
Deadmeat Chronicles: Survival of the Fittest Part 1

Jul 6th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy and you have brought order to your pen.
  2. >The other twelve fluffies now poop and pee in a corner you designated.
  3. >You direct them to play and portion out the food.
  4. >Any fluffy who disobeys you gets a boop on the nose.
  5. >You have set up a hay nest and the other fluffies wander around you.
  6. >For some reason this seems natural.
  7. >You have not figured out how to face the monsters yet so you let them take and leave fluffies as they will.
  8. >You noticed injured fluffies do not come back.
  9. >They seem happy you have made the other fluffies keep their mess in one place.
  10. >”Easier to clean…” You have heard them say.
  11. >Tonight you are sitting happily in your hay nest when you are grabbed from behind.
  12. >”Guess who’s turn it is in the arena?” he says sadistically.
  13. >You let yourself be carried, you know you can’t fight them.
  14. >They carry you to the arena and place you inside.
  15. >You see several other fluffies here.
  16. >They are all giggling chasing each other and hugging.
  17. >”New fwen?” A Pegasus walks up to you smiling.
  18. >You start hugging each other and laughing.
  19. >You see other fluffies placed in the arena while you play.
  20. >The crowd is murmuring all the while, watching intently.
  21. >After a few minutes the arena has ten fluffy ponies in it.
  22. >The silver furred monster runs in, “Ladies and gentleman, do you have your bets ready?”
  23. >The crowd hoots and shouts, several get up and run to a betting window.
  24. >”Hell yea! Look them over closely folks, who’s got luck and who’s getting fucked.”
  25. >The crowd roars with the announcer’s speech.
  26. >”Ten little fluffies setting on a stage.” The announcer says his slithering smile crossing his face.
  27. >”Are your bets in folks?” The crowd seems to start to get impatient trampling their feet.
  28. >”Ok, let’s play survival of the fittest, only one fluffy pony gets to leave!”
  29. >You stop playing when you hear that, “Why fwen stop chasing fwuffy?”
  30. >The silver furred monster walks over to the arena and looks in.
  31. >”Daddy is so proud of his fluffy.”
  32. >All the fluffies start to brighten up, “Yoo daddeh?”, “Yay daddeh!”, “Take fwuffy home”, “Gif fwuffy sketties!”
  33. >They all start clambering around where the silver furred monster is.
  34. >”Oh daddy can’t take you home. Daddy can’t give you spaghetti. You see, it’s the bad fluffies fault.”
  35. >The fluffies start to get indignant, “Wha bad fwuffy.”, “Gif owchies fo making daddeh no take fwuffy home!”
  36. >”You know who the bad fluffies are. If I’m talking to you, then the others are bad.”
  37. >The fluffies start looking at each other angrily, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”, “Why yoo make daddeh no wub fwuffy!”, “Gif owwies!”
  38. >”Only when you make the bad fluffies pay will I take you home.”
  39. >The fluffies start to push each other and puff their cheeks.
  40. >”Remember, when you make the bad fluffies pay, you get spaghetti!”
  41. >The crowd laughs at the manipulation.
  42. >The fluffies are now booping each other. “Ow, why hewt fwuffy, yoo bad!”
  43. >The Pegasus walks back to you, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  44. >”Nuuu, Deadmeat fwen.”
  45. >It huffs angrily before booping your nose.
  46. >”Nuu boop Deadmeat!” You push the Pegasus back and it rolls into another fluffy.
  47. >While it is on the ground two other fluffies run up and start stomping it. “Bad fwuffy! Bad fwuffy!”
  48. >As you watch the carnage start to spread a fluffy runs up to your side biting your ruined ear.
  49. >”Ahhhhhh! Hewt Deadmeat! Wet go!”
  50. >Another fluffy sees you hurt and runs up kicking you in the other side in your ribs.
  51. >”Yoo fault no sketties!” It yells with each kick.
  52. >You shake your head vigorously making the fluffy let go of your ear.
  53. >You turn and run away as the fluffy shouts angrily.
  54. >You buck back hitting his open jaw slamming it shut in its tongue, it screams in pain as boo boo juice comes out of its mouth.
  55. >The fluffy who was kicking you in your side runs up with its hoof raised to boop you.
