
pookadream again

Jan 16th, 2012
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  1. [22:13:18] <Alexei> (oh god)
  2. [22:13:19] <Celia> "Uuu uu~" Celia grumbles while entering the Hotel.
  3. [22:13:33] <Tentra> (ahahahaha)
  4. [22:13:41] * Tentra is passed out on the couch, still, it seems.
  5. [22:14:24] <Alexei> (I have no idea where Alexei is, except on drunken blacked out adventures)
  6. [22:15:25] <@CounterBeard> (This shall occur during/after.)
  7. [22:16:13] <Celia> (well, according to the title)
  8. [22:16:30] <Alexei> (I don't even know what's happening. Is Alexei being dragged into the dream diving?)
  9. [22:17:54] * Celia has a wry smile as she notices Tentra on the couch. The perfect opportunity! She slowly lies inside of it, hugging the sleeping cultist and falling in the arms of Morpheus herself~
  10. [22:20:02] <Alexei> "EVEN OLD NEW BARK WAS ONCE NEW ALTO MAAAAAARE! WHY THEY CHANGED IT I CAN'T SAY. PEOPLE JUST LIKED IT BETTER THAT WAY!" Alexei barges in oops wrong room. Cornelius is following and probably having to drag along a poor very very drunk Miria.
  11. [22:21:03] <@CounterBeard> Alexei does as a matter of fact barge into the wrong room. The girls are currently cuddling and napping. Bestcrabtipshells into the room to drop off BestKirlia and tipshells out.
  12. [22:21:20] <Tentra> (>tipshells)
  13. [22:21:25] <Tentra> (I lost it)
  14. [22:21:32] <Alexei> (by the way zoof, feel free to fluff watershift Miria now :3c)
  15. [22:21:48] <Tentra> (will edit it later)
  16. [22:22:12] <Alexei> (I mean describe for the sake of the scene, if you care to)
  17. [22:23:43] <Tentra> The green bits of her skin have taken a blue tinge, it seems, and her pink earmarks a more wave-like pattern.
  18. [22:24:07] : Alexei immediately notices that the room is occupied. This is wonderful! More people to sing with! He swoops down and attempts to grab Celia and pull her up to sing with him.
  19. [22:24:19] <Alexei> "SO TAKE ME BACK TO CONSAN'S OPALLLLLL"
  20. [22:24:38] <@CounterBeard> Celia is KO'd for the night it seems. Oddly she is breathing very deeply.
  21. [22:25:28] <Celia> "...zzz...nya."
  22. [22:26:15] : Alexei flips his scarf and downs some vodka, followed up by muttering incoherently while waving his arms in a sloppy, vaguely mystical pattern. He will wake up his singing partners with vodka magick!
  23. [22:26:57] <Tentra> (ahahahha oh god)
  24. [22:27:35] <Alexei> (let's see...okay, aromatherapy is probably most appropriate for this, unless Beard wants to just give me shenanigans)
  25. [22:29:45] <@CounterBeard> (You do not yet has the Molotov Cat tail)
  26. [22:29:57] <Alexei> (So Aromatherapy it is!)
  27. [22:30:50] <Alexei> The pleasant smell of apples and cookies fills the room! Or it would if Alexei weren't piss drunk and already a questionable wizard. It is overpowering and sickeningly sweet and rich. Bestcrab probably even notices it from outside the room.
  28. [22:34:01] * Celia snores at the cloying smell!
  29. [22:34:20] <@CounterBeard> The girls seem...unphased by the smell. And sleep on.
  30. [22:34:34] <Alexei> (:< can I even do anything in this scene, or are they in permasleep for the duration of it?)
  31. [22:34:49] <Celia> (You could sleep?)
  32. [22:34:50] <Tentra> (^)
  33. [22:35:13] <@CounterBeard> (oneofusoneofus)
  34. [22:35:57] : Alexei contemplates, looking at his stock of cookie shots. They are clearly not powerful enough for the magick he wishes to perform. He darts out of the hotel and returns with the whole damn silver platter from before. LET THE MIXING COMMENCE.
  35. [22:36:16] <@CounterBeard> Ohgod.
  36. [22:38:31] <Celia> 1d20+3
  37. [22:39:02] <Alexei> After dumping all of the drinks into one vat, he begins chugging, giving some to bestkirlia and bestcrab if they're still both around and conscious.
  38. [22:39:20] <Alexei> He promptly stumbles out into the hallway and passes out shortly after.
  39. [22:39:36] <Tentra> (god bless his soul.)
