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a guest
Mar 2nd, 2015
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  1. ProOctopus joined the room.
  2. Rengar or troll joined the room.
  3. Randdebbiel joined the room.
  4. El Carißou joined the room.
  5. Rengar or troll: hi
  6. Eldarhian: hi
  7. Randdebbiel: mid
  8. Eldarhian: adc please
  9. ProOctopus: hi mates
  10. ProOctopus: jungle
  11. Randdebbiel: dont bann zed
  12. Randdebbiel: bann leblanc pls
  13. Randdebbiel: :D
  14. ProOctopus: sure
  15. Eldarhian: yeah ban leblanc
  16. Randdebbiel: ty <3
  17. El Carißou: Typical player zed lose their lane :'(
  18. Rengar or troll: liss top probably
  19. Rengar or troll: i go top
  20. Randdebbiel: not sure hto
  21. Randdebbiel: zed shud be fine
  22. Randdebbiel: cassio and lb banned
  23. Randdebbiel: can u go ap top?
  24. Rengar or troll: we dont need i will end this before 20 min i smurf
  25. Eldarhian: xD
  26. Randdebbiel: lol
  27. Rengar or troll: got this acc from my bro
  28. ProOctopus: you smurf
  29. Randdebbiel: smurf?
  30. ProOctopus: and play normals
  31. ProOctopus: lol
  32. Randdebbiel: division?
  33. Rengar or troll: plat 3
  34. Randdebbiel: no ur main
  35. Rengar or troll: plat 3 xD
  36. Randdebbiel: lol
  37. Randdebbiel: im plat 3 too
  38. Rengar or troll: haha
  39. Randdebbiel: you playing with your silver bro or smthing?
  40. Rengar or troll: this acc is g 5
  41. Eldarhian: i'm plat 3 too ! what a hasard !
  42. Randdebbiel: ahhh
  43. Eldarhian: lol.
  44. Randdebbiel: alright
  45. Randdebbiel: i got
  46. Rengar or troll: nicceeee
  47. Randdebbiel: 1550 chat restrict
  48. Randdebbiel: 250 ranked restrict
  49. Rengar or troll: hahahaha
  50. Rengar or troll: holy shit
  51. Randdebbiel: and 10min afk bann
  52. Rengar or troll: i got 30 games district
  53. Randdebbiel: 10min b4 i can enter q
  54. Randdebbiel: for 10 more games
  55. Randdebbiel: im so toxic
  56. Randdebbiel: but im beast tho
  57. Randdebbiel: xD
  58. Rengar or troll: svenskeren inc
  59. Randdebbiel: not on zed tho
  60. Randdebbiel: suck at zed
  61. Randdebbiel: riven mid
  62. Randdebbiel: gg
  63. Randdebbiel: XD
  64. Rengar or troll: liss mid
  65. Randdebbiel: counters zed so hard
  66. Rengar or troll: i think
  67. Randdebbiel: nah
  68. Rengar or troll: he counters xa
  69. Randdebbiel: he took riven to counter my d1ck
  70. Eldarhian: riven top and lissandra mid -_-
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