

Nov 2nd, 2014
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  1. >It's early, much to early for you, but today was a special day. Today is the day you're gonna start getting healthy, for reals this time.
  2. >No work to occupy your time. No good games to waste away playing, and the food here is already healthy since it's not drenched in delicious trans fats.
  3. >Ok, here goes nothing you think as you slip on the running shorts Rarity made for you. Today, everything changes.
  5. >You find yourself gasping for breath at the track, the morning mist still visible in the air. With each step you take the loose gravel crunches beneath your feet, this played out so much better in your mind.
  6. >The seemingly obtainable goal of a slim, at least not flabby body now may as well be atop Mount Everest. Unable to run any longer, you slump down onto a bench and catch your breath.
  7. >The clearly defined rolls of fat looked like you were hiding a large pumpkin under your shirt. Looking down at it in disgust, you avert your gaze elsewhere. For now, this is all you could do.
  9. >After spending a whopping 12 minutes at the track, you tiredly drag your feet into home and close the door behind you. Things will be better tomorrow, you just weren't in the zone. Yeah, that's it.
  11. >5 days later and more of the same, you practically gulping down this air to try and stay up.
  12. >Folding once you reach that same bench, you throw yourself into it and pant like a dog.
  13. >"Anon?" You freeze in terror, it's AJ, "Shoot, why didn't ya tell me you were a track rat? We could've been doin leg days together." She smiles "Ah know Dash likes tah come out here too, we should all come together."
  14. "No! Uh, no, not Dash."
  15. >"Really? Why not?"
  16. "I's embarrassing."
  17. >"Oh, ooooh, ah see what's goin on." She smirks, "Ya wanna beat her at her own game. Well, ah love secret trainin too, so yer secrets safe with me."
  18. "Y.yeah, thanks."
  19. >She tips her hat and begins to walk away as you call out.
  20. "Hey Applejack."
  21. >"What's up partner?"
  22. "...C.can you give me some pointers?"
  24. >you got up at the crack of dawn and headed over to AJ's place.
  25. >Inside the barn, you watch AJ drag some heavy farm equipment, and plop it in front of you, "All right, if ya wanna beat Rainbow yer gonna have tah do a lot of liftin."
  26. "But I don't really wanna beat Rainbow, I wanna lose weight."
  27. >"Why would ya wanna do that?"
  28. "Look at me, I'm fat. I just wanna get in shape more and drop these pounds."
  29. >"Aww shucks Anon, ya look just fine. But if ya wanna lose weight, ya gotta focus more on runnin...ooooh. Ok, change of plans."
  31. >At the orchard, you and AJ stand side by side at the start of a long aisle , "Ok, we call this "tha red mile" on account of all them red delicious in the trees."
  32. "I can see that, yes."
  33. >"Now all ya gotta do is just in and out, lots of cover so RD won't see ya, and plenty of shade too fer ya tah relax."
  34. "Thanks for letting me use your place to train."
  35. >"Ain't ni thang Anon."
  36. "And again, you're not gonna tell anyone about this, right?"
  37. >"I know how tah keep a secret Anon."
  39. >Week 1, things are actually going good. You can complete a whole half a mile without stopping. The rest of the mile...well, you can do half a mile without stopping.
  40. >In town, you walk with your head held high knowing your gonna be joining the ranks of the fit soon.
  41. >As you do, Pinkie explodes into existence in front of you holding a tray of her delicious double fudge nut brownies, "Heya Anon!"
  42. "Gah! Pinkie!?"
  43. >"Yep! And look, I brought ya yer weekly fudge packing!"
  44. >Some nearby ponies couldn't help but look, but you push the tray away embarrassed.
  45. "Pinkie, I can't eat that stuff."
  46. >"Why not? Does it not have enough fudge? Or enough nuts?"
  47. "I..I just can't. I really appreciate you making It for me, but please, don't make me any more."
  48. >With that you awkwardly waddle away as Pinkie stands alone, down hearted.
  50. >Week 4, things are going GREAT you actually can do a mile and a half now. Sure you're dying at the end but God damn does it feel good to be this in shape.
