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Nov 22nd, 2016
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  1. tama: 誰?
  2. [who]
  3. pink: やっとの事で 貴方達の足と突き止めて
  4. [just when i finally managed to catch up with you]
  5. 「良いよう 決して道場破りに居たて言うのに」
  6. [even if i was there to challenge and defeat you,]
  7. 善くもあの時は滑稽にしてくれたいね 
  8. [How dare you make fun of me ]
  9. tama 誰この子?
  10. [who is this girl?]
  11. intro
  12. [debug舐めたら駄目だよ?]
  13. pink ぐぬぬぬ
  14. tama 人違いでは...
  15. [you got the wrong person] 
  16. pink あ?白を切る気?
  17. [ah? dont pretend you dont know]
  18. tama うわあ
  19. pink 人違いじゃないは一年二組の本田たまき
  20. [honda tamaki from first grade class #2]
  21. 貴方もあの時部室にいたじゃない
  22. [you were in the club room at that time]
  23. tama ええと...
  24. pink 忘れもしない 先週の土曜日
  25. [i havent forgot, last week's sunday]
  26. 夕暮れの部室と突き進んで
  27. [on my way to the club that dusk]
  28. 私が貴方達の部室の扉を開けた
  29. [when I decided to open the door of your clubroom,]
  30. そう言えば他の注持ったお爺さんがいたは
  31. [which is to say, there was an old guy there with a different request,]
  32. でも私は
  33. [anyway, i was like]
  34. flashback pink あの... 私入部希望の者なんですか
  35. [I... I wish to join your club]
  36. flashback ayano あとにして!!
  37. [LATER!]
  38. flashback pink ええ!?
  39. pink 冴えない眼鏡に追い出された
  40. [i was driven out by that dull glasses girl]
  41. でも私が見たは
  42. [but i saw it!]
  43. 部室に貴方も残ってた
  44. [you were in that clubroom!]
  45. tamamind 追い込みの時の入部希望の子?
  46. [the girl that wanted to join the club when we were busy?]
  47. tama 御免 良く覚えてない
  48. [sorry i dont remember]
  49. pink 何!?
  50. [WHAT?!]
  51. tama eek!
  52. pink 姉さんから聞いたは
  53. [I heard from my elder sister]
  54. 貴方をSNS部の部員だったね
  55. [that you are a member of the SNS club]
  56. tama お姉さん?
  57. [your old sister?]
  58. pink 死んだ魚の目...
  59. [dead fish eyes...]
  60. ええっと...
  61. tama 死んだ魚の目日照不足シャットルラン部
  62. [the dead fish eyes without enough sunlight shuttle run club]
  63. pink って! 長いのよ ちんちくりのくせに
  64. [uh? Thats too long! despite you being so short]
  65. tama 私2ミリつつ伸びてるもん
  66. [i grew up 2 milimeters]
  67. 今年もパパと計って
  68. [and my dad measured me this year]
  69. pink あああ そうじゃなくて
  70. [arrg, its not about that ]
  71. 本田たまき今から私と勝負しなさい
  72. [honda tamaki, i challenge you right now]
  73. tama 勝負?
  74. [challenge?]
  75. pink 私がイラスト部員だけど
  76. [im from the illustration club though ]
  77. SNS部に舐められた間々が示し付かないの
  78. [I couldnt bestow this upon you that time when you ignored me]
  79. 絵描き同士の決闘よ
  80. [Its a duel between illustrator fellows.]
  81. それが私の愛読書 
  82. [thats my favorite book]
  83. (文猫蒐会 第28号)
  84. [literate kitty collection 28th issue]
  85. すっと前に文芸部が出した本
  86. [a book i got from the literature club a long time ago]
  87. これのあるscenarioに二人でそれそれcharacterdesignをして
  88. [we are going to design the characters from this scenario]
  89. どちらが相応しいdesignを描けるか
  90. [to see who can draw the most appropiate design]
  91. 私が勝ったら貴方等のゲームを一分寄越しなさい
  92. [if i win you will give me a copy of your game]
  93. tama ehhh
  94. flashback shiina 少しすつでも色んな方に作品を遊んで貰える様な
  95. そんな部活に出来ると良いですね
  96. [it would be good if we can have a club where even if its gradually, we get many
  98. different people to play our games ]
  99. tamamind これ一分あげた方が良い気がする
  100. [i think it would be good if i give her one copy]
  101. tama わあ それは大変だ
  102. [waah~ thats terrible...]
  103. pink 何をそのふぬけた顔は
  104. [whats up with that foolish face]
  105. tama いいや その
  106. [nothing, i mean...]
  107. pink ふ 貴方がどれだけ絵を描けるかは知らないけど
  108. [ humph, i dont know how good you are at drawing but]
  109. 一作作るまで先輩達にあれこれ手を引いて貰ったんでしょう
  110. [didnt you get some help from your seniors to finish your first work?]
  111. 絵を描く人がいないてのも大変ね
  112. [it must have been hard not having somone who knows how to draw]
  113. tama: そんなんじゃ
  114. [its not like...]
