call the police?
  53. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  54. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i think its te file
  55. [08:34] <+Foresight[Mem]> Do it now
  56. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> the reset file
  57. [08:34] <+Foresight[Mem]> Wuh?
  58. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i did it twice tonight
  59. [08:34] <+CardSpin[FS]> so let me get this strait, someone was actually, physically, in your room?
  60. [08:34] <+Foresight[Mem]> But you just said they were real O_o
  61. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  62. [08:34] <%+Dashe> It FELT real to her.
  63. [08:34] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i felt like sompony eas in my room
  64. [08:34] <+Foresight[Mem]> Why would the reset file do that?
  65. [08:35] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> it felt like somepony is gonna kill me
  66. [08:35] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and now im scared to- WAT WAS THAT
  67. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> :I
  68. [08:36] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I JUST FELT A HOOF ON MY LEG
  69. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> Do you have a schizoid personality?
  70. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> wat
  71. [08:36] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> JEEZ
  72. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> Well see
  73. [08:36] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> WAT THE HAY IS HAPPENING!?
  74. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> Paranoia
  75. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> + delusions
  76. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> + hallucinations
  77. [08:36] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  78. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> Mmm
  79. [08:36] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc: Excess Flood
  80. [08:36] <+Foresight[Mem]> No idea
  81. [08:37] <+Foresight[Mem]> You sound like you're cracking like an egg :D
  82. [08:37] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> thatnk god no hallicinations
  83. [08:37] <+Foresight[Mem]> Where's Foxxxy?
  84. [08:37] <+Foresight[Mem]> But you just said...
  85. [08:37] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i cant see nothin
  86. [08:37] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> just feel and sometimes here em
  87. [08:37] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> hear
  88. [08:37] <+Foresight[Mem]> Oh
  89. [08:38] <+Foresight[Mem]> So you felt the presence of a pony brandishing a knife to slit your throat?
  90. [08:38] <+Foresight[Mem]> It wasn't a real person or a hallucination of someone?
  91. [08:38] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  92. [08:38] <%+Dashe> Krazy, do you want me to explain?
  93. [08:38] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> go ahead
  94. [08:38] <+Foresight[Mem]> Probably better :/
  95. [08:38] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i cant type anyhoof
  96. [08:39] Wisdom{Leta} (~Wisdom{[email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  97. [08:39] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Wisdom{Leta}' by [^_^][email protected]
  98. [08:39] <+Wisdom{Leta}> IT'S NO USE
  99. [08:39] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ... having this moon light on me freaks me more
  100. [08:39] <+Foresight[Mem]> mm?
  101. [08:39] <+Wisdom{Leta}> {Wisdom, not Silver again...}
  102. [08:39] <+Wisdom{Leta}> {It scares me.}
  103. [08:39] <+Foresight[Mem]> What does?
  104. [08:39] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i feel like in a horror movie AGGH
  105. [08:39] Action: krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut starts to cry
  106. [08:40] <+Foresight[Mem]> Ah man :I
  107. [08:40] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Silver the Hedgehog in Sonic '06.
  108. [08:40] <%+Dashe> Krazy was chatting with me over skype and decided to do the reset file. When she came back, she felt odd so she decided to do it again. When she came back the second time she felt better, but she felt like pinkie again once she laid down.
  109. [08:40] <+Foresight[Mem]> Don't be like that
  110. [08:40] <%+Dashe> She also started hearing noises, and then said stuff about feeling a presence of a pony that wanted to murder her.
  111. [08:40] moobull69 ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  112. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> Is this that "EKP" thing then?
  113. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> WHAT THE FUK!!!!?????
  114. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> GOD DAMIT IT
  115. [08:41] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Engrish.
  116. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> GIRLS SCREAMING
  117. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> BANGING IN MY WINDOW
  118. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> MAKE IT STOP!!!!
  119. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> And now there's a screaming pinkie
  120. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> Well then
  121. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> Krazypie
  122. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> You have to listen to me
  123. [08:41] <%+Dashe> No, this isn't really EKP from what I can tell...something different.
  124. [08:41] <+Foresight[Mem]> None of what you're seeing or feeling is real
  125. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  126. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ioh
  127. [08:41] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  128. [08:42] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ih
  129. [08:42] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  130. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> You have to remember that
  131. [08:42] <@~Audiobro> Dafuq is going on?
  132. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> Keep thinking about it
  133. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> Believe it
  134. [08:42] Action: krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut starts to hyper ventalate
  135. [08:42] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's absolutely faked inside your mind. Got it?
  136. [08:42] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> cars
  137. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> They won't go away because they aren't there to begin with
  138. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> They don't exist
  139. [08:42] <@~Audiobro> !log
  140. [08:42] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> why are ther NO CARS ON MAH STREET
  141. [08:42] <@~Audiobro> Because people are using them
  142. [08:42] <+Foresight[Mem]> It's 4:40 in the morning? :P
  143. [08:42] <+CryoFire_mobile> it's 4am?
  144. [08:42] <+CryoFire_mobile> lol
  145. [08:43] Action: Dashe sighs...
  146. [08:43] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> man
  147. [08:43] <+Foresight[Mem]> So this is bizarre
  148. [08:43] <+Foresight[Mem]> Someone log this for Foxxxy
  149. [08:43] <+Foresight[Mem]> Then log xer response
  150. [08:43] <+Foresight[Mem]> I wanna know :O
  151. [08:43] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Foresight, this is obvious as to what's going on.
  152. [08:43] <+Foresight[Mem]> Enlighten me with your Wisdom?
  153. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> its pitch black out my window. no pony has lights on. my house is quiet too quiet.
  154. [08:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Hypnosis is dangerous to the mind when you try to reset it.
  155. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no cars on the street
  156. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no dogs barking
  157. [08:44] <+Foresight[Mem]> Krazy, remember
  158. [08:44] <+Foresight[Mem]> These ideas you're getting
  159. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> alone
  160. [08:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> The withdrawals on your mind get so great that you start acting in such a maddening state.
  161. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> in
  162. [08:44] <+Foresight[Mem]> They're just paranoia
  163. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> my bed
  164. [08:44] <+Foresight[Mem]> Just breathe deep
  165. [08:44] <+Foresight[Mem]> Deep, deep breaths
  166. [08:44] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok let me just say this
  167. [08:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Take breaths first.
