
Zuikaku LN Volume 1 Part 1 - The Sea God's Maiden

Mar 8th, 2015
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  1. Zuikaku LN Translation (From Chinese)
  2. From
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  5. 鹤翼的羁绊Vol1“海神少女(前篇)
  6. >Zuikaku LN - The Bonds of the Crane's Wings
  7. >Part 1 - The Sea God's Maiden (Part I)
  9. 1.
  10. >1.
  11. 冲之岛海域的洋面上,可谓碧空如洗。
  12. >The seas around Okinoshima (note: 2-4) lay beneath a cloudless, clear sky.
  13. 在水蓝色天空的映衬下,巨大的积雨云耸立在地平线上。无垠的海面蔚蓝澄澈,一阵凉爽的海风吹起层层波浪。紧接着,下一个瞬间——
  14. 巨大的爆炸和被激起的多条水柱将这片美景一扫而光。
  15. >Towering rain clouds loomed on the horizon against the background of the azure sky. A cool seabreeze blew, ruffling the clear, endless sea with waves. Just a moment later, an immense explosion and plumes of sea foam put an end to this scenic view.
  16. “SHIT!残存的敌方深海栖舰,还有五艘!一航战姐妹是不是又自大,向着同一个目标集中攻击了!?”
  17. 金刚一面像是开玩笑一样叫喊着,一面飞溅着浪花,在水面上以30节以上的高速度航行。转瞬之间燃料就被飞速消耗,却无从注意。
  18. 在她的背后,三位舰娘紧紧跟随。
  19. >"屁話! Five enemy abyssals, still alive! Did those 1stCarDiv sisters (note: Yes I know they're not sisters, that's what the words say though) get carried away by their pride and focused their attacks on a single ship again?!"
  20. “残存敌舰,战舰二、重巡一、驱逐舰二——!我们来压制她们的主力舰只,赤城和加贺加紧展开第二次舰载机攻击!”
  21. >"Remaining Abyssals, two BB, 1 CA, 2DD--! We'll keep their main force pinned down; Akagi, Kaga, launch another air strike!"
  22. “不说我也知道!这次的旗舰是我。不用废话——加贺!?”
  23. >"We don't need you to tell me! I'm the flagship this time around, save your breath--Kaga?!"
  24. “明白。开始准备第二次攻击编队。”
  25. >"Understood. Preparing a second wave at once."
  26. 赤城和加贺停在金刚她们的身后,开始着手让舰载机离舰。无数箭矢射向天空——转瞬后,箭矢又分裂成更多枝,化作妖精们乘坐的舰载机。为了有效地进行空中打击,需要先让舰载机群在航母上空展开,在空中集结完毕后再进行协同作战。
  27. >Akagi and Kaga halted behind Kongou, launching their aircraft. Countless arrows shot into the sky--a moment later, the arrows split even further into the fairy-piloted carrier planes. In order to launch a successful attack, the carrier planes needed to congregate above the carriers before launching as a single group.
  28. 正在此时,金刚她们的前方出现了敌舰的踪影。像是鲸鱼一般巨大的物体在水面上迅猛地冲锋而来。
  29. >It was at this time that an enemy vessel loomed in front of Kongou and company. As large as a whale, it charged across the surface of the water with reckless abandon."
  30. “……!前卫驱逐舰两艘,应该是HA级!”
  31. >"...two destroyers in front of us--Ha-class, I believe!"
  32. “这里是赤城。响、雪风,拜托了!”
  33. >"This is Akagi. Hibiki, Yukikaze, it's up to you! (Note: DDs on 2-4?)"
  34. “明白。响转入与敌驱逐舰的交战。”
  35. >"Understood. Hibiki, breaking off to engage the enemy destroyers."
  36. “雪风明白。就请交给我吧!”
  37. >"Yukikaze understands. Just leave it to me!"
  38. 像是回应赤城的声音一样,在金刚前方行进的两位驱逐舰舰娘——响和雪风提升了航速。响还是一如既往毫无表情,雪风则仿佛确信着什么,展露着自信的表情向前进军。
  39. >As if responding to Akagi's voice (note: "As if?" They're obviously responding to Akagi's voice), the two destroyer-classed shipgirls in front of Kongou raised their speed. Hibiki's face remained expressionless. Yukikaze, on the other hand, broke into an almost cocksure grin, as if she were already confident of something."
  40. “响姐!我来做诱饵,响姐从后方进行炮击!我的话应该比较容易进行回避!”
  41. >"Hibiki onee-san! I'll be the the bait, Hibiki onee-san, hit 'em from the back! If it's me I won't get hit so easily!"
  42. “明白——还有,就别叫什么响姐了。我们都同是驱逐舰。”
  43. >"Ackonwledged--also, don't call me onee-san, we're both destroyers."
  44. “这可不行,响姐是前辈。总之,作战就拜托了!”
  45. >"That won't do. Hibiki-onee-san is the senpai. Anyhow, I'll be relying on you!"
  46. “明白……спасибо(谢谢)。”
  47. >"Understood...spazsaber (thank you, apparently)"
  48. “呀啊啊啊啊——!”
  49. >"Iyaaaahhhhh--!"
  50. 雪风紧握扛在肩膀上的炮台冲向敌人——转瞬间就从炮身中射出数发炮弹。
  51. >Gripping tightly to the turret slung on her shoulder, Yukikaze charged towards the enemy--and, a moment later, let fly iwth several volleys
  52. 炮击眨眼间就抵达了两艘敌驱逐舰,在她们周围激起众多水柱——然而,敌驱逐舰也一边突进一边张开大嘴,从嘴中轰出炮弹。
  53. >In a blink of an eye, the shells reached the two enemy destroyers, raising pillars of water around them (note: may just be a translator's error, but the abyssals are referred to with the feminine pronoun "她", not the male "他" or gender-neutral "牠" version)--undeterred, the enemy destroyers opened their gaping mouths, returning fire with belches of flame.
  54. “雪风绝不会沉没!”
  55. >"Yukikaze will never sink!"
  56. 雪风蹦跳着一边回避一边反复炮击。有时还主动突入水柱中——相信着”一旦激起了水柱的海面,就不会再有敌方炮弹落下“的传说。
  57. >Hopping and skipping, Yukikaze dodged as she returned fire, at times deliberately leaping into the waterspouts--it was said, after all, that places where shells had hit would not be hit again.
  58. 另一面,响则已移动到了敌舰的侧面。在雪风持续回避的过程中,响在某处停下,像是狙击般紧盯敌驱逐舰,接着——。
  59. >On the other hand, Hibiki had already maneuvered to the enemy vessels' side. As Yukikaze ducked and weaved, Hibiki stopped, eyeing the enemy destroyers with a sniper's gaze, and then--"
  60. “那么,来吧……开火!”
  61. >"Well then, let's fire!"
  62. 伴随着爆炸从炮身中喷射出炮弹——紧接着,最前方的敌驱逐舰的侧面发生爆炸,船体粉碎。敌舰扬着黑烟停了下来。
  63. >With the explosion, a shell shot out of the barrel--the foremost enemy destroyer shuddered with an explosion to its side, its hull pierced. Belching black smoke, the enemy ship slowed to a stop.
  64. 残存的敌驱逐舰转而认为比起雪风,响更有威胁,强行调转航向,朝响而去。
  65. >Judging Hibiki to be a greater threat than Yukikaze, the remaining enemy destroyer came about, rushing in Hibiki's direction.
  66. “响姐……!?”
  67. >"Hibiki onee-san!?"
  68. “雪风去给击破的驱逐舰最后一击!”
  69. >"Yukikaze, finish that damaged destroyer!"
  70. “……唔,明白!”
  71. "....Aye, understood!"
  72. 雪风对一边挣扎一边持续着炮击的敌驱逐舰给予炮火洗礼。响也在稍远离敌驱逐舰突进的地方一边回避一边寻找着机会继续炮击。
  73. >Yukikaze put the struggling, still-fighting enemy destroyer out of its misery with a short volley. Hibiki, too, distanced herself from the enemy destroyer, evading and looking for a chance to resume fire.
  74. “我们也不能输呢!”
  75. >"I can't lose eitehr!"
  76. 斜眼看着雪风和响奋战的身姿,金刚露出了些许可怕的微笑。
  77. >Glancing at Yukikaze and Hibiki's fierce battle, Kongou's mouth twisted into a scary smile.
  78. “雾岛,我们也一鼓作气上吧!”
  79. >"Kirishima, let's also get in there!"
  80. “明白,姐姐大人!”
  81. >"Understood, Onee-sama!"
  82. 在金刚身旁航行着的雾岛,用眼镜下充满知性的眼神看着金刚回答道。
  83. >Cruising at Kongou's side, Kirishima replied, her gaze behind her glasses that of an intellectual.
  84. 在雾岛和金刚的前方,有两个和她们一样人类大小的身影。女性身材高挑妙曼,航行时随风飘动的黑发甚至有些优美动人——如果双臂上没有装备着这么多形状凶恶的炮塔的话。
  85. >In front of Kirishima and kongou, the silhouettes of two human-sized figures stood before them. Tall and full of grace, their dark, flowing hair would have lent them a certain allure--were it not for the grotesque turrets on their arms.
  86. “姐姐大人,距离、角度都足够了——从这里炮击的话,直击敌舰的概率非常可观!”
  87. >"Onee-sama, distance and angle are now sufficient--if we fire now we should have a good chance of hitting then."
  88. “明白,FIRE!”
  89. >"Understood, 開火!"
  90. “打——!”
  91. >"Hit--!"
  92. 两艘战舰在海面上停下,升起背后装备的炮身开始炮击,驱逐舰无法与之相比的大量火焰和黑烟喷涌而出。想要一边发挥两舰的高速力的同时还要瞄准炮击几乎是不可能的,因此金刚和雾岛炮击后,重复着前进和停下来接着炮击的动作。
  93. >The two battleships slowed to a halt as the guns on their back-mounted outfits opened up with a cacophony and blast of smoke that no destroyer could hope to attain. It would be impractical to maintain a high speed while aiming with any measure of reliability; as such, Kongou and Kirishima resumed their movement thereafter, stopping only to fire another volley.
  94. 另一边的两艘敌战舰也开始炮击。面对从头顶如倾盆骤雨一般降下的炮弹,她们则通过六角形的全方位屏障——通过灵力展开的“装甲”,试图将其弹开。金刚和雾岛也同样展开了灵力屏障。
  95. >On the other side, the two enemy battleships had also started firing. Facing a barrage that came down like the rain, they put up hexagonal barriers--magical "armor"--in an attempt to repel enemy fire. Likewise, Kongou and Kirishima also put up their defenses.
  96. 双方的屏障上不停有穿甲弹命中,不断地发生着爆炸。金刚和雾岛的屏障逐渐破损,而敌战舰的屏障却还完好如初。
  97. >Both side's barriers shuddered under repeated AP shell impacts and the constant explosions that followed. Kongou and Kirishima's barriers were gradually falling apart--meanwhile, the enemy barriers seemed virtually untouched.
  98. “切,还真是够硬的。” 忍受着灵力的消耗,金刚如此低声抱怨的下一个瞬间——她的屏障被贯穿,金刚舰身上发生了爆炸。
  99. >"Tch, they sure are tough," Kongou muttered under her breath as she felt the strain on her spiritual power--and then her barrier collapsed as an explosion racked her body.
  100. “姐姐大人……!?”
  101. >"Onee-sama....?!"
  102. 海面上被浓烈的黑烟包裹——在那之中,金刚咬牙忍着疼痛跪了下来。背后的装备则几乎被全部破坏、严重损毁。
  103. >The sea was shrouded in black smoke--inside it, Kongou fell to her knees, gritting her teeth against the pain. The outfit on her was virtually inoperable due to severe damage.
  104. 与此同时敌舰一侧再次响起轰鸣。两艘敌舰都依然健在,并且持续着炮击。更有一艘重巡从侧面驶来——想要冲向后方的赤城和加贺。
  105. >At the same time, the enemy vessels bellowed once more. Two enemy ships were still up and fighting. Moreover, a heavy cruiser had charged in from the side in an attempt to reach Kaga and Akagi in the rearguard.
  106. “……唔。赤城、加贺!快!”
  107. >"...mmn. Kaga, Akagi! Quickly!"
  108. “别催了!第二次攻击编队、上啊!”
  109. >"Don't rush me! Second attack team, launch!"
  110. 在空中集结完毕的舰载机群,再次飞向敌舰展开攻击。海面上升起林立的水柱——但是,数秒后重回视野的两艘敌舰虽蒙受了打击,却依然健在。
  111. “就连我和加贺的攻击,竟也没能击沉……?!”
  112. >Having assembled into a group, the carrier planes charged once more towards the enemy vessels. The sea was punctuated by geysers--and yet, seconds later, the two enemy vessels came back into view, damaged but alive.
  113. “敌舰的防御力上升……!”
  114. "The enemy's defenses have gotten stronger...!"
  115. 赤城和加贺哑然相对——然而,赤城振作精神,立刻做出了决断。
  116. >Akagi and Kaga weren't the smartest (note: the chinese translation says they're "Relatively dumb")--nevertheless, Akagi quickly collected herself and made her decision.
  117. “雾岛,拜托了!再这样下去你们也会被干掉!这样的话我们和驱逐舰也都迟早……——你在那之前击沉一艘战舰!另一艘就交给我们!重巡就让她放马过来好了!”
  118. >"Kirishima, please! At this rate you guys will also be finished! At this rate we and the destroyers...--before that happens, bring down one of those battleships! Leave the other one to us! Let the Heavy Cruiser do its worst!"
  119. “明白!真是的,我明明不适合这种角色啊……!”
  120. >"Understood! Really, I'm not suited for this kind of role.....!"
  121. 雾岛开始以最高速度向一艘敌战舰突进。
  122. >Accelerating to full speed, Kirishima suddenly charged towards one of the enemy battleships.
  123. “哦噢噢噢噢噢噢噢——!”
  124. >"WoooaoaAAAAAAHHHHH--!!"
  125. 杀到极近距离,雾岛再次舰炮齐鸣。如此近距离的炮击,根本无法回避——屏障逐渐被破坏。然而敌舰也是同样。双方都抱着同归于尽的觉悟在进行攻击。
  126. 先突破屏障的是雾岛的射击。屏障被全部破坏,爆炸的同时敌战舰的身影显露出来。
  127. >Closing to point blank range, Kirishima blazed away once again. At this range, there was no dodging--her barrier wilted under the sustained fire. And yet, the enemy ship was in the same position. Both vessels attacked wildly, prepared for mutual destruction. Kirishima was the first to pierce the barrier. Barrier completely destroyed, the enemy vessel's sihlouette loomed through the explosion.
  128. 然而另一只敌战舰则已瞄准了雾岛。主炮轰鸣,弹道直指雾岛。如果不回避,不可避免的会被直击贯穿——。
  129. >And yet, the other enemy battleship had locked onto Kirishima. With a roar, her main gun's shells zoned in on Kirishima. This one would certainly penetrate if it hit--.
  130. “……切!被直击,那又怎样!!!!”
  131. >"....Tch! So you're going to shoot me, so what?!!!!"
  132. 雾岛斜眼确认背后的赤城和加贺已发出了新一轮攻击编队后,奏响了全部炮门。
  133. >Assured that Akagi and Kaga and launched a new attack unit, Kirishima opened fire with all guns.
  134. —————————————————————————————————————
  135. 数小时后,正在从战场海域脱离的船只中,办公室为沉痛的气氛所笼罩。
  136. >Several hours later, surrounded by the ships that had fled the battle, the office was inundated in a pervading gloom.
  137. “非常抱歉,‘提督’……”
  138. >"I'm really sorry, 'Admiral'..."
  139. 满身疮痍的六位舰娘们——这之中包括肩负旗舰重任的赤城,都懊悔地低下了头。
  140. >Akagi, the shipgirl delegated with the important role of flagship, hung her head among the six shipgirls, covered in wounds."
  141. “都是因为我们能力不足,这次的作战也……不得不放弃……”
  142. >"It's because we weren't strong enough that this campaign...had to be abandoned."
  143. “别灰心,还有机会。”
  144. >"Don't be so crestfallen, there'll be other chances."
  145. 被称作“提督”的男子——身着纯白的海军第一种军装(译者注:关于军装说法待考证)的青年,瞥了一眼捆着的报告书回答道。
  146. >The young man called "Admiral", clad in the white Type 1 Uniform of the Navy, replied as he glanced through the report.
  147. “看起来这个海域的深海栖舰,比起别的海域的敌舰,明显强出很多。了解到这一点也算是收获。上面也应该会认同吧。”
  148. >"It seems like the abyssals in this area are much stronger than the other abyssals in the area. That itself was valuable information. I'm sure the brass will agree."
  149. “可是,这样下去的话……”
  150. >"But, if this continues"
  151. “提督”举起手制止了赤城。
  152. >The "Admiral" raised his hand to stop Akagi.
  153. “还有时间。这之前不是应该先重整旗鼓,再以全力一决胜负吗。虽然明白你们的心情……这次就先回去吧。回去了,还可以再来。(译者注:指挥著名的基斯卡岛撤退的木村昌福少将的名言)”
  154. >"There's still time. For now, we should reconsolidate our forces and prepare for the decisive battle. Although I understand your feelings...let's go back. As long as we can retreat, we can always return (Chinese Translator's note: mirrors Admiral Masatomi Kimura's statement during the Kiska campaign).