  115. 助けては貰ったけど自分で一杯練習したもん
  116. [i did get help but i also practiced a lot by myself]
  117. pink:大体あんた中学が田舎だったんでしょう
  118. [to begin with, didnt you study middle school in the countryside?]
  119. 高校からこっち来て新しい環境にもまだ慣れてないんじゃない
  120. [coming to this place after highschool, it seems like you have not adapted to a new
  122. environment yet]
  123. tama: 田舎ちゃう...
  124. [countryside...]
  125. 富田林...
  126. [tondabayashi is... (富田林市)]
  127. 田舎ちゃう...
  128. [countryside...]
  129. pink: 嗚呼! 御免そんな地元悪く言う積りは...
  130. [ah! sorry it was not my intention to speak ill of your hometown]
  131. ってどうでも良いはそんな事
  132. [uh, that doesnt matter anyway]
  133. tama:自分から言って置いて
  134. [you were the one who brought it up]
  135. pink: さあ 勝負するの どうなの
  136. [come on lets have the duel what do you say?]
  137. tama:先輩達に教わって私が色んな絵がを描ける様に成った
  138. [i learned to draw many things from my seniors]
  139. 先輩達の為にもこの子には負けられない...
  140. [for the sake of my seniors i cant lose to this girl]
  141. 私勝負する!
  142. [i accept your challenge]
  143. pink: ふ そう来なくちゃはね
  144. [huh, so it ends up like this]
  145. 私だってこの勝負には負けられないの
  146. [as for me, there is no way i can lose]
  147. この作品と出会って私の人生は180度変わった
  148. [since i stumbled upon these works my life turned 180°]
  149. 今日この日のために絵を描き続けたんだから!
  150. [i kept drawing until today for this day to come!]
  151. 「星屑のintentzione」
  152. [stardust intenzione]
  153. tama:えっ あれ? そのtitle何所かで?
  154. [eh? where have i seen that title?]
  155. pink:さあ 読み上げるはよ
  156. [i will read it to you]
  157. mainheroine:私の名前はあや
  158. [my name is aya]
  159. 人を知れず町を無視場の怪人と戦う女の子
  160. [im a girl who secretly fights criminals on this city when nobody is watching]
  161. 私印付きボッチに怪人を討伐する私を人はtwinklestar
  162. [i work alone punishing criminals under the name of twinklestar]
  163. 星屑の巫女と噂するは
  164. [the rumor says im the stardust priestess]
  165. でもprivateも充実してて
  166. [but i also have a fullfilling private life]
  167. 私毎日星見たいに輝いてる!
  168. [i shine like a star everyday]
  169. この間彼氏が出来たし
  170. [this time i got a boyfriend]
  171. でも
  172. [but...]
  173. 最近はね気に成る人が...
  174. [lately a person got my attention]
  175. 捨てられた子猫に傘を差して上げる男の人... ドッキュン
  176. [a man who put an umbrella on an abandoned kitty, kyaa!]
  177. 嗚呼どうしてあやの胸はトキドキしているの
  178. [ahh why is my heart beating like this?]
  179. 彼氏がいるのに
  180. [i already have a boyfriend...]
  181. tama:ahhh
  182. [ahhhg]
  183. やっぱり関先輩の作品
  184. [i knew this was the work of seki senpai]
  185. これ 私が読んじゃ行けないきがする
  186. [i get the feeling i shouldnt be reading this]
  187. pink:何 をここから良い所なのに
  188. tama:これのキャラを描くの?
  189. pink:そう
  190. mainheroine:あの日からあやと傘の人バルタさんが急接近
  191. [from that day me and the umbrella guy balta san suddenly become very close]
  192. 今日は誘われて遊園地に来ちゃった
  193. [I came to the amusement park today since he invited me]
  194. でもそこで彼とばったり遭遇
  195. [but we had an unexpected confrontation with my boyfriend]
  196. あや的には浮気の積りじゃなかったけど
  197. [it was not like i was having an affair]
  198. 彼の目はもう遠く夜空の彼方へ
  199. [he had his eyes looking far beyond the night sky ]
  200. balta: あや 別れてくれ
  201. [aya we have to leave each other] 
  202. mainheroine:彼のことばが流星の様に突き刺さる
  203. [his words hurt me like a meteor]
  204. そのときバルタさんがあやの肩をそっと抱いてくれたの
  205. [that time baltasan softly hugged aya from her shoulders]
  206. どうしよ もうバルタさんの事が...
  207. [what should i do? baltasan is...]
  208. pink:って何をそれは
  209. [what is that?]
  210. tama:uh?
  211. pink:何でヒロインが幸薄そうな眼鏡キャラなわけ
  212. [why is the heroine a glasses girl with a weak smile]
  213. 真面目に勝負しなさいよ
  214. [take this challenge seriously]
  215. tama:いや だって
  216. [no, well]
  217. mainheroine:また怪人が地球を攻めてきて
  218. [those criminals are attacking the earth again]
  219. 幸せは長く続かなかった
  220. [happiness didnt last long]
  221. 怪人と地球防衛軍は鬩ぎ合う町のか
  222. [is this city becoming the battlefield between those criminals and
  223. the earth defense forces?]
