
Dragonite #3

Jul 27th, 2016
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  1. ------------ Highest IV Pokemon ------------
  2. [POKEMON] [ATK] [DEF] [STA] [CP] [IV] [Candy]
  3. Venomoth 14 15 15 26 97.78% 471
  4. Seaking 15 14 14 1161 95.56% 47
  5. Dragonite 13 15 15 258 95.56% 978
  6. Starmie 15 14 14 805 95.56% 73
  7. Starmie 13 15 15 291 95.56% 73
  8. Seaking 15 15 13 580 95.56% 47
  9. Vaporeon 15 15 13 801 95.56% 725
  10. Haunter 13 15 14 698 93.33% 12
  11. Venomoth 15 15 12 748 93.33% 471
  12. Kingler 15 15 12 25 93.33% 40
  13. Golbat 14 13 15 922 93.33% 1955
  14. Dodrio 14 15 13 621 93.33% 727
  15. Seaking 15 14 13 1389 93.33% 47
  16. Dodrio 14 15 13 354 93.33% 727
  17. Jolteon 15 12 15 30 93.33% 725
  18. Pinsir 13 15 14 717 93.33% 121
  19. Seadra 13 15 14 1013 93.33% 14
  20. Flareon 15 12 15 353 93.33% 725
  21. Seadra 15 12 14 917 91.11% 14
  22. Pinsir 13 13 15 1015 91.11% 121
  23. Pinsir 13 14 14 344 91.11% 121
  24. Weepinbell 15 13 13 776 91.11% 134
  25. Starmie 14 13 14 738 91.11% 73
  26. Dodrio 14 14 13 1136 91.11% 727
  27. Exeggutor 15 12 14 129 91.11% 18
  28. Dodrio 15 15 11 775 91.11% 727
  29. Kingler 15 13 13 873 91.11% 40
  30. Parasect 15 14 12 24 91.11% 145
  31. Golbat 13 14 14 755 91.11% 1955
  32. Golbat 14 12 15 26 91.11% 1955
  33. Exeggutor 14 12 15 1751 91.11% 18
  34. Parasect 14 12 15 640 91.11% 145
  35. Tangela 15 12 13 489 88.89% 37
  36. Kadabra 14 14 12 409 88.89% 12
  37. Diglett 13 15 12 147 88.89% 9
  38. Kingler 15 12 13 1178 88.89% 40
  39. Meowth 14 13 13 357 88.89% 29
  40. Venomoth 15 14 11 1275 88.89% 471
  41. Arbok 10 15 14 880 86.67% 13
  42. Fearow 11 13 15 630 86.67% 80
  43. Exeggutor 14 11 14 1244 86.67% 18
  44. Raticate 15 15 9 885 86.67% 2890
  45. Graveler 13 13 13 146 86.67% 1
  46. Fearow 14 15 10 731 86.67% 80
  47. Horsea 13 12 14 219 86.67% 14
  48. Rhydon 14 11 14 1068 86.67% 20
  49. Gyarados 14 12 13 117 86.67% 130
  50. Raticate 10 14 15 597 86.67% 2890
  51. Magikarp 14 12 13 92 86.67% 130
  52. Magikarp 14 10 14 33 84.44% 130
  53. Parasect 14 10 14 127 84.44% 145
  54. Abra 15 14 9 260 84.44% 12
  55. Nidorino 15 13 10 382 84.44% 75
  56. Golbat 14 15 9 536 84.44% 1955
  57. Raticate 15 15 8 881 84.44% 2890
  58. Abra 14 12 12 212 84.44% 12
  59. Golbat 13 12 13 535 84.44% 1955
  60. Gastly 14 13 11 329 84.44% 12
  61. Gastly 14 10 14 331 84.44% 12
  62. Nidorino 13 15 10 380 84.44% 75
  63. Golbat 13 12 13 1069 84.44% 1955
  64. Raticate 10 15 13 634 84.44% 2890
  65. Parasect 14 13 11 280 84.44% 145
  66. Scyther 14 9 15 754 84.44% 137
  67. Nidorino 14 14 10 571 84.44% 75
  68. Arbok 12 11 14 127 82.22% 13
  69. Weepinbell 15 15 7 813 82.22% 134
  70. Tangela 14 10 13 773 82.22% 37
  71. Raticate 13 14 10 597 82.22% 2890
  72. Gloom 15 12 10 122 82.22% 90
  73. Rhyhorn 14 15 8 328 82.22% 20