  56. >You bite his ear quickly causing it to stop and yell in pain, “EeeeeeEEEEeeeee!”
  57. >You drag the pony and when it trips you stomp its face causing it to lay there and cry covering its face.
  58. >You look for a place to run to get away from the melee.
  59. >There is no place to go, the arena is pretty much circular.
  60. >”Waahhhh! No smeww pwetty! Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  61. >You turn and see a fluffy covered in shit and another fluffy lowering its tail.
  62. >You get kicked in your rear leg, “You stumble forward trying to get away.”
  63. >The Pegasus you pushed down has five fluffies on him now beating him.
  64. >One has bit a wing and is pulling with all its might.
  65. >”Owwie owwie owwie! Fwuffy sowwy, pwease no mo hewt!” It pleads.
  66. >”Waaahhhhhhh!! Wingie hewt! Nuuuu! Nuu hewt fwuffy!”
  67. >The fluffy biting its wing starts to twist and shake its head, the wing rips off with a spray of blood.
  68. >The other fluffies bite its legs one starts to stomp its belly.
  69. >You hear a yell from your side, you turn and see a unicorn fluffy charging you.
  70. >You turn and both ram heads.
  71. >You push back and forth trying to side step each other.
  72. >You finally side step and poke the other unicorn in its neck with your horn.
  73. >It starts crying and turns to run away.
  74. >You get ready to chase when an earth fluffy bucks you in the side of your head with all its might.
  75. >Your body stiffens as your ears start to ring.
  76. >You try to move but can’t you fall over on your side as two ponies jump the earth from behind distracting him from you.
  77. >Your vision blurs as you try to get your legs to move.
  78. >Another Pegasus is running by with the leg of a fluffy in its mouth, a proud satisfied look on its face.
  79. >”So do you? Do you have what it takes?”
  80. >The fluff faced monster’s voice seems to carry above the noise.
  81. >You will yourself to stand up and shake your head trying to get your sense back.
  82. >You see two fluffy stomping on a fluffy on its back.
  83. >”Waaahhh! Why meanie fwuffies hewt fwuffy!”
  84. >”Yoo make daddeh no wub fwuffy!” One screams.
  85. >The other turns its back and raises its tail shitting in the face of the downed fluffy.
  86. >The other continues to stomp on it not letting it roll over and get the shit off.
  87. >The fluffy on its back chokes on the fecal matter on its face and quits moving.
  88. >You turn to see if any other fluffy is coming at you.
  89. >You see the top half of the Pegasus laying where you pushed it down.
  90. >Its intestines strewn out behind it.
  91. >Another fluffy is laying still, its body trampled.
  92. >The other fluffies are running and screaming in rage.
  93. >You realize all the fluffies are against you.
  94. >You see one fluffy get on its belly and cover its head, “Nuuu! No hewt fwuffy! Meanie fuffy weave wone!”
  95. >A fluffy to its front starts to kick and stomp the fluffy’s head.
  96. >Two more run up and start kicking it in its ribs.
  97. >You see two other fluffies butting heads and puffing their cheeks.
  98. >You take the chance to attack the one stomping the fluffy’s head.
  99. >You run and butt him in the side sending him rolling.
  100. >You kick the one down for good measure.
  101. >The fluffy stands up and faces you.
  102. >The two of you square off puffing your cheeks and sticking your tongues out.
  103. *snick*
  104. >A metal spike shoots up from the arena floor piercing the belly of your opponent and coming out its back.
  105. >The fluffy’s face changes instantly from one of rage to one of pain and confusion.
  106. >It opens its mouth to say something but all it manages to do is start crying, “Waaahhh! WaaaHHHH!! Wa-WAHHHHH!!!”
  107. >Just as quick as the spike rose it shoots back into the floor.
  108. >The fluffy looks under itself and sees the blood pour out.
  109. >He looks back at you still crying, “Wahhhhh! Fwuffy gud fwuffy.. wahhh…”
  110. >It slowly slumps down its last breath leaving its body.
  111. >You look around, spikes are randomly shooting up and the other fluffies are still fighting.
  112. >”Seems to be going a bit slow folks. Let’s up the difficulty!” The crowd is shouting its approval.
  113. >The game has got more dangerous.
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