
Communication 2013-08-06

Aug 6th, 2013
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  1. Next week Monday: Give a short (3-5 minutes) presentation about a holiday or celebration in your country
  2. ---
  3. Religious holidays: Christmas, Eid(s),
  4. Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday/Lent/Holy Week/Easter
  6. Historical holidays: Country "birthday", July 4 (US Independence Day)
  8. Seasonal holidays (calendar holidays): New Year, Halloween, Thanksgiving
  10. National/patriotic holidays: Thanksgiving
  11. ---
  12. January: New Year's Day, MLK Jr. Day
  13. February: Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Groundhog's Day
  14. March: Women's Day, St. Patrick's Day
  15. April: Easter (maybe), April Fool's Day, Patriot's Day
  16. May: May Day, Memorial Day, Mother's Day
  17. June: Father's Day
  18. July: Independence Day
  19. August: ---
  20. September: Labor Day
  21. October: Columbus Day, Halloween
  22. November: Thanksgiving, Veterans' Day
  23. December: Christmas, New Year's Eve, Pearl Harbor Day
  24. ---
  25. Ordinal Numbers:
  26. first
  27. second
  28. third
  29. fourth
  30. fifth
  31. sixth
  32. seventh
  33. eighth
  34. ninth
  35. tenth
  36. eleventh
  37. twelfth
  38. thirteenth
  39. ...
  40. twentieth
  41. twenty-first
  42. twenty-second
  43. ...
  44. ---
  45. Monday
  46. Tuesday
  47. Wednesday ("Wenzday")
  48. Thursday
  49. Friday
  50. Saturday
  51. Sunday
  52. ---
  53. Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November.
  54. -
  55. My father's brother bothers mothers there.
  57. (Tongue Twister)
  58. ---
  59. Homework: p. 127 3D
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