  155. 赤城艰难地点了点头。“提督”为了转变沉重的气氛咳了一声。
  156. >Akagi nodded with difficulty. In order to dispel the somber mood, the "Admiral" coughed emphatically.
  157. “金刚,这次作战中敌战舰的强化很引人注目?”
  158. >"Kongou, this time around, was the enemy's increased strength that much more noticeable?"
  159. “是啊!相当结实呢!”
  160. >"Yeah! They were pretty strong!"
  161. 金刚虽然负了伤,却丝毫没有影响她那爽朗的声音。
  162. >In spite of her wounds, Kongou responded breezily.
  163. “我的炮击也不怎么管用。仿佛就像‘那场战争’(注:指太平洋战争)中的敌新锐战舰一样呢!”
  164. >My guns weren't much use. It was like facing those new enemy warships in 'that war' (chinese translator's note: the Battle of the Pacific)!"
  165. “我们也感觉到敌方战舰有了强化。”
  166. >"We also felt that the enemy ships have gotten stronger."
  167. 赤城和加贺一边点头一边接过话。
  168. >Akagi and Kaga joined, nodding.
  169. “我认为空中打击效果不佳也是这个原因。……当然也不否认我有些骄傲自满。”
  170. >I feel as if the ineffectiveness of our aerial attacks is due to this. ....of course, I don't deny that I was a little overconfident."
  171. “这样。那么,现在应该是个强化舰队的好时机。”
  172. >"Is that so. In that case, this is a good time to strengthen our own fleet."
  173. “强化舰队?好时机?”
  174. >"Strengthen our fleet? Good time?"
  175. 雾岛显得有些不可思议。而“提督”微微一笑回答道——
  176. >Kirishima looked a little incredulous. With a bit of a smile, the "Admiral" responded--
  177. “我们镇守府有新的正规航母上任了。”
  178. >A new standard carrier has joined our naval district.
  180. 2.
  181. >2.
  182. 最初进入视线的是有着浓厚古韵色调的木纹天花板。
  183. >The first thing that came into view were the old-looking boards that formed the wooding ceiling.
  184. “嗯……?”
  185. >"Hm.....?"
  186. 醒来的少女因为周围的景象而目瞪口呆,用力眨了好几次眼。
  187. >The newly awakened maiden blinked a few times, stunned by her surroundings.
  188. “这里是……?”
  189. >"This is...."
  190. 小声嘀咕着环视周围,少女渐渐弄清了自己所处的状况。
  191. >Murmuring as she examined her surroundings, the young girl slowly pieced together her situation.
  192. 自己安睡在被窝里,床铺在大约只有六块榻榻米大的狭小房间内。家具还算完备,枕头边放着叠好的供换洗的内外衣。
  193. >She had been sleeping (quite comfortably on a bed, in a tight little six-tatami room (Note: From Wikipedia, 6 Tatami is roughly 2.73 m × 3.64 m). In contrast, the furnishings were quite replete--a set of clothes lay by the pillow, cleaned and folded.
  194. 怎么看都是和风旅馆——还是有些陈旧感的旅馆的一间房间。
  195. >No matter how you looked at it, it seemed like a japanese hotel room--a bit of an old fashioned-one at that.
  196. 然而对少女来说,无论是自己安睡在这里的事实,还是正确地把握了自己所处的现状这件事,都令她难以置信。
  197. >And yet to this young woman, both the fact that she had been sleeping quite soundly in this room and the fact that she could deduce her location left her even more incredulous.
  198. “因为我明明……不是人类而是军舰,作为航空母舰瑞鹤而诞生,这种地方应该既没来过也没见过……”
  199. >"Because not a human, but a warship, born as the Aircraft Carrier Zuikaku; I've never seen or been to any place like this."
  200. 少女——航空母舰瑞鹤坐起身,注视着自己的两手心。
  201. >The maide--aircraft carrier Zuikaku sat up, examining her two hands.
  202. “为什么我变成了……人类女孩?说起来我明明已经在恩佳诺海角(Cape Engano)沉没了……”
  203. >"Why have i become...a human girl? Not to mention I had already sunk at Cape Engano to begin with..."
  204. 没人来回答瑞鹤的疑问,周围一片静寂。
  205. >Nobody spoke to answer Zuikaku's questions--the surroundings remained eerily quiet.
  206. 瑞鹤为了安下心而深呼了一口气,再次环视所处的房间。
  207. >Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Zuikaku looked around once more at her room.
  208. 果然只是普普通通的旅馆的一间房间。只是由于安下心来而感到了些许寒意。柔弱慵懒的阳光从窗口洒进屋子——看起来时值冬日。
  209. >As expected, it was simply a room in a relatively normal hotel, though she felt herself cool a little as she calmed down. A weak sunbeam crept lazily through the window--it seemed like it was winter.
  210. “究竟是……怎么一回事?”
  211. >"What on earth...what is going on around here?"
  212. 正在这时,从身后传来“咣当!”一响。瑞鹤不由自主回过头。
  213. >At that moment, something went "bang" behind her. Zuikaku turned on reflex.
  214. “诶!是只……猫?”
  215. >"Eh! ...A cat?"
  216. 身后原来是一只小猫。一只大概是不知从哪里溜进来的黑白花斑猫。猫一点儿都不怕瑞鹤,面不改色地接近她。
  217. >And indeed it was simply a cat, a black and white-spotted fellow that must have slunk in from god knows where. It closed in without changing expression, seemingly unafraid of ZUikaku.
  218. “在工厂内和船上见过好几次猫……没想到,我也能有这样抚摸小猫的机会……”
  219. >"I saw cats a few times at the factory and on board...but to think that one day I'd have the chance to pet one..."
  220. 抱着怀念之情伸出手想要摸摸猫脑袋的瞬间,小猫快步跑开闪过,跑到枕边叠放的换洗衣物处,叼起了其中一件。
  221. >As soon as she reached out fondly to pet the cat's head, the kitten leapt past, dashing to the folded clothes and picking up a piece.
  222. “啊,那是……”
  223. >"Oh, that's..."
  224. 怎么看都是件文胸。
  225. >No matter how you look at it, that was a bra.
  226. 接着,小猫就以脱兔之势叼着它从门扇的缝隙中逃走了。
  227. >And with that, the kitten fled, hightailing to freedom through a gap in the door, bra in mouth.
  228. “啊,那个,诶?”
  229. >"Ah, that, eh?"
  230. 带着困惑注视自己的胸口——现在自己穿着的是浴衣,至少上身是没穿内衣的状态。瑞鹤变得脸色苍白。没有那件文胸的话,自己就没得可穿了。
  231. >Zuikaku looked down at her own chest--she was wearing a bathrobe--no underwear, at any rate. Zuikaku the blood rush to her face--without that bra, she would have nothing to wear at all.
  232. “给、给我等一下!这只小偷猫——!”
  233. >"Oi ye theivin' lil' cunt! I'll fookin' glass ye when I cach ye--!"
  234. 瑞鹤反射性地系紧了浴衣的束带,开始全速追击那只猫。
  235. >Reflexively tightening her sash, Zuikaku shot off in pursuit of the cat.
  237. 打开门扇,瑞鹤跑到了长长的走廊之上。走廊的两侧并立着许多扇拉门。
  238. >Flinging the door open, Zuikaku raced into a long corridor, flanked on each side by numerous sliding doors.
  239. (果然这里是旅馆……但是现在比起纠结那些事……!)
  240. >(As expected, a hotel.....but there are more pressing matters right now....!)
  241. 猫在走廊里狂奔。瑞鹤则在后面拼死追逐——与一位少女擦肩而过。“瑞鹤姐!您睡醒啦——!”擦肩而过的少女充满朝气地向瑞鹤搭话。穿着十分雅致的制服。瑞鹤不由自主发问——
  242. The cat dashed down the corridor. Zuikaku pursued with equal desperation, rubbing shoulders with a girl as she passed by. "Zuikaku onee-san! You're awake, then--!" The girl spoke to Zuikaku with a voice full of vitality, cutting quite the figure in her elegant uniform. Zuikaku responded involuntarily--
  243. “你、你是……!?”
  244. >"Y,you are?!"
  245. “驱逐舰舞风!第四驱逐舰队的!”
  246. >"Destroyer Maikaze! From the 4th Destroyer Division!"
  247. 瑞鹤吃了一惊。第四驱逐舰队是在印度洋作战和南太平洋海战中,作为自己所属的第一航空舰队的护卫活跃于战场上的驱逐舰队。
  248. >Zuikaku swallowed her surprise. In the Indian Ocean Raid and the Battle of the South Pacific, the 4th Destroyer Division had been known for its steadfast protection of Zuikaku's own 1st Carrier Division on countless battlefield.
  249. “下次希望能和瑞鹤姐一起跳跳真正的盂兰盆舞,而不是这样的规避运动呢——!”
  250. >"Hopefully next time I can dance a real Odori-Bon with Zuikaku oneesan, and not this kind of dodgy maneuver!"
  251. 在瑞鹤和舞风亲身经历过的战争中,有将对空战斗时做出的规避运动称作盂兰盆舞的惯例。
  252. >In the many battles Zuikaku and Maikaze had experienced, there was an anti-air maneuver that came to be called the Odori-bon.
  253. “哇好期待——!啊不对,有你在这里的话,就说明除我之外也有军舰成了人类!?”
  254. >"Ah, I'm looking forwards to i--! Wait that's not right. If you're here, does that mean that there are other warships that became humans?!"
  255. “在这里我们称作舰娘哟——!”
  256. >"They call us shipgirls here, y'know--!"
  257. (舰娘!?也就是说我果然变成了像人类一样的存在……!?)
  258. (Shipgirls?! So we've become a humanoid existence...?!)
  259. 小猫跑过走廊,朝着大厅而去。从抱着好几件要洗的衣服的少女——果然也像舞风一样,穿着漂亮的洋装——的脚下钻了过去。
  260. >The kitten had by now passed through the hallway, and was now dashing for the main hall, weaving through the legs of several young women (dressed in beautiful dresses, just like Maikaze) with arms full of laundry.
  261. “哎呀哎呀,从两腿间钻过去还真是大胆呢~”
  262. >"Ara ara, to run between my brazen~"
  263. “外、外国人!?而且胸部好大!”
  264. >"G-gwailo?! And stonking great tits too!"
  265. 这次新遇到的少女飘扬着美丽的金发。洋装之下则是丰满的胴体。
  266. >This newly met maiden had airy golden hair and, seemingly, a lot of stuffing underneath her dress. (note: fun fact, the term Zuikaku uses for the stuff that fills Atago's dress is 胴体, which means "carcass")
  267. “我是重巡爱宕。初次见面。同时也是好久不见了。舰娘可不只是大和抚子哟。”
  268. >"I'm the heavy cruiser Atago, pleased to meet you. Well, more like pleased to meet you again. Shipgirls aren't only Yamato Nadeshiko, you know."
  269. “是、是这样的!?”
  270. >"I-is that so?"
  271. 虽然记忆有些模糊,爱宕应该是参加过第三次所罗门海战和马里亚纳海战等战役,身经百战的重巡洋舰,是艘虽然配备了重型武装却还可以很好地保持平衡的舰艇——说不定也反映在了现在的身姿上。
  272. >Though the memory was a little fuzzy, Atago should have taken part in the third battle of the Solomons and the Marianas (Note: Battle of Guadalcanal/Philippine Sea for the gwailo). A veteran cruiser of a hundred battles, she was known for her ability to keep her balance in spite of her heavy armament--perhaps a legacy reflected in her current body."
  273. “顺带一提刚才那只猫名字叫做拔猫。是这镇守府的副指挥官哦。今后也请多指教呢。”
  274. >"Oh by the way, that cat's name is called Wanker (note: from both translations of the Zuikaku LN, both chinese translations indicate that the cat's name is something that rhymes with "Weigh Anchor, as shown below. As I'm not good enough at nipspeak to guess what that pun is, I'm just going to call him Wanker). He's the naval district's second-in-command. Please take care of him."
  275. “拔猫!?不是拔锚!?而且,明明是旅馆却叫做镇守府,这是怎么回事……!?”
  276. >"Wanker? Not Weigh Anchor? Also, calling a hotel a naval district, what's gonig on....?!"
  277. “这里是名为镇守府的旅馆,记住就好了,fufu~”
  278. >"This is the Hotel called the Naval District, just remember that, huehuehue~"
  279. “非、非常感谢!”
  280. >"I,I'm deeply grateful!"
  281. 追着猫,瑞鹤飞快地从爱宕身边跑过,但是和猫的距离并未缩短多少。
  282. >Still chasing the cat, Zuikaku charged around Atago--but even so, the distance from the cat did not appear to have diminished much.
  283. 拔猫穿过大厅,接着飞身跑入了厨房中。果然,有几位像是舰娘的少女正穿着围裙,在灶台边准备着料理。
  284. >Wanker passed through the great hall, straight into the kitchen. As expected, several girls that appeared to be shipgirls, clad in aprons, were preparing food on the stove.
  285. (厨房中也是舰娘!?到底是怎么一回事!?)
  286. >(There are shipgirls in the kitchen too?! What the hell is going on?!)
  287. “嗨~、天龙酱。第一份早餐已经做好了哟~。过来试吃一下~”
  288. >"Hey~ Tenryuu-chan, the first serving of breakfast's done~ come over and have a taste~"
  289. “哦!......嗯唔嗯唔。真不愧是龙田的龙田炸,真是好吃啊!”
  290. >"Oh! ....hmhm, as expected of Tatsuta's Tatsutir-fry (note: the other translation calls it "Tatsuta Fried Chicken", so it's definitely fry, though I suspect there's a pun joke in here somewhere), it's delicious!
  291. “哪有~、虽然是有出自于我的这种说法啦,我觉得呀,我也没怎么练习啦~”
  292. >"Oh no~ though I came up with the recipe, I feel like I haven't had much practice~"
  293. “老娘尝到了龙田酱的美味料理,已经非常满足了......哦哇...猫!?”
  294. >"For me (note: "Ore", as Tenryuu says it) to learn Tatusta-chan's cooking is already satisfying!"
  295. “啊啦啦~这不是拔猫酱嘛~”
  296. >"Arara~if it isn't Wanker-chan~"
  297. 拔猫迅速的离开了两人的身旁,却并没有向着龙田炸的方向跑去。
  298. >Wanker wasted no time dashing away from the two--not, however, in the direction of the Tatsutir-fry.
  299. “阿啦啦~比起龙田炸拔猫酱更喜欢文胸么?难得有这么好的味道勒~”
  300. >"Arara~Wanker-chan likes bras more than Tatsutir-fry, huh? It turned out so tasty too~"
  301. “哇—!对不起,抱歉—!”
  302. >"Ah--~ Sorry, pardon--!"
  303. 红着脸冲进厨房的瑞鹤,穿过两人的身旁,背对着说道。
  304. >Red-faced as she rushed through the kitchen and past the two, Zuikaku said.
  305. “哦!有新面孔呐!老娘的名字叫天龙,这边的是龙田。今后,多关照呐!”
  306. >"Ah! A new face! My name's Tenryuu, and this is Tatsuta. From here on out, pleased to meet you!"
  307. 若是没有记错的话,天龙型轻巡洋舰的一号舰和二号舰她们两个应该是,经常共同活跃在输送任务中的。
  308. >If memory hadn't failed, those two should be the first and second ships Tenryuu-class light cruisers , frequent partners in transport missions.
  309. “请多关照!只不过,为什么会在厨房中见到你们二位...?”
  310. >"I'll be in your care! Just asking, but why did I find you two in the kitchen...?"
  311. “这个旅馆,是由我们舰娘们一起经营的。舰娘的数量也算是蛮多的,所以就像是雇佣一样,大家的伙食都交给了我们来准备~”
  312. >"This hotel is maintained by us shipgirls, and it's up to us to prepare the food. There's quite a lot of us, so it's quite a job~"
  313. “是、是这样一回事啊...”
  314. >"I,is that so..."
  315. “还有、再往那去、就到提督的作战室...”
  316. >"ALso, if you keep going that way, you'll get to the Admiral's command room..."
  317. “有...有话、回头再聊!”
  318. >"I...if there's anything else, we can talk about it later!"
  319. 瑞鹤继续追赶着拔猫冲出了厨房,再次回到了走廊。在瑞鹤的正前方,出现了一扇有着浓浓西洋风格的门。
  320. >Zuikaku and Wanker barreled straight out of the kitchen, back into a hallway. Right in front of Zuikaku loomed a heavy, western-style door.
  321. (那里是...什么地方)
  322. >(This...where is this)
  323. “瑞、鹤......?”
  324. >"Zui, kaku...."
  325. 初次听见——却,充满着亲切感且令人怀念的声音。瑞鹤吃惊的向着前方——拔猫正全力奔向的走廊的那一边看去。
  326. >It was a voice Zuikaku had never heard before, and yet it was a voice whose intimacy instantly brought back old memories. Shocked, Zuikaku ran forwards to where Wanker was dashing with all its might, scanning the room.