  224. pink:ah 何度読んでも名作だは
  225. [no matter how many times i read it its always a masterpiece]
  226. あたし生れて来て良かった
  227. [good thing i was born]
  228. さあ 次の勝負彼氏のdesignはもう済んだ
  229. [so, have you already decided the design of the male for the next challenge?]
  230. と言ってもheroineの絵があの調子じゃそっちも私の発祥
  231. [even if i am the one saying it, if you have the same impetus you had whilst drawing
  233. the girl that means i win]
  234. ...
  235. 何この真剣な瞳
  236. [what is with those earnest eyes]
  237. そして
  238. [and]
  239. 精緻な描き込みの初老の男性
  240. [that finely drawn middle aged man]
  242. もしかして本田たまきもう一人バルタの方design知っている
  243. [could it be that honda tamaki already knew the design of balta san]
  244. 私が伝えた課題に相手そのっ
  245. [is the drawing based on the subject i mentioned earlier]
  246. その度胸にっ...
  247. [that courage]
  248. おかしい
  249. [this is weird]
  250. いや
  251. [no]
  252. あの瞳課題女など全くいいに会していない熱気がある
  253. [those are the eyes full of enthusiasm from a woman who has never been in contact
  255. with the subject before]
  257. 本田たまきのこれまでの全ての精をペン先に描けようとする強い熱意が
  258. [this is the strong enthusiasm that honda tamaki hasnt put into her pen until now]
  259. そしてその魂は紙面上にも現れている
  260. [and you can feel the soul of the drawing showing off from that page]
  261. chara design と言うわくを超越した躍動感 熱意!
  262. [this throbbing sensation, her enthusiasm has trascending character design ]
  263. ...
  264. pink:負けたは
  265. [i lost]
  266. tama:はい?
  267. [what?]
  268. pink:覚えて起きなさいよ! 本田たまき
  269. [i will remember this honda tamaki]
  270. pink:痛い
  271. [it hurts]
  272. tama:大丈夫?
  273. [are you okay]
  274. pink: 寄らないで
  275. [dont get close to me]
  276. 敵の情けなんか...
  277. [pity from your enemy...]
  278. 入らない
  279. [i wont accept it]
  280. いつか いつか あんた達なんか
  281. [someday someday, all of you]
  282. tama:...
  283. pink:sob sob
  284. tama:これ あげるね
  285. [i'll give you this]
  286. pink:あんた達が作ったゲーム
  287. [the game you made?]
  288. tama:色んな人に遊んで欲しいって部長さんも言ってたから
  289. [since the president said that she wished more people to play our games]
  290. pink:みなは
  291. [minaha]
  292. tama:uh?
  293. pink:みなは 私の名前よ
  294. [minaha! its my name]
  295. これで終わりじゃないからね
  296. [this wont end like this]
  298. part 2
  300. tama:雨の夜バルタさんは言う
  301. [on a rainy night balta san said]
  302. balta:僕は行かなくて行けない仲間が戦っているから
  303. [i have to go fight with my people]
  304. tama:やっぱり
  305. [i knew it]
  306. aya:おはよう 本田さん
  307. [good morning honda san]
  308. tama:はい おはようございます
  309. [hi good morning]
  310. aya:いいやもう 夏って感じじゃな
  311. [it feels like summer already]
  312. tamamind:嗚呼運命の星達をなんと残酷にあや達を持って遊ぶの
  313. [ah cruel destiny toying with aya and the people from the stars ]
  314. baltasan:君は星屑の巫女だたのか
  315. [you were the priestess from the stars?]
  316. あやの胸元を見たバルタさんの顔には驚きと怯え
  317. [balta san said surprised and scared looking at aya's chest]
  318. 一歩バルタさんからと下がる敵同士だから
  319. [he step back because they were enemies now]
  320. でも
  321. [but]
  322. aya:こんな爽やかな日がづっと続けば良いなって
  323. [it would be good if we had refreshing days like these forever ]
  324. tamamind: 待ってあやはこんな運命からはもう一緒に...
  325. [wait! together with you aya, from this destiny...]
  326. tama:逃げましょう!
  327. [im out!]
  328. 御免なさい関先輩私悪い子です
  329. [sorry seki senpai im a bad girl]
  330. aya:本田さん
  331. [honda san?]
  332. tama:この本はあの子に返さなきゃ
  333. [i have to return this book to that girl]
  334. ってあの子何年何組だっけ
  335. [but, what year and class was her?]
  336. お姉さんがどうて言ってたけど先輩のどんなたかの妹さんなのかな
  337. [she said something about her older sister but, what senior is she the little sister? ]
  338. 中学後者でばったり会えねかな
  339. [i might not even be able to see her again]
  340. kayo:にしてもさあ ゲーム作るってどうしてあんなに大変なんだろうね
  341. [..even so, why is it too hard to make a game?]
  342. aya:今更だな
  343. [this again]
  344. kayo:曲作ってたら「いつの間にかゲームに成ってたと」考え理想なのに
  345. [even if you are with this "when will this become a game" idea when making a song]
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