
Endeavorance. part II

Jul 20th, 2012
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  1. Update 7/21/2012: Due to FAQs, I added some extra lines to give more clarity as to why Anon ran from the guards.
  3. Part II
  4. >Back in Ponyville
  5. >Its nearing dusk
  6. >Spent the whole day reading
  7. >just finished the last book in the entire stack
  8. >Didn’t know you had it in you
  9. >lift up the horn from off the table
  10. >focus on another apple
  11. >inhale
  12. >it lifts into the air with little to no effort
  13. >rotate it around
  14. >split it into two pieces
  15. >into four pieces
  16. >and finally into eight
  17. >take one of the pieces and bite into it
  18. >knock at the door
  19. >leave the kitchen, dropping the apple slices to land wherever they may
  20. >look through the eyehole
  21. >See 2 royal guards
  22. >put on a calm and rational demeanor
  23. >attempt to open the door
  24. >They Knock again before you can
  25. >“Open up, or we’ll break down the door!”
  26. >they are pissed off
  27. >step back
  28. >pause wait silently to see if they’re bluffing
  29. >they start blasting the door hinges with magic energy
  30. >the wood cracks frighteningly loud and violent
  31. >feel the adrenaline rising and your heartbeat racing faster and faster with every spell that strikes the door
  32. >recoil as the splinters fly past your head
  33. >any thoughts of being calm and rational have been ousted
  34. >panic
  35. >stuff the horn into your pocket
  36. >bolt for the kitchen
  37. >Grab the hunting knife, still on the counter from last night
  38. >run for the back door
  39. >barge out and rush into the forest
  40. >hide behind a trunk
  41. >The guards break in
  42. >they search through the house
  43. >one stumbles across the freshly sliced apple
  44. >“Hey, look at this.”
  45. >He lifts a sliver up to eye level
  46. >“It hasn’t browned yet, He must have ran when he heard us”
  47. >“the Back doors open”
  48. >The guards step outside
  49. >one motions toward the forest
  50. >“Think he’s out there?”
  51. >“That’s where I would be”
  52. >“Should we pursue?”
  53. >“Yeah, lets split up”
  54. >The two start rushing toward the forest threshold
  55. >Run into the depths trying to evade
  56. >look behind
  57. >one is on your trail
  58. >and quite the athlete
  59. >Jump down a drop
  60. >Rush into the shadows
  61. >he spots you
  62. >“Halt!”
  63. >the guard fires a blast of magical energy
  64. >it strikes the back of your shoulder
  65. >stumble
  66. >crash into the ground
  67. >the knife flies out of your hand
  68. >trying to suppress any and all grunts of pain
  69. >look back and see the guard with his eyes set on you
  70. >he charges
  71. >dive to reach for the knife
  72. >grab the handle
  73. >turn around
  74. >see the guard a few feet from you and still charging
  75. >sling the knife into his chest
  76. >he grunts out in pain
  77. >crashes into you
  78. >topple over on impact
  79. >inhale
  80. >toss the surprisingly heavy freshly dead pony off of you
  81. >pull the knife out
  82. >take a sharp detour
  83. >trying to move as quickly and as quietly as possible
  84. >hear the other guard calling for his comrade
  85. >“Sergeant? SEREANT!?!
  86. >loop around to a different edge of the forest near ponyville
  87. >sit down on a rock
  88. >inspect your shoulder wound
  89. >peel off the clothing fried onto your skin
  90. >bit down in discomfort
  91. >take the horn
  92. >Attempt to close the wound
  93. >the skin heals over gradually in within a few moments
  94. >the pain lessens, but is still present
  95. >and there’s an unsightly scar
  96. >look over to the distant left
  97. >see the other guard coming out of the forest
  98. >watch him move through town
  99. >he heads over to Twilight’s
  100. >Knocks on the door
  101. >the guards step outside
  102. >hear them chattering inaudibly and with much infuriation
  103. >They head back for Canterlot
  105. >Back in canterlot
  106. >The guard enters Celestia’s chamber
  107. >Celestia: “Lieutenant, do you have a report?”
  108. >Lieutenant: “Twilight Sparkle said Anon showed up at her door early in the morning asking about magic which ultimately lead to him borrowing a stack of books. she then said Rainbow Dash knocked on her door, shortly after Anon left, to show her what happened in the forest”
  109. >Celestia: “what was found in the forest?”
  110. >Lieutenant: “The guards who inspected the area stated it looks like the victims have been dead for at least a day and that they are currently unable to determine what caused their death. They’ll have to conduct further investigation to figure it out. Sure enough, the unicorn had her horn broken off. Also, several boot prints were visible in the dirt. After finishing investigation of the scene, they went over to visit the local Taylor, Whom you might know as Rarity, and found the boot prints in the dirt match a custom design made for Anon”
  111. >Celestia: “And what about Anon?”
  112. >the Lieutenant lowers his head
  113. >Lieutenant: “The guards that arrived at his door knocked it down after there was no answer and found the back door left ajar. They assumed he was fleeing from arrest, so they split up, ran out into the forest searching for him and…”
  114. >Celestia: “And?”
  115. >Lieutenant: “The Sergeant was found dead in the forest moments later with Anon nowhere to be found near or far.”