  327. 看起来和自己几乎一模一样的装束的少女舰娘,正贴近着位穿着纯白色军装的青年,非常惊讶地看着自己。扎着红色发箍的细长的银发、白色的衬衫和红色的裙裤、褐色的瞳孔,以及胸甲的片假名”シ”——下个瞬间、瑞鹤脱口而出这名少女的名字。
  328. >A shipgirl, dressed in seemingly the same attire as Zuikaku, clung to a young man in a white military uniform and gazed at the newcomer with an expression of shock. Wearing a red headband over fine silver hair, white robe and red pants with brown eyes and a breastplate emblazoned with a "シ,”--a second later, her name left Zuikaku's lips.
  329. “不会吧、翔鹤姐......!”
  330. >"It can't be, Shoukaku-nee"
  331. “喂、喂......!”
  332. >"Oy, oy.....!"
  333. 青年的声音略带慌忙。等意识到的时候,瑞鹤正要与青年撞个满怀。拔猫这时已经转到了两人的身后。
  334. >The young fellows voice seemed a little frantic. Zuikaku and the young man were about to collide--and Wanker, of course, had already positioned itself between them.
  335. “让、让开啊——!”
  336. >"O-outta my way--!"
  337. 瑞鹤用着慌乱的步伐试图停下——但是、这个步调却将自己的脚绊住、身体如同音乐降调一样倒向了前方。
  338. >With panicky steps, Zuikaku tried to slow down--instead, she tripped, tumlbing forwards--
  339. 于是、瑞鹤撞上的一瞬紧抱住了青年,之后、青年和瑞鹤一起向着后方倒了下去。
  340. >A moment later, Zuikaku collapsed onto the young man, sending them both onto the ground.
  341. “啊,疼疼疼疼......啊、你没事吧!?”
  342. >"Ah Owowowow....ah, are you alright?!"
  343. “啊、啊啊”
  344. >Uh. uhuh"
  345. 青年以痛苦的语气回答着。瑞鹤慌忙起身——然后冻住了一般停下了。
  346. >The teenager responded with a gasp of pain. Zuikaku hurried to get up--and then froze in place
  347. 冲撞的冲击使得浴衣的衣襟被打开,青年的右手(不知道为什么)恰到好处的紧贴在了瑞鹤的左胸上。
  348. >The impact of the crash had flung open the collar of her bathrobe, and (For reasons unknown) the young man's right hand now grasped firmly on Zuikaku's left boob.
  349. 瑞鹤就这样凝固着。青年一边确认着自己和瑞鹤的情况,同时浮现出了邪恶的微笑(计画通り)。
  350. >As Zuikaku remained frozen, the young man confirmed his situation in relation to Zuikaku as a twisted smile crawled across his face (keikaku doori)
  351. “只是看的话并不是很大嘛,不过扪心而言,并没有想象中那么差嘛......”
  352. >"They don't seem that big if you look at them, but honestly, they're not as bad as you'd think......."
  353. “——呲!”
  354. >"--Tch!"
  355. 瑞鹤满脸通红地发出了似声却不是声音的声音——紧接着,瑞鹤变成了和翔鹤同样的装束,并且头上出现了大批舰载机——。
  356. >Blushing furiously, Zuikaku forced out such a soundless sound--near-insanteously, Zuikaku's uniform changed to one similar to shoukaku's as a bundle of carrier planes appeared above her head--
  357. “不行啊瑞鹤!冷静一下......”
  358. >"You can't, Zuikaku! Calm down....."
  359. “讨厌啊——!”
  360. >"You fucker--!"
  361. “喂、别、等......”
  362. >"Oy, wait, don't...."
  363. 伴随着瑞鹤的惨叫声,舰载机群一口气向着青年展开了俯冲攻击
  364. >Following closely behind Zuikaku's shriek, the carrier planes flew at the young man--
  366. 3
  368. 结果、拔猫还是被那群抓捕技能MAX的驱逐舰们给抓住了。
  369. >In the end, Wanker was caught by a group of destroyers with MAX capture abilities.
  371. “疼疼疼疼死了......”
  372. >"Owowowowowow....."
  373. “没事吧,提督......?”
  374. >"Are you alright, admiral?"
  375. 在眼前的是,无法用言语表达的景象。
  376. >It was a scene that escaped words.
  377. 好好打理过的作战室里,受到自己一时冲动的攻击而负伤的“提督”,以及一边用着担心的眼神注视着一边往“提督”伤口贴上药膏的翔鹤姐。
  378. >A previously impeccably arranged command room; the "admiral," rashly wounded by her hand; and Shoukaku-nee, who watched in concern while rubbing ointment on the "admiral."
  379. 作为姐姐的翔鹤,和自己是同型的舰娘,这点让瑞鹤很高兴。只不过,正因如此,此时脑中还是一片混乱。
  380. >As the elder sister, Shoukaku was a shipgirl of the same class--of this Zuikaku was overjoyed. But, exactly because of that, she was thrown into confusion..
  381. 所谓的舰娘到底是什么呢?镇守府旅馆中一共有多少舰娘?如今是什么时代、这里又是哪里?眼前的青年为何被称呼为“提督”?明明不是适合这个称呼的年龄。
  382. >What exactly are the so-called shipgirls? How many shipgirls are in the Naval District Hotel? What is the current time period, and where is this? Why is the young man in front of her called "Admiral?" He was far too young for that rank.
  383. 攻击“提督”的时候出现的装备是什么时候消失了的,怎么做到的,这个好像就是作为舰娘的特殊能力。
  384. >When did the weapons she had attacked the "Admiral" with disappear? For that matter, how did they appear? This seemed like the ability of the shipgirls.
  385. (再这么说,我,也没做错什么事情吧......)
  386. >(No matter how you look at it, I didn't do anything wrong, right.....)
  387. 一边回忆着当时那阵微妙的恶意,瑞鹤在一旁嘟起了嘴巴。
  388. >As she remembered that moment of hostility, Zuikaku pursed her lips.
  389. (那个、这样的失误是谁都难以避免......的说,再怎么说只是意外啊,只是个意外!)
  390. >(Well, everyone makes mistakes like these was just an accident, just an accident!)
  391. 坐在办公桌前的椅子上,所有的伤口都被好好敷上药膏的“提督”和翔鹤对视着。
  392. >Sitting on a chair in front of the desk with all his boo-boos dabbed with neosporin, the "Admiral" and Shoukaku eyed each other.
  393. “真是谢谢了,翔鹤,已经没事了”
  394. >"Thanks a lot, Shoukaku, it's fine now."
  395. “真的吗,有没有哪里还很疼的?”
  396. >"Really? Does it really not hurt anywhere?"
  397. 翔鹤还是很担心的样子询问着。翔鹤虽说如同是自己的姐姐一样——和自己却是完全相反的第一印象,是有着非常温柔的性格的人。
  398. >Shoukaku pushed on with a worried look. Though Shoukaku was her sister, she seemed like a gentle, caring person--quite a different first impression compared to Zuikaku.
  399. “啊啊,比起这个,更想和你亲密接触啊。就像这样......”
  400. >"Ahah, compared to that, I'd much rather snuggle up with you. Just like this--"
  401. 说完就将手伸向翔鹤的裙子的“提督”——在瑞鹤还未发怒而站起时,被翔鹤慌忙地制止了。
  402. >No sooner had he finished that the "Admiral" reached for Shoukaku's skirt--he was hurriedly stopped by Shoukaku before Zuikaku could angrily get up.
  403. “不、不行的......!现在在秘书的工作中,而且,妹妹还在跟前......”
  404. >"N-no, you can't......! Right now I'm doing secretary work. Plus, my sister's right there....."
  405. “那样,那就是说等工作结束了就可以了呐!?两个人独处的时候呐!?是这样么!?”
  406. >"Then are you saying it's okay as soon as we're done?! Alone time for two?! Is that it?!"
  407. “那,那也不行!”
  408. >"T-that's not okay either!"
  409. “咳、咳”
  410. >"Ahem."
  411. 瑞鹤故意的咳嗽了一下。看起来,对这个“提督”的第一印象可谓完全正确——向秘书出手,完全的痴汉一个。
  412. >Zuikaku coughed emphatically. From appearance, her first impression of the "Admiral" had been completely correct--a degenerate who touches his secretary.
  413. 回头看向我的翔鹤姐和“提督”都露出了一幅尴尬的表情,然后也同样小声的咳嗽了一下。
  414. >Shoukaku-nee and "Admiral" both looked flustered as Zuikaku turned around. Finally, the two eked out two quiet coughs.
  415. “嘛,这只是个小小的玩笑啦......”
  416. >"Well, that was just our little joke,"
  417. “提督”在苦笑解释的同时将水递给了瑞鹤。
  418. >the "Admiral" explained with a weak chuckle as he passed the problem (note: a guess, the actual termm is "passed the water to") to Shoukaku
  419. “不去和妹妹说说话吗?她肯定对现在这状况感到困扰了。”
  420. >"Don't you want to talk with your sister? I'm sure she's worried about the current situation."
  421. 瑞鹤小声的回答说。
  422. >Zuikaku responded with a small voice.
  423. “嘛、那个、的确是蛮困扰的呢......”
  424. >"Well, uh, it is actually pretty confusing..."
  425. “那么,开始先来自我介绍吧!”
  426. >"Well then, I'll start by introducing myself."
  427. “提督”向瑞鹤伸出了右手,用着和之前不一样的真挚的声音——好像认真的改变了态度。
  428. >The "Admiral" extended his right hand, speaking with a sincerity that had not been there before--as if his temperament had completely changed.
  429. “我是“提督”。虽然本名并非这个,但是在这里的大家都是这样称呼我的。是这个镇守府旅馆的馆长,同时也是你们的负责人——也就是指挥官。”
  430. >"I am "Admiral." Although that's not my given name, it's what everyone calls me. I'm the caretaker of this Naval District Hotel, and also serve as its manager--that is, the commanding officer."
  431. “我是瑞鹤。应该是作为......正规航空母舰的”
  432. >"I'm Zuikaku. I'm, uh...a fleet aircraft carrier?"
  433. 瑞鹤一边含糊的说着一边伸出手来握手。自己的记忆应该是没错的,只不过和现实有点不符,其正确性还要打个问号。
  434. >Zuikaku replied with a touch of ambiguity as she shook with her own hand. Her own memory seemed correct, though a little incompatible with her current situation. Better to end it with a question mark.
  435. “提督”仿佛完全了解了一般点着头。
  436. >The "Admiral" nodded, as if he understood completely.
  437. “放心。你的确是正规航母瑞鹤。还有,看着你这样的反应,你还对『那场战争』、自己的终结有着记忆么?”
  438. >"Don't worry. You are, indeed, the fleet carrier Zuikaku. Judging by your response, you still have some memories from 'That War'?"
  439. “嗯,基本就是这样……”
  440. >"Mm, that's the gist of it....."
  441. “那场战争”。瑞鹤对于这个词语有些心存芥蒂。现在是“那场战争”之后的世界的话,应该不会只有这么模棱两可的描述。
  442. >"That War." Zuikaku felt an angry twinge at the phrase. If this was the world after "That War," it should not have such a vague name.
  443. 似乎察觉到瑞鹤的违和感的翔鹤,像是催促自己下定决心一般点了下头。“提督”也回应她点了点头。
  444. >Shoukaku appeared to have noticed Zuikaku's sense of violation. As if to reassure herself, she lowered her head slightly. The "Admiral," too, responded with a nod.
  445. “那么就单刀直入地说了。”“提督”与瑞鹤正面相对:“据说你们舰娘是在‘那场战争’中大放异彩的军舰的另一种形态。”
  446. >"Then I'll cut straight to the point." The "Admiral" looked directly at Zuikaku. "Apparently you shipgirls are another form of those illustrious warships from 'That War.'"
  447. 另一种姿态——理解了“提督”所指之意之后,瑞鹤有些许震惊。自己将要作为舰娘,踏上第二段人生之路。
  448. >A new form--as she realized what the "Admiral" meant, Zuikaku felt a chill run down her spine. She was going to be a shipgirl, walking down the next step of her life.
  449. 但是,瑞鹤的疑惑还没有完全解开。
  450. >But Zuikaku's questions had not been completely resolved."
  451. “据说……还真是含糊的说法呢。”
  452. >"'Apparently'...what a flippant way of saying things."
  453. “这也是没有办法的啊。我们对于你们和你们的过去都不甚了解。——翔鹤?”
  454. >""It can't be helped. We and you, your pasts and our pasts, it is all a mystery. --Shoukaku?"
  455. “在。瑞鹤,能看一下这个么?”
  456. >"Yessir. Zuikaku, could you look at this for a moment?"
  457. 说着翔鹤将桌上放着的地球仪交给了瑞鹤。
  458. >With that, Shoukaku handed the globe on the table to Shoukaku.
  459. “这是……!”
  460. >"This is...!"
  461. 瑞鹤倒吸了一口凉气。
  462. >Zuikaku gasped.
  463. (“巴丹岛”、“加莱洋”和“冲之岛” ……和我们之前所在的世界不一样……!)
  464. >("Bataan Island (note: I think this is Bashi island, but the direct pronunciation is Ba-tan)," "the Curry Sea," and "Okinoshima"...they're not the same as the world before.....!")
  465. 等瑞鹤有了一定理解后,“提督”又开始讲解:“正是如此。也就是说,你们为之奋战并不幸沉没的战场,我们只能够称之为‘那场战争’——我除了从你们那里获取的只言片语之外,对它毫不知情。”
  466. >Once Zuikaku understood, the "Admiral" resumed his explanation: "It is as you see it. That is to say, those battles in which you all fought and, unfortunately, sunk, we can only call them parts of 'that war,' because that is all we know of it. All our knowledge, everything we know, comes from the scraps that you tell us."
  467. “那么……‘那场战争’在这个世界……”
  468. >"Then....'that war' in this world....."
  469. “可以说并没有发生。不过根据你们的话来推断,这里比起你们所生活的时代,很多地方都有了进步。”
  470. >"You can say it never happened. But, from what you've told us, we're quite a bit more advanced compared to the time when you all lived,"
  471. “……”
  472. >"......"
  473. “别担心。你们的祖国与现在这个国家之间,几乎没有文化上的差异。虽然可能会感觉与原先有一些不同,但很快会习惯的。”
  474. >"Don't worry. There are virtually no cultural differences between your homeland and this country. Although some things will seem a little different or a little foreign at first, they'll become everyday pretty quickly."
  475. “这样啊……”
  476. >"Is that so....."
  477. 瑞鹤不知不觉握紧了拳头。这里并不是和同伴们一起赌上性命保护的祖国。不管如何,在这件事上她还是感受到了不小的冲击。
  478. >Without noticing it, Zuikaku's hands balled into fists. This is not the country she and her comrades bet their lives on. Nothing else hit harder than this fact.
  479. 还有一点根本性的问题没有搞清。
  480. >But there were still other questions about their nature.
  481. “那么,我们为什么会在这里……”瑞鹤有些犹豫地问道。
  482. >"Well then, why are we here....?" Zuikaku asked, hesitantly.
  483. “提督”默默地从座位站起,走到了窗前。
  484. >The "admiral" stood up from his seat quietly as he walked over to the window.
  485. “这个世界,面临着毁灭的危机。”
  486. >"This world, it faces an existential threat."
  487. “毁灭的危机……?”
  488. >"An existential threat?"
  489. “翔鹤。”
  490. >"Shoukaku."
  491. “嗯。”
  492. >"mm."
  493. 翔鹤操纵起手边的遥控,打开了挂在墙壁上的电视。荧幕里出现的画面对瑞鹤来说,不仅有冲击感,同时感到十分熟悉:好几艘黑烟四散、火舌喷射的水上潜艇,海面上漂浮着众多浑身沾满汽油的溺水者,舰艇中多数是运输船和油轮,但中间也混杂着驱逐舰、巡洋舰,甚至还有巨大的航空母舰。
  494. 但是,真正吸引瑞鹤目光的,不是这地狱般的光景。被击破的多数的舰艇旁——像是巨大的鲸鱼一样的不明物体,正绕着它们来回游动,并捕食着溺水者。残存下来的驱逐舰和巡洋舰拼命地向那怪物炮击以反击,但完全不管用。
  495. >Thumbing the TV remote by her hand, Shoukaku turned on the television hanging on the wall. From the screen came an image simultaneously jarring and intimately familiar to Zuikaku: several submarines, belching fire and pitch-black smoke; people were floating on the water's surface, their bodies dyed black from the fuel as they struggled to stay above the water. Most of the ships there were cargo ships and tankers, but among them were intermingled destroyers, cruisers, and even huge aircraft carriers. And yet, the thing that caught Zuikaku's eye was not this hellish scene. Around each stricken ships, the size of a whale, some...thing swam to and fro, feasting on the unfortunate survivors. The remaining destroyers and cruisers desperately fired at the monsters, who completely ignored them (note: looking at the two copies I have, one of them phrases it such that the fire from the destroyers and cruisers in ineffective, and the other of which implies it's ignored).
  496. 还不仅仅是这样。在它们后方的水面上还可以看到漂浮着的像是人影一样的东西。简直就像是舰船和操纵它的人们的怨念化成了具体形态一样——
  497. >But that was not all. Behind them, floating on the water, appeared to be some things humanoid. As if the vengeful souls of warships and those who died upon them had attained a corporeal, human form--(note: this was hamfisted as fuck. I suppose since Zuikaku herself was a ship she could instinctively figure it out, but shiiiiiiit.)
