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May 11th, 2015
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  1. You tell Manteekan, the Nightmare, "I want you to know, I don't like You or Your jabs at the Most Beloved. I hope You get a tummy ache."
  3. This room has not been mapped.
  4. Is not amused by your scrying.
  5. A large diamond rests on the ground here, painstakingly carved into a jagged throne. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. There are 6 playful desert fennec foxes here. There are 6 curious young kittens here. There are 8 green parakeets here. There are 12 hamsters in a cage-wheel here. There are 5 frisky puppies here.
  6. You see a single exit leading northeast (open door).
  9. Maniacal whispers come in bursts as a hazy mist chills the air with its cool embrace. Amidst the frigid fog, two pale eyes glow as the incorporeal form of Manteekan, the Nightmare slowly coalesces within.
  11. Manteekan, Silea.
  12. (*) Currently, there are 2 Lusternians on this Plane and 39 on other Planes.
  14. He is a radiant immortal and He rubs His needlelike fingers togther as He gazes sternly from behind His icy, pale eyes. Hanging in the air like a veil of fine mist, His presence is nothing more than a chill upon the skin. Transparent flesh is pulled taut over His frail, bony frame, while alabaster strands of hair billow behind Him, whipping frantically through the air as if caught in a constant gale. Chin tilted to the sky, He stands with an arrogance not afforded to Him by His form. A ghastly aura hangs about Him, manifesting in a cool fog that gathers at His feet, the miasma roiling like an impending storm. He is wearing billowing robes of a chilled mist and a torturous noose of thorn and vine.
  16. You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
  19. Xena tells you, "Misread that!"
  21. You tell Xena McCloud, of the High Society, "No worries."
  23. You say, "Hello Traitor."
  26. Leaning down so that His eyes are level with yours as He runs an icy finger upon your jaw, Manteekan, the Nightmare says, "The feelings is mutual, child."
  28. You stick your tongue out and say, "Nyah!"
  30. With the smallest flick of His finger, Manteekan sends you flying headlong into the depths of the Astral Plane.
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