  74. Scyther 15 8 14 273 82.22% 137
  75. Cubone 15 12 10 557 82.22% 9
  76. Weepinbell 12 15 10 667 82.22% 134
  77. Magmar 15 8 14 1200 82.22% 37
  78. Fearow 9 15 13 958 82.22% 80
  79. Poliwhirl 15 10 12 18 82.22% 127
  80. Arbok 12 14 11 585 82.22% 13
  81. Poliwhirl 14 8 15 57 82.22% 127
  82. Gloom 13 12 11 838 80.00% 90
  83. Tentacool 12 15 9 585 80.00% 28
  84. Scyther 9 13 14 509 80.00% 137
  85. Dodrio 13 13 10 607 80.00% 727
  86. Tentacool 12 9 15 568 80.00% 28
  87. Raticate 10 13 13 311 80.00% 2890
  88. Weepinbell 14 9 13 475 80.00% 134
  89. Nidorina 10 12 13 838 77.78% 31
  90. Kingler 9 13 13 1045 77.78% 40
  91. Dragonair 15 6 14 330 77.78% 978
  92. Snorlax 12 7 15 2143 75.56% 6
  93. Pidgeotto 6 15 13 520 75.56% 3322
  94. Geodude 14 15 5 500 75.56% 1
  95. Slowbro 15 13 6 112 75.56% 47
  96. Ponyta 12 9 13 993 75.56% 29
  97. Seaking 15 4 14 1522 73.33% 47
  98. Growlithe 13 8 12 506 73.33% 6
  99. Kakuna 15 15 2 194 71.11% 1091
  100. Jigglypuff 12 12 8 295 71.11% 17
  101. Golduck 14 14 4 1375 71.11% 89
  102. Mankey 5 15 12 366 71.11% 6
  103. Clefable 13 15 3 723 68.89% 9
  104. Slowpoke 15 11 5 734 68.89% 47
  105. Charmeleon 2 14 15 821 68.89% 1001
  106. Charmeleon 3 15 13 1028 68.89% 1001
  107. Koffing 15 3 12 311 66.67% 37
  108. Sandshrew 2 13 15 317 66.67% 28
  109. Magmar 2 12 15 1573 64.44% 37
  110. Beedrill 14 12 2 733 62.22% 1091
  111. Onix 3 13 12 402 62.22% 17
  112. Hitmonlee 2 11 15 347 62.22% 69
  113. Butterfree 13 15 0 264 62.22% 507
  114. Metapod 14 13 0 298 60.00% 507
  115. Wartortle 0 15 12 728 60.00% 10
  116. Magnemite 2 11 14 249 60.00% 6
  117. Vulpix 4 12 10 249 57.78% 6
  118. Lickitung 13 0 13 297 57.78% 3
  119. Ivysaur 12 14 0 203 57.78% 72
  120. Machop 8 11 5 191 53.33% 3
  121. Omanyte 9 0 15 410 53.33% 3
  122. Pidgeot 6 13 4 602 51.11% 3322
  123. Squirtle 0 15 8 343 51.11% 10
  124. Tentacruel 4 5 13 518 48.89% 28
  125. Pidgeot 5 12 4 1249 46.67% 3322
  126. Mr. Mime 3 12 4 851 42.22% 6
  127. Grimer 8 0 11 484 42.22% 6
  128. Sandslash 10 3 4 656 37.78% 28
  129. Venusaur 0 2 12 922 31.11% 72
  130. ------------ May be transfered ------------
  131. [POKEMON] [ATK] [DEF] [STA] [CP] [IV] [Candy]
  132. Beedrill 1 5 1 929 15.56% 1091
  133. Wartortle 9 3 0 476 26.67% 10
  134. Poliwhirl 4 3 5 425 26.67% 127
  135. Butterfree 0 11 3 204 31.11% 507
  136. Magmar 3 0 12 638 33.33% 37
  137. Mr. Mime 0 7 8 95 33.33% 6
  138. Grimer 13 1 3 189 37.78% 6
  139. Wartortle 4 13 0 631 37.78% 10
  140. Hitmonlee 2 2 14 257 40.00% 69
  141. Ivysaur 15 3 0 721 40.00% 72
  142. Squirtle 13 5 0 39 40.00% 10
  143. Nidorina 12 7 0 363 42.22% 31
  144. Wartortle 5 14 0 272 42.22% 10
  145. Fearow 12 5 3 728 44.44% 80
  146. Cubone 14 3 3 545 44.44% 9
  147. Clefable 4 5 11 228 44.44% 9
  148. Nidorino 10 7 4 495 46.67% 75
  149. Hitmonlee 3 11 7 337 46.67% 69