  51. >You look at yourself in the mirror and check out your only barely sagging body. all that hard work is finally paying off, but you're still not at your ideal body shape. Rainbow would probably find your b cups repulsive.
  52. >Sighing feeling kinda sorry for yourself, you inhale and gather your bearings. Time to go out for another jog.
  54. >Exiting the door in your thick jacket to hide both your fat and gains, a sudden voice calls out behind you, "Anon where have you been?!" It's Rainbow, "We haven't hung out in forever bro, what's up?"
  55. "N.nothing. I've just been busy."
  56. >"Pinkie tells me you never eat, what the hay man? Are you feeling down or something?"
  57. "I don't live off of fudge and cupcakes you know. I eat other things too."
  58. >"c'mon Anon, I'm your pal. Tell me what's up?"
  59. "It's nothing, I'm fine."
  60. >"Anon, tell me." Rainbow stomps, taking a step forward and being more aggressive, "I know you, this isn't like you."
  61. "I'm fine, really."
  62. >"Anon." She growls annoyed, "stop being so dang secretive, and what's with the jacket? It's like 100 degrees! You'll pass out."
  63. "Rainbow, seriously I'm ok."
  64. >"Ok, I'll lay off. Just show me what's under that jacket."
  65. "..."
  66. >"Anon, what's under the jacket?"
  67. "Nothing."
  68. >"Then let me see."
  69. >You take a step back, and run like hell as Dash sidewinders into you and knocks you down, "What is it, drugs? Laundering bits? What are you hiding?"
  70. "Dash! Let me go! Ponies are watching!"
  71. >"Let em! I'm not gonna let my buddy fall to the dark side! No! What's! Under! The! JACKET!?" She yells tearing off the fabric, she takes one look and gasps, covering her mouth with her hoof in shock.
  72. >Under her is a slim, toned Anonis. Your chiseled abs show clearly under the thin running shirt, and your broad shoulders help enhance the look.
  73. >Your legs were powerful before all this since they carried your fat ass, but only now the power is applied better. And you swear she was miring your dick.
  74. "I..I wasn't ready yet, I wanted to surprise you. But..since the cats out of the bag...Rainbow, I'm in love with you, and I want you to be my mare friend."
  75. >"A..Anon...w..WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?"
  76. "What happened? I got fuckin shredded is what happened." You smile, "You like it?"
  77. >"Like it?! I hate it! Look at you! You're as skinny as a twig!"
  78. "What!? You hate it!? Why!?"
  79. >"Anon just look at you! You're an anorexic for Celestias sake!"
  80. "I've never been more healthy in my life!"
  81. >"Oh my gosh, you're in denial. Don't worry Anon, I'm gonna get you something to eat. You may hate me for it, but I won't let my friend die."
  82. >She grabs you and flies off as you kick and scream.
  83. "Rainbow, wait! You don't understand!"
  85. >At Sugar Cube corner, You, Pinkie and Dash sit at a table and drink water.
  86. >Dash looks at you relived, it took some explaining but now her and Pinkie are up to speed "You didn't have to be so secretive Anon, you had us all worried."
  87. "Sorry, but I really did want to surprise all of you."
  88. >"But Anon, I liked you how you were. I thought you were cute."
  89. "You did? But I was a huge fatass, how could anyone like me like that?"
  90. >"Pfft, clearly you know nothing about mares. We like big stallions, why do you think Big Mac is so popular? Because of his personality? The colt hardly says a word, nope, it's because of his huge butt, and bulking figure. That gets all the mares worked up."
  91. "...So then you liked me when I was a fatty?"
  92. >"A lot of mares did, I'm surprised you were single for so as long as you were. Didn't you think it was odd mares were so friendly towards you?"
  93. "I just thought they were pitying me, I had no idea."
  94. >"You're something else you know that?"
  95. "What about now? Do you like me still?"
  96. >"Well at first I did because of how you looked, but now that I know you better I know it's deeper than just physical. I still like you Anon, even if you're as skinny as a twig, and can bench 200 pounds, heck id still like you if you could bench 300 pounds."
  97. "Cool, you wanna have sex."
  98. >"Sure, we just need something to weigh you up. Slump these bags of flower over your shoulders, add some mass to ya."
  99. >Today was a good day
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