

Dec 24th, 2014
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  1. Pillman, HHH, Fucktrain, Vader, and Kane vs Owen, Taz, Bulldog, Warrior, and The Undertaker
  3. The match started with HHH and Brian beating on Taz in the corner, quickly tagging in and out and keeping him away from his teammates. Eventually, Taz was able to catch a kick from Pillman into a release fisherman suplex, knocking HHH off the apron and allowing him time to tag in Bulldog, who came in like a house of fire, taking down Pillman as HHH tagged in Vader. Bulldog and Vader just went at each other with clubbing blows and suplexes until Fucktrain was able to trip Bulldog as he was running the ropes for a clothesline. This allowed Vader to beat down Bulldog for a while until he was able to get the hot tag to Owen, who proceeded to run wild on Vader, Pillman, and Fucktrain until HHH distracted him long enough for Pillman to get a surreptitious low blow in. This allowed Pillman to work over Owen a while until he could hot tag Taker, who just destroyed everyone until Kane tagged in. They destroyed each other with strikes, and Taker almost had him up for the Last Ride when Warrior tagged in, attempted to get Kane up for the Gorilla Press Powerslam, but got reversed into a Tombstone for the 3. Kane looked great against Taker here.
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