  168. [08:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Deep, slow breaths.
  169. [08:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And then, count to 10. Slowly.
  170. [08:46] prototypesnipe_ ([email protected]) left irc: Remote host closed the connection
  171. [08:46] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> so,i the reset once. no problem. then i did it one more time. i heard a scream. then i heard a buzzing saying "come" and during me talking to dashe on skype it felt like i was being watched. then i disided to get some sleep. right when i hit my pillow i almost felt full pinkie. but somepony was aprocing me with a nife on my bed slowly. and here i am. freaking
  172. [08:47] Action: krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut starts to cry
  173. [08:47] <+CryoFire_mobile> turn on lights. purge any darkness from your room
  174. [08:47] <+CatherineLuna> the first time i tried as hypnosis ,to see if it works , i was vinyl , i didnt have any problems when Luna reset me and i started being fluttershy
  175. [08:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Foresight, it either has to do with the withdrawals, or the fact that she used Pinkie, and her mind wasn't all ready for resetting.
  176. [08:47] <%+Dashe> ...yeah, I have no clue how this happened either.
  177. [08:48] <@~Audiobro> Dashe
  178. [08:48] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> the second part i think
  179. [08:48] <+Foresight[Mem]> Is the Pinkie file just that unstable, or would this happen to any other file user?
  180. [08:48] <%+Dashe> Yeah?
  181. [08:48] <@~Audiobro> Dafuq is going on?
  182. [08:48] Action: Wisdom{Leta} hugs krazypie. "Shh~"
  183. [08:48] <@~Audiobro> Im so completely lost right now
  184. [08:48] <%+Dashe> I'll tell you in PM
  185. [08:48] <@~Audiobro> Right
  186. [08:48] <+CryoFire_mobile> hey I have an idea
  187. [08:48] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Audiobro: This is the result of hypnotic withdrawals.
  188. [08:48] <+CryoFire_mobile> exactly
  189. [08:48] <+CryoFire_mobile> here's my idea
  190. [08:49] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Specifically Pinkie's.
  191. [08:49] <+Foresight[Mem]> Bizarre that this is even a thing
  193. [08:49] <+CryoFire_mobile> listen to the pinkie pie files again and see if the horrors go away
  194. [08:49] <+Foresight[Mem]> Why is the Pinkie file so unstable? First I hear it makes tulpa accidentally, now it makes ponies experience borderline schizoid phenomena
  195. [08:49] <+CryoFire_mobile> see if that is your problem
  196. [08:49] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And in this withdrawal, this creates a whole onslaught of Pinkie's thoughts.
  197. [08:50] <+Wisdom{Leta}> No. DON'T listen to the file.
  198. [08:50] <+Wisdom{Leta}> PLEASE.
  199. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> please
  200. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> somepony
  201. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> make
  202. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> it
  203. [08:50] <+CryoFire_mobile> fucking party of 1 all over again
  204. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> STOP!
  205. [08:50] <+CardSpin[FS]> Foresight, each persons reactions are different to each file.
  206. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> make
  207. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> it
  208. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> stoppppp!!!!
  209. [08:50] Action: Wisdom{Leta} pats krazypie. "This is temporary. Here, watch a silly video."
  210. [08:50] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> *is crying in fear*
  211. [08:50] <+Foresight[Mem]> Perhaps Giggle at the Ghosties?
  212. [08:50] <+Foresight[Mem]> Or would that be counterproductive?
  213. [08:51] <+CatherineLuna> whats going on
  214. [08:51] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh my
  215. [08:51] <+Foresight[Mem]> Nothing but hypnotic withdrawal resulting in frightening schizoid phenomena
  216. [08:51] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> in getting cars in my street!!!!! :DDDDD
  217. [08:51] <+Foresight[Mem]>
  218. [08:51] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> WAIT
  219. [08:51] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> why are they moving slowly
  220. [08:51] <+Foresight[Mem]> wot
  221. [08:51] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Do nothing that has anything with hypnosis. If that song is cheery enough, then it might help.
  222. [08:51] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> 0.0
  223. [08:51] <+Foresight[Mem]> Becuase they're cars sweetie
  224. [08:52] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  225. [08:52] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> on my street there usually fast
  226. [08:52] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> these cars looks like ones who stalk people
  227. [08:52] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's in the middle of the night.
  228. [08:52] <+Foresight[Mem]> Krazy
  229. [08:52] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> slowly behind the person
  230. [08:52] <+Foresight[Mem]>
  231. [08:52] <+Foresight[Mem]> Click this link
  232. [08:52] <+Foresight[Mem]> Watch the video
  233. [08:53] <+Foresight[Mem]> I think it'll make you feel better
  234. [08:53] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  235. [08:53] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> brb
  236. [08:53] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Then stay in your house and don't let anyone in. You're fine, safe, and secure.
  237. [08:53] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> il be back
  238. [08:53] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And yes, watch that vid.
  239. [08:53] krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X,
  240. [08:53] <+Foresight[Mem]> That was intense :I
  241. [08:53] <+Foresight[Mem]> Must be living hell
  242. [08:53] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Foresight, you need to alert people this. Right now.
  243. [08:53] <+Foresight[Mem]> Who?
  244. [08:53] <%+Dashe> You have no idea. imagine what it was like watching it unfold when it started.
  245. [08:54] <+Wisdom{Leta}> If I were to give it a term, I'd call it the Withdrawal Syndrome.
  246. [08:54] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Get Rarity or someone to update this on the document for the reset files.
  247. [08:54] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Because I can imagine that resetting is highly dangerous to the brain.
  248. [08:55] <+Foresight[Mem]> I need to sleep soon
  249. [08:55] <%+Dashe> Man, this night went crappy fast...
  250. [08:55] <+Foresight[Mem]> Well
  251. [08:55] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's fine. As long as Audiobro has the logs.
  252. [08:55] <+Foresight[Mem]> The probably just need to make a less intense file
  253. [08:55] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And Dashe, I think of this as progress.
  254. [08:55] Action: Audiobro sighs
  255. [08:55] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Foresight, NO.
  256. [08:55] <+Foresight[Mem]> The reset she used was probably something that said something like "all effects you've heard while hypnotised are vanishing"
  257. [08:56] itsblah ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  258. [08:56] <+Foresight[Mem]> No?
  259. [08:56] <+Wisdom{Leta}> If that file can be applied in slow sequences, maybe.