  150. Vulpix 13 3 5 77 46.67% 6
  151. Metapod 0 15 6 279 46.67% 507
  152. Pidgeot 6 12 3 926 46.67% 3322
  153. Sandshrew 10 7 4 179 46.67% 28
  154. Metapod 11 9 1 42 46.67% 507
  155. Golduck 4 3 15 493 48.89% 89
  156. Poliwhirl 15 6 1 846 48.89% 127
  157. Ivysaur 11 11 0 679 48.89% 72
  158. Weepinbell 9 0 13 351 48.89% 134
  159. Diglett 13 7 2 35 48.89% 9
  160. Fearow 12 8 3 314 51.11% 80
  161. Onix 0 9 14 75 51.11% 17
  162. Metapod 0 14 9 219 51.11% 507
  163. Cubone 15 8 1 369 53.33% 9
  164. Magnemite 0 12 12 286 53.33% 6
  165. Metapod 15 9 0 32 53.33% 507
  166. Seaking 8 9 7 425 53.33% 47
  167. Gloom 5 8 11 346 53.33% 90
  168. Metapod 14 11 0 159 55.56% 507
  169. Kakuna 15 9 1 162 55.56% 1091
  170. Pidgeotto 13 7 5 677 55.56% 3322
  171. Jigglypuff 10 9 6 352 55.56% 17
  172. Growlithe 14 0 12 128 57.78% 6
  173. Weepinbell 7 7 12 118 57.78% 134
  174. Tentacool 12 9 5 11 57.78% 28
  175. Kingler 12 3 12 587 60.00% 40
  176. Pidgeotto 15 6 6 654 60.00% 3322
  177. Jigglypuff 9 10 8 136 60.00% 17
  178. Onix 3 15 9 480 60.00% 17
  179. Mankey 4 11 12 245 60.00% 6
  180. Seaking 7 12 9 142 62.22% 47
  181. Kakuna 12 15 1 322 62.22% 1091
  182. Golduck 12 14 2 168 62.22% 89
  183. Nidorina 15 3 10 138 62.22% 31
  184. Koffing 15 1 13 48 64.44% 37
  185. Nidorina 14 11 4 492 64.44% 31
  186. Koffing 15 2 12 806 64.44% 37
  187. Golduck 14 15 0 32 64.44% 89
  188. Ponyta 12 6 11 191 64.44% 29
  189. Clefable 13 13 3 720 64.44% 9
  190. Sandshrew 12 7 10 294 64.44% 28
  191. Kakuna 14 14 1 59 64.44% 1091
  192. Nidorino 14 12 3 329 64.44% 75
  193. Kakuna 14 14 2 178 66.67% 1091
  194. Ponyta 15 3 12 367 66.67% 29
  195. Kakuna 15 14 1 256 66.67% 1091
  196. Arbok 9 11 10 123 66.67% 13
  197. Venomoth 12 10 8 562 66.67% 471
  198. Snorlax 6 9 15 658 66.67% 6
  199. Rhyhorn 6 12 13 585 68.89% 20
  200. Charmeleon 3 13 15 700 68.89% 1001
  201. Seadra 9 9 13 315 68.89% 14
  202. Clefable 14 13 4 32 68.89% 9
  203. Pidgeotto 15 12 4 191 68.89% 3322
  204. Diglett 13 7 12 188 71.11% 9
  205. Meowth 13 11 8 179 71.11% 29
  206. Venomoth 10 10 12 923 71.11% 471
  207. Geodude 14 5 13 35 71.11% 1
  208. Gloom 13 5 14 646 71.11% 90
  209. Starmie 15 11 7 718 73.33% 73
  210. Meowth 12 12 9 137 73.33% 29
  211. Tangela 13 5 15 73 73.33% 37
  212. Slowbro 14 13 6 111 73.33% 47
  213. Gloom 14 5 14 603 73.33% 90
  214. Pidgeotto 15 14 4 635 73.33% 3322
  215. Pidgeotto 15 13 5 535 73.33% 3322
  216. Kadabra 12 11 11 489 75.56% 12
  217. Haunter 14 13 7 176 75.56% 12
  218. Nidorina 10 12 12 179 75.56% 31
  219. Poliwhirl 15 5 14 251 75.56% 127
  220. Dodrio 11 9 14 754 75.56% 727
  221. Gloom 15 9 10 977 75.56% 90
  222. Dragonair 15 10 9 481 75.56% 978
  223. Venomoth 14 7 14 467 77.78% 471
  224. Rhyhorn 11 10 14 319 77.78% 20
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