  498. “这、这是……”
  499. >"This, this is...."
  500. “深海栖舰。我们人类的天敌”
  501. >"The Abyssals. The enemies of humankind."
  502. “提督”平静地向哑然失声的瑞鹤说道。
  503. >The "Admiral" calmly explained to the speechless Zuikaku.
  504. “关于深海栖舰的真身,现在还有很多尚未探明的地方。但是,有一点是非常明确的:它们对我们抱有敌意并且想要统治海洋。同时我们人类只能任由它们摆布。”
  505. >"Regarding the identity of the Abyssals, there's still a lot we don't know. But one thing is absolutely clear--they mean harm to us, and they wish to conquer the oceans. And we, humans, are powerless to stop them"
  506. “任由摆布……怎么会……”
  507. >" could it be...."
  508. “提督”对一时语塞的瑞鹤静静地点了点头。
  509. >The "Admiral" nodded to Zuikaku as she struggled to find her words.
  510. “现在,这个星球上几乎所有的海域,都为它们肆意横行。海洋交通网——也即海上航路等也被尽数破坏,各国都成了如同锁国的状态。当然,对于我国这样的岛国、贸易国家也可以说是致命的状况。”
  511. >"Currently, on this planet virtually every sea and ocean is a lake to them. Maritime trade--all the trade routes, connections, convoys, have been completely destroyed. Every country may as well have been blockaded or landlocked. Of course, for us as a mercantile nation, this is an existential threat."
  512. 瑞鹤甚至连点头都没能做到。自己的祖国也是贸易国家——因为国内资源稀缺,所以不依靠进口物资、出口产品就不能够生存。“那场战争”也不能说与这样的实际情况毫无关联。
  513. >ZUikaku could not even nod. Her own home country had been a mercantile nation as well--with few domestic resources, it could not live without importing and exporting to the outside world. (or, you know, just straight up invading other countries?) "That War" and this reality were hardly unrelated (note: the text seems as roundabout as that sentence).
  514. “但是,如果使用飞机运输的话应该还可以勉强……”
  515. >"But, if you use air transport, you could theoretically...."
  516. “飞机的负载量太小了。而且深海栖舰中也有像你一样的航空母舰。刚开始我们也尝试过空中运输,但是他们的舰载机将我方的运输机接连击落,也就只好就此作罢……”
  517. >"Air transport can't compare in cargo capacity. Plus there are Aircraft Carrier-type abyssals, like you. At the start we tried transitioning to air transport, but their carrier planes shot down our cargo planes, and so we've largely given up."
  518. “…………”
  519. >"........."
  520. “各国现在也都持续着与深海栖舰的战斗。但是,它们的实力过于强大,只凭我们的力量,光是沿海地区的警备就已经捉襟见肘了。而且就连那些沿海地区,也不能够完全防御住它们登陆部队的袭击。”
  521. >"The international community is continuing to wage war against the abyssals. But the power gap is too large. The World's navies are already struggling trying to secure the seaboard. Even the seaboard has not been completely secured from amphibious and ground invasion."
  522. 瑞鹤收看的影像,切换成了沿海地区的场景。废墟林立的地方,弃置着不少看起来像是敌方运输船的残骸。
  523. >The scene Zuikaku watched transitioned to what looked like a coastal area. Against the background of ruined buildings lay the corpses of what seemed like enemy transports.
  524. 瑞鹤再次吸了一口气。深海栖舰的攻势甚至已经波及到了人类支配的地面。
  525. >Zuikaku could not resist another sharp intake of breath. The onslaught of the abyssals had already reached populated areas.
  526. “我听说——你们是为了与深海栖舰战斗而诞生的。你们具备与它们战斗的能力,正如方才你亲身证实的一样。”
  527. >"I heard that you all were born to fight the abyssals. You all possess combat strength, as you just personally proved a moment ago."
  528. 瑞鹤无意识地凝视着自己的拳头。同高昂的情绪一起出现的武器装备和舰载机——这大概就是空母舰娘所固有的能力吧。其他的舰娘们也肯定都拥有各自的能力。
  529. >Zuikaku absently regarded her own fist. The equipment, weapons and carrier planes that emerged in moments of strong emotion....this was probably the ability of the aircraft carriers. The other shipgirls must have other unique abilities.
  530. “并且,我作为你们的指挥官,必须要与你们一同将深海栖舰歼灭,为世界夺回和平的海洋。”
  531. >"Additionally, as your commanding officer, I must annhilate the abyssals with you all in order to return peace to the oceans."
  532. “那么,其他的舰娘,已经……”
  533. >"Then, the other shipgirls are already...."
  534. “没错,已经参加过实战了。在战斗中阵亡的舰娘也不在少数……”
  535. >"That's right, they've already joined the battle. There have been more than a few casualties as well..."
  536. 瑞鹤胸中涌起了无法用言语阐释的感情。“那场战争”虽然落得悲惨的结局,但这里的战争还在持续中,舰娘们则被视作王牌。
  537. >An indescribable feeling welled up in Zuikaku's chest. While "That War" had spiraled towards a tragic end, this war was still continuing, and the shipgirls were the trump card.
  538. (“那场战争”中,我们有好多东西都没能守护……)
  539. >(During "That War", there were many things we couldn't protect.....)
  540. 战斗中那些凄惨的情景不觉间浮现在脑海中。一直以来,自己除了看着什么都做不到,连分担同伴苦痛都没能做到就……
  541. >Memories, tragedies from the war floated unbidden to the surface. She had not been able to do anything--she had not even been able to bear her share of her comrade's sorrow before....
  542. (但是在这里的话,能够将这一切……重新来过么?)
  543. >(But if I'm here, I it all over, right?)
  544. “这个镇守府旅馆是为了你们的日常生活从上面借来的,是为了你们而成立的‘镇守府’。我和舰娘们,就简单地用‘镇守府’来称呼这里。”
  545. >"This Naval District Hotel was rented for your everyday life, so that you all would form a proper 'naval district.' As such, I and the other shipgirls simple refer it to the 'naval district'."
  546. 略带有些自豪之情,“提督”继续说了下去。
  547. >With a touch of pride, the "Admiral" (jesus fuck I hope I don't have to put "Admiral" in quotes the whole novel) continued.
  548. “虽然是这么说,这里也作为普通的旅馆在经营,就拜托你们帮着料理下店里的事情。当然,正式的整备是在这附近的工厂里进行。”
  549. "In spite of that, however, this is also a normal hotel, and as such you all are helping with cooking and running the day to day affairs in the hotel. Of course, the real preparations are in the nearby factory.
  550. “既然这样,一开始就住工厂里不就好了嘛……”
  551. >"In that case, why not just live in the factory to begin with--"
  552. 作为军舰,也就是作为兵器,住在工厂是理所当然的——但是“提督”苦笑着回答道:“现在镇守府旅馆里集结的舰娘超过一百一十名。不管怎么说,想让这样的大家庭全部住进军港还是有些过于紧凑了啊。”
  553. >As warships and weapons, living in a factory is normal; the "Admiral", however, replied with a bitter chuckle: "Currently at the naval district hotel there are over a hundred and ten shipgirls. No matter how you spin it, trying to fit you all into a military dock would make things a little tight. As in Tenement Tight."
  554. “呀、一百一十名以上……!?”
  555. "Ah, over a hundred and ten....?!"
  556. 参照“那场战争”中参战的舰艇的数量并不能说多,但是瑞鹤还是感到惊讶。
  557. >Quite a few ships had taken part in "That War", but even so Zuikaku felt shock.
  558. “而且我不想仅仅把你们当成军舰——更不想只是当做战争的道具来使用。”
  559. >"Besides, I don't want to just treat you as warship, or as tools only used when there are things to kill."
  560. “提督”的铿锵有力的回答仿佛是正在道出他的信念。
  561. >The "Admiral"'s steely response made clear his resolve.
  562. “你们既不是军舰也不是人类,而是‘舰娘’。我不得不让你们以身涉险。但正因为这样,我想让你们直到出击之前,都能过上和平温馨的生活。”
  563. >"You are not warships and you are not humans. You are 'shipgirls.' I cannot help but send you all to risk your lives in war. But in spite of--no, because of that, I wish that you all can live peaceful and gentle lives until you go out to fight."
  564. 听完这番话瑞鹤有些惊讶。现在她面前的“提督”和之前的性骚扰狂判若两人。
  565. >After that speech, Zuikaku felt a hint of awe. Compared to the "Admiral" from earlier, this "Admiral" seemed like a completely different person.
  566. “那么,我希望你可以做出选择。”
  567. >"Well then, I hope you can be our vanguard."
  568. “选择?”
  569. >"Vanguard?"
  570. “我不希望让不好战的舰娘们来背负这个星球的命运。因为这本来就是与你们无关的战争。”
  571. >"I do not wish for weaker shipgirls to bear the burden of this planet's fate. It was never their, or your fight, after all."
  572. 虽然显得有些寂寞,“提督”补充道:“但是,我们还是不得不依赖于你们。既然这样我想至少应让你们来决定是否为我们而战。”
  573. >There was a hint of loneliness there, but the Admiral continued: "However, we cannot help but rely on you all. As such, I wish for you all to decide whether we are worth fighting for."
  574. “……”
  575. >"....."
  576. “在舰娘之中,也有不在前线奋战,始终进行后方支援的孩子们。对于现在的我们来说她们是不可或缺的存在。战争不是只靠前线就能取胜的。”
  577. >"Among the shipgirls, there are girls who do not fight on the front lines, but support those who do from behind. For us, they are equally indispensable. The battle is not only decided by those who stand in the van."
  578. “提督”的说法很有道理。战争不是只靠前线就能取胜的——记得自己也曾在“那场战争”中,将大半的时间精力并非投入在前线,而是投入在后方舰载机编队的训练上。
  579. >The "Admiral"'s explanation made sense--the front line could not carry a nation. Zuikaku herself remembered that training new aircrews consumed the bulk of her time in "That War."
  580. (但是,其他的舰娘们都再次踏上战场…)
  581. >(But the other shipgirls have all chosen to step once more onto the battlefield)
  582. 今早遇到的舰娘们无一例外地参与到了这次战斗中。而且,现在身边的翔鹤姐姐也是一样。
  583. >Every shipgirls she had met this morning had without exception volunteered to join this battle. Moreover, Shoukaku-nee, by her side, had done the same.
  584. (在这之中,只有自己不去战斗什么的…!)
  585. >(In this situation, how could I possibly not fight?)
  586. “不,‘提督’。”瑞鹤用很严肃的语气回答道:“我也要同深海栖舰战斗。因为我在‘那场战争’中可是名符其实的主力航空母舰…!”
  587. >"No, 'Admiral,'" Zuikaku pronounced with the utmost solemnity, "I, too, will fight the abyssals. After all, I served in "That War" as the Illustrious Aircraft Carrier of the Main Force....!"
  588. “瑞鹤…”
  589. >"Zuikaku...."
  590. 翔鹤抑制住情感轻声呼唤。“提督”也用力点了点头。
  591. >As if fighting to suppress complicated emotions, Shoukaku called softly. The "Admiral", too, nodded firmly.
  592. “明白了。但是,就先暂且把这当作你现在的决意吧。”
  593. >"Understood. But, for now, please treat this simply as your current decision."
  594. “现在的?”
  595. >"Current....?"
  596. “从今天开始的两周时间,会把你当做普通的舰娘来对待。”“提督”竖起了右手的食指和中指:“在那之后,我想再听听你的结论。”
  597. >"In the next two weeks, starting tomorrow, I will treat you as a regular shipgirl." The Admiral raised his index and middle finger. "When that is over, I wish to hear your conclusion."
  599. 4.
  600. >4.
  601. 办公室的对话之后,瑞鹤才发现,被提督和翔鹤姐带到的镇守府旅馆意外的豪华。
  602. >It was only after the conversation in the office that Zuikaku realized that the Admiral and Shoukaku-nee's Naval District Hotel was surprisingly luxurious.
  603. 虽然看上去是普通的和式旅馆,但走进里边却很宽广。外部装饰及内部装修都给人以一种有着悠久传统的老字号旅馆的感觉。并且,在旅馆的地界中有多处温泉,在这之中还有一个露天温泉浴场。据说那里是最适宜参加战斗舰娘们祛除疲劳的地方。
  604. >Although it seemed quite normal from the outside, it proved incredibly spacious. The decor gave off an impression of age and tradition, both inside and out. Moreover, hot springs abounded on the hotel's grounds, including an outdoor spa. It was said that it was the mostp popular venue for shipgirls hoping to shed the fatigue of their last campaign.
  605. “我们在这里一边生活,一边帮着打理旅馆,还在这里学习,刻苦训练。就这样过着每一天哦。”
  606. >"We all live here, tending the hotel, learning, training every day."
  607. 在告别了“提督”之后,两人一边在走廊里走着,翔鹤一边对瑞鹤如是说。
  608. >After saying goodbye to the "Admiral,", the two walked down the hallway, Shoukaku explaining to Zuikaku as they went.
  609. “所以这里对我们来说不仅是原本意义上的镇守府,更是我们的容身之所。无论经历了多么艰苦的战斗,只要回到这里就有同伴在等着我们。我觉得这真是非常幸福的事。”
  610. >That's why this isn't just our Naval district, but our refuge, our shelter. No matter how hard the battles, no matter how tough the obstacles, we fight because we know that, when we come back, all our comrades are waiting for us. It is our blessing."
  611. “在‘那场战争’中,都没怎么见到过其他舰队的舰艇呢。”
  612. >"We didn't get to see the other girls much during 'That War.'"
  613. 瑞鹤深有感慨地点了点头。
  614. >Shoukaku nodded regretfully.
  615. 两人的脚步自然地在前厅停下,这样就把整个旅馆都参观了一遍了。
  616. >The two girl's footstops came naturally to a halt in the lobby, having toured through the entirety of the naval district.
  617. “好了,旅馆的向导任务到这里就完成了。瑞鹤,虽然现在说有些晚:欢迎来到我们的镇守府,今后也请多多指教了哦。”
  618. >"Right, the Hotel Orientation is now complete. Zuikaku, although it's a little belated: Welcome to our Naval District, and let us be in each other's care."
  619. “嗯,那时不知怎的一下就知道是翔鹤姐了,今后也请多多指教了。”
  620. >"mm, at that time, without know how, I had already recognized Shoukaku-nee. From here on out, let's take care of each other."
  621. 瑞鹤牵起翔鹤的双手,接着二人的视线相接,不知为何一起笑了起来。
  622. >Zuikaku grabbed Shoukaku's hands. For a moment, their gazes crossed--and a moment later burst into inexplicable laughter.
  623. “啊哈哈,真没想到能这样与翔鹤姐交谈,翔鹤姐你是什么时候就到这里了?”
  624. >>"Ahahaha, I never thought I'd be able to talk to Shoukaku-nee like this. When'd you come here, Shoukaku-nee?"
  625. “大约半年前就在这里了哦,那之后一直作为主力在最前线战斗呢。”
  626. >>"About half a year ago. Since then, I've been on the front lines with the main force."
  627. “真不愧是翔鹤姐!不辱正规空母之名。”
  628. >"As expected of Shoukaku-nee! Upholding the name of us Standard Carriers."
  629. “嘿嘿,现在开始瑞鹤也一样哦,只要努力的话,一定可以与我并肩战斗的。就跟‘那场战争’开始时一样。”
  630. >"Hmhm, but from here on out it'll be the same for Zuikaku. As long as you put your heart on it, we'll be able to fight shoulder to shoulder again, just like how things were when 'That War' began."
  631. 本来军舰在建成之后要进行几个月的训练,在船员与军舰磨合良好之后才会被派往最前线。但是,在‘那场战争’临开战才建成的翔鹤和瑞鹤,仅仅接受了一次短暂的高强度训练,就出色完成了命运般的的首次出阵。(译者注:指珍珠港事件)
  632. >Originally when a warship was complete it went through several months of training, not deploying to the front lines until crew and warship had synchronized. However, Shoukaku and Zuikaku had only just been completed when 'That War' loomed, and they received only a short period of intense training before completing That Fateful First Battle. (Chinese Translator's Note: Pearl Harbor)
  633. 但是,瑞鹤从翔鹤的话中察觉到一个问题。
  634. >However, Zuikaku noticed an issue with Shoukaku's words.
  635. “那个,嗯…翔鹤姐…有个有点难以启齿问题…能问一下吗?”
  636. >"Well, um....Shoukaku-nee.....I have a bit of a....sensitive it okay if I ask you?"
  637. 翔鹤也察觉到了些什么,便用真诚的眼神看着瑞鹤点了点头。
  638. >It seemed as if Shoukaku had notied too, for, with sincere eyes, she nodded to Zuikaku.
  639. “嗯。我刚来的时候也因为不知道问谁而烦恼了好几天呢。”
  640. >"Mmm. When I first came, I, too, spent several days worrying about who I could talk to."
  641. “这样啊,那我就放心问了……”
  642. >"Well in that case, I'm going to fire away."
