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Jan 30th, 2017
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  1. Day One:
  2. Fun With Despair made an attempt on Elyk
  3. Yrr made an attempt on Syaxamaphone
  4. Pea made an attempt on Syaxamaphone
  5. Nabber made an attempt on Fun With Despair
  7. Day Two:
  8. The Ultimate Despair has used their one-time Special Power BLACKOUT and only one attempt at someone's life becomes apparent to you.
  10. Two_Finger made an attempt on T-Man
  12. Day Three:
  13. -Nabber has made an attempt on Two_Finger
  14. -I attempted to kill Yrr and got away with it
  16. An Ultimate Liar has used their ability tonight, therefore the name of the perpetrator or their target could vary from what you see here for the Ultimate Liar in question.
  18. Kill Yrr:
  19. Me: I can't trust Yrr with the information we have shared in private, especially since she's gotten the blood of an innocent on her hands. So I sneak into her room, wearing gloves and threatening her to write a suicide note at gunpoint and then make it look like she hung herself.
  21. The note reads: "I just can't live with myself after what I've done to T-man, knowing that he was an innocent. This blood on my hands, I can't wash it off. Every time I close my eyes, I see him looking back at me and I just want it all to end."
  23. I clear the IRC chat logs, specifically her private messages with me, on her computer and shut her computer down but otherwise leave everything right where it is and close the door behind me. Avoiding detection as I return to my room.
  25. Monokuma: You attempt to kill Yrr, yet you notice two witnesses watching from afar, so your attempt fails, however your Special Power protects your identity.
  27. Me: Damn it!
  29. IRC Chat Log with Yrr: Have neglected to save logs, but here's her most recent reaction to Day 3 results:
  30. [10:41] <SonicProject> if you said anything I missed it because webclient froz
  31. [10:41] <Yrr> i didnt dw
  32. [10:41] <Yrr> im writing up a longass post about why its totally yoshin
  33. [10:41] <SonicProject> o ok
  34. [11:04] <SonicProject> yoshin just betrayed two
  35. [11:08] <Yrr> lol
  36. [11:08] <Yrr> imo confirms they arent in cahoots
  37. [11:35] <Yrr> so next night Nabber is just gonna kill one of us right
  38. [11:35] <Yrr> do we just kill nabber for safety
  39. [12:14] <SonicProject> well he might try
  40. [12:14] <SonicProject> but people are thinking it's me that tried to kill you even though monokuma did not confirm yoshin didn't try to kill you
  41. [12:15] <SonicProject> in short I'm screwed
  42. [12:15] <Yrr> yoshin didnt try to kill me
  43. [12:15] <Yrr> either you lied
  44. [12:15] <Yrr> or Nabber, Two and Yoshin ALL lied
  45. [12:15] <Yrr> actually
  46. [12:15] <Yrr> hm
  47. [12:15] <Yrr> nvm Nabber couldve been telling truth
  48. [12:16] <Yrr> which leaves me with the conclusion that either still you lied or Yoshin and Two had the worst alliance ever
  49. [12:23] <SonicProject> definitely the latter
  50. [12:24] <Yrr> i need to find something out from monokuma
  51. [12:29] <Yrr> im kinda getting the impression you may have hid something from me but i cant be sure
  52. [12:29] <SonicProject> there's nothing to hide except my role which would probably kill me if revealed
  54. [12:39] <Yrr> yea youre hiding something from me
  55. [12:39] <SonicProject> well I can't tell you my role so yeah
  56. [12:39] <Yrr> i mean i know what it is u hid
  57. [12:40] <Yrr> which means you knew a problem with my working
  58. [12:40] <Yrr> and therefore who the killer was
  59. [12:40] <Yrr> and you still voted yoshin instead
  60. [12:40] <Yrr> if youd told me this we couldve got the right person
  61. [12:41] <SonicProject> I don't know who the killer is, but that's an interesting assumption to make, and means that YOU know who the killer was
  62. [12:42] <Yrr> the killer was FWD we know this
  63. [12:42] <Yrr> it says in the thread
  64. [12:43] <Yrr> i ruled FWD out on account of him being the second person who attempted to kill me
  65. [12:43] <SonicProject> You can't "catch" someone who killed themselves
  66. [12:43] <SonicProject> it would go to random anyways
  67. [12:43] <Yrr> im willing to believe you werent aware your ability does this
  68. [12:43] <Yrr> but you came to my room as well as nabber
  69. [12:43] <SonicProject> You're making assumptions about abilities
  70. [12:43] <Yrr> and yoshin and two DID see it
  71. [12:43] <Yrr> everyone EXCEPT fwd came to my room
  72. [12:44] <SonicProject> That's interesting but you're overreaching beyond actual evidence based on your own wild theory
  73. [12:44] <Yrr> im willing to believe your ability lets you pick someone to watch so that if they try to kill you kill them
  74. [12:44] <Yrr> the result is that you were who was seen
  75. [12:44] <Yrr> this isnt a theory btw i know you came to the room
