
NMM & Anon - Let's Count the Stars

Apr 9th, 2015
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  2. >You stare at the big bright smile Nightmare is giving you as you both lay in the grass.
  3. "What are you, stupid?"
  4. >Her face tightens slightly, but keeps holding that big smile.
  5. >You carefully keep your face from smiling.
  6. "Do you know how many stars there are?"
  7. "There's billions! We'd be here forever. And I don't know about you but I don't want to be here forever"
  8. >Her smile starts to shrink slightly and her eyebrows start narrowing.
  9. "Places to be, people to see and all that"
  10. "Not to insult you Moony, but I'm a young virile male, I've gots to go do stuff. This'd be something for some old codger to do"
  11. >Her smile was almost entirely gone now and you could see a spark of anger in her eyes.
  12. "Besides that, have you thought about the logistics of accurately counting the stars in the sky?"
  14. >You turn away from her and hold your arms up to the sky, forming a little triangle between your hands.
  15. "I'd have to make a building with a hemispheric roof that's divided into thousands of little triangles so that I can take them each away one by one so that I can count all the stars in that section of the sky."
  16. >You drop your arms and make a grandiose gesture at the sky.
  17. "But that wouldn't work either! Your sky is always rotating and shifting, you'd have to keep it still to count it!"
  18. >You turn back to look at her, noting the scrunched up snout.
  19. "And then! And then! The astronomers! Oh the astronomers! They'd all be beating down my door"
  20. >You flail your arms into the air.
  21. "What am I going to do about an army of angry astronomers beating down my door? Fight them? They're astronomers!"
  22. "So there I am, in a building made of a bunch of tiny triangles with an army of old astronomers yelling at me about trying to count the stars"
  23. "So let's not."
  24. >As you end your tirade you look at Nightmare Moon, Queen of Equestria with a completely straight face.
  25. >She looks back at you impassively for a few moments before bursting out laughing.
  26. >"You were supposed to be romantic you ass"
  27. >She playfully hits you on the shoulder as you grin at her.
  28. "Besides"
  29. >You grab her hoof and pull her into a cuddle as you settle back on the grass.
  30. "There's only one star I care to count"
  32. END.
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