  643. 这一定是我作为舰娘的性格吧——这样想着,瑞鹤说出了她的问题。
  644. >This must be my personality as a shipgirl, Zuikaku thought as she voiced her concern.
  645. “听说了么,‘那场战争’的结局,到底是怎样的呢?”
  646. >"Well, about 'That War''d it end?"
  647. “……”
  649. “我想翔鹤姐已经知道了,在翔鹤姐沉没四个月之后,我在菲律宾近海的恩加诺海角沉没了。为了吸引敌人机动部队的火力,担当了诱饵部队。”
  650. >"I figured Shoukaku-nee already knew--about four months after Shoukaku-nee sank, I fought in the Phillippine sea at Cape Engano as bait for their carrier planes. I sank there."
  651. 回想起了自己最后的场景。不断地冒着黑烟,舰身倾斜停在宽阔的洋面上。还有集中在飞行甲板上的乘务人员,更有誓与舰共存亡的舰长。
  652. >Zuikaku saw those last moments:the pillars of smoke grabbing at the sky; her hull, slowly tilting on the infinite and unforgiving sea; the crew on the decks; and, lastly, the commander, avowed to live and die with his ship.
  653. 但是自己对“那场战争”的记忆也就停留于此了,至于战争的结局如何,则无从知晓。
  654. >But her memories of "That War" ended there. What happened at the end was a mystery.
  655. 不知这是幸运还是不幸,为了再次与敌人战斗,自己再次诞生于这世上。正因如此,就算是为了整理好自己的思绪也好,想要知道最后的结局。
  656. >Was it fortune's plan or misfortune's conspiracy that she was born to fight again on this world? This was why she had to know--even if it was just to straighten her thoughts out, she had to know the ending.
  657. 不仅是自己,还有把生命托付于自己的船员们一起奋战的‘那场战争’的结局到底怎样了呢,我们的奋斗又到底有什么意义呢。
  658. >And what of the crewmen who had lived, loved and fought for all they loved on her? What finale awaited at the end of "That War," and for what end did we all play our roles with such resolve?
  659. “担当诱饵什么的就不说了,我从一开始就接受了。但是,在那之后,结果究竟是……”
  660. >"I won't say anything about being bait, that was a role I had accepted from the start. But, afterwards, in the end...."
  661. “正如你想象的一样。”
  662. >"It is as you thought."
  663. 翔鹤平静地小声说道。听到这话,瑞鹤的呼吸都暂时停下了。
  664. >Shoukaku's soft words froze Zuikaku's breath in her throat.
  665. “这样啊,果然,就是这样呢……”
  666. >"Ah, that's what happened. As I thought, that's what happened..."
  667. 空虚感先于悲伤在胸中扩散开来——但是,眼眶中渗出的泪水还是模糊了视线。
  668. >First, she felt emptiness--and then an intense sadness that flooded in to fill the gap, seeping through every crevice of her being; and yet, through her tears, Zuikaku saw clearly.
  669. 自己沉没的时候,战况已经到了令人绝望的地步。在那之后等待她们的将是什么,每个人心里都多多少少察觉到一些了。但是,就算这样我们还是不得不去战斗。至少,自己的大部分船员们是这样坚信着的……
  670. >By the time she had sunk, the war had long since become untenable. What would come afterwards had been an open secret long since shared by every man who still fought. But that was why they--we--had to still fight on. At the very least, that had been the conclusion of most of the seamen....
  671. “大家,明明都很努力了……我们难道做错了吗…”
  672. >"Everyone, we worked so hard...what...did we do something wrong....?"
  673. “瑞鹤。”
  674. >"Zuikaku."
  675. 翔鹤把翔鹤紧紧抱在自己胸前。
  676. >A sudden warmth, as Shoukaku tightly held Zuikaku to her chest.
  677. “没事的,我们的祖国在‘那场战争’过后,马上就复兴并且成为了和平富饶的国家哦。”
  678. >"It's okay. After 'That War', our nation returned, almost instantly, into a peaceful, wealthy nation once more."
  679. “……”
  680. >"....."
  681. “我也还没整理好心绪,就连‘那场战争’是正确的还是错误的也还不明白。但是,正因为这样,我们才被赋予了第二次机会。再一次,拯救那些无辜的人们……并且,救赎我们自己。”
  682. >"I have not completely come to terms with it either. I don't know whether we were in the right or in the wrong during 'That War'. But what I do know is that we have been given a second chance. Another chance to save the helpless.....and, maybe, in the process, save ourselves."
  683. 为了救赎自己——这对瑞鹤来说,是今后路上的新航标。
  684. >To redeem oneself--for Zuikaku, this would be the new heading.
  685. 如果只是一艘军舰的话,即使有了感情,也不会产生这样的想法吧。而正因为我们是舰娘,才会这样想。
  686. >Even if a warship had been given emotions, she would not have come to this conclusion. It is because we are shipgirls that we think, and therefore we are.
  687. “所以,我不会再沉没,更不打算再失败。瑞鹤你……也是这么想的吧?”
  688. >"That's why I won't sink and I damn well won't lose. Zuikaku, think that as well, right?"
  689. “嗯……”
  690. >"mmmm...."
  691. 对着温柔地微笑着的翔鹤,瑞鹤勉强露出了笑容。
  692. >Faced with Shoukaku's soft smile, Zuikaku forced a grin.
  693. “要努力了呢,对吧……!”
  694. >"Gotta work hard, right...!"
  696. 5
  698. 鎮守府的別館一樓,有許多常被當成宴會場地的大房間。
  699. >In one of the Naval District's annexes/adjoining buildings, there are many rooms that can serve as banquet halls.
  700. 通常,艦娘們會在這裏用早餐,或是聆聽前輩艦娘的授課。
  701. >Usually, the shipgirls will eat breakfast here or receive training from their seniors/senpai.
  702. 不過,這一天比較特別。
  703. >But today was a little special.
  704. 大房間「波浪之房」裏聚集了總共一百一十名以上的艦娘──畫面只能用壯觀形容──以及同樣份數的餐點。
  705. >Within the large "Tidal Room" were assembled over a hundred and ten shipgirls. The scene was impressive, and the equally numerous dishes even more so.
  706. 台上,瑞鶴緊張得渾身僵硬。
  707. >On top of the dias, Zuikaku twitched, immobile.
  708. 「好的!所以說,今天這場『賀!瑞鶴鎮守府到任慶祝會』的司儀,就由艦隊偶像那珂擔任~!請~多指教~!」
  709. >"Alright! Well then, I'm today's 'Cheers! Zuikaku Naval District Enlistment Banquet' MC, Idol of the Fleet, Naka-chang da yo~! Pleased to meet everyone~!"
  710. 具有偶像般外表與開朗聲音的艦娘──輕巡洋艦那珂熟練地將麥克風遞向瑞鶴。
  711. >With an Idol's appearance and a voice that oozed merriment, the light cruiser Naka pointed the mic at Zuikaku with a practiced hand.
  712. 「那麽,雖然有點突然,不過就請瑞鶴告訴大家妳到任的感想吧!」
  713. >"Well then, although it's a little sudden, could you tell everyone your thoughts and feelings, Zuikaku?"
  714. 「感、感想……?」
  715. >"M-my...f-feelings?"
  716. 瑞鶴畏畏縮縮地問道。剛剛她在翔鶴帶領下抵達自己房間,正在研究有關「這個世界」的資料時,其他艦娘突然闖進房裏把她帶到這裏來。
  717. >Zuikaku responded hesitantly. She had just been led by Shoukaku to her room and was just about to research "this world" when the other shipgirls had barged in, bringing her here.
  718. 事前准備是其他艦娘瞞著瑞鶴完成的。在這間鎮守府裏,艦娘們似乎都盡可能地避免於日常生活中麻煩員工。
  719. >The other shipgirls had personally made the preparations, all hidden from Zuikaku; in this Naval District it appeared that shipgirls wished to involve and disturb the normal staff in their daily lives as much as possible.
  720. (突然問這種事,我也……!)
  721. >(Pulling this out of the blue, I....!)
  722. 少女對翔鶴送出求助的眼神──但翔鶴只是愉快地微笑並揮揮手。看樣子她早就知道這件事,卻故意瞞著妹妹不說。
  723. >The young girl looked at Shoukaku with a pleading gaze--but Shoukaku merely waved cheerily. It seemed as if she had always known and had concealed it from her dear sister.
  724. (翔鶴姊~!)
  725. >(Shoukaku-nee~!)
  726. 「來來來,帶著微笑統~統說出來吧!如果不說,就由那珂代替妳高歌一曲囉~!」
  727. >"Heyheyhey, tell us with a s~mile!! If you got nothing, then let Naka-chang sing you a song or two~!"
  728. 「已經聽膩啦熊熊────」(註:球磨日文發音同熊(クマ)。)
  729. >"Girl you've dropped your mixtape more time than we ever cared to hear it, kuma--"
  730. 抱怨聲立刻飛往台上。出聲的是一名頭髮翹起的艦娘──似乎是輕巡球磨。那珂生氣地回「妳很失禮耶~!」
  731. >Groans and grumbles flew towards the stage, led by a shipgirl with a strand of hair that might pick up FM--apparently the ligh cruiser Kuma. "Rude~!" Naka retorted angrily.
  732. 「那、那個……我是翔鶴型航母2號艦,瑞鶴!」
  733. >"W,well then.....I'm the second Aircraft Carrier of the Shoukaku-class, Zuikaku!"
  734. 瑞鶴將那珂遞來的麥克風指向嘴邊,在冷汗直冒的情況下開了口。
  735. >Zuikaku hastily pointed the mic to her mouth, blurting out the first thing that came to mind.
  736. 「『那場戰爭』時,我在開戰前夕完工,之後參加了好幾場重要的戰役。由於我直到馬裏亞納海戰損傷前幾乎毫髮無傷,因此被稱爲『幸運航母』……雖然我只是拚了命地努力而已。」
  737. >"During 'That War', I had only just been finished when I joined several important battles. Because I was virtually unscathed until the battle of the Marianas, I was called the "Lucky Carrier"....although I only did my best."
  738. 這麽說來,人們曾用這個名字稱呼我──瑞鶴下意識地將「幸運航母」這個詞說出口,才想起這麽一段往事。
  739. >That is to say, people once called me this--it was only once "the Lucky Carrier" left her mouth that she realized.
  740. 「說實話,我成爲艦娘還不到一天,看到的、碰到的一切全都很新鮮……可是,我非常高興、非常開心!」
  741. >"To be honest, I've barely been a carrier for a day. Everything I've seen and met has been, I'm really happy, really excited!"
  742. 所有艦娘的視線都集中在瑞鶴身上。瑞鶴也在視野角落發現了提督的身影。
  743. >As over a hundred and ten pairs of eyes centered on Zuikaku, she spotted the Admiral's silhouette from the corner of her eye.
  744. 「因此,我也想以艦娘的身分,跟大家一起保護這個世界。從今以後,還請大家多多多指教!」
  745. >"That's why I, too, want to fight as a shipgirl and protected the world with everybody. From here on out, please take care of me!"
  746. 如雷掌聲響起。那珂再度上台。
  747. >As the rang out, Naka returned to the stage.
  748. 「謝謝瑞鶴精彩的問候!『幸運航母』,真讓人羨慕!那珂也希望可以分點妳的幸運,繼續站在舞台中央!那麽,今天大家就別拘束,准備舉杯吧!」
  749. >"Thank you Naka for your exciting greeting. 'The Lucky Carrier' sure makes me envious! Naka hopes to share a bit of your luck, so she can continue to stand on the center stage! Well then, without further ado, let us raise a glass!"
  750. 同型艦──也就是姊妹──坐在一起的艦娘們,將飲料倒入對面艦娘的杯中。
  751. >Ships of the same class--that is, siblings--sat together pouring drinks into neighboring shipgirl's cups.
  752. 「准備好了嗎?那麽,恭喜瑞鶴到任!乾杯~!」
  753. >"Are you ready? Well then, congraturations, Zuikaku! Cheers~!"
  754. 「乾杯」的喊聲與杯子碰撞的清脆聲響接連不斷,宴會就此開始。
  755. >With a chorus of "kanpai" and the endless clink of glasses, the banquet began.
  756. ◇◇◇
  758. 不用多少時間,場面便已酒酣耳熱。似乎每當鎮守府有新艦娘到任,就會像這樣擺設宴席接風洗塵。
  759. >In no time at all, the banquet had already gotten under way. Apparently, this welcome banquet was hosted every time a new shipgirl joined the district.
  760. 瑞鶴忙著應付接連前來打招呼的艦娘們。她們大多是外觀較瑞鶴年幼或看起來年齡相近的驅逐艦與巡洋艦。
  761. >Zuikaku hurriedly greeted the line of shipgirls that came to meet her. Most of them appeared to be cruisers and destroyers, girls her age or younger.
  762. 翔鶴則在旁邊負責介紹。
  763. >At the side, Shoukaku helped with introductions.
  764. 「好、好、好久不見了,瑞鶴姊……!」
  765. >"I-I-I-It's b-been a long time, Zuikaku-onee....!"
  766. 不知是第幾位來打招呼的艦娘──驅逐艦潮搭話時顯得比瑞鶴還要緊張。
  767. >Zuikaku had lost count of how many had come--Destroyer Ushio seemed nervous enough for the two of them.
  768. 「那個,珊瑚海海戰承蒙妳照顧了……!」
  769. >"U,um, thanks for t-taking care of us at the Coral Sea....!"
  770. 「潮?哇~妳變得好可愛耶!」
  771. >"Ushio? Uwaahhh~you've become so cute,"
  772. 瑞鶴驚呼出聲。
  773. >Zuikaku exclaimed.
  774. 她跟潮曾經在珊瑚海海戰時並肩作戰,這場戰役更以「有史以來第一次航母對戰」聞名於世。
  775. >She had once fought alongside Ushio in the coral sea, the battle that came to be a"the first carrier battle"
  776. 「珊瑚海海戰我記得很清楚唷。嗯。記得潮當時很努力地護衛翔鶴姊吧?謝謝妳囉!」
  777. >"I remember the Coral Sea perfectly. mm. Ushio fought really hard to protect Shoukaku-nee, right? Thanks for that!"
  778. 「沒、沒什麽啦!我知道航母姊姊們比較辛苦……可是,聽到瑞鶴姊的稱讚,讓我好開心……」
  779. >"I-it's nothing! I know that the work for the Carrier onee-sans is much harder....but to hear Zuikaku-onee's praise makes me really happy....."
  780. 潮滿臉通紅,看來她很害羞。
  781. >Ushio flushed red--it seemed she was a shy girl.
  782. 「那麽,我就先告退了……參加過珊瑚海海戰的曙也在鎮守府裏,今後還請多關照我們姊妹!」
  783. >Well then, I'm leaving now....Akebono, who also took part in the coral sea, is also here, please take care of us sisters!"
  784. 「嗯,請多指教囉!」
  785. >"mmm, pleased to meet you!"
  786. 一名衣著跟瑞鶴同樣近似弓道服的嬌小艦娘接替潮出現。她先是一鞠躬,然後很有禮貌地跪坐。
  787. >A short little shipgirl dressed in a Kyudo uniform like Zuikaku followed Ushio. Bowing, she knelt politely.
  788. 「我是輕型航母瑞鳳,很高興能夠再次見面。」
  789. >"I'm the light carrier Zuihou, honored to meet you once again."
  790. 「瑞鳳!妳也在鎮守府?」
  791. >"Zuihou! You're at this naval district too?"
  792. 瑞鶴不禁牽起瑞鳳的手。從中途島海戰後到馬裏亞納海戰前,瑞鳳一直是與瑞鶴、翔鶴共組新生第一航空戰隊的夥伴。儘管在同戰隊時一起參加的戰役只有南太平洋海戰,但她們有段很長的時間一起待在後方訓練。
  793. >Zuikaku could not stop herself from seizing Zuihou's hand. From Midway to the Marianas, Zuihou had served with Zuikaku and Shoukaku as a comrade to the new 1stCarDiv. Even if their shared experiences were limited to the South Pacific, they shared a long history of training together back at home.
  794. 瑞鳳露出真誠的笑容。
  795. >Zuihou cracked into an earnest smile.
  796. 「是的!以輕型航母來說,其他包括鳳翔姊在內還有好幾位呢。」
  797. >"Yes! Talking about light carriers, there are a few others, including Sho'ho'-nee."
  798. 「這樣啊。又能並肩作戰了,真讓人開心!請多指教囉!」
  799. >"Ah, is that so. To be able to fight together again makes me happy! Let's take care of each other!"
  800. 「好的。還有瑞鶴姊,有件事得偷偷告訴妳……」
  801. >"Of course. Also, Zuikaku-nee, there's something I need to tell you in private...."
  802. 瑞鳳小聲地在瑞鶴耳邊說道:
  803. >Zuihou leaned over as she whispered into Zuikaku's ear.
  804. 「請小心提督。那個人跟表面上看起來不一樣,是個性騷擾魔神……」
  805. >"Be careful of the Admiral. He is not as he seems, he's a depraved, perverse demon!"
  806. 「啊~這點我剛才已經親身體驗過了……」
  807. >"Ah~I've already had a bit of personal experience on that subject..."