  260. [08:56] <%+Dashe> Any ideas as to what we should do, Audiobro?
  261. [08:56] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Very slow peeling of the hypnosis. That's what the reset should do.
  262. [08:56] <@~Audiobro> Absolutely none, if Im perfectly honest
  263. [08:57] <%+Dashe> Whee~
  264. [08:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Alright then.
  265. [08:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I suggest we find an alternative to slowly peeling the hypnosis.
  266. [08:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Because as shown here, resetting can be harmful to the mind.
  267. [08:58] <+CardSpin[FS]> alright, how much i want to stay around to see this resolved, i need sleep, night all
  268. [08:58] Nick change: CardSpin[FS] -> CardSpin[FS]|Sleep
  269. [08:59] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Not to mention that this was Pinkie's file. It may have odd things but that's natural. But when you try to introduce some crazy fun pink life into yours, and then strip it, the results can be...ugh.
  270. [08:59] <%+Dashe> I'm gonna read the reset script real quick...just to see what it says.
  271. [08:59] <@~Audiobro> Hypnosis
  272. [09:00] <@~Audiobro> Not a toy
  273. [09:00] <+Foresight[Mem]> I feel like reading the scripts for this pinkie file
  274. [09:00] <+Foresight[Mem]> It seems like it induces near insanity
  275. [09:00] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Read the script and present where something might be bad.
  276. [09:00] krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  277. [09:00] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut' by [^_^][email protected]
  278. [09:01] <+Foresight[Mem]> Why are you giving me important tasks? :/
  279. [09:01] <+Foresight[Mem]> I'm a nobody
  280. [09:01] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Welcome back, krazypie.
  281. [09:01] <+Foresight[Mem]> I don't even listen to the files now that I have a tulpa
  282. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> damn it
  283. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> damn
  284. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> damn
  285. [09:01] <%+Dashe> The induction seems perfectly normal...nothing unusual there.
  286. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> holy sh**
  287. [09:01] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And I'm only wanting to find a solution to this quickly.
  288. [09:01] GoFish ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  289. [09:01] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Yes, krazypie?
  290. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> something is wrong
  291. [09:01] <+Wisdom{Leta}> What is wrong?
  292. [09:01] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> somethig is below me
  293. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> somethings there
  294. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> SOMETHING JUST MOVED DOWNTHETR
  295. [09:02] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Is there anyone in the house with you?
  296. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> NO
  297. [09:02] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Your parents? Guardian? Friend?
  298. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IMALOMR IN MAH ROOM
  299. [09:02] <%+Dashe> Seems like it's getting progressively worse...
  300. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> MY BROTHER IS IN MY PARENTS ROOM
  301. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IM ALONE
  302. [09:02] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Okay, calm yourself.
  303. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ALONE
  304. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I CANT
  305. [09:02] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ITS 2AM
  306. [09:02] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Go up and get your brother.
  307. [09:02] <+Foresight[Mem]> You're not alone
  308. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> AND ITS PITCH BLACK!
  309. [09:03] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Turn on the lights.
  310. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> SOMETHING IS WATCHING ME
  311. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I DID
  312. [09:03] <+CryoFire_mobile> turn on lights now
  313. [09:03] Nomad_Mane ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  314. [09:03] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Nomad_Mane' by [^_^][email protected]
  315. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IT WAS ON THE WHOLE TIME
  316. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IM
  317. [09:03] <+Foresight[Mem]> How is it pitch black then?
  318. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> FREAKING
  319. [09:03] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Y'know, I'm scared of the dark too. But I usually just turn on the lights.
  320. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> DARI
  321. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> DARK
  322. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> AND I MEAN
  323. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> DARK
  324. [09:03] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Now, follow my directions.
  325. [09:03] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I KEEP HEARING SCREANA
  326. [09:03] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Go and see your brother and tell him your issues.
  327. [09:04] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I CANT
  328. [09:04] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IM SCARED TO GET OFF MY BED
  329. [09:04] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Listen to me.
  330. [09:04] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> SOMETHING WANTS TO KILL ME
  331. [09:04] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Krazypie, listen to me right now.
  332. [09:04] <+Foresight[Mem]> No one wants to kill you
  333. [09:04] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> AND THERE ONLY THING THEY WANT TO DO IS
  334. [09:04] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> KILL PINKIE
  335. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> AND IM PINKIE!
  336. [09:05] <+Wisdom{Leta}> LISTEN TO ME.
  337. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and
  338. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> AND
  339. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> MY GAWD!
  340. [09:05] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Stop.
  341. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> IM LISTENING
  342. [09:05] <+Wisdom{Leta}> We're going to do this step by step.
  343. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> OH NO
  344. [09:05] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> NO
  345. [09:06] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Krazypie, I said listen to me.
  346. [09:06] <+Foresight[Mem]> Hum
  347. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> I AM
  348. [09:06] <+Foresight[Mem]> Nothing seems unusual about this file
  349. [09:06] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  350. [09:06] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}' by [^_^][email protected]
  351. [09:06] <%+Dashe> ...I think we may need Filly or Foxxxy's help with this.
  352. [09:06] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Do not look outside and do not listen to anything else. Just me.
  353. [09:06] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Do you understand?
  354. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  355. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  356. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> o
  357. [09:06] <+Foresight[Mem]> It seems like a run of the mill script with customizations for Pinkie
  358. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  359. [09:06] <+Foresight[Mem]> I wonder if it's because of the extremely high energy they induce
  360. [09:06] <+Foresight[Mem]> Could cause metaphysical shenanigans
  361. [09:06] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Okay, good. Now, what color is your bed?
  362. [09:06] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> white
  363. [09:07] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good. Now, what color is your hair?
  364. [09:07] <+Foresight[Mem]> Hm
  365. [09:07] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> balck
  366. [09:07] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I see. Now, can you see what is pictured here:
  367. [09:08] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> whre
  368. [09:08] <+Wisdom{Leta}>
  369. [09:08] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Right here. Don't worry.
  370. [09:08] <+Wisdom{Leta}> This is called a Shaymin. What do you think about it?
  371. [09:09] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> its cute
  372. [09:09] Nick change: Deathy -> Deathy_Sleepy
  373. [09:09] <+Foresight[Mem]> I have to leave
  374. [09:09] <+Foresight[Mem]> Night all
  375. [09:09] Action: krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut starts to cry
  376. [09:09] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I think it's cute too. Now, what color are the lights that illuminate your room? Are they white or orange?
