
Star Trek Drinking Game

Jan 9th, 2013
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  3. Unless stated, each item is one shot.
  5. Gen Trek:
  6. -Whenever the uniforms change and all the characters pretend not to notice. (You can take half a shot for Troi, if you wish)
  7. -Characters get thrown around the set even though it makes no sense for them to do so.
  8. -Someone explains how much more advanced the Federation is compared to the past while never explaining how they got over those problems
  9. -A console on the bridge blows up, even though the shields aren't down yet.
  11. TOS
  12. -Whenever the camera zooms in on a female & it gets all fuzzy/blurry
  13. >Spock's Brain
  14. -Anytime a line with "Brain" in it is uttered.
  15. -Anytime the women on the planet act like retards.
  16. >The Empath
  17. -
  18. -
  20. TAS
  21. >The Magicks of Megas-Tu.
  22. -Empty your glass when Spock draws a pentagram and summons the Devil
  24. TNG
  25. -Two shots if Deanna's remark about the emotional state of someone is completely obvious already without any fancy psychic powers.
  26. -Two shots if Deanna gets mindraped.
  27. >Code of Honor
  28. -A comparison is made to Earth cultures.
  29. -Honor is mentioned.
  30. >The Last Outpost
  31. -Any time they try to make the Ferengi menacing
  32. >The Outrageous Okona
  33. -Any time a "hilarious" joke falls flat
  34. >Samaritan Snare
  35. -Any time "make ship go" BS is uttered
  36. >Up The Long Ladder
  37. -Any time the writers are racist
  38. -The Federation handwaves their problems away
  40. DS9
  41. >Move Along Home
  42. -Whenever the word "Allamaraine" is uttered.
  43. -Someone says a variation of the title.
  44. >Let He Who Is Without Sin...
  45. -Whenever Jadzia complains about Worf being controlling
  46. -Vanessa Williams shows up in a scene
  47. -Bashir and Leta are together
  48. >Profit and Lace
  49. >Waltz
  50. -Whenever Dukat acts like a fucking nutcase who should be commited
  52. VOY
  53. -Anytime Neelix is an annoying shit
  54. >Threshold
  55. -When anyone mentions Warp 10 or threshold
  56. -
  58. ENT
  59. >A Night in Sickbay
  60. -Every time Archer acts like a spoiled child
  62. Films
  63. >The Final Frontier
  65. >Insurrection
  66. -Swig whenever Picard does something completely out of character.
  67. -Whenever a female character shows up to deliver a single line so we don't forget they exist.
  68. -Take two shots when the manual steering column appears
  69. -Whenever the writers try to have Data say something absurd for the easy laugh.
  70. -Swig when they act like crippled old men with forty facelifts are menacing foes.
  71. -Drain the bottle when one of the crew that isn't Picard or Data gets development.
  73. >Nemesis
  74. -anytime Shinzon does something completely counter to basic common sense that puts his plan AND his life in jeopardy
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