  808. 瑞鶴瞄向提督的座位──提督窩在會場的角落,跟剛才來打過招呼的驅逐艦雷、電一起不知道在鬧什麽。看他跟外表像小孩的艦娘玩耍,給人一種相當危險的印象。
  809. >Zuikaku eyed the Admiral's seat, nestled in the corner--he seemed to be raising a ruckus with the destroyers Inazuma and Ikazuchi that she had met earlier. His frolics with the childlike shipgirls left a rather dangerous impression.
  810. 瑞鳳心領神會地頷首。
  811. >Zuihou nodded with understanding.
  812. 「總之務必小心,。也請妳警告翔鶴姊,因爲提督最喜歡欺負像她那樣溫柔的女孩子。如果放著不管,他會得意忘形!」
  813. >"The point is to be careful. And please warn Shoukaku-nee--the Admiral likes bullying the demure ones the most. If you let him go about his business he gets carried away!"
  814. 「知道了,我會提醒翔鶴姊。」
  815. >"I understand, and I'll convey the warning to Shoukaku-nee."
  816. 瑞鳳從瑞鶴身邊退開,然後敬禮。
  817. >Backing away from Zuikaku, Zuihou saluted.
  818. 「那麽,今後請多指教!改天我們一起帶著便當去哪邊玩吧!」
  819. >"Well then, let's get along! Let's go out somewhere to play another day!"
  820. 「謝謝妳,瑞鳳!」
  821. >"Thank you, Zuihou!"
  822. 目送瑞鳳離去後,瑞鶴小聲詢問翔鶴:
  823. >Once she had seen Zuihou off, Zuikaku leaned towards Shoukaku.
  824. 「翔鶴姊,提督是個怎樣的人啊……?」
  825. >"Shoukaku-nee, what kind of person is the Admiral," she murmured?
  826. 「咦?這個嘛……」
  827. >"Eh? Well...."
  828. 翔鶴稍微想了一會兒後,害羞地回答:
  829. >After considering it a while, Shoukaku responded with some embarrassment.
  830. 「是個好人。他在戰場上很能幹,在鎮守府裏也隨時關心我們的生活……除了比較喜歡肢體上的接觸外,是個很普通的男人……」
  831. >"He's a good person. He's capable on the battlefield and cares a lot for our well-being and daily lives. If he weren't so...physically friendly, he's a very normal man."
  832. 「等、等一下!翔鶴姊妳在說什麽啊?」
  833. >"W,wait a minute! What are you thinking about, Shoukaku-nee!"
  834. 「哎呀,那我再補充一點好了。男人都是那樣的吧?他常在岸邊盤著手臂說『掀可愛女孩的裙子,是男子漢的義務與浪漫』喔。」
  835. >"Ah, I guess I'll elaborate a little more. Are all men like that? He frequently waits on the shore with his arm crossed, saying 'flicking a girl's skirt is a real man's duty and romance'...or something like that."
  836. (翔鶴姊被騙了!絕對是被騙了!)
  837. >(Shoukaku-nee's been deceived! She's definitely been deceived!)
  838. 瑞鶴頭痛地按著前額。既然翔鶴是這副德行,其他艦娘也上當的可能性很高。
  839. >Zuikaku rubbed her forehead with exasperation. If Shoukaku acted like this, it was likely that countless other shipgirls had also been fooled.
  840. 翔鶴沒特別注意妹妹的樣子,逕自站起身來。
  841. >Shoukaku, who did not appear to have noticed her sister's trepidation, straightened up.
  842. 「那麽瑞鶴,時間差不多了,我們去向學姊們打招呼吧。」
  843. >"Well then, Zuikaku, there's not much time, let us go and greet our seniors."
  844. 「『學姊們』……是指坐在那邊的……?」
  845. >"'Seniors' you mean the ones sitting over there....?"
  846. 瑞鶴看向會場邊緣,戰艦與標准航母等艦娘坐在那裏。或許是身爲主力的氣度吧,那邊散發出一股泰然自若的氣氛。
  847. >Looking to the edge of the hall, Zuikaku noted the Battleships and Standard Carriers sitting there. Perhaps it was their status as the main force that gave them their formidable aura.
  848. 「我知道了。翔鶴姊會陪我一起去吧?」
  849. >"Got it. Will you come with me, Shoukaku-nee?"
  850. 「當然。」
  851. >"Of course."
  852. 瑞鶴與翔鶴從戰艦開始依序打招呼。戰艦長門、陸奧、伊勢、日向、扶桑、山城,巡洋戰艦金剛、比叡、榛名、霧島──大家都是在「那個世界」擔任主力,身經百戰的艦艇。
  853. >Zuikaku and Shoukaku started their greetings from the Battleships. Battleships Nagato, Mutsu, Ise, Hyuuga, Fusou, Yamashiro, Battlecruisers Kongou, Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima--in "That World," they were the main force, veterans of a hundred battles (note: >implying)
  854. 「WOW!瑞鶴,好久不見了呢──!」
  855. >"व्वा! Zuikaku, it's been a long time dess--!"
  856. 金剛型姊妹的長女金剛開心地說道。
  857. >The eldest of the Kongou Sisters boomed happily.
  858. 「在機動部隊時承蒙妳關照啦!今後也請多指教!」
  859. >"I was under your care as part of the mobile force! From here on out, I'll be in your care as well!"
  860. 「嗯,好的……」
  861. >"Mm, alright...."
  862. 儘管金剛出乎意料地亢奮讓人有些疑惑,瑞鶴依舊點頭回應。這麽說來,記得金剛原本是在英國誕生的巡洋戰艦──
  863. >Though Kongou's unexpectedly boisterous response seemed a little suspicious, Zuikaku responded as always. She remembered the Kongou had originally been a British-born Battlecruiser--
  864. 就這樣,瑞鶴也先後跟其他戰艦打招呼。每位戰艦的外型與性格都十分獨特,這點跟其他艦種一樣。
  865. >And with that, Zuikaku greeted the rest of the battleships one after the other. Each Battleship's appearance and temperament seemed different, just like the other classes
  866. 最後是散發出不幸氣息的扶桑、山城姊妹。瑞鶴跟她們說完話後,在起身時心想:
  867. >The last were the unfortunate-seeming sisters Fusou and Yamashiro. As she finished her greetings, Zuikaku thought to herself
  868. (「她們兩個」果然還沒來呢……)
  869. >(As expected, "those two" haven't come......)
  870. 跟自己於同一時期開始建造,號稱規模世界最大、最強的兩艘新型戰艦。
  871. >Those two warships, built at the same time as she was and said to be the world's largest and strongest Battleships.
  872. 然而她們和自己不一樣,直到大戰終盤都沒什麽機會實戰。
  873. >And yet they were not like her--until there remained nothing to win, they saw little action.
  874. (將來有機會見面嗎……?)
  875. >(Will we have a chance to meet in the future....?)
  876. 「赤城學姊、加賀學姊,這位是我妹妹瑞鶴,她今天到任。」
  877. >"Akagi-senpai, Kaga-senpair, this is my sister Zuikaku, enlisting today."
  878. 翔鶴一邊這麽說,一邊讓瑞鶴跪坐在兩位艦娘面前。
  879. >As she said this, Shoukaku motioned for Zuikaku to kneel in front of the two warships.
  880. 標准航母赤城與加賀──組成第一航空戰隊的兩名艦娘。戰爭中,從掀開序幕的珍珠港襲擊、南方作戰、印度洋作戰,一直到中途島海戰,她們都在同一個戰隊活躍。
  881. >Standard Aircraft Carriers Akagi and Kaga formed the two shipgirls of the 1st Carrier Division. The opening strikes of Pearl Harbor; the battles in the South; the Indian Ocean Raid, all the way up to the battle of midway, they had distinguished themselves together.
  882. 赤城與加賀都是由戰艦改造而成的大型航母,艦載機的搭載量不但可以和翔鶴型匹敵,甚至還在其之上,可說是機動部隊的主力。
  883. >Akagi and Kaga had both been converted from Battleships (note: that's what it says, I know Akagi was made from a battlecruisers. On the other hand, senkan (戰艦) can be used in Chinese in lieu of "Warship", so it's very technically correct)into large carriers. As main force of the mobile divisions, their carrier load not long matched, but exceeded that of the Shoukaku class.
  884. 對於瑞鶴、翔鶴來說,一航戰的兩位相當於學姊。初戰時,一航戰的技術完全淩駕於瑞鶴、翔鶴所屬的五航戰之上,可說是兩姊妹崇拜的對象。
  885. >To Shoukaku and Zuikaku, these two members of the 1stCarDiv were senpai. In the early battles, the skill and training of the 1stCarDiv far exceeded that of Shoukaku and Zuikaku's 5thCarDiv--you could say they were the two sisters' idol.
  886. 「我是瑞鶴,請多指教,還有好久不見,學姊!」
  887. >"I'm Zuikaku, I'm in your care. It's been a long time, senpai!"
  888. 「好久不見了呢,瑞鶴。」
  889. >"It has been a long time, Akagi."
  890. 赤城拿著飯量多得讓人嚇一跳的碗,微笑以對。
  891. >Holding a fearsome bowl of rice, Akagi smiled lightly.
  892. 「雖然事情來得突然會讓人有很多地方不習慣,不過要好好加油喔。希望妳能盡快成爲這個鎮守府的主力。」
  893. >"Although it's a rather disconcerting situation, I hope you do your best. I look forwards to you becoming this naval district's main force."
  894. 「謝謝學姊!我也會努力讓自己變得跟學姊們一樣!加賀學姊,也請妳多指教!」
  895. >"Thank you, Senpai! I will also work hard to become just like you senpai! Kaga-senpai, I'm in your care!"
  896. 「…………」
  897. >[The Pride of the 1st CarDiv Intensifies]
  898. 聽到瑞鶴這句話,加賀沈默地飲盡杯中酒。瑞鶴則是眨著眼等待加賀的回答。
  899. >Having listened to Zuikaku, Kaga silently finished her wine. Zuikaku blinked in expectation of Kaga's response.
  900. ──過了約莫十秒,加賀嘆了口氣問瑞鶴:
  901. >--After some ten seconds, Kaga sighed.
  902. 「瑞鶴,我有個問題想問妳,行嗎?」
  903. >"Zuikaku, I have a question to ask you, is that alright?"
  904. 「是、是……?」
  905. >"Y-yes?"
  906. 「妳說『跟我們一樣』是什麽意思?」
  907. >"What exactly do you mean by 'just like us'?"
  908. 加賀並未正眼看瑞鶴。但瑞鶴沒有發現這點,乾脆地回答:
  909. >Kaga had not yet even looked at Zuikaku--but, oblivious, Zuikaku answered frankly.
  910. 「是。我希望能跟赤城學姊和加賀學姊一樣,成爲經驗豐富的艦隊主力!」
  911. >"Yes. I hope to learn to be like Akagi-senpai and Kaga-senpai and become an experienced main force for the fleet!"
  912. 「妳的意思是,只要累積經驗就能追上我們?」
  913. >"So you're saying that you can catch up to us with a bit of experience?"
  914. 「是的!而且我還保有直到大戰末期的記憶。只要記取教訓,一定可以……!」
  915. >"Yes! And we have memories of 'That War,' up until near the end. As long as we learn from our mistakes, we'll be able to......!"
  916. 「是嗎?別拿我們跟妳相提並論。」
  917. >"Is that so? Don't compare us with you lot."
  918. 加賀冰冷的聲音──瞬間讓氣氛凍結。
  919. >Kaga's ice-cold response seemed to have turned the thermostat down a few degrees or ten.
  920. 瑞鶴也當場僵住。短暫的沈默後,她畏畏縮縮地問:
  921. >Zuikaku, too, froze on the spot. After a brief silence, she spoke up timidly.
  922. 「……這是什麽意思?」
  923. >"...what are you saying?"
  924. 「我說,別拿我們跟妳這個五航戰的相提並論。」
  925. >"I am saying, do not speak of your 5thCarDiv and us as if we are the same."
  926. 場面變得更僵──所幸聽到加賀這些話的人只有寥寥數名,不至於破壞宴會的氣氛。
  927. >If it was chilly before it was arctic now--thankfully, only a few had heard Kaga's words, and the banquet continued unabated.
  928. 「我和赤城的一航戰,跟妳們五航戰不一樣。現在的妳不管再怎麽努力都追不上我們,所以別拿我們跟妳相提並論。」
  929. >"Akagi and I, and our 1stCarDiv, are not like your 5thCarDiv. You can work as hard as you'd like and you'd never catch up to us, so don't lump us together with you."
  930. 「加賀……!」
  931. >"Kaga....!"
  932. 赤城連忙出面制止加賀,但瑞鶴已經氣得滿臉通紅、渾身發抖。
  933. >Akagi hurriedly (note: hurriedly would have been three sentences ago.) moved to stop Kaga, but Zuikaku was already shaking, her face red.
  934. (這根本就是侮辱……!)
  935. >(This is just her shitting on me.....!)
  936. 「學姊,說是這麽說……」
  937. >"Although you say that, senpai...."
  938. 瑞鶴瞪著加賀,小聲而激動地開口:
  939. >Zuikaku eyed Kaga squarely, her voice soft but furious.
  940. 「跟學姊們相比,我確實沒有一項贏得了……可是在『那場慘劇』之後,我們已不再是五航戰,而是以新生一航戰主力的身分努力過來!」
  941. >"Compared to you Dear Senpai, we don't stand a chance....but, after 'that tragedy', we stopped being the 5thCarDiv. We became a new 1stCarDiv, and we fought as hard as anyone!"
  942. 那場慘劇──指的就是中途島海戰。人稱海軍至寶的四艘航母──赤城、加賀、蒼龍、飛龍全數沈沒,這一戰只能用慘劇形容。
  943. >That tragedy, of course, was the Battle of Midway. The Navy's four jewels--Kaga, Akagi, Souryuu and Hiryuu, were all sunk--a battle which could not be called anything but tragedy.
  944. 翔鶴與瑞鶴是少數沒遭受牽連的航母。在那之後,她們以新生一航戰的身分,度過許多艱苦和光榮的日子。
  945. >Shoukaku and Zuikaku were some of the few carriers not to be involved. After that, they had taken on the mantle of teh 1stCarDiv and experienced days of both Glory and Suffering.
  946. 瑞鶴並不是要肯定那場慘劇,但對現在的她而言,之後擔任新生一航戰的記憶已經成了她的驕傲。一航戰之名不是只屬於赤城與加賀。五航戰這個稱號,對自己來說只是經歷的一部分──
  947. >Zuikaku was not glad for that tragedy--but to her, memories of taking on the mantle of the new 1stCarDiv were her pride. The name of the 1stCarDiv didn't simply belong to Akagi and Kaga. The name of the 5thCarDiv, for her, was simply a single part of her life--
  948. 可是,加賀搖了搖頭。
  949. >However, Kaga shook her head.
  950. 「現在的妳沒資格把這個詞掛在嘴上,永遠當妳的五航戰就夠了。一航戰這個榮譽的稱號屬於我和赤城。」
  951. >"You, in your current form, do not even deserve to speak that name--you can be the 5thCarDiv forever. The Glory of the 1stCarDiv belongs to me and Akagi (What glory, attacking a bunch of sleeping sailors and sinking?)"
  952. 「……!太過分了!請妳訂正妳的言論!」
  953. >".....! You take things too far. Please control your words!"
  954. 「我沒有打算訂正,因爲妳們跟我們差得遠了。當然,在那裏的二航戰姊妹也跟妳們不一樣。」
  955. >"I have no plans to control them for someone so far away from us. Of course, the sisters in the 2ndCarDiv over there are also nothing like you."
  956. 二航戰姊妹──坐在加賀旁邊的蒼龍與飛龍疑惑地看向兩人。
  957. >Sitting at Kaga's side, sisters Souryuu and Hiryuu watched the two indecisively.
  958. 「可是……!」
  959. >"But....!"
  960. 「那麽,要不要較量一下?」
  961. >"Well then, do you want to try it out?"
  962. 加賀話鋒一轉。
  963. >Kaga changed the topic.
  964. 「明天早上,在近海的演習水域。只有我跟妳一戰定勝負。只要能在我面前站到最後,我就認同妳的主張。當然,艦載機的機種一樣。我的技術遠比妳優秀,所以條件可能還是對妳不利,但我沒辦法保證自己會手下留情……」
  965. >"Tomorrow, in the practice waters, you and me. Stand in front of me until the end, and I will recognize your resolve. Of course, we'll use the same planes. It's a little unfair do to the skill difference, but I can't promise you a handicap...."
  966. 以加賀會勝利爲前提的條件──瑞鶴感覺自己的血壓又上升了。
  967. >Kaga spoke as if victory was already assured--Zuikaku felt her blood boil.
  968. 翔鶴連忙介入兩人之間。
  969. >Shoukaku hurried stepped between the two.
  970. 「學姊!瑞鶴才剛到鎮守府……連艦娘的戰鬥方式都還沒學過!」
  971. >"Senpai, Zuikaku just joined this naval district....she doesn't even know how to fight as a shipgirl!"
  972. 「我在問瑞鶴,沒妳的事。」
  973. >"This is not your business. I was talking to Zuikaku."
  974. 「學姊……!」
  975. >Senpai....!"
  976. 「我明白了。」
  977. >"I get it."