  377. [09:09] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> fore
  378. [09:09] Foresight[Mem] (~Conscious@69CF4166:B089B401:53DEAF2F:IP) left irc: Quit: Leaving
  379. [09:09] <+Wisdom{Leta}> No, no. She will be back tomorrow.
  380. [09:09] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> both
  381. [09:10] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Okay, good. Do you know where your brother's room is?
  382. [09:10] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> we share the same room
  383. [09:10] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and in top bunk
  384. [09:10] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> and somethingis on the bottom one
  385. [09:10] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Okay, good.
  386. [09:10] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i just know it
  387. [09:10] <+Wisdom{Leta}> No, calm down and listen to me.
  388. [09:11] Action: Wisdom{Leta} gives krazypie a hug.
  389. [09:11] <+Wisdom{Leta}> We're going to tackle this together. Okay?
  390. [09:11] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  391. [09:11] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> 0.0
  392. [09:11] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> SOMETHIG IS TOUCHING MAH BACK
  393. [09:11] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good. Now, do you think you can wake up your brother?
  394. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  395. [09:12] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Hey, krazypie. Listen and focus on /me./
  396. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> hes in my parents room
  397. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> accross the hall
  398. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> from my bed
  399. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> room
  400. [09:12] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Okay. Good.
  401. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> 0.0
  402. [09:12] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Do you think you can walk there?
  403. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> somethig
  404. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> is
  405. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  406. [09:12] <+Wisdom{Leta}> No, nothing is.
  407. [09:12] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  408. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  409. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> oh
  410. [09:13] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's all nothing. Okay?
  411. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> my god!!!!!!
  412. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> no
  413. [09:13] <+Wisdom{Leta}> What do you see?
  414. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> sometging is slowly going down my back
  415. [09:13] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Gently touch your back.
  416. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> scratching my skin
  417. [09:13] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> nothigs there
  418. [09:14] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Exactly.
  419. [09:14] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> bu i still feel it
  420. [09:14] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> i stil feel it a little
  421. [09:14] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You are only feeling a little jittery, okay?
  422. [09:14] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> its burns a bit
  423. [09:14] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Nothing's touching you. Just you.
  424. [09:15] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Nothing at all. Okay honey?
  425. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  426. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  427. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  428. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  429. [09:15] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good.
  430. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  431. [09:15] <+krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut> ok
  432. [09:15] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+b *!*[email protected]' by [^_^][email protected]
  433. [09:15] krazypie4|FreakingTheHeckOut kicked from #Pony_Hypno by [^_^]: Stop repeating yourself!
  434. [09:15] <+Wisdom{Leta}> ...Well then.
  435. [09:16] <%+Dashe> I'm on it
  436. [09:16] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I hope whatever I put into her mind has calmed her down, but...
  437. [09:16] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '-b *!*[email protected]' by [email protected]
  438. [09:16] <%+Dashe> I think I know what caused it.
  439. [09:17] <+Wisdom{Leta}> ^_^ might just have a code that senses repeated variables.
  440. [09:17] <%+Dashe> no, talking about Krazy's issue.
  441. [09:17] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I'm all ears.
  442. [09:18] <+CatherineLuna> i would like to know also
  443. [09:18] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  444. [09:18] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  445. [09:18] <+CatherineLuna> because i dont want to go insane from my hypnosis
  446. [09:18] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Welcome back krazypie.
  447. [09:19] Action: krazypie4 is curling up
  448. [09:19] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Apparently ^_^ made a little oopsie, okay?
  449. [09:19] <%+Dashe> I just need to ask Krazy a question first
  450. [09:19] <+krazypie4> find a happy place. FIND A HAPPY PLACE
  451. [09:19] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Ask it subtly. And use two or more questions if needed.
  452. [09:19] <@~Audiobro> Or ask in PM
  453. [09:19] <+krazypie4> wt u want dashe?????????????
  454. [09:19] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You're in a happy place. Now calm yourself.
  455. [09:20] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Count to 10, okay?
  456. [09:20] <+krazypie4> ok
  457. [09:20] <%+Dashe> Krazy, did you still have an attachment to being pinkie?
  458. [09:20] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good.
  459. [09:20] <+krazypie4> dashe
  460. [09:20] <+krazypie4> yesh
  461. [09:20] <%+Dashe> Any doubts about being RD?
  462. [09:20] <+krazypie4> no
  463. [09:20] <%+Dashe> or going back to who you were before?
  464. [09:21] <+krazypie4> i think in going back....
  465. [09:21] <%+Dashe> Yeah, I know what's up I think.
  466. [09:21] <+krazypie4> or- what is touching my flank
  467. [09:21] <%+Dashe> gimme a sec.
  468. [09:21] <+krazypie4> wat
  469. [09:21] <+krazypie4> is
  470. [09:21] <+krazypie4> touching me
  471. [09:21] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Nothing is touching your flank.
  472. [09:22] <+Wisdom{Leta}> That's just you. You're touching you.
  473. [09:22] <+KingVi> Oh god what is going on.
  474. [09:22] <+krazypie4> i feel a razor blade on my flank
  475. [09:22] <+KingVi> What did I miss
  476. [09:22] <+krazypie4> alot
  477. [09:22] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's just you. There's no razor blade at all, okay?
  478. [09:22] <+krazypie4> ok
  479. [09:22] <+krazypie4> ok
  480. [09:24] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good.
  481. [09:24] <%+Dashe> There's a part of the reset file that presents you with a choice. I think that Krazy is experiencing this strange form of EKP because she still had some attachments to being pinkie/didn't want to go back to who she was before, and so she subconsciously resisted the file.
  482. [09:24] <+Wisdom{Leta}> That may be a good speculation.
  483. [09:24] <%+Dashe>
  484. [09:24] <%+Dashe> start at line 62
  485. [09:24] <+Wisdom{Leta}> krazypie, do you feel like seeing your brother for comfort?
  486. [09:26] <+krazypie4> yes
  487. [09:27] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good. Do you want to go to your parents room and curl up with him for the night?
  488. [09:27] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You might not be scared anymore.