  76. [12:45] <SonicProject> Interesting, given that Monokuma states there aren't witness accounts, if you're seeing things that's your problem though
  77. [12:45] <Yrr> *i know someone came to the room and it evidently wasnt fwd
  78. [12:45] <SonicProject> was no where near you
  79. [12:45] <Yrr> i figured out Something that let me find out how many people attempted to kill me
  80. [12:45] <Yrr> as i said u may not be aware your ability does this
  81. [12:45] <SonicProject> meaning you're making this up as you go
  82. [12:45] <Yrr> but the result is a physical presence
  83. [12:45] <SonicProject> good thing you're not the ultimate detective tbh
  84. [12:46] <Yrr> im assuming youre the det
  85. [12:46] <Yrr> and that det can pick someone to "watch" for that night
  86. [12:46] <SonicProject> that's an assumption
  87. [12:46] <SonicProject> but I don't think it works how you think it does
  88. [12:46] <Yrr> ok fuck lemme show you my working on this
  89. [12:46] <Yrr> i can CONFIRM 4 people came to my room last night
  90. [12:46] <Yrr> and that FWD was not one of them
  91. [12:47] <Yrr> the 2 attempts thing is confirmed
  92. [12:47] <SonicProject> you don't know that FWD didn't try to kill you THEN killed themselves afterwards
  93. [12:47] <Yrr> i do, we know the despair's abilities
  94. [12:47] <Yrr> and we know that suicide counts as an attempt
  95. [12:47] <Yrr> and we know that only one attempt can be made per night
  96. [12:48] <Yrr> the "second attempt" however i know was someone hidden, with a weapon, waiting outside my room in case i went out to kill
  97. [12:48] <Yrr> this is not any of FWD's abilities
  98. [12:49] <SonicProject> ftr that's not my abilities either
  99. [12:49] <Yrr> then who tf was it
  100. [12:49] <Yrr> this is exhaustive
  101. [12:49] <Yrr> i can rule everyone else out
  102. [12:49] <SonicProject> I don't know
  103. [12:50] <SonicProject> you ASSUME you can rule everyone else out on the basis that you're taking them at their word
  104. [12:50] <Yrr> no i have a source now
  105. [12:50] <Yrr> i figured out a Thing i can do
  106. [12:50] <SonicProject> Oh I guess you're a successor then
  107. [12:50] <SonicProject> that's great to know
  108. [12:50] <Yrr> oh yea no im the successor
  109. [12:50] <Yrr> but those abilities are public
  110. [12:51] <Yrr> i have no intention of using them
  111. [12:51] <Yrr> i figured out a Thing ANYONE can do
  112. [12:51] <Yrr> i checked this shit with FWD to make sure i dont actually have to do anything as successor
  113. [12:51] <Yrr> you can ask FWD yourself if successor needs to do anything
  114. [12:52] <Yrr> only the despair has a "goal"
  115. [12:52] <Yrr> successor just gets access to blackout and whiteout
  116. [12:52] <SonicProject> >anyone can do
  117. [12:52] <SonicProject> oh do tell
  118. [12:52] <Yrr> ;)
  119. [12:52] <Yrr> shit's been available from the start but nobody's done it
  120. [12:52] <SonicProject> I'm pretty sure FWD is screwing with you or you're lying
  121. [12:53] <Yrr> i checked the tapes of my room for the night to ensure the info really was legit
  122. [12:53] <Yrr> monokuma told us on night 1 there was no cameras in the kitchen
  123. [12:53] <Yrr> that mens theres cameras
  124. [12:53] <Yrr> everywhere else
  125. [12:54] <Yrr> all i could confirm was how many people came
  126. [12:54] <Yrr> but it was 4 people
  127. [12:54] <SonicProject> you are aware footage can be manipulated too right
  128. [12:54] <Yrr> im pretty sure thats False
  129. [12:55] <Yrr> oh
  130. [12:55] <Yrr> rereading now
  131. [12:55] <Yrr> it was one of the watchers not the attempter
  132. [12:55] <Yrr> thats even weirder
  133. [12:56] <Yrr> [You watch the tapes. Nabber and one other individual who you could not discern directly attempted to kill you, but failed due to the two people watching the entire time. One of those two watchers was carrying a weapon though, leading you to believe they were planning to kill you if you stepped outside to kill anyone yourself]
  134. [12:56] <Yrr> so maybe u were just watching
  135. [12:56] <Yrr> and yoshin tried to kill me and lied
  136. [12:56] <Yrr> in which case you're lying to me still
  137. [12:56] <Yrr> and maybe you tried to kill me
  138. [12:57] <Yrr> in which case you're lying to me still
  139. [12:57] <SonicProject> I think you're reading this incorrectly
  140. [12:57] <Yrr> 2 people tried to kill me, 2 people were watching me
  141. [12:57] <Yrr> turns out it was one of the WATCHERS who was waiting for me to kill
  142. [12:57] <Yrr> so it didnt count as an attempt
  143. [12:58] <Yrr> but that still means 2 attempts were made
  144. [12:58] <SonicProject> It doesn't specifically say you see four people in this tape, in fact it only really states the existence of Nabber and someone you couldn't see clearly
  145. [12:58] <Yrr> yes it does ?
