
Kamen Rider Legend - Secret Names

Oct 2nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Dream Genesis - After centuries of magic and myths being kept secret, known only to certain mystics, an inconceivable disaster caused Taboos to materialise as DisasTaboos, troubling the whole world. The source was a nexus point in central asia, where the TabooDungeon had been kept. While the capstone was resealed by the Elderwood Professors, the combination of mystics and warriors known as the Tower took the responsibility of guarding the seal and reclaiming the Cautionary Tapes which spawned the DisasTaboos from human nightmares.
  3. Kamen Rider Legend - Themis Greyorder - Motif: Walkman
  4. Play Form: The Base form enabled by the LegenDriver. Its inherent powers are Fast Forward (burst of super-speed), Stop (1 second of invulnerability and immovability), and Reverse (used to dodge blows)
  5. TabooPhones - Additional Helmet Armor, allowing the detection of DisasTaboos at range, and also protecting from hypnotic and thunderous attacks
  6. Phonic HilTrigger - A weapon to use Pure Sound to destroy DisasTaboos, either as a gun or a blade of sonic energy.
  7. LegeSsettes
  8. ColadaBur Sword - The first LegeSsette approved for use by the Tower, containing the legend of all heroic swords.
  9. Herculamson Braids - The LegeSsette containing the legend of all 'Wild Strongmen', the hairlike cords grow from the helmet and cover the arms, forming artificial muscles.
  10. CrazyKhan Machine - The LegeSsette containing the legend of 'Riding Free', it summons the CrazyKhan Ride Machine, a rambunctious motorcycle that Legend struggles to control.
  11. TonboTrishula - The LegeSsette of 'Thrusting Past A Sword', the Spear doubles as a vaulting polearm which changes size as needed.
  12. RainPinaka - The LegeSsette of 'Shooting to Heaven', the bow has 7 shots per henshin, each with a different color and magical effect.
  13. MacDeathspot - The LegeSsette of 'Judging The Transgressor', attachments to the feet and hands make Legend's blows extremely deadly, but also drain her lifeforce.
  14. EpicNomicon - The LegeSSette of 'Knowing the History', this book can reveal a Taboo's origin and weakness instantly. It was never approved for use by the Tower, as it also revealed their plan to control human dreams. It was stolen by Myth to help defeat RumpelScratch, but forced Legend into a crisis over her purpose in the world.
  16. Record Form - Accessed by adding the Record Button to the LegenDriver, this form enchances her combat power, and allows the Phonic HilTrigger to absorb powers from Taboos and the ToolBoos used by the Tower Rangers.
  17. Secret Names - By speaking special phrases into the Record HilTrigger, and activating a LegeSsette, Legend could unlock the true power of a legend and form change to a high power form.
  18. Secret Name of Swords - Unlocked from the ColadaBur Sword, this allowed the transformed blade to rend reality itself. The name is 'Saber'. 'In your hand, a pen to write it down, Words to save this world'
  19. Secret Name of Power - Unlocked from the Herculamson Braids, this made Legend grow in size and muscle mass incredibly. During their time in the Forest of Misdirection, Myth learned that the magic word for this form was 'Kuuga'. 'No Fear, No Pain'
  20. Secret Name of Magic - Unlocked from the EpicNomicon, this forms the Cloak of Resistance and allows Legend to cast powerful spells, though they are different each time. It's name is 'Wizard'. 'Magic? Really? It's Magic! Showtime!'
  21. Secret Name of Knight - Unlocked from the CrazyKhan Machine, which assumes a larger 'Legged Wheels' (Tachikoma) form called DoronHare. 'It's faster than ever, Feelin' high, Drivin' show me, Keep chasin' forever'
  22. Secret Name of Guardian - Unlocked from the TonboTrishula, this polearm can morph to have any kind of head, and change both mass and momentum in defiance of physics. The name is 'X'. 'Set Up! Stop Them! Be Furious! Go Forth Once More!'
  23. Secret Name of Opened Eyes - Unlocked from the RainPinaka, it grands the ability to 'see anything', and telekinetic abilities with the seperate pieces of the bow. The name is 'Ghost'. 'O flowers, O birds, O wind, O moon, O fickle life! We think, therefore we are'
  24. Secret Name of Killer - Unlocked from the MacDeathspot, the drawback of the death spots are reduced, and visual stealth is possible through photon manipulation. The name is 'Faiz', the HilTrigger replaces the gadgets. 'Take a Life, It's Dead or Alive. You will survive, Remember, try.'
  26. ArgoMoses Staff - Exclusive to 'Legend and the Legend Riders - Peace at Top Gear!'. With the Gear Dreamers having overwritten all her LegeSSettes, Legend is forced to journey into the Dream Fog and forge her own LegeSsette, with the purpose of 'Calling Forth The Heroes Of Peace'. Its message reached the Kamen Riders of 5 Different Worlds, and with Myth joining them, the 7 Riders stopped the Second Dream Genesis and crushed the Gear Dreamers. If it had a Secret Name, it would be ('Decade'?)
  28. Eightfold Track - With the Secret Name of her Ancestor, The First Heroine, who became the first Creation King (Golgom? Weaver?), Legend can attach the DharmaBaGua to the LegenDriver and load all 8 LegeSsettes at once. This form enhances every attribute above Record Form, grands her 6 additional arms floating around her, causes her every movement to be anathema to the Taboo, and lets her summon weapons from past heroes at will.
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