  489. [09:27] GoFish ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  490. [09:27] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v GoFish' by [^_^][email protected]
  491. [09:28] Flutterswag ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  492. [09:28] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flutterswag' by [^_^][email protected]
  493. [09:28] <+Flutterswag> I'm finally back
  494. [09:28] <+Flutterswag> Hello everypony
  495. [09:28] <+krazypie4> HOLY!?
  496. [09:28] <+krazypie4> guys
  497. [09:28] <+Flutterswag> !log
  498. [09:28] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Welcome back, Flutterswag.
  499. [09:28] <+krazypie4> i just heard something
  500. [09:28] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Yes, krazypie?
  501. [09:28] <+Flutterswag> Thanks
  502. [09:28] <+krazypie4> i heard another buzz
  503. [09:29] <+krazypie4> i heard i will get u
  504. [09:29] <+krazypie4> or
  505. [09:29] <+krazypie4> it was
  506. [09:29] <+Wisdom{Leta}> That buzz was just a little ringing in your ears.
  507. [09:29] <+Wisdom{Leta}> And you didn't hear anything.
  508. [09:29] <+krazypie4> no
  509. [09:29] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I promise. You heard nothing.
  510. [09:29] <+krazypie4> it sounds like a bee buzz with words
  511. [09:29] <+krazypie4> ok
  512. [09:29] <+krazypie4> so
  513. [09:30] <+krazypie4> ok
  514. [09:30] <+krazypie4> s
  515. [09:30] <+krazypie4> so
  516. [09:30] <+krazypie4> um
  517. [09:30] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Please, krazypie, go see your brother, okay
  518. [09:30] <+krazypie4> ok
  519. [09:30] <+krazypie4> im gonna run to my parents room and sleep there
  520. [09:31] aeyesx ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  521. [09:31] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v aeyesx' by [^_^][email protected]
  522. [09:31] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Because he's real. And he can help you out, okay?
  523. [09:31] <+krazypie4> WAT
  524. [09:31] <+krazypie4> THE
  525. [09:31] <+krazypie4> FUK!?
  526. [09:31] <+krazypie4> I JUST HEARD ANOTER NOISE
  527. [09:31] <+krazypie4> THIS TIME
  528. [09:31] <+krazypie4> IT WAS
  529. [09:31] <+krazypie4> A TV
  530. [09:31] <+krazypie4> STATIC
  531. [09:31] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Krazypie, LISTEN TO ME.
  532. [09:32] <+krazypie4> AN THERES NO TV HERE
  533. [09:32] <+krazypie4> I HEAR IT
  534. [09:32] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You heard NOTHING.
  535. [09:32] <+krazypie4> AGAIN
  536. [09:32] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It's all YOU.
  537. [09:32] Action: krazypie4 is hyper ventalatic
  538. [09:32] Action: krazypie4 is crying
  539. [09:32] <+Wisdom{Leta}> krazypie, inhale.
  540. [09:32] <+krazypie4> pleas
  541. [09:32] <+krazypie4> somepony
  542. [09:32] <+Flutterswag> Maybe now is the time to tell your parents
  543. [09:32] <+krazypie4> make it stop
  544. [09:33] <+krazypie4> somepoy please
  545. [09:33] <+Wisdom{Leta}> It looks like I will have to do something frightening then.
  546. [09:33] <+krazypie4> make it
  547. [09:33] <+krazypie4> stop
  548. [09:33] <+Flutterswag> Maybe, if you can conquer that paranoia for just 20 minutes
  549. [09:33] <%+Dashe> WISDOM,NO
  550. [09:33] <+Flutterswag> You may be able to listen to the RD file
  551. [09:33] <+Flutterswag> And then it may stop
  552. [09:33] <+krazypie4> i think thats a bad idea
  553. [09:34] <+Flutterswag> Because you were having nothing like this as Pinkie
  554. [09:34] <+Flutterswag> It only happened when you reset
  555. [09:34] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Alright, krazypie? Go to your parents room immediately.
  556. [09:34] Action: krazypie4 Hugz anypony really really really tight
  557. [09:34] <+krazypie4> ok
  558. [09:34] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Ignore all other noises, and anything else.
  559. [09:35] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You're going to go to that room, and hug your brother tightly. Okay?
  560. [09:35] <+krazypie4> im scared of this pony returning in my dreams and killing me
  561. [09:35] <+krazypie4> ok
  562. [09:35] <+Wisdom{Leta}> He can't kill you.
  563. [09:35] <+krazypie4> im goona leave
  564. [09:36] <+krazypie4> i will tell everypony wat happends tommrrow
  565. [09:36] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Nothing can kill you. All you need to do is go to your parents room, hug your brother, and get a nice, relaxing nap.
  566. [09:36] <+krazypie4> ok
  567. [09:36] <+krazypie4> cya
  568. [09:36] <+Flutterswag> What time is it in Canada?
  569. [09:36] <+krazypie4> later
  570. [09:36] <+krazypie4> everypony
  571. [09:36] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Of course. And if you get scared, talk to your brother.
  572. [09:36] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X,
  573. [09:36] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Yeah, lets edit that reset file.
  574. [09:37] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  575. [09:37] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  576. [09:37] <+krazypie4> walkig
  577. [09:37] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Yes?
  578. [09:37] <+Flutterswag> Welcome back
  579. [09:37] <+krazypie4> walkig
  580. [09:37] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Walking to your parents room?
  581. [09:37] <+krazypie4> SOMEPONY IS AT MY DOOOOOOR
  582. [09:37] <+Wisdom{Leta}> No there isn't.
  583. [09:37] <+krazypie4> I HEARD WALKING
  584. [09:37] <+krazypie4> ON MY HARD FLOOR
  585. [09:37] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Go to your parents room.
  586. [09:37] <+krazypie4> OK
  587. [09:37] <+krazypie4> IM GONNA FACE MY FEARS
  588. [09:37] <+krazypie4> FOR MY LIFE
  589. [09:37] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I imagine your brother wants to see you.
  590. [09:38] <+krazypie4> FOR PINKIE
  591. [09:38] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Good. Do that.
  592. [09:38] <+krazypie4> FOR ME
  593. [09:38] <+krazypie4> IM GONNA RUN
  594. [09:38] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Run to your parents room. Yes.
  595. [09:38] <+krazypie4> CYA
  596. [09:38] <+krazypie4> AGAIN
  597. [09:38] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Reconnect when you get there.