  40. [22:40:37] <@CounterBeard> As Alexei falls asleep he feels his mind being dragged into...Something. As Celia and Tentra talk in the quasi twilight they see a shape slowly form.
  41. [22:43:17] * Tentra looks down toward Celia remembering last being hugged by her. "What's wrong?"
  42. [22:43:26] * Celia scowls when she notices the form. "Nothing~"
  43. [22:45:08] <Tentra> "...Alexei?" She's utterly baffled.
  44. [22:45:49] <Alexei> The light and shadows dance, forming a young man with light brown hair. Despite the apparent difference in age, his facial features share the same sharpness that marks oldAlexei. He wears a dusty Sinnoh army uniform, though is is far less decorated than those the cultists have seen. A piplup rests on his shoulder, and a rifle hangs from his back.
  45. [22:46:25] <Tentra> (D:)
  46. [22:46:43] <Alexei> Protruding from his front pocket is his flask, the same as the girls have seen before, though remarkably shinier and new looking. The scars and scratches that marked it have not yet formed, it seems.
  47. [22:48:08] <Alexei> "Where is this?" His eyes narrow. "This is not the vodka magick I casted!" His accent seems to have disappeared altogether as well, or at least the dream setting is making him remarkably easier to understand? It's unclear.
  48. [22:48:43] <Tentra> "This is..." she looks around. "A dream. A shared dream."
  49. [22:48:47] <Tentra> "We can't say whose."
  50. [22:48:52] <Celia> "Hmph. This is his... Ideal self."
  51. [22:49:07] <Celia> "An avatar created for the dreamworld. Probably his own, miss Tentra."
  52. [22:50:00] <Alexei> "So this is the work of your vodka magick then!" Alexei flips his scarf and looks around. Yes, he has the scarf in here too.
  53. [22:50:50] <@CounterBeard> Celia is stabbed with the feeling of being watched...She can just make out Three Eyes watching you all off in the murk.
  54. [22:50:56] <Tentra> "Possibly. Or someone else..." She's still baffeled over this avatar of sorts.
  55. [22:53:29] : Alexei flips open his flask and drinks it. The synchronicity with the motion oldAlexei takes doing the same is probably at least a bit unsettling. A moment's pause and he slowly raises it toward the Piplup on his shoulder as well.
  56. [22:53:40] <Celia> "...We are not alone in any case." She whispers to Tentra, a bit nervous.
  57. [22:53:52] <@CounterBeard> The pengu takes a swig itself.
  58. [22:55:19] <@CounterBeard> "Pip"
  59. [22:55:48] <Tentra> Tentra is a bit more curious about the Piplup. "Alexei, who is that little one?"
  60. [22:55:49] <Alexei> There's a second of hestitation before Alexei lowers the flask again, a wistful smile crossing his now young face. The moment passes, and he looks out over the dreamscape. "Where the fuck are we? This is bullshit."
  61. [22:56:50] <Alexei> " Yuliya." The smile passes into a frown and Alexei quickly raises his flask to his face for another drink. The piplup flickers a bit, seeming to wink out of the dreamscape a second before resolidifying.
  62. [22:57:26] * Celia whispers again at Tentra. "Please don't make those kind of questions. If we never saw this Piplup before, it must be..."
  63. [22:58:22] * Tentra frowns, sympathetic. "Celia, it's probably not what you're thinking, though, what do you mean not alone."
  64. [22:58:28] : Alexei turns and marches in the most interesting direction of the dreamscape, his youthful gait a contrast to his less disciplined usual walk.
  65. [22:58:36] <Tentra> "Also, Alexei, you...might want to look at your reflection in your flask."
  66. [23:00:36] : Alexei does so, viewing himself in the mirrored surface that is a far cry from the weathered and scratched surface of his real world flask. Surprise flashes in his eyes but quickly settles into recognition. He closes them and takes a deep, long drink from the flask in silence.
  67. [23:01:32] <@CounterBeard> The eyes float closer into view VSE is watching.
  68. [23:02:24] <Tentra> "Oh, VSE..?" She seems surprised. "An...unown's dream, this might be?"
  69. [23:02:26] * Rock (Kotodes@93D3A8D3.60ECF9E2.E096B1A4.IP) has joined #DrunkenDreams
  70. [23:02:32] <Rock> ( Peek. )
  71. [23:03:00] <Alexei> ( shoo, you'll get logs after :P )
  72. [23:03:00] <Celia> "Hmph. Of course." Celia stops for a second. "He probably have lured us inside, they are the ones who taught us such mysticism in first place."
