

Aug 27th, 2016
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  1. There are tons of features that were not included in No Man's Sky but marketed otherwise. I expected multiplayer and a plethora of other gameplay enhancing features that give the game meaning but it lacks it all. I originally bought the game thinking about refunding it if the first two hours weren't good enough to keep me playing but the game drops off shortly after when you could refund it using the normal rules for steam refunds. Looking at the steam community reviews, it isn't just me who is upset by the lack of captivating features and misadvertisement that plagues this game, and it doesn't appear that I'm the only one experiencing this awful hot garbage that was hyped up from Sony's greedy marketing department. I want my money back, this is not what I intended to buy. I intended to buy a game that would allow me to explore beautiful planets and have unique objects that are procedurally generated. That's not this game. This game is hopping in the same spaceship every other person has and going to some globby looking planet that doesn't resemble the tropical oasis that was marketed to me. The "dinosaurs" and other intriquing animals that the game promised to generate are nothing even close to what was marketed. The AI for them is terrible. I see them smashing their faces into glitched terrain like they're lobotomized ostriches. When I buy a game or object in a game I expect to get what I ask for. When I buy an 890 jump in Star Citizen for a ton of money I will gladly be sipping pan-galactic gargleblasters in my pool filled with liquified comet ice and watching suns explode from my vast and ostenatious viewing deck because that's the whole point of owning a god forsaken space yacht! Chris Roberts is pretty much sounds like Christ to me, and Sean Murray scammed me! Instead I'm here playing a fisher-price version of Elite: Dangerous or the ALPHA of Star Citizen for the same amount of clams. I want my money back from these greedy traveling snake oil salesmen and I'm expecting a class-action lawsuit against Sony and Hello Games to set a new precedent for the future of law. When my grand children attend the most prestigious law school in the world, Thomas M. Cooley School of Law, I expect them to learn about this historic case of gobbledygook gibberish when it comes to marketing. Thank you for your consideration.
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