  598. [09:38] <+krazypie4> BIR
  599. [09:38] <+krazypie4> BYA
  600. [09:38] <+krazypie4> accually i cant
  601. [09:38] <+krazypie4> ok fine
  602. [09:38] <+krazypie4> bai
  603. [09:38] <+Wisdom{Leta}> That is fine. Just get there, hug your brother, and reconnect if possible.
  604. [09:38] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc:
  605. [09:39] <+Wisdom{Leta}> So! How about those roflcopters?
  606. [09:40] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I found one that sounds like a gay threesome.
  607. [09:40] Yay_Fluttershy ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Rizon webchat:
  608. [09:40] <+Wisdom{Leta}> "HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA HO HA"
  609. [09:40] <+Flutterswag> LOL, Wisdom, that is the most random thing you could ever say
  610. [09:41] <+KingVi> ...I'm so confused as to what is going on here.
  611. [09:41] <+Flutterswag> Krazy reset
  612. [09:41] <%+Dashe> I'm working on it, Vi
  613. [09:41] <+Flutterswag> And now she's seeing a bunch of stuff
  614. [09:41] <+Flutterswag> Like ponies trying to kill her
  615. [09:41] <+Wisdom{Leta}>
  616. [09:41] <+KingVi> Thats not good.
  617. [09:41] <+Wisdom{Leta}> EKP.
  618. [09:42] <+Flutterswag> It seems like everypony these days is having nightmares, horrible hallucinations and all that
  619. [09:42] <+Flutterswag> I have something that reminds me of what Krazy's having
  620. [09:42] <+Flutterswag> Let em try and get it
  621. [09:42] <%+Dashe> Yeah, I'm convinced it's some sort of extreme EKP
  622. [09:42] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Either caused by want of remaining as Pinkie Pie during reset, or withdrawals.
  623. [09:42] <+Flutterswag> And be aware, it has jumpscares
  624. [09:42] <+Diluculum> ...Err, seriously? I was thinking of becoming Twilight, and... err, that doesn't make me feel confident. :P
  625. [09:43] <%+Dashe> No posting of jmpscares.
  626. [09:43] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Dil...
  627. [09:43] <%+Dashe> it's in da rles
  628. [09:43] <%+Dashe> *rules
  629. [09:43] <+KingVi> Yeah lets not give Krazy a heart attack with that.
  630. [09:43] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Hypnosis is fun and all, but you must realize that is has dangerous effects in the brain sometimes.
  631. [09:43] <+Flutterswag> Even if I put a precise warning?
  632. [09:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> EKP, or emotional kernal panic, is one of these effects.
  633. [09:44] <+Flutterswag> 6:23 to 6:29 is a jumpscare and up to 0:15 is static that is very loud and mildly disturbing
  634. [09:44] <%+Dashe> Actually, I'm gonna take this opportunity to remind everypony to read the updated rules.
  635. [09:44] <+Diluculum> I thought you could only get EKP if you mixed two files together?
  636. [09:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Thank you Dashe.
  637. [09:44] <+Wisdom{Leta}> EKP manifests in many different ways.
  638. [09:45] <+Flutterswag> Wait, do jumpscares count as NFSW?
  639. [09:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> But in this case, it had to do with the ready file.
  640. [09:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> *reset
  641. [09:45] <%+Dashe> no, I got an EKP just recently simply by thinking too much about something that bothered me.
  642. [09:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I get EKP by simple things too.
  643. [09:45] <%+Dashe> EKP can be cased by all sorts of things
  644. [09:45] <+Wisdom{Leta}> But not as major as krazypie.
  645. [09:45] <+KingVi> Wait, would the panic I had a couple days ago be considered EKP?
  646. [09:46] <%+Dashe> Depends. how did it feel?
  647. [09:46] <+Flutterswag> There we go, found the jumpscare thing
  648. [09:46] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Sounds like Creepypasta.
  649. [09:46] <+Diluculum> Uhh... Hmm. So I have to be really serious about this, then.
  650. [09:46] <+Diluculum> I mean, I REALLY don't want to get EKP. I just want to have fun and be the pone. : o
  651. [09:46] <+KingVi> Crushingly lonely and useless feeling basically.
  652. [09:46] <%+Dashe> Yeah...hypno is NOT a toy.
  653. [09:47] <+CatherineLuna> does that count as EKP , if i fell asleep at hypnosis and i wake up scared that i might have done something bad to my hypnosis that i fell asleep
  654. [09:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Anyway, my roflcopter noises...
  655. [09:47] <%+Dashe> Vi: that's your standard depression.
  656. [09:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}>
  657. [09:47] <+Flutterswag> Who else here has friends who think that pony hypnosis is fake?
  658. [09:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I'm not doing the hypno.
  659. [09:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}> PERIOD.
  660. [09:47] <%+Dashe> Catherine: that's not EKP either
  661. [09:47] Lunaclipse[Tay] ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  662. [09:47] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Lunaclipse[Tay]' by [^_^][email protected]
  663. [09:47] <+KingVi> Ah, I guess it hits harder when you never get depressed.
  664. [09:47] <+Wisdom{Leta}> I'm just going to study the biological and mental effects.
  665. [09:47] <+CatherineLuna> i was worried dashe
  666. [09:47] <+Flutterswag> Hey Luna
  667. [09:47] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> Hey
  668. [09:48] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> Apparently, last night, my computer turned off.
  669. [09:48] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> ...
  670. [09:49] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> Also, whilst waiting for Foxxxy to finish her work, I accidentally fell asleep. :/
  671. [09:49] <+Flutterswag> I always turn my computer off, my last one overheated
  672. [09:49] <+Flutterswag> And then it took 5 weeks to get a new one delivered
  673. [09:49] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> Oh, we had a mild powercut I think.
  674. [09:50] <+Flutterswag> CaptainSparklez almost has 5 million subscribers!
  675. [09:50] <+Flutterswag> And look, it's a song about me
  676. [09:50] <+Flutterswag>
  677. [09:50] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Actually...
  678. [09:51] <+Wisdom{Leta}> My roflcopter sounds like this...
  679. [09:51] <+Wisdom{Leta}>
  680. [09:51] <+KingVi> Oh god who laughs like that.
  681. [09:52] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Only Tidus, King. Only Tidus.