  73. [23:04:06] <Rock> ( Fine. )
  74. [23:04:09] * Rock (Kotodes@93D3A8D3.60ECF9E2.E096B1A4.IP) has left #DrunkenDreams (Leaving)
  75. [23:05:59] <@CounterBeard> VSE's form flickers for a moment not unlike the Penguin. The flickering continues until the shape is mostly static the shape of a man. He looks exactly like the man in Celia's dream. THe one where S came from, yet his is monotone. His strong jaw and sharp edges seem to soften in the twilight.
  76. [23:06:02] <Alexei> "This is not the job I signed up for. I want to make a FABULOUS pokemon league, and I am dragged into this instead."
  77. [23:07:14] <@CounterBeard> "You often don't get what you are promised..." The man looks confused as to why he says this.
  78. [23:07:48] <Tentra> "Bwuh," she's quite confused at this transformation herself.
  79. [23:07:58] <Celia> "Aw crap!"
  80. [23:08:07] <Alexei> "No. No, apparently not." Alexei absentmindedly strokes the piplup with one hand as he quietly speaks.
  81. [23:09:32] <@CounterBeard> The image of the man flickers again. Revealing VSE .
  82. [23:09:58] <Alexei> "You are the vodka magick pokemon Tentra makes!"
  83. [23:10:23] <@CounterBeard> <We are yet incomplete. We are but a fragment of a memory.>
  84. [23:10:28] <Tentra> "It-He's...probably a bit more than that."
  85. [23:10:39] <Tentra> She checks her belongings, seeing if she has Night Runner's Pokeball on her.
  86. [23:10:43] <Tentra> (this is the day after, right?)
  87. [23:10:51] <@CounterBeard> You have nopokeballs sadly.
  88. [23:10:54] <Alexei> (this is the night of I thought)
  89. [23:10:56] <@CounterBeard> (Sure.)
  90. [23:11:11] <@CounterBeard> (It is the night but It could be the next day technicality.)
  91. [23:11:16] <Alexei> (right)
  92. [23:12:16] <Celia> "Well, what did you called us here for?"
  93. [23:12:20] <Tentra> "What is...the source of that memory?" She tisks as her assumed guess isn't present.
  94. [23:12:33] : Alexei takes another swig from the flask, sharing it with the piplup again. It seems even more like a neverending font of alcohol than it normally does.
  95. [23:13:00] <@CounterBeard> <We did no such thing. We are quite curious as to why we were brought here.>
  96. [23:14:29] <@CounterBeard> VSE turns its gaze on Tentra <We are the fragment of a memeory of-> It seems to quirk and twist <The Shadow in Dreams.>
  97. [23:15:33] <Tentra> She seems unsure how to proceed. " Then it's probably not possible to bring forth more of this memory at the moment, not without Night Runner."
  98. [23:15:39] : Alexei breathes out slowly as he finishes off another gulp of vodka. "Do you do this often?" He turns toward the cultists.
  99. [23:16:19] <Tentra> "Since Celia arrived, yes. This is a gift of hers, not something The Collective teaches Chronicallers."
  100. [23:17:09] <@CounterBeard> VSE shakes <No. That one is not were we originate. But from the originator of its power.> VSE turns to Alexei and staaaaares.
  101. [23:17:25] <Alexei> "This place is amazing. I never have to refill my flask!" Alexei's apparent youth magnifies his goofy excitement about booze, though there's a tinge of hesitation to his enthusiasm that isn't normally present.
  102. [23:17:43] <@CounterBeard> also enjoy the mood music of this dream.
  103. [23:17:53] <Alexei> "And the vodka tastes as good as the highest quality in all of Sinnoh!" He turns and staaaaaaares back to VSE.
  104. [23:18:39] <Tentra> "So"
  105. [23:19:10] <@CounterBeard> <You are not ment to be here. You are an anomaly.>
  106. [23:19:18] <Tentra> She opens a tome, "Let's see what we can do then...given this situation."
  107. [23:19:24] <Tentra> 1d20+5 calling chord~
  108. [23:20:14] <Alexei> "Well, I like it here. There is free vodka! And I can learn more vodka magick here."
  109. [23:20:36] <@CounterBeard> The area around you starts to darken once again. Becoming pitchblack.
  110. [23:20:49] <Celia> "Fufufu, i am really incredible, now?"
  111. [23:21:37] <Celia> "However, i... Did not intended to bring us here, actually. We were probably brought to this place by something else. Or someone..."
  112. [23:21:45] <Tentra> "Owner of this realm, let us hear your thoughts, given life! Let it be written!"
  113. [23:22:05] : Alexei instinctively reaches for Yuliya as the darkness engulfs him, lightly holding her to reassure himself of her presence.
