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imx6-dongle xbmc "birds"

a guest
May 31st, 2013
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  1. I/OMXClient(11355): Using client-side OMX mux.
  2. I/vpu-lib ( 1008): Product Info: i.MX6Q/D/S
  3. I/OMXCodec(11355): [OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based] AVC profile = 100 (High), level = 41
  4. I/OMXCodec(11355): [OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based] video dimensions are 1920 x 1072
  5. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 DEBUG: CStageFrightVideo:: - component: OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based
  6. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: stf-h264 - Opened
  7. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 NOTICE: Creating video thread
  8. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
  9. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 DEBUG: - Checking for edit decision lists (EDL) on local drive or remote share for: /mnt/sdcard/Download/h264_1
  10. 080p_hp_4.1_40mbps_birds.mkv
  11. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 3
  12. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1379530008 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  13. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
  14. E/OMXCodec(11355): [OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based] Codec's input buffers are too small to accomodate buffer read from source (info->mSize
  15. = 1048576, srcLength = 1311783)
  16. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1378475408 ERROR: CStageFrightVideo - decoding error (-2147483648)
  17. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(41700.000000, 1)
  18. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 ERROR: CStageFrightVideo:: - Error getting picture from frame(-2147483648)
  19. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 WARNING: Decoder Error getting videoPicture.
  20. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1380706896 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
  21. V/XBMC (11355): 17:58:49 T:1283964720 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(/mnt/sdcard/Download/h264_1080p_hp_4.1_40mbps_birds.mkv)
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