  682. [09:53] <+Wisdom{Leta}> That should be my ringtone
  683. [09:54] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Whenever some guy calls me, everyone will hear the HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  684. [09:54] Flutterswag ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  685. [09:54] <+KingVi> They would probably think you're a angrily laughing ventriloquist
  686. [09:55] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Yeah, may as well take Jeff Dunham's "Walter" puppet for that.
  687. [09:55] <+KingVi> Oh wow someone at my house is awake befoe 9 am
  688. [09:56] <+KingVi> Before*
  689. [09:56] <+Wisdom{Leta}> "Katrina came by, and I'm shaking around the place screaming 'HOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!'"
  690. [09:57] <+KingVi> Wat
  691. [09:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> "And the neighbors holding onto the palm tree were like 'WE LOVE IT HEEERREEEE!!!!!'"
  692. [09:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> "Dumbasses!"
  693. [09:57] <+Wisdom{Leta}> You mentioned a ventriloquist.
  694. [09:58] <+Wisdom{Leta}> So I thought of Jeff Dunham.
  695. [09:58] <+KingVi> Oh, I guess I just don't remember that skit.
  696. [09:58] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Oh. Have ya heard of em?
  697. [09:59] <+KingVi> I've seen a bit of him.
  698. [09:59] <+Wisdom{Leta}> At least they're funnier than North Korea's bombs.
  699. [10:00] <+Wisdom{Leta}> Imma sleep now.
  700. [10:00] <+KingVi> You mean the fire crackers for New year's?
  701. [10:00] <+KingVi> Night.
  702. [10:00] Wisdom{Leta} (~Wisdom{[email protected]) left irc: Quit: Leaving
  703. [10:00] KingVi ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  704. [10:01] CryoFire_mobile ([email protected]) left irc: Remote host closed the connection
  705. [10:04] aeyesx ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  706. [10:06] <%+Dashe> Well folks, I've gotta head to bed. I'll keep my client open though, so if something extraordinarily bad happens, send me a PM and hope it wakes me up.
  707. [10:07] Nick change: Dashe -> Dashe|Sleep
  708. [10:10] moobull69 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  709. [10:10] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v moobull69' by [^_^][email protected]
  710. [10:11] aeyesx ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  711. [10:11] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v aeyesx' by [^_^][email protected]
  712. [10:15] FlutterVi ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  713. [10:15] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v FlutterVi' by [^_^][email protected]
  714. [10:17] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> It's dead still, Vi
  715. [10:17] <+FlutterVi> -Insert sad face here-
  716. [10:17] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> Meh, I wasn't planning on using it much.
  717. [10:19] <+CatherineLuna> what is dead
  718. [10:19] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> The channel.
  719. [10:19] <+Lunaclipse[Tay]> I was just about to leave as well.
  720. [10:19] <+CatherineLuna> oh sorry
  721. [10:19] <+CatherineLuna> im stupid
  722. [10:20] aeyesx ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  723. [10:20] Lunaclipse[Tay] ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: So long, suckers!
  724. [10:23] FlutterVi ([email protected]) left irc:
  725. [10:29] starlite ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  726. [10:29] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v starlite' by [^_^][email protected]
  727. [10:33] starlite ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  728. [10:36] Diluculum ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  729. [10:41] <+Wynters{Rarity}> Wow
  730. [10:41] <+Wynters{Rarity}> I forgot how good Serious Sam was
  731. [10:41] <+Wynters{Rarity}> I have no idea how I could've forgotten
  732. [10:42] Action: Wynters{Rarity} just notices that the chat has been dead for 20+ mibnutes
  733. [10:43] <+Wynters{Rarity}> Carry on not doing anything
  734. [10:43] <+Wynters{Rarity}> and letting the chat Rest in Peace
  735. [10:49] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  736. [10:49] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  737. [10:49] <+krazypie4> hai everypony
  738. [10:50] <+CatherineLuna> hello krazypie again
  739. [10:50] <+krazypie4> hi
  740. [10:50] <+CatherineLuna> are you feeling better
  741. [10:50] <+krazypie4> ya
  742. [10:51] <+krazypie4> i have a head ache now tho :(
  743. [10:52] <+krazypie4> brb
  744. [10:52] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc:
  745. [11:01] BluNoseReindeer ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  746. [11:01] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v BluNoseReindeer' by [^_^][email protected]
  747. [11:02] Aurorapony ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  748. [11:02] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Aurorapony' by [^_^][email protected]
  749. [11:08] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  750. [11:08] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  751. [11:09] <+krazypie4> back
  752. [11:12] Waveform ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  753. [11:12] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Waveform' by [^_^][email protected]
  754. [11:13] Flodos[Anne]{T2}_ ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  755. [11:13] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}_' by [^_^][email protected]
  756. [11:13] Waveform ([email protected]) left #Pony_Hypno.
  757. [11:13] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  758. [11:13] Nick change: Flodos[Anne]{T2}_ -> Flodos[Anne]{T2}
  759. [11:14] Action: krazypie4 sighs
  760. [11:14] <%+Dashe|Sleep> Hmm? oh, hey feeling any better?
  761. [11:14] <+krazypie4> ya
  762. [11:15] <+krazypie4> just a head ache
  763. [11:15] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc:
  764. [11:15] <+krazypie4> but thank celestianit passed :DDD
  765. [11:15] <+krazypie4> *celestia it
  766. [11:15] <%+Dashe|Sleep> That's good. just keep your mind on other stuff and it should fade.
  767. [11:16] <%+Dashe|Sleep> I still advise taking a break from hypno though.
  768. [11:16] <+krazypie4> so, i guess i just got EKP ._.
  769. [11:16] <+CatherineLuna> be careful krazy
  770. [11:17] naynay ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  771. [11:17] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v naynay' by [^_^][email protected]
  772. [11:17] <%+Dashe|Sleep> Yeah, quite possibly. I've never heard of an EKP like yours before, so I'll ask somepony more knowledgeable than myself before I say for certain.
  773. [11:17] <+krazypie4> ok
  774. [11:17] <+krazypie4> thanks
  775. [11:17] <%+Dashe|Sleep> and sorry for slow typing. half asleep.
  776. [11:17] <+krazypie4> thats ok :3 u should get to sleep :3
  777. [11:18] <+naynay> Ask mh.
  778. [11:18] <%+Dashe|Sleep> you should too
  779. [11:18] <+krazypie4> ... im supposed to wake up in a hour anyhoof :P
  780. [11:18] <+krazypie4> so, sleepless night for me. whoo.
