
RO/AC: Can't we all get along? (no)

May 21st, 2012
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  1. -- recreantOctopus [RO] began trolling abstruseContradiction [AC] --
  2. RO: how hey Bahari
  3. AC: Greetings, Cirrin!
  4. RO: can CIRRIN RUNFAR skip the polite how are you stuff?
  5. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR heard you were somehow involved in Ranigis deal
  6. AC: Oh mψ, I don't remember being involved in a deal! I am involved with this issue, however.
  7. RO: well
  8. RO: good
  9. RO: but how is this issue anything to do with you?
  10. RO: no offense
  11. AC: None taken. I would prefer that we not trψ to maim each other horriblψ over such trivial matters. It reallψ is troublesome.
  12. RO: well glad someone agrees!
  13. AC: Such a thing could have easilψ been resolved with words. I assure ψou I didn't interfere for justice or anψthing of the sort.
  14. RO: words?
  15. RO: how would words have stopped them?
  16. AC: Not words as in stopping them, as in theψ could have used words.
  17. AC: Goodness what words are going to stop Cucali? Reallψ, now.
  18. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR has no idea
  19. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR thought CIRRIN RUNFAR was saying all the right words to her
  20. AC: It's difficult to stop her once she's set on doing something.
  21. RO: thats going be a huge pain if she comes after CIRRIN RUNFAR for some other slight then!
  22. AC: Ψes I agree! I think it would be best to trψ to avoid anψ conflict with her. She simplψ can't be talked out of anψthing.
  23. RO: ugh given that CIRRIN RUNFAR still has to talk to her about well a lot of things does that mean CIRRIN RUNFAR has to kiss ass all time?
  24. AC: It doesn't mean ψou have to suck up to her, just...tolerate her, I suppose would be better wording.
  25. RO: well thats technically right in the deal there
  26. RO: cant even mess with her verbally
  27. AC: Also, don't trψ to insult/hurt Paloma. Ψou've alreadψ lost ψour tongue, let's not lose anψ other bodψ parts.
  28. RO: er yeah dont really see how insulting someone should lead to missing bits
  29. AC: Oh ψes that is a bit much, isn't it? Well trψ not to hurt her, then.
  30. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR never hurt her or even came close or even threatened to
  31. AC: Not hurt so much as phψsicallψ, (although don't phψsicallψ hurt her) but hurt as in the emotional sense.
  32. RO: thats just a figure of speech though its not real pain
  33. AC: Emotional pain can be painful in its own sense of the word. Either waψ, don't trψ to do anψthing to provoke Cucali and the rest of ψour bodψ will remain intact.
  34. RO: well CIRRIN RUNFAR knows it can be painful but its something you do to yourself you cant punch someone and make them feel bad
  35. AC: Ψes, well, something causes someone to do that to themself, I suppose. It would be best to not even cause the cause.
  36. RO: got it theyll use any excuse and CIRRIN RUNFAR cant even do anything back because breaking the deal would turn Ranigi against CIRRIN RUNFAR
  37. AC: Unless ψou would like to deal everψthing that would come with breaking said deal, I suggest ψou don't trψ to break it.
  38. RO: dont break it until CIRRIN RUNFARs in a position deal with the everything got it
  39. RO: er thanks youve been helpful
  40. AC: Erm, ψou're welcome but I don't think that ψou should go stirring up everψthing even if ψou are in a position to deal with it.
  41. RO: well thats really just a dream because CIRRIN RUNFAR will probably never be in such a situation unless
  42. RO: nevermind
  43. AC: Hmm..well, alright then.
  44. RO: yeah
  45. RO: well CIRRIN RUNFARs going to disappear now
  46. AC: Farewell, Cirrin.
  47. -- recreantOctopus [RO] absconded from abstruseContradiction [AC] --
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