  116. >Celestia listens to the Lieutenant in worry
  117. >Lieutenant: “We have a Loose Cannon”
  118. >Celestia: “So we do”
  119. >Celestia looks up at Luna peering down from the balcony
  120. >Celestia: “Lieutenant, Bring me Shining Armor”
  121. >Lieutenant: “Yes, your majesty”
  122. >The Lieutenant leaves
  123. >Luna swoops down from the balcony
  124. >Luna: “It seems your wager was correct”
  125. >Celestia: “I was hoping it wouldn’t be”
  126. >Luna: “We’ve faced threats before; The changelings, Discord…”
  127. >Luna hesitates to continue
  128. >Luna: “…Myself”
  129. >Celestia: “None who have killed the innocent”
  130. >Luna: “perhaps there is a disaster afoot”
  131. >Celestia briefly loses her response in thought
  132. >Celestia: “…maybe so”
  133. >Luna looks at her sister surprised
  134. >Luna: “You seem caught off guard”
  135. >Celestia: “I am caught off guard, Murderers are not something I‘ve had to deal with often”
  136. >Luna: “What shall you do about this one?”
  137. >Shining Armor enters the chamber
  138. >Celestia muttering to Luna: “I’ll hope HE can handle it”
  139. >Celestia: “Good to see you Shining, it seems we have a fugitive on the run”
  140. >Shining: “I heard, the lieutenant told me all about it on the way over”
  141. >Celestia: “I take you can devise and execute your own plan for finding him”
  142. >Shining: “Already got a plan figured out”
  143. >Celestia: “Good, I want you to report to me daily with your progress”
  144. >Shining: “as you wish, your majesty”
  145. >Celestia: “where do you plan to start?”
  146. >Shining: “I’ll have the away team search ponyville tonight. If he is there; we’ll find him. If we he’s not, We’ll search the surrounding forrest and nearbye towns”
  147. >Celestia: “do you have any plans to narrow down your search?”
  148. >Shining: “from what I’ve heard; Anon is, or was, Friends with my sister. I’ll learn as much as I can from her then see if that might give me any idea where he is now. Also, I‘ll have some members of the away team scavenge through Anon‘s in search of contacts, clues, or anything that may lead us to him”
  149. >Celestia: “how long will that take?”
  150. >Shining: “I’m not sure, it could take a single night or it could take 4 days”
  151. >Celestia: “Then I’ll leave you to your hunt”
  152. >Shining moves toward the exit
  153. >Celestia: “And Shining…You have the right to use any force necessary bring Anon to justice”
  156. >night time
  157. >Shining arrives at Twilight’s
  158. >He knocks on the door
  159. >no answer
  160. >Shining: “Twili, its me”
  161. >The door opens slowly
  162. >Twilight: “Big Brother?”
  163. >Shining nods
  164. >Twilight Sighs in relief
  165. >she steps outside and hugs Shining
  166. >Twilight: “come inside”
  167. >Shining steps in
  168. >Twilight: “Its not safe to be out right now, Haven’t you heard about Anon?”
  169. >Shining: “Yes, I have”
  170. >Twilight: “Oh?”
  171. >Shining: “I’m the one whose going to be finding him…”
  172. >Twilight: “Oh!?!”
  173. >Shining: “…And I need you to tell me as much as you can about him.”
  174. >Twilight: “Why?”
  175. >Shining: “Because that might make him easier to track”
  176. >Twilight: “Well, what do you want to know?”
  177. >Shining: “What’s he like?”
  178. >Twilight: “I’m not sure, I don’t know him too personally”
  179. >Shining: “Any idea where he might be now?”
  180. >Twilight: “I Don’t have a clue”
  181. >Shining: “Do you think he is hiding here in ponyville?”
  182. >Twilight: “probably not, after the guards showed up, the news about Anon spread through the town like wildfire. If he had been Seen somewhere I‘m sure everypony would have heard about it by now”
  183. >Shining: “Does he travel outside of ponyville often?”
  184. >Twilight: “Never. As far as I know, he hasn’t been anywhere else for as long as he’s lived here”
  185. >Shining: “Hmm, So if he’s not here in ponyville; he’s either out in the forest or one of the nearby towns. Probably the closest, I can‘t imagine him getting too far if he doesn‘t know his way around”
  186. >Twilight: “Do you think he went to Canterlot?”
  187. >Shining: “ I doubt it. In fact, I‘m almost certain he didn‘t“
  188. >Twilight: “How can you be sure?”
  189. >Shining: “Would YOU go to a place with some many guards if you were a wanted by them?”
  190. >Twilight shrugs
  191. >Shining shifts his eyes up in thought
  192. >Shining: “hmm, I can cover the south, the away team can go west and north. The direction of Canterlot is out of the question…but I need Somepony fast to scout the surrounding forest”
  193. >Dash: “Did I hear you ask for Somepony fast?”
  194. >Dash swoops over to Shining’s side
  195. >Dash: “Let me help! I’m fast! I can go from here to Trottingham in under 4 minutes!”
  196. >Shining: “Hmm. Alright, if you want to volunteer to scout some of the surrounding forest, I’ll be glad to temporarily declare you an honorary royal guard”
  197. >Dash cheers in approval
  198. >Twilight: “What? The both of you are Going to search for him?”
  199. >Shining: “Well it is my job, Twili”
  200. >Dash: “And I’ve thought about joining the Royal Guard before, I may never have another chance to get this much recognition from them ever again!”
  201. >Twilight: “But, its dangerous!”
  202. >Dash: “Danger. Adventure. Same difference!”
  203. >Shining: “I’m sorry if your worried about me, Twili. But danger is something you have to be willing to face if you want to hold the rank of Captain”
  204. >Shining goes for the exit and motions for Dash to follow
  205. >Shining: “C’mon, Rookie.”
  206. >Dash and shining leave, shutting the door behind them
  207. >Twilight: “Please be careful…”
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