  978. 瑞鶴率直地頷首。
  979. >Zuikaku spoke bluntly.
  980. 「瑞鶴接受這場較量。」
  981. >"Zuikaku accepts this contest."
  983. 6
  984. >6.
  985. 天色尚未亮起,演習海域的水面還是一片暗藍。
  986. >The sun had yet to rise, and the practice waters remained in a mist of murky blue.
  987. 在這樣的狀況下,瑞鶴與加賀靜靜地對峙。彼此距離數百公尺,稍遠處則有數名艦娘負責見證。
  988. >It was on this scene that Zuikaku and Kaga faced each other silently. Separated by several hundred meters, they were watched from a distance by several shipgirls, serving as witnesses.
  989. 「相當於新舊一航戰的對決呢──」
  990. >"A battle between the new and old 1stCarDiv, huh--"
  991. 金剛抱胸而立,愉快地說道。
  992. >Kongou stood, arms crossed in front of her as she remarked with a leisurely voice.
  993. 「不過,身經百戰的加賀對上菜鳥瑞鶴,勝負好像已經很明顯了呢──霧島?」
  994. >"But for a seasoned veteran like Kaga to take on a rookie like Zuikaku...isn't this a bit of a foregone conclusion, Kirishima?"
  995. 「正如姊姊大人所說,瑞鶴毫無機會吧。」
  996. >"As Onee-sama said, Zuikaku stands no chance."
  997. 站在金剛身旁的霧島點點頭。
  998. >Standing next to Kongou, Kirishima nodded.
  999. 「加賀與赤城是鎮守府裏特別強大的標准航母。單靠瑞鶴一個人實在無能爲力……戰鬥結束後,瑞鶴應該會呈現離沈沒只差一步的狀態而倒地不起才是。」
  1000. >"Kaga and Akagi are among the Naval District's strongest Standard Carriers. If it's just Zuikaku, she can't possibly won...once this is over, Zuikaku's probably going to be a step away from sinking on the ground."
  1001. 「就算這樣瑞鶴仍然要挑戰,到底是爲什麽──?」
  1002. >"And yet in spite of this, Zuikaku wants to fight. Why is that--?"
  1003. 「我想,大概是要讓學姊看看自己的志氣。」
  1004. >"My guess is that she wants to show her senpai her resolve,"
  1005. 翔鶴不安地回答。
  1006. >Shoukaku replied, her voice laden with unease.
  1007. 「即使贏不了也要爭一口氣。還有,可以不如對方,但不能被對方瞧不起。畢竟我也是一航戰──當事者是這麽說的。我想是因爲不服氣吧。」
  1008. >"Even if she wins, she wants to get a good hit in. Zuikaku can accept being weaker, but she can't accept being belittled. 'After all, I, too, am the 1stCarDiv' was what she said. She probably can't accept the situation."
  1009. 「個性跟翔鶴完全相反呢──!」
  1010. >"She's quite the opposite of Shoukaku!"
  1011. 「妳教她艦娘的戰鬥方法了嗎?」
  1012. >"Did you teach her Carrier Combat?"
  1013. 霧島確認似地詢問翔鶴。
  1014. >Kirishima looked to Shoukaku for confirmation.
  1015. 「是的。水上運動與攻擊隊的起飛降落方法等等,昨晚已經大致上教過她了。攻擊隊編組需要時間,所以戰鬥中能攻擊的編隊有限,這點也告訴她了。」
  1016. >Yes. Surface movement, carrier launch and recovery, the limited period available for a carrier's attack group to form up and for the carrier to launch, I've taught her that and most of the basics."
  1017. 「演習是用模擬彈所以兩邊都不會受傷,放心吧──!」
  1018. >"Drills use simulated ammunition, so they won't be hurt. Don't worry--!"
  1019. 在金剛這麽說的同時,翔鶴則看向離自己稍微有點距離的地方。
  1020. >As Kongou spoke, Shoukaku's gaze turned to the distance.
  1021. 赤城與另外數名艦娘,就跟自己一樣盯著瑞鶴與加賀。
  1022. >Akagi and several other shipgirls watched Zuikaku and Kaga, just as she did.
  1023. 翔鶴發現了驅逐艦雪風與響的身影。一般來說,這兩名艦娘跟翔鶴姊妹之間應該沒什麽互動才對。
  1024. >Shoukaku spotted the outlines of destroyers Yukikaze and Hibiki. Normally, these two had little to do with the Shoukaku sisters.
  1025. (……果然是這樣呢。)
  1026. >( expected, that's how it is.)
  1027. 翔鶴察覺對方的意圖,嘆了口氣切換心情,再度看向瑞鶴與加賀。
  1028. >Shoukaku sighed as she realized her counterpart's intentions. Changing tack, she looked once more towards Zuikaku and Kaga.
  1029. 緊接著,赤城充滿英氣的號令響起。
  1030. >With an imposing voice, Akagi spoke, her words a decree.
  1031. 「瑞鶴與加賀的對抗演習──開始!」
  1032. >"The practice match between Zuikaku and Kaga hereby--begins! "
  1033. ◇◇◇
  1035. 在赤城聲音響起的同時,加賀舉起長弓、瑞鶴舉起短弓,兩人分別朝天空放箭。
  1036. >As Akagi's voice rang out, Kaga raised her longbow and Zuikaku her shortbow, both letting loose into the sky.
  1037. 「第一波攻擊隊,起飛!」
  1038. >"First Wave, launch!"
  1039. 「……這可不能讓。」
  1040. >"I will not give up here."
  1041. 第一波攻擊隊在空中集合完畢後,朝對手襲擊而去。
  1042. >The first wave of attack planes, having assembled in the sky, launched towards their targets.
  1043. (我好歹也是主力航母之一……才不會只求撐下去,一定要狠狠地還以顔色!)
  1044. >(Anyhow, I, too, am a carrier of the main force....fuck survival, son, we in it to win it!)
  1045. 攻擊隊自頭上通過。隊伍由零式艦載戰鬥機二一型、九九式艦載轟炸機、九七式艦載攻擊機這三個機種編組而成,每種數目都在二十左右。
  1046. >The attack planes passed over her. The unit consisted of Type 21 Carrier Fighters, Type 99 Carrier Dive-Bombers, and Type 97 Torpedo Bombers, roughly 20 of each.
  1047. 瑞鶴仰望著他們,同時握拳發誓。
  1048. >Watching them, Zuikaku raised her first in a silent vow.
  1049. (我跟加賀學姊的戰鬥技巧鐵定天差地遠……可是,我有在「那場戰爭」中培養出來的戰鬥經驗!)
  1050. >(There's a huge gap in skill between Kaga-senpai and I.....but I have the experience of 'That War'!"
  1051. 「艦載機們,轉換成鶴翼陣型!」
  1052. >"Carrier Planes, transition into the Crane Wing formation!"
  1053. 攻擊隊收到瑞鶴的命令,將陣型變爲三角形。中央是零戰,九九艦轟與九七艦攻則是左右各半。
  1054. >Acknowledging Zuikaku's order, her attack team formed into a triangle, Zeroes in the center and the Type 99s and Type 97s at the flanks.
  1055. 鶴翼陣型是在中途島海戰後,新生第一航空戰隊的母艦航空隊爲了消滅敵航母而反覆修練的陣型。只要以這個陣型飛向敵航母,艦轟隊與艦攻隊不必做出什麽高難度動作就能將敵航母鎖在三角形中央,並迅速轉爲左右夾擊。這是新生一航戰不再輕敵後研發的王牌──
  1056. >After the Battle of Midway, the Crane Wing formation had been developed and practiced by the New 1stCarDiv in order to defeat enemy carriers. With this formation, the fleet's bombers could envelope the enemy carrier between the three corners without complex maneuvers and rapidly transition into an attack from both sides. This was the trump card of the 1stCarDiv, developed after they no longer overestimated the enemy.
  1057. 瑞鶴之所以認爲自己能爭一口氣,就是因爲有這套戰術。
  1058. >And Zuikaku's belief in her chances came from this tactic.
  1059. (如果用這個攻擊陣型,就算是加賀學姊……!)
  1060. >(If I use this formation, even Kaga-senpai....!)
  1061. 另一方面,加賀的攻擊隊維持一般陣型,由負責制空戰鬥的零戰隊帶頭衝來。
  1062. >On the other hand, Kaga's attack force maintained a standard formation, with air superiority fighters leading the van.
  1063. 接著,雙方的零戰隊接觸──
  1064. >The two forces of Zeroes clashed--
  1065. 「……!怎麽會!」
  1066. >"......! How?!"
  1067. 「因爲大家都很優秀。」
  1068. >"They're all good kids."
  1069. 瑞鶴悲痛地吶喊,加賀則得意地低語──瑞鶴的攻擊隊很快就遭到加賀的零戰隊痛擊,在陣型崩潰的狀況下先後墜落。儘管瑞鶴的零戰隊也奮勇反擊,卻沒什麽效果。
  1070. >Zuikaku's distressed shout was met by Kaga's pleased mutter--Zuikaku's attack force was devastated by Kaga's zeroes, the individual planes plummeting as their formation crumpled. Zuikaku's Zeroes fought courageously, but with little effect.
  1071. 「爲什麽……?」
  1072. >"Why.....?"
  1073. 「我跟妳不一樣,搭載了將近四十架的零戰。」
  1074. >"Unlike you, I mounted about 40 Zeroes."
  1075. 加賀沈穩說著,瑞鶴則是瞠大眼睛。
  1076. >Zuikaku's eyes widened at Kaga's calm response.
  1077. 「四十架……!艦載機的一半都是戰鬥機?」
  1078. >"40......! Isn't that half the carrier complement?"
  1079. 「我們在那場戰役裏所犯的錯誤之一,就是艦載機編制過於偏重攻擊。我不會讓同樣的錯誤重演。」
  1080. >"One of our mistakes in that battle was that we emphasized attack power. I will not repeat that mistake."
  1081. 瑞鶴無言以對。因爲就某種意義上,這場戰鬥顯示加賀比自己更重視過去的教訓。加賀的自信與驕傲,不是只有說說而已──
  1082. >Zuikaku had no retort. In a way, this battle proved that it was Kaga who had learned more from past mistakes. Kaga's confidence and arrogance were not mere words--
  1083. 加賀的攻擊隊突破瑞鶴的戰鬥機群,逼近瑞鶴本人。瑞鶴的攻擊隊雖然也飛向加賀,但數量實在太少,加賀輕輕鬆鬆就避開了。
  1084. >Zuikaku's attack planes broke through Zuikaku's formation and zeroed (hahahaha get it, zeroed in, like zeroes) in on Zuikaku. Though some of Zuikaku's bombers also broke through towards Kaga, their number was far smaller. Kaga casually evaded them.
  1085. (怎麽辦……?可是,也只能……!)
  1086. >(What am I going to do....? Well, there's only one thing....!)
  1087. 「可惡────!」
  1088. >"Damn---!"
  1089. 加賀的艦載機接連來襲。瑞鶴大吼一聲試圖迴避。艦娘的裝備可以讓使用者在一定程度上無視其重量,瑞鶴的裝備也不例外。
  1090. >Kaga's bombers attacked in series. With a shout, Zuikaku launched into evasive maneuvers. The Shipgirls' outfits allowed the wearer to move unaffected by the weight of the equipment, and Zuikaku's equipment was no exception.
  1091. 緊接著,瑞鶴周圍產生多處爆炸和水柱──在這些東西消失的同時,小破狀態的瑞鶴出現在眾人眼前。
  1092. >As the plumes and pillars of water vanished, a lightly damaged Zuikaku emerged in front of everyone.
  1093. 「……!」
  1094. >".....!"
  1095. 瑞鶴臉孔因劇痛而扭曲。她很清楚這是模擬彈造成的效果,實際上沒有任何損傷──但她也明白,自己已陷入壓倒性的劣勢。
  1096. >Zuikaku's face was distorted in pain. Though she was aware that this was simply the effect of the simulated shells and bore no pernanet damage, she also realized she had been plunged into an incredibly disadvantageous position.
  1097. 第一波攻擊隊遲了一步才回來。殘存機體不到先前出擊數的一半。然而,她依舊得將這些兵力和預備隊結合,發動第二波攻擊才行。
  1098. >The remnants of the 1st Attack Group limped back belatedly, less than half of those that had left. And yet, she would have to reform these survivors and quickly launch a second wave.
  1099. (可是,加賀學姊的防空能力比我優秀……!能順利命中她嗎……?)
  1100. >(But Kaga-senpai's AA is superior to mine.... (note: which makes no fucking sense, with the exception of Kaga's 20cm, which were virtually useless in AA capacity, Zuikaku had double or more Kaga's AA armament)! Can I even hit her.....?)
  1101. 「就算是這樣……!」
  1102. >"Even so.....!"
  1103. 瑞鶴再度舉起短弓,放出殘余的攻擊隊。加賀也如法砲製地放出攻擊隊。如果不能多少給加賀一點傷害打擊她的艦載機起降能力,只會單方面地挨打。
  1104. >Zuikaku raised her shorbow once more, launching her remaining attack planes. Kaga, too, launched her attack planes with factory precision. If she could not at least do some damage to Kaga and weaken her launch capacity, she'd just be a sitting duck.
  1105. 可是,先讓艦載機在空中集合完畢的是加賀。攻擊隊來勢洶洶,殺向才剛集合完畢的瑞鶴艦載機。
  1106. >But the first carrier whose planes formed up was Kaga. The attack teams came relentlessly, charging at Zuikaku's only just-consolidated air complement.
  1107. 「……嗚,好快!」
  1108. >"......ugh, fast!"
  1109. 還未組成陣型的攻擊隊十分脆弱,艦載機群瞬間慘遭淩虐。
  1110. >Out of formation, her own attack team was devastated.
  1111. 接著,加賀的攻擊隊再度殺向瑞鶴並扔下炸彈跟魚雷──瑞鶴再度試圖迴避但依舊沒有成功,使得損傷加劇。
  1112. >Next, Kaga's bombers once more flew at Zuikaku, hurling their bombs and torpedos--though Zuikaku did her best to evade, she was not wholly successful, and the damage began to mount.
  1113. 「啊……!」
  1114. >"Ahhh....!"
  1115. 遍及全身的劇痛,讓瑞鶴不禁跪下。
  1116. >Aching all over, Zuikaku could not help falling ot her knees.
  1117. 自己大概已經中破,而且損傷相當嚴重。只要再挨上一擊,鐵定會大破倒地──
  1118. >She had probably reached medium damage--fairly severe. Just one more attack, and she'd definitely keel over with major damage.
  1119. (怎麽會……這麽簡單就……!)
  1120. >( easily....!)
  1121. 自己與加賀的水准相差太多了嗎──少女無比懊惱。
  1122. >Was the difference between her and Kaga too large? Zuikaku could taste regret on her tongue.
  1123. 「簡直像在射火雞呢……第三波攻擊隊,准備起飛。」
  1124. >"It's just like shooting turkeys......3rd wave, prepare to launch."
  1125. 加賀有如要給後輩致命一擊般低語。瑞鶴發現了加賀這句話中的挑釁意味。射火雞,Turkey Shoot……這句話應該是在馬裏亞納海戰時,敵軍用來諷刺瑞鶴她們放出的攻擊隊一一遭到擊落的慘狀。
  1126. >Kaga spoke softly, but loudly enough for the words to strike Zuikaku a mortal blow. Zuikaku could hear the provocation. Shooting turkeys, the 火雞射擊......that was how the enemy had referred to Zuikaku's attack planes as they fell one after the other in an ill-advised and ill-prepared tragedy.
  1127. 瑞鶴咬住嘴唇,搖搖晃晃地站起身。然而她的體力已經到了極限,艦載機除了護衛用的零戰外幾乎一架不剩。
  1128. >Biting her lip, Zuikaku stood up shakily. Even so, she knew her body was at its limit. With the exception of the zeroes she used for defense, most of her complement was gone.
  1129. (這樣下去會完蛋……可是,該怎麽辦……!)
  1130. >(At this rate, I'll be ruined. But, what should I do.....?)
  1131. 「瑞鶴。」
  1132. >"Zuikaku."
  1133. 突然,加賀看著瑞鶴的眼睛,以較之前大的音量宣言。她的眼中,還帶著某種近似於殺氣的東西。
  1134. >Suddenly, Kaga spoke more loudly, a certain vicious glint in her eyes.
  1135. 「接下來的攻擊不是模擬彈,而是真正的炸彈和魚雷。如果躲不掉,妳真的會沈。」
  1136. >"The next attack will not be with practice rounds. These will be real bombs and real torpedos. If you don't dodge, then you will really sink."
  1137. 瑞鶴震驚得說不出話。翔鶴與其他觀眾也瞪大了眼睛。這種事演習前根本沒提過──
  1138. >Zuikaku gaped. Shoukaku and the audience's eyes widened. This had never been mentioned before the practice round--
  1139. 「如果不想沈,妳就竭盡身爲五航戰所能做到的一切,試著躲開!」
  1140. >"If you don't want to sink, then exert all possible powers of the 5thCarDiv, and dodge!"
  1141. 「加賀學姊,請等一下!」
  1142. >"Kaga-senpai, hold on!"