  114. [23:24:45] <@CounterBeard> You can almost feel as if the world around you begins to twist and change, swirling. Above you all a pair of turquoise eyes stare down balefully at you all. "You dare pull from us yet another memory Rune Maiden? You and this Dream Walker are presumptious. Fine. You shall have these memeories until he is complete." The eyes slowly close and a mocking laughter begins to echo in the dark dreamscape.
  115. [23:25:38] <Celia> "Green Eyed Monster, come here and face us!"
  116. [23:26:05] <@CounterBeard> As your little dream world begins to right itself VSE is now...VSEV
  117. [23:27:09] <Alexei> "Is this a trial for vodka mages?!" Alexei swings the rifle around from his back in a fluid motion. "Are the limits of our fabulousness going to be put to the test?"
  118. [23:27:13] * Tentra looks up, trying not to show signs of fright.
  119. [23:27:27] <Tentra> "You...know my Ponyta, right... The one that's not quite right?"
  120. [23:29:20] : Alexei nods slowly.
  121. [23:29:21] <Celia> "Oh, the one whose dream we visited earlier?"
  122. [23:30:36] <Tentra> "Well...that was the same Ponyta that Rock killed when we left Estruan. who just appeared, he helped us revive her."
  123. [23:31:12] <Celia> "...Rock killed her?"
  124. [23:31:15] <Tentra> "And VSEV here was...made from his thoughts, as well. If it's a trial to do something like this, it's not one we were told."
  125. [23:32:06] <Celia> "I did NOT know that!" Celia looks back at the source of the laughter. "Well, can we beat it to submission or what? Come on, you overblown Deus ex Machina, get your ass here!"
  126. [23:32:49] <Alexei> "You revived the fabulous pony after that?"
  127. [23:32:51] * Tentra shakes her head. "We...don't want that. Borrowing his thoughts might have annoyed him, but he helped Night Runner."
  128. [23:33:00] <@CounterBeard> VSEV flickers into the manshape again, but his eyes are a striking blue. A very similar shade if not the same to a traveling companion of yours. He looks at you all for a brief moment before flickering back into his unownshape.
  129. [23:35:33] <Tentra> ( I'm not sure whose eyes are blue :B)
  130. [23:35:38] <Alexei> (Wait, who does this shape look like?)
  131. [23:36:24] <Tentra> "Well...he revived the pony, The Pooka. We think. Or maybe he taught us how to..." she looks confused, rethinking things. "We...honestly didn't give it much thought as it occured, what it was we did."
  132. [23:37:08] <Celia> "Also, is that Unown dude flickering like that normal?"
  133. [23:37:58] * Tentra shakes her head, unsure.
  134. [23:38:13] <@CounterBeard> The shape is of a man in his mid to late thirties, a strong chin and sharp cheekbones. From the monotone colors you cannot quite make out his long mane of hair or the beard on his face. His wears worked leathers, and a large furred cloak. His eyes are the only thing in color. They are as blue as Savages. WHo has blue eyes. bloobloobloo.
  135. [23:38:17] <@CounterBeard> (=B)
  136. [23:39:02] : Alexei squints, lowering his rifle. "Who is that man?"
  137. [23:40:16] <Tentra> (should we make INT or WIS checks for something like that? hm)
  138. [23:40:50] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #DrunkenDreams
  139. [23:41:05] <@CounterBeard> (Sure)
  140. [23:42:06] <Celia> "The 'Pooka', i presume?"
  141. [23:42:37] <Tentra> 1d20+5 WIS, then, did I read about this one day...
  142. [23:42:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Tentra, WIS, then, did I read about this one day...: 13 [1d20=8]
  143. [23:42:47] <Alexei> 1d20-2 oh why not
  144. [23:42:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, oh why not: 15 [1d20=17]
  145. [23:43:02] <@CounterBeard> rollrollroll
  146. [23:44:06] * Kaingaskhan ( has joined #DrunkenDreams
  147. [23:45:01] <Celia> 1d20+5 guess i can use int?
  148. [23:45:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Celia, guess i can use int?: 15 [1d20=10]
  149. [23:47:42] <@CounterBeard> Tentra remembers reading something about some sort of royal trait or birthmark being passed down. Alexei you know from your years in the Sinnoh military the attributes and likeness of its last monarchs, and Celia. You saw this all in a dream...Also when you were training with the other Dreamers.
  150. [23:48:30] * Tentra scratches her head. "A...member past of the royal family? Is The Pooka?"