  146. [12:59] <Yrr> 2 people tried to kill me, but failed due to 2 people watching
  147. [12:59] <SonicProject> It only mentions that the attempts failed because two people were watching but it doesn't say that they're in the tape does it
  148. [12:59] <Yrr> it describes one of the watchers
  149. [12:59] <Yrr> so yea theyre on the tape
  150. [13:00] <SonicProject> I mean if you want to believe I tried to kill you despite having no motive, there's nothing I can do to convince you
  151. [13:00] <Yrr> the point of this info is meant to be only what i can see from the tape
  152. [13:00] <SonicProject> I was literally afk for the killing phase though
  153. [13:00] <Yrr> im willing to believe u used an ability
  154. [13:00] <SonicProject> are you perhaps assuming that FWD didn't visit your room at all
  155. [13:01] <Yrr> hold on lemme Diagram
  156. [13:02] <Yrr> actualyl this diagram is just a list nvm
  157. [13:03] <Yrr> ok heres a Q
  158. [13:04] <Yrr> no hmmmmmm
  159. [13:05] <Yrr> do you have a passive ability
  160. [13:05] <Yrr> no need to explain just confirm/deny
  161. [13:09] <SonicProject> Only ability I have is to gather information on murder attempts
  162. [13:09] <Yrr> ok
  163. [13:10] <Yrr> so we know FWD wasnt attempt 2 right
  164. [13:11] <Yrr> since attempt 2 was hidden by a passive ability
  165. [13:11] <Yrr> and it wasnt yoshin either
  166. [13:11] <Yrr> cause yoshin was innocent so he didnt have a passive ability either
  167. [13:11] <Yrr> that leaves you or two
  168. [13:11] <Yrr> but Two knew the exact info Yoshin had
  169. [13:11] <Yrr> which sounds like he was watcher 2
  170. [13:17] <SonicProject> you assume yoshin was innocent, when all that means is that he didn't kill fwd
  171. [13:17] <Yrr> uh
  172. [13:17] <SonicProject> yoshin's death didn't tell us much other than he had no role
  173. [13:18] <Yrr> yea thats what i mean
  174. [13:18] <Yrr> "innocent" is no role
  175. [13:18] <Yrr> no passive ability
  176. [13:18] <SonicProject> "innocent" in a class trial means they didn't kill the victim
  177. [13:18] <Yrr> yea i just meant
  178. [13:18] <SonicProject> in other class trials there were "innocents" who had roles
  179. [13:19] <Yrr> i just meant that when I said innocent
  180. [13:19] <Yrr> i meant no role
  181. [13:19] <SonicProject> o
  182. [13:19] <Yrr> we know yoshin didnt try to kill me
  183. [13:19] <Yrr> he wasnt nabber and he wasnt the one hidden by a passive ability
  184. [13:19] <SonicProject> is it possible that there is no passive ability and someone just used a disguise to cloak themselves
  185. [13:19] <Yrr> is that a Thing
  186. [13:20] <SonicProject> we assume everything has to be tied to abilities but clearly that's not true since we can apparently take actions like checking the cameras
  187. [13:20] <Yrr> true
  188. [13:26] <Yrr> bluh ok so if i assume you're the detective
  189. [13:26] <Yrr> and truthful
  190. [13:26] <Yrr> then Two tried to kill me yesterday and faked a phone PM and FWD also happened to show up at my room
  191. [13:26] <Yrr> and has a special role
  192. [13:27] <Yrr> remember it didnt show up in your check so it wasnt an ordinary disguise
  193. [13:27] <Yrr> which means Nabber is Liar and Two is Something Else
  194. [13:27] <Yrr> and both are gonna try to kill one of us
  195. [13:28] <SonicProject> I really don't know
  196. [13:28] <SonicProject> yeah probably
  197. [13:28] <Yrr> what do we do
  198. [13:28] <SonicProject> I know I'm doomed
  199. [13:28] <Yrr> i can try to kill one of them
  200. [13:28] <Yrr> and then we lynch the other
  201. [13:28] <Yrr> and then on the final night we both target monkuma with "hope"
  202. [13:28] <SonicProject> I can't condone it but if you were to do so I might look the other way on the report
  203. [13:29] <SonicProject> monokuma must die
  204. [13:29] <SonicProject> if even possible
  205. [13:29] <Yrr> yea on final night if we both target monokuma
