
Annwn System

Sep 11th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Annwn System
  3. System Properties: Ill-Omened, Bountiful, Gravity Tides
  5. Star and Solar Zone:Luminous: Well past its peak brightness, but steady yellow or yellow-orange. Weak Inner Cauldron.
  7. Zone Crowdedness; Inner 1, Biosphere 1, Outer 6
  9. System Features:
  10. Inner Cauldron: Asteroid Cluster
  11. Biosphere Zone: Planet
  12. Outer Reaches: No Feature, Planet, Derelict Station , Dust Cloud, Starship Graveyard, Gas Giant
  14. Inner Cauldron:
  16. Asteroid Cluster: A denser, cohesive group of asteroids, usually the remains of a shattered planet or moon. It is confined to a small volume but is a serious navigational hazard within its extent. It also has D6-1 Mineral Deposits, either within the asteroids or in the remains of ships destroyed trying to navigate it. Pirates often use these as cover. 1x Mineral Deposit
  18. Biosphere Zone:
  20. Planet 1 (Annwn I)
  21. Body:Large: Worlds of this size can range across a vast spectrum of possible types.
  22. Gravity:High Gravity: Add 10 to this planet's rolls for Orbital Features and add 1 to its roll for Atmospheric Presence.
  23. Orbital Features x12: No Feature x3,Lesser Moon x4, Planetary Rings x2, Moon x3, Large Asteroid,
  24. Atmosphere Density:Moderate: The density of the air is normal or nearly so, and imposes no extra strain.
  25. Atmosphere Composition:Tainted: Trace elements will be harmful to breathe with long-term exposure, though spending a week or so breathing it shouldn't have much effect. Not great for colonization but fine for short-term exploration.
  26. Climate:Temperate World: Praise the God-Emperor, this world is mostly habitable.
  27. Water and Life: Abundant Ecosystem: Native life is so rich that it has numerous properties uniquely useful to the galaxy, if you can find them
  28. Land Distribution: 4 Continents + Many Islands
  29. Territories +14!
  31. Moon 1 (Annwn Ia)
  32. Body: Small, Dense
  33. Gravity:Normal Gravity: Approximately the same gravity as Terra's standard 1 G. No effects.
  34. Orbital Features:N/A
  35. Atmosphere Density:Thin: The atmosphere is very thin, making any dangers from toxic gases reduced but also making it very difficult to breathe.
  36. Atmosphere Composition:Pure: Rejoice! The air is clean and breathable by even the frailest of constitutions.
  37. Climate:Temperate World: Praise the God-Emperor, this world is mostly habitable.
  38. Life and Water:Thriving Ecosystem: Native life is diverse, plentiful, and wide-ranging; most or all parts of the planet have native species.
  39. Land Distribution: 3 Continents
  40. Territories: 5
  42. Moon 2 (Annwn Ib)
  43. Body:Small, Dense
  44. Gravity:High Gravity: Add 10 to this planet's rolls for Orbital Features and add 1 to its roll for Atmospheric Presence.
  45. Orbital Features:N/A
  46. Atmosphere Density:Thin: The atmosphere is very thin, making any dangers from toxic gases reduced but also making it very difficult to breathe.
  47. Atmosphere Composition:Tainted: Trace elements will be harmful to breathe with long-term exposure, though spending a week or so breathing it shouldn't have much effect. Not great for colonization but fine for short-term exploration.
  48. Climate:Hot World: Most of the planet is incredibly hot, but some sheltered patches are merely as hot as the Sahara.
  49. Life and Water:Minimal Ecosystem: Native life exists, but it is limited in form or distribution and without much variation.
  50. Land Distribution: 2 Continents
  51. Territories: 4
  53. Moon 3 (Annwn Ic)
  54. Body:Small, Light
  55. Gravity:Low Gravity: Subtract 10 from its rolls for Orbital Features and subtract 2 from its roll for Atmospheric Presence. Maneuvering on this world may be difficult for those not accustomed to it.
  56. Orbital Features:N/A
  57. Atmosphere Density:None: No atmosphere,or almost none. Operating on its surface requires the usual tools and protection for working in vacuum.