  151. [23:49:34] : Alexei 's eyes glimmer as he connects the dots, and he almost reaches for his rifle again. "So you are cultivating the memories of kings past? What use is that bullshit anyway?"
  152. [23:50:29] <Celia> "Hmmm... You. You are the owner of that Castle we visited earlier, no?"
  153. [23:52:43] <@CounterBeard> VSEV shakes <We are...Incomplete.>
  154. [23:52:53] <Tentra> She looks a bit confused. "This isn't something that I started, Alexei. He saught us out. And considering what Azelf told us, it's probably helpful to know a bit more about the royal family's ability to quell the elements, else we'll have bigger problems soon than politics."
  155. [23:54:15] <Alexei> "Kushva's problems began and ended with the royal line." Alexei snarls. "Our job is to establish the most fabulous pokemon league so Kushva can move ahead in the world, past that."
  156. [23:55:10] * Celia is silent. I guess mentioning her glorious coup and takeover plans for Kushva in front of those two is not a good idea after all!
  157. [23:55:26] <Tentra> "This isn't about who leads the nation to me," she says, shaking her head. "Do you recall the other thing she mentioned? About what those in the blood line were gifted with?"
  158. [23:57:55] : Alexei roughly shoves his flask back in his mouth and takes another gulp, drops of vodka dripping down his chin. He wipes them with his sleeve and leers at VSEV. "And we can find a solution without resorting to the royal line. Feebleminded devotion to them will get us nowhere!"
  159. [23:58:52] <@CounterBeard> <Your blind hatred is quite disconcerting.>
  160. [23:59:14] <Tentra> "And what do you suppose this is a chance for?" She gestures to VSEV. "You just answered your own questions. He's a collection of thoughts, knowledge from ages past, a source of how to stop the spirits of this land from rising against the people themselves. He's not a king waiting to be crowned."
  161. Session Time: Mon Jan 16 00:00:00 2012
  162. [00:01:05] * Celia dismissevly waves her hand. "The pacification of the Earth is our first priority." She appears tobe in seriousmode, at least for now. "That being said, our 'Royal Brat' is most uncooperative. Are you sure there are no other members of the bloodline out there?"
  163. [00:03:04] <@CounterBeard> VSEV flickers for a moment returning to manshape. He looks confused by this random shifts himself. "Does he know?"
  164. [00:03:49] <Tentra> "We...told him, he didn't seem to take it seriously."
  165. [00:05:00] <Alexei> "Blind?" Alexei's grip on his flask tightens. It's hard to tell, but it flickers a bit, the weatheing of age that marks his real flask showing for a second. More noticeably, the piplup on his shoulder flickers and fades for a few seconds. "I will...accept your knowledge, but the birthright of one individual to wield your power is bullshit."
  166. [00:05:44] <Celia> "Specially when he is such a selfish little jerk."
  167. [00:06:29] * Kaingaskhan is now known as Cayenne
  168. [00:07:05] <Tentra> Tentra nods. "Alexei, that is reason enough to find out the source of the power from the blood line, so it's not an exclusive, hidden trait..."
  169. [00:07:26] <@CounterBeard> The unown turned man smiles and turns to Alexei. "You remind me of my brother. He said much of the same thing."
  170. [00:07:59] <Alexei> "And what became of him? Executed for treason like the others who spoke such words in your time?"
  171. [00:09:23] <@CounterBeard> "No. I. Don't know. I can't remember what happened to him. To Ivan..Jehk."
  172. [00:09:44] <Celia> "Oh yes, like sending people to work camps is -so much better- than executing them. Get off your moral high horse, grandpa."
  173. [00:10:37] <Alexei> "Hmph." Alexei grunts and takes a gulp from his flask.
  174. [00:11:01] <@CounterBeard> "Why are we talking about executing? I've never executed anyone..." theman flickers back VSEV and the world begins to lighten.
  175. [00:14:01] : Alexei has decided to step back and listen for the time being.
  176. [00:14:04] <Tentra> "We just learn about this, find the answer. It's what we were sent here to do," she says, not really sure how to express her thoughts.
  177. [00:19:22] <@CounterBeard> The dreamscape eventually turns to a blinding white as you all wake up in the hotel...
  178. [00:21:49] <Tentra> "Nnnngh," she gets up slowly, not sorta baffled when she sees a past out Alexei and Celia attatched to her.
  179. [00:22:11] <Alexei> (Alexei actually passed out in the hall outside)
  180. [00:23:08] * Celia is totes clinging to Tentra though.
  181. [00:23:24] <@CounterBeard> and bring it back to mainscoots
  182. [00:24:00] * Tentra scoots over
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