  206. [13:29] <Yrr> i can see FWD admiring the effort and letting that be the finale
  207. [13:29] <Yrr> since a random death finale is no fun
  208. [13:30] <Yrr> who should i kill if we do this
  209. [13:31] <Yrr> who do we not wanna deal with during the trial
  210. [13:33] <SonicProject> nabber's on your butt
  211. [13:33] <Yrr> well its "might Two have an ability that affects votes against them"
  212. [13:34] <SonicProject> well I think there's still a liar
  213. [13:34] <SonicProject> is it nabber
  214. [13:34] <SonicProject> I don't think two has any abilities
  215. [13:34] <Yrr> yea nabber is the liar
  216. [13:34] <SonicProject> or role
  217. [13:34] <Yrr> whoever tried to kill me has an ability
  218. [13:34] <Yrr> otherwise you wouldve seen the attempt
  219. [13:34] <SonicProject> hmm
  220. [13:35] <Yrr> its possible another despair used blackout but you wouldve seen that wouldnt u
  221. [13:35] <SonicProject> I guess it would be easier to lynch nabber
  222. [13:35] <SonicProject> I should've seen it yes
  223. [13:35] <SonicProject> if I were the detective
  224. [13:35] <SonicProject> cannot confirm
  225. [13:35] <Yrr> ur the D ive known for fuckin ever
  226. [13:36] <Yrr> i have no interest in getting rid of the most useful role
  227. [13:36] <Yrr> if youre not the D you'd know who the D is
  228. [13:36] <Yrr> and so you'd know two or nabber was innocent
  229. [13:36] <SonicProject> both have attempted murders
  230. [13:37] <Yrr> exactly
  231. [13:37] <SonicProject> though nabber has done so most often
  232. [13:37] <Yrr> nabber has told me hes the liar
  233. [13:37] <Yrr> obviously lol dont believe the guy who claims to be the liar but
  234. [13:37] <Yrr> yknow
  235. [13:37] <SonicProject> yeah but I wouldn't take any chances given there are at least two killers left
  236. [13:38] <Yrr> if two is a role its not one thats been seen so far
  237. [13:38] <SonicProject> it might be easier to lynch nabber since we know he's a liar but idk
  238. [13:39] <Yrr> im gonna try to kill two then
  239. [13:40] <SonicProject> alright
  240. [13:40] == Yrr []
  241. [13:40] == realname : Lauren
  242. [13:40] == channels : #mfggirc
  243. [13:40] == server : [London, United Kingdom]
  244. [13:40] == realhost : [ip: actually using host]
  245. [13:40] == End of WHOIS
  246. [13:41] <Yrr> theres a 1 in 3 chance i succeed
  247. [13:41] <Yrr> if not then one of us is dying and it could be anyone
  248. [13:41] <Yrr> but the other is gonna get lynched
  249. [13:42] <Yrr> if your role allows it id recommend you try to kill Two too just to increase our chances
  250. [13:43] <SonicProject> you're right I'll have to think about it
  251. [13:44] <SonicProject> It may be a little easier knowing that he's tried to kill someone
  252. [13:44] <SonicProject> but I still am conflicted lol
  253. [13:44] <Yrr> lol
  254. [13:44] <Yrr> does your role have anything about killing
  255. [13:45] <SonicProject> nope
  256. [13:45] <Yrr> if you arent the detective you know one of them is
  257. [13:45] <Yrr> and it should be easy to say which one isnt
  258. [13:45] <SonicProject> other than the despair can't kill me
  259. [13:45] <SonicProject> at least I don't think so
  260. [13:45] <Yrr> whichever one isnt the detective is the liar by extension
  261. [13:45] <SonicProject> but I can't confirm one way or another
  262. [13:45] <Yrr> if you arent
  263. [13:50] <Yrr> whos Nabber most likely to kill
  264. [13:50] <SonicProject> he might try again to kill you
  265. [13:50] <SonicProject> if not you me
  266. [13:50] <Yrr> whos two most likely to kill
  267. [13:51] <SonicProject> idk
  268. [13:52] <SonicProject> maybe nabber?
  269. [13:52] <Yrr> idk if hes what i think he might try to kill one of us
  270. [13:52] <Yrr> i can try and convince him to kill nabber tho
  271. [14:01] <Yrr> ehehehe
  272. [14:01] <Yrr> i convinced him i distrust you and plan to kill nabber and lynch you
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