  1143. 翔鶴拚命地喊道:
  1144. >Shoukaku yelled desperately:
  1145. 「瑞鶴是我心愛的妹妹,是我好不容易才重逢的家人!求求妳,請妳住手!就算瑞鶴是『幸運航母』,這樣還是……!」
  1146. >"Zuikaku is my dearly beloved sister, and newly reunited family! Please, restrain yourself! Even if Zuikaku is the 'lucky carrier,', this....!"
  1147. 「沒妳的事。」
  1148. >"Mind your own business."
  1149. 「學姊!」
  1150. >"Senpai!"
  1151. 翔鶴看向赤城──赤城什麽也沒說,只是盯著加賀與瑞鶴。事情發展成這樣,似乎都在她的預料之內。
  1152. >Shoukaku looked to Akagi--but Akagi said nothing as she stared at Kaga and Zuikaku. It seemed like these events were in her calculations.
  1153. 瑞鶴絞盡最後一絲力氣站了起來。然而,沈重的絕望讓她的膝蓋再度彎曲。
  1154. >With all the strength she could muster, Zuikaku stood up. And yet, the weight of hopeless threatened to bend her over once again.
  1155. (難道說,我會沈在這裏……?都已經以艦娘身分踏上新的道路了,都已經跟翔鶴姊重逢了……)
  1156. >(Is that to say, I'm going to sink here......? I'd only just started walking this new road and met Shoukaku-nee......)
  1157. 或許這樣也不錯,瑞鶴心想。因爲自己沒有守護這個世界的義務。昨天發生的事,就算當成一場夢似乎也無妨──
  1158. >Maybe this was alright, Zuikaku thought to herself. After all, she had no duty to this world. Yesterday's events could just be a dream--
  1159. 眼前,加賀的攻擊隊已經在空中集合完畢,朝自己飛來。這樣下去,大概不用幾十秒攻擊隊就會殺向自己吧。
  1160. >In front of her, Kaga's attack team had already formed up and were moving in. At this rate, they would be in range within moments.
  1161. (這下子就結束了……)
  1162. >(So it's over....)
  1163. 就在絕望即將染遍身心的瞬間,瑞鶴發現一件事。
  1164. >And yet, as she felt the hopelessness permeate here, Zuikaku noticed something.
  1165. 加賀滿頭大汗,表情也顯得十分疲憊。
  1166. >Beads of sweat congealed on Kaga's forehead. Her expression, too, showed exhaustion.
  1167. 她也在這一擊中投入了剩下的每一分力量,表示加賀是認真地面對這一擊。
  1168. >It seemed like she had thrown her all into this last attack. That is, Kaga had also seriously took on this battle.
  1169. (爲什麽……?我明明已經是等著被擊沈的靶子了耶……?)
  1170. >(Why...? At this point I'm just a target waiting to sink....?)
  1171. 下一秒,加賀的話語在瑞鶴腦中重現。
  1172. >A second later, Kaga's words floated through Zuikaku's mind.
  1173. (竭盡身爲五航戰所能做到的一切──換言之,加賀學姊認爲還有些我做得到的事?)
  1174. >(To exert all the powers of the 5th CarDiv....what did Kaga-senpai mean by that? Is there something else I can do?)
  1175. 那會是什麽──瑞鶴覺得自己似乎知道答案,知道加賀想說什麽。
  1176. >What is that--Zuikaku felt she knew the answer, what Kaga had been thinking of.
  1177. 竭盡所能──這就跟中途島海戰後經歷的惡戰苦鬥一樣。而自己也在戰鬥中爲了生存不斷努力。
  1178. >Everything that could be done--this was like the uphill struggle following midway, when she had thrown everything into a fight for survival.
  1179. 中途島海戰後,她們不再大意,試著去做能做的一切。不但藉由多次改裝讓耐久力與防空能力有顯著提升,還致力於鑽研航母戰術與鍛鏈母艦航空隊。
  1180. >After Midway, they could not be arrogant again. They had tried everything and anything they could--not just countless upgrades to AA, but aircrew training and research into carrier doctrine and tactics.
  1181. 最重要的是,翔鶴型航母擁有自軍標准航母中最爲優秀的動力系統,不但極速達三十四節以上堪稱標准航母中最快、最靈活,更具備了能長時間維持這種速度的續航力。根據驅逐艦潮的證詞,南太平洋海戰時,受損的翔鶴似乎曾飆到四十節。
  1182. >Most importantly, the Shoukaku-class the most advanced propulsion system of all the IJN carriers, capable not only of over 34 knots and complex maneuvers, but also the greatest endurance. From destroyer Ushio's reports, a damaged Shoukaku had managed to reach 40 knots (note: less than a knot slower than speedslut) in the South Pacific.
  1183. 自己與姊姊翔鶴將高速當成王牌,經歷了許多次的作戰行動。自己在馬裏亞納海戰能夠避開砲火、能夠被稱爲「幸運航母」,都是多虧了這張王牌。
  1184. Speed had been the trump card, for herself and her sister Shoukaku, seen in multiple battles. At the Marianas she had dodged gunfire to become known as the "lucky carrier," all because of this ability.
  1185. 就算只看這一點,翔鶴與瑞鶴也跟其他航母有明顯的區隔。五航戰──新生一航戰靠著與舊一二航戰不同的戰法,度過了中途島海戰後的多次航母戰鬥──
  1186. >Even if it was based on this one point, Shoukaku and Zuikaku were much different from the other carriers. The 5thCarDiv--the new 1stCarDiv had used different tactics from either the 1st and 2ndCarDivs and survived the countless carrier battles that followed the Battle of Midway--
  1187. (跟一航戰不一樣,也跟二航戰不一樣……?)
  1188. >(Not like the 1stCarDiv, and not like the 2ndCarDiv.....?)
  1189. 瑞鶴睜開眼睛。因爲她覺得自己似乎明白了一切。
  1190. >Zuikaku's opened her eyes with a new understanding.
  1191. 加賀爲什麽要挑釁自己?是不是爲了要告訴自己某些事才安排這場戰鬥?爲什麽在最後的最後要把自己逼到絕境──
  1192. >Why had Kaga provoked her? Why did she arrange this battle? Was there something she wanted to say? Why did she force herself to her limits, to this situation--
  1193. (「別拿我們跟妳這個五航戰的相提並論」──她想必是要說,在這場戰爭中我們該以我們自己的方式戰鬥;此外,也是爲了讓拘泥於新生一航戰的名字與經歷,因此不自覺地掉以輕心的我清醒……!)
  1194. >("Don't compare us with the 5thCarDiv"--she must have meant that we would have to use our own way of fighting in this war; it was so we wouldn't be constrained by the name of the New 1stCarDiv, so we would not be lulled into carelessness....!)
  1195. 九九艦轟開始俯衝,九七艦攻也在超低空准備展開雷擊。這樣下去可能會遭到集中攻擊。
  1196. >The type 99 Bombers had already began prepping, while the Type 97 had dropped to low altitude in preparation for the torpedo attack. At this rate she would be targetted by the mass fire.
  1197. 然而,瑞鶴的心已不再迷惘。既然加賀用全力抛出她的想法,那麽自己也──
  1198. >And yet tehre was no longer confusion or uncertainty in Zuikaku's hart. If Kaga had done all she could to throw out Zuikaku's way of thinking, then she, too--
  1199. 「……!好,來吧!」
  1200. >"....! Right, bring it on!"
  1201. 瑞鶴將力量集中在腳上,放聲大喊:
  1202. >Putting all her strength in her leges, Zuikaku bellowed at the sky--
  1203. 「我是翔鶴型航空母艦2號艦,瑞鶴!只不過是一艘航母份量的攻擊隊,我就漂亮地閃給妳看!」
  1204. >"I am the 2nd Aircraft Carrier of the Shoukaku-class, Zuikaku! Just a single carrier wants to take me do? Bring it the fuck on, I'll dodge it all!"
  1205. 不要像之前那樣忘我地閃躲,而要善用自己的性能,慎重且大膽地迴避;如果做得到,應該能避開攻擊順利活下來才對。加賀想必也是這麽相信的──
  1206. >No more mindless dodging--she would use her specialty, she would use her caution, she would use her guts, and she sould evade; if she did it right, she would make it. Kaga must have believed that too--
  1207. 「翔鶴型……『幸運航母』可是真材實料的……!」
  1208. >"The Shoukaku class....the 'lucky Carrier'....this is what we're made of.....!"
  1209. 「瑞鶴……!」
  1210. >"Zuikaku......!"
  1211. 逼近的敵機噪音、翔鶴的喊叫、碎浪的波濤聲──瑞鶴聽著這一切,等待敵機來臨。
  1212. >The sound of the propellers of the nearing enemy planes, Shoukaku's shout, the sound of the waves--they all blended together, and yet Zuikaku heard them all as she waited for the planes to come. [˙v˙]
  1213. ◇◇◇
  1215. 瑞鶴清楚地用雙眼看見了那一刻。
  1216. >Zuikaku saw everything that moment.
  1217. 攻擊隊扔下魚雷和炸彈,彷彿要用火力包圍瑞鶴一般──數秒後,眾多水柱與爆炸連環發生。當然,它們就這麽掩蓋了瑞鶴的身影。
  1218. >The bombers dropped their torpedos and bombs, as if to surround Zuikaku with their firepower--seconds later, the explosions began. Of course, they covered Zuikaku's sihlouette.
  1219. 「瑞……鶴……」
  1220. >"Zui....kaku...."
  1221. 翔鶴當場愣住。
  1222. >Shoukaku watched in awe
  1223. 身爲旁觀者的翔鶴,自認爲明白加賀的意圖。因爲自己剛到任時也犯過類似的錯誤──多虧加賀與赤城讓她清醒。
  1224. >As an onlooker, Shoukaku ahd thought she had understood Kaga's intentions. After all, she had made a similar mistake when she had just joined up--thankfully,Kaga and Akagi had corrected her.
  1225. 然而,最後用上實彈這點卻出乎意料,所以她才想制止。只不過她沒有成功,加賀對傷痕累累的瑞鶴發動了事前宣告過的攻擊。
  1226. >And yet, the use of real ammunition had exceeded her expectations and caused her to try to step in. She had failed, however, and Kaga had launched the attack she had promised against the wounded and exhausted Zuikaku.
  1227. 寒意竄過翔鶴的背脊。如果,心愛的妹妹瑞鶴真的死在這場戰鬥中……
  1228. >Cold shivers ran down Shoukaku's spine. If her beloved sister Zuikaku really died on the battlefield.....
  1229. 翔鶴沈默地等待水柱崩解、等待黑煙散去。與瑞鶴對峙的加賀,以及在遠方守望著戰鬥的赤城、響、雪風等人,同樣也以認真的神情凝視這一切。
  1230. >Shoukaku waited for the smoke and foam to dissipate in silence. Kaga watched as well, as did Akagi, Hibiki, Yukikaze and the others, all gazing seriously.
  1231. 數十秒後──翔鶴看見一名艦娘以雙腳穩穩地挺立於黑煙之中。
  1232. >A moment later, Shoukaku saw a shipgirl standing among the black smoke.
  1233. 「瑞鶴……!」
  1234. >"Zuikaku....!"
  1235. 緊接著,其他艦娘爆出的歡呼聲響遍了戰場。
  1236. >Instantly, the shouts of relief and joy filled the battlefield.
  1237. ◇◇◇
  1239. 「呼、呼、呼……!」
  1240. >"Whoo, jesus, fuck....! (note: gasping sounds, we don't really do those in English)"
  1241. 海水弄得瑞鶴一身濕,但她依舊站著。
  1242. >Zuikaku was soaked with seafoam, but she was still standing.
  1243. 攻擊開始之後,少女善加利用自身的性能持續迴避了數十秒──終於連最後一發也順利避開,成功存活下來。然而,她的思緒還沒跟上。
  1244. >As soon as the attack had began, the girl had used her specialty to continuously evade for well over half a minute (note: the term is "several tens of seconds", but since this is very awkward in English i tend to use "moments" to hide this). She had survived. And yet, her feelings had not yet caught up.
  1245. 「我活下來了……對吧……」
  1246. >"I made it....right...."
  1247. 呈現虛脫狀態的瑞鶴環顧海面──遠方,姊姊翔鶴她們發出了歡呼。赤城也開心地露出微笑。赤城腳邊的響和雪風雖然神情複雜,卻給人一種鬆了口氣的感覺。
  1248. >Near collapse, Zuikaku gazed across the ocean--in the distance, her sister Shoukaku and the otehrs were cheering. Akagi, as well, was smiling slightly. Though Hibiki and Yukikaze at Akagi's side bore more complicated expressions, both looked like they had just relaxed.
  1249. 然後,不知不覺間來到自己眼前的加賀──
  1250. >And then, without noticing it, her eyes fell on Kaga in front of her--
  1251. 「真虧妳躲得掉呢。讓我刮目相看了。」
  1252. >"You actually dodged it. Even I could not being impressed."
  1253. 加賀一如往常地面無表情。
  1254. >Kaga looked no different from usual.
  1255. 「雖說是模擬彈,被打到仍然不會沒事……好一雙靈活的快腿。」
  1256. >"Though they were actually just practice rounds.....well, you've got a pair of good legs."
  1257. 「那、那是模擬彈?」
  1258. >"T-those were practice rounds?"
  1259. 瑞鶴再度大吃一驚。因爲加賀雖然宣稱要用實彈,實際上用的依舊是模擬彈。
  1260. >Zuikaku blinked. Though Kaga had said they were real shells, they were simply practice rounds. (note: no shit, I don't know why the author had to explain this)
  1261. 恐怕,她這麽做是爲了讓自己認真──遠處聽到兩人對話的翔鶴也呆掉了。
  1262. >It seemed she had done it to make Zuikaku get serious--Shoukaku, too, appeared to have heard, her expression blank.
  1263. 「……無論如何,這回是妳贏了。所以,我就認同『妳未來也會是鎮守府的主力航母』這個論點吧。」
  1264. >"Regardless, you have round this round. Therefore, I will concede the point and recognize you as 'the future Main Force of the Naval District.'"
  1265. 加賀平淡地說道。但瑞鶴搖了搖頭。
  1266. >Kaga spoke with her usual expressionless voice, but Zuikaku shook her head.
  1267. 「不,我也覺得自己還不成熟……」
  1268. >"No, I, too, feel that I am not yet ready."
  1269. 「…………」
  1270. >"Take the compliment you ungrateful cunt, they don't come cheap."
  1271. 「我之所以能平安地避開攻擊,都是因爲加賀學姊教了我新的戰鬥方式與戰鬥心理。是學姊告訴我,對於過去名聲的執著在這個世界離大意只有一步之遙……所以,我才會想試著依照妳的指導努力。」
  1272. >"I could only safely evade those attacks because Kaga-senpai taught me a new way of fighting and a new way of thinking. It was senpai who taught me that holding onto names of the past in this world is only a step away from arrogance....that's why I will continue to work hard under your guidance."
  1273. 「那麽,妳不再留戀一航戰的名號了嗎?」
  1274. >"Then, you will no longer cling onto the name of the 1stCarDiv?"
  1275. 加賀確認似地詢問。瑞鶴點點頭。
  1276. >Kaga asked for confirmation. Zuikaku nodded.
  1277. 「如果要比較對這個稱呼的感情,我自認不會輸給任何人。不過在這個世界,加賀學姊和赤城學姊依舊是學姊,而我們還是我們,所以當五航戰也沒關係。今後請多關照我跟翔鶴姊的五航戰!」
  1278. >"If I hold onto that name and all the feelings behind it, I'll just keep thinking I won't lose to anyone. But on this world, Kaga-senpai and Akagi-senpai are still senpai, and we are who we are--so the 5thCarDiv is fine. From here on out, pelase take care of Shoukaku-nee and my 5thCarDiv!"
  1279. 「……那我就姑且期待一下。」
  1280. >"....then I will look forwards to it."
  1281. 加賀對低下頭的瑞鶴這麽說完,隨即轉身走開。聲音一如平常的冷漠。可是瑞鶴知道,這已經是加賀最大限度的稱讚了。
  1282. >As she finished, Kaga turned away from the bowing Zuikaku and left. Though Kaga's voice had been the usual cold emptiness, Zuikaku knew that this had been Kaga's greatest praise yet.
  1283. 接著,翔鶴她們跑了過來。同時太陽也從東方的水平線上露面,將瑞鶴等人染紅。
  1284. >Next up, Shoukaku and company were now running over. The sun, too, finally rose on the east, its rays reaching across the horizon and dying Zuikaku and company a deep red.
  1285. 聽著同伴呼喚自己的聲音,瑞鶴握緊手裏的短弓,再次下定決心。
  1286. >Hearing her comrades calling her name, Zuikaku gripped tightly on her shortbow as she made a new resolution.
  1287. (我一定會成爲跟赤城學姊、加賀學姊以及翔鶴姊比肩的主力航母,拯救這個世界。所以……我會全力以赴!)
  1288. >(I will become a Fleet Carrier who can fight alongside Akagi-senpai, Kaga-senpai, and Shoukaku-nee to save this world. That's why....I'll move forwards with full power!)
  1289. 瑞鶴在朝陽的照耀下,昂首看向愈來愈亮的天空。
  1290. >Under the rising sun, Zuikaku turned her head towards the ever-brightening sky.
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