  58. Atmosphere Composition:N/A
  59. Climate:N/A
  63. Outer Reaches:
  65. Planet 2 (Annwn II)
  66. Body: Large: Worlds of this size can range across a vast spectrum of possible types.
  67. Gravity:Normal Gravity: Approximately the same gravity as Terra's standard 1 G. No effects.
  68. Orbital Features:1x Large Asteroid Moonlet
  69. Atmosphere Density:Thin: Moderate: The density of the air is normal or nearly so, and imposes no extra strain.
  70. Atmosphere Composition:Pure: Rejoice! The air is clean and breathable by even the frailest of constitutions.
  71. Climate:Cold World: Most of the planet is incredibly cold, but some sheltered patches are merely as cold as Siberia.
  72. Life and Water:Minimal Ecosystem: Native life exists, but it is limited in form or distribution and without much variation.
  73. Landmasses: Supercontinent: All dry land is one contiguous cluster, with only a few small islands set apart
  74. Territories:3
  76. Derelict Station:Ork Rok: From a distance, this looks like an asteroid, but it's hollow and full of Ork 'technology',
  78. Dust Cloud: The leftovers of an asteroid field or solar flare, these can be used as sensor cover but are basically irrelevant beyond that.
  80. Ship Graveyard:Plundered Convoy: Plundered transports and cargo ships drift here, from an ancient shipping lane. D6+1 ships are here, all boardable but difficult to salvage and probably thoroughly picked-over. (2 Ships)
  82. Planet 3 (Gas Giant) (Annwn III)
  83. Body:Gas Giant: Vastly more massive than any rocky world, with accordingly powerful gravity.
  84. Gravity:Powerful: Objects well beyond its immediate surroundings feel its pull. Add 5 to its rolls for Orbital Features.
  85. Orbital Features 9x: No Feature x2,Planetary Rings(Dust) x4, Planetary Rings(Debris) x2, Lesser Moon
  88. Resources:
  90. Asteroid Belt:1 Minerals ; Industrial Metals(Sustainable)
  92. Annwn I 6 Minerals 0 Other; Industrial Metal x3 (Limited, Sustainablex2), Ornamental Metal x2 (Major x2), Exotic Material (Major). Organic Compound(Juvenat Compound; Limited)
  93. Annwn 2a 2 Mineral 1 Other; Industrial Metal(Significant), Xenos Ruins (Limited)
  94. Annwn 2b 0 Mineral 0 Other
  95. Annwn 2c 0 Mineral 1 Other; Xenos Ruins (Limited)
  97. Annwn II 6 Mineral, 1 Other; Ornamental Metal x3 (Minimal,Sustainable,Minimal), Industrial Metal x2(Sustainable,Significant), Radioactive x1(Limited), Xenos Ruins (Sustainable)
  99. Annwn III (none)
  103. Territories Listing
  104. Annwn I:
  105. 1. Plains: Extreme Temperature , Unusual Location , Unusual Location ,
  106. 2. Swamp:Unusual Location, Virulent, Notable Species , Stagnant
  107. 3. Swamp:Expansive, Stagnant x2
  108. 4. Swamp + Waterways:Expansive, Notable Species
  109. 5. Mountain + Plains: Foothills, Extreme Temperature
  110. 6. Swamp: Extreme Temperature
  111. 7. Waterways:Stagnant,Notable Species x2,Fertile
  112. 8. Swamp:Extreme Temperature x2, Virulent x2,
  113. 9. Forest + Plains:Extreme Temperature x2
  114. 10. Waterways:Stagnant
  115. 11. Mountain:Foothills,Boundary x2,Expansive
  116. 12. Waterways:Fertile x2,Notable Species x2, Expansive
  117. 13. Swamp:Notable Species
  118. 14. Swamp:Expansive,Unusual Location
  120. Annwn 1a
  121. 1. Plains:Fertile,Extreme Temperature x3
  122. 2. Mountain:Expansive,Foothills,Notable Species
  123. 3. Swamp:Expansive,Notable Species, Extreme Temperature
  124. 4. Mountain:Expansive,Boundary,Foothills
  125. 5. Swamp:Notable Species, Extreme Temperature x2
  126. Annwn 2b
  127. 1. Plains:Unusual Location,Expansive,Notable Species
  128. 2. Wastelands:Extreme Temperature x3, Desolate
  129. 3. Mountain:Notable Species,Boundary,Foothills,Expansive,Extreme Temperature
  130. 4. Mountain:Extreme Temperature x2, Boundary x2,
  132. Annwn 2
  133. 1.Waterways:Notable Species,Stagnant,Shoreline,Expansive
  134. 2.Forests:Unique Compound, Unusual Location
  135. 3.Forests:Extreme Temperature x2,Expansive,Notable Species x2, Unusual Location
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