  781. [11:19] <%+Dashe|Sleep> try to at least take a nap later then, kay?
  782. [11:19] <+krazypie4> il try :3
  783. [11:19] <%+Dashe|Sleep> ok, good. I'll talk to you about this more later today. for now, I need rest.
  784. [11:20] <%+Dashe|Sleep> later.
  785. [11:20] <+krazypie4> baisies
  786. [11:21] Icazo ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  787. [11:21] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Icazo' by [^_^][email protected]
  788. [11:21] <+krazypie4> hai
  789. [11:21] <+Icazo> hello
  790. [11:24] <+Icazo> !log
  791. [11:25] Action: krazypie4 hugz somepony
  792. [11:26] Action: CatherineLuna hugs krazypie back awkwardly
  793. [11:26] <+krazypie4> :3
  794. [11:27] <+CatherineLuna> :(
  795. [11:28] <+krazypie4> wats with da sad face
  796. [11:28] <+krazypie4> D:
  797. [11:29] <+CatherineLuna> sorry i didnt want to scare you
  798. [11:32] <+krazypie4> brb for a bit
  799. [11:33] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X,
  800. [11:35] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  801. [11:35] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  802. [11:35] <+krazypie4> back
  803. [11:36] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  804. [11:36] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}' by [^_^][email protected]
  805. [11:36] Action: krazypie4 sighs
  806. [11:37] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc:
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  808. [11:37] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}' by [^_^][email protected]
  809. [11:37] <+CatherineLuna> hello
  810. [11:38] <+CatherineLuna> krazypie again
  811. [11:38] <+krazypie4> hai
  812. [11:39] <+CatherineLuna> im bad at talking
  813. [11:39] DestinyBlue ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  814. [11:40] <+krazypie4> no ur not
  815. [11:42] Nick change: Stevebat[Yuna] -> Stevebat-work
  816. [11:42] <+CatherineLuna> also be careful with hypnosis krazypie
  817. [11:43] <+krazypie4> yah...
  818. [11:43] <+krazypie4> im really gonna be careful about reseting next time ._.
  819. [11:43] <+krazypie4> if i do reset
  820. [11:44] <+CatherineLuna> just im worried about you
  821. [11:44] <+CatherineLuna> sorry if it sounds creepy
  822. [11:44] <+krazypie4> nah
  823. [11:44] <+krazypie4> but yah...
  824. [11:45] <+krazypie4> welp, i g2g
  825. [11:45] <+CatherineLuna> bye
  826. [11:45] <+krazypie4> im gonna try to watch tv or something to get my mind off it
  827. [11:45] <+krazypie4> cya
  828. [11:45] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Mango IRC for iOS and OS X,
  829. [11:51] Flodos[Anne]{T2}_ ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  830. [11:51] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}_' by [^_^][email protected]
  831. [11:51] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  832. [11:51] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  833. [11:52] <+krazypie4> hai again
  834. [11:52] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  835. [11:52] Nick change: Flodos[Anne]{T2}_ -> Flodos[Anne]{T2}
  836. [11:52] Action: CatherineLuna waves
  837. [11:53] <+krazypie4> i wonder if a full moon has anything to do with anything ._.
  838. [11:54] <+CatherineLuna> maybe
  839. [11:55] <+krazypie4> i just got on mu couch looked at thr window and thers no cloud and full moon ._,
  840. [11:55] <+krazypie4> *._.
  841. [11:56] <+krazypie4> annnnyhoof
  842. [11:57] Action: krazypie4 is bored
  843. [11:57] <+CatherineLuna> ok
  844. [11:59] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc:
  845. [12:00] Action: CatherineLuna sighs
  846. [12:00] <+CatherineLuna> and my grandma is yelling at me again
  847. [12:00] <+krazypie4> oh
  848. [12:00] Nills ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  849. [12:00] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Nills' by [^_^][email protected]
  850. [12:01] KingVi ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  851. [12:01] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v KingVi' by [^_^][email protected]
  852. [12:01] <+krazypie4> brb again :P
  853. [12:01] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc:
  854. [12:06] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  855. [12:06] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Flodos[Anne]{T2}' by [^_^][email protected]
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  860. [12:20] itsblah ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
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  864. [12:29] FlutterVi ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
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  866. [12:34] Waveform ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
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  870. [12:37] Wynters{Rarity} ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  871. [12:38] Flodos[Anne]{T2} ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: Now you see us, now you don't
  872. [12:41] FlutterVi ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  873. [12:41] platinum_drunk ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
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  875. [12:41] Nick change: platinum_drunk -> platinum_
  876. [12:42] <+platinum_> forgot to change that before rentering
  877. [12:43] <+platinum_> !log
  878. [12:44] <+platinum_> alright so I just missed the mass exit okay
  879. [12:46] BluNoseReindeer ([email protected]) left irc:
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  884. [12:55] BluNoseReindeer ([email protected]) left irc:
  885. [13:11] FlutterVi ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  886. [13:11] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v FlutterVi' by [^_^][email protected]
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  890. [13:13] Nick change: Sporky_ -> Sporky
  891. [13:18] Claire[Sheep]{Jet} ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  892. [13:18] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v Claire[Sheep]{Jet}' by [^_^][email protected]
  893. [13:18] GoFish ([email protected]) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  894. [13:18] Nick change: Claire[Sheep]{Jet} -> Sheepy[C]{J}|H|-B-
  895. [13:18] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+o Sheepy[C]{J}|H|-B-' by [^_^][email protected]
  896. [13:22] BluNoseReindeer ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  897. [13:22] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v BluNoseReindeer' by [^_^][email protected]
  898. [13:29] GoFish ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  899. [13:29] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v GoFish' by [^_^][email protected]
  900. [13:32] krazypie4 ([email protected]) joined #Pony_Hypno.
  901. [13:32] #Pony_Hypno: mode change '+v krazypie4' by [^_^][email protected]
  902. [13:32] <+krazypie4> hay everypony!
  903. [13:34] <+krazypie4> brb :P
  904. [13:34] Action: CatherineLuna waves again
  905. [13:36] <+FlutterVi> Hallo
  906. [13:36] BluNoseReindeer ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: BluNoseReindeer
  907. [13:37] krazypie4 ([email protected]) left irc: Remote host closed the connection
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