

May 6th, 2014
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  1. Walt steps forward to go into the purification chamber, and for what may be the first time in his own life, removes his hat and cloak. The sight underneath is... disturbing, to say the least. The.. man underneath is hideous, deformed, with patchwork black hair and a hunched back, a squished face, an enormous nose and bloodshot eyes. His hands are more or less sausages that end in thick, razor sharp claws, and without a cane, has to lean down and place his hand on the ground for support. His wings are still the same, of course, ruffled and blue-black, like a crow's. He carries with him into the chamber a single object, an old, golden bell.
  3. You once again go to infuse with the forces of the elemental spirits with your and Eden's powers of geomancy...
  5. Earth.
  7. His body breaks into base parts as his soul is free of his hideous shell, the chamber shining with multicolored light.
  9. Wind.
  11. The particles left swirl about, trying to find his true form.
  13. Fire.
  15. His soul burns brightly as his new form starts to be forged.
  17. Ice.
  19. And cools once more.
  21. Water.
  23. The new vessel is infused with the liquids it needs to survive.
  25. Thunder.
  27. And so too is it infused with energy, taking Walt's soul back into it.
  29. Six become one! This all happens in a matter of moments as a masculine form appears in the tank... and after a bit he's able to step out, coughing. He's now the height of a proper man, lean and somewhat unathletic, with short hair that lightens in a layers from black, to brown, to golden. Your first thought is that for some reason he has a striking resemblance to Ammy's boyfriend. His hands end in inch-long nails which seem almost too carefully manicured for someone who was just reborn, and naturally colored dark blue. And his wings... are much longer, stronger, and a mix of white and dark blue in a way that reminds one of a heron. Finally, his tail hangs limply, pure black in color.
  31. He seems to be recovering from shock for the first several minutes, the way his body feels and works must be incredibly different now. And he's even more surprised when a mirror is gotten to him. He looks to be on the verge of tears, either way, and needs a moment.
  33. As for the kids, their transformations go by quite smoothly! Each of them appears to be a normal-sized person in their 16's-17's when they emerge, with Bebe being the first in!
  35. He emerges, being somewhat tall and langly, unnaturally skinny, like he hasn't been eating well since Liz stopped living in his house. He has black hair down to his neck, ith a stripe of hold down the middle, and bears some slight resemblance to Theta. As he steps out there's a flash of light and a howl like a wolf's as the need for Fenrir's power is no more.
  37. Lolo and Lulu go next and insist on doing this together. When they emerge, it'd be hard to tell them apart if they weren't naked. They're both rather feminine sorts with typical blonde-black hair down to their buttocks. A 'kyaaa'! from Natbuncle, who SOMEHOW FIGURED OUT WHEN YOU WERE DOING THINGS AGAIN (what is with that girl) and a roar from a distant Leviathan signal the release of power from them, as well.
  39. Quan goes in and emerges as a rather large, roly-poly sort of individual with short black-blonde hair and a derpy smile. Nothing more really needs to be said about him, but a shimmer of holy light signifies Madeen letting go.
  41. Veve, the little knightess, comes out with stunning emerald-blonde hair and enormous cowtits - with a strong and athletic frame to support them. She's almost half a foot taller than the rest of her siblings on average, and beats Bebe by an inch, too. Geez. Another distant roar lets you know Bahamut's severed his link as well. Somehow she manages to keep a family resemblance up.
  43. And then... Xixi. She who kept herself in a mask even with her natural black mage blackface, comes out as... a rather ordinary looking teenage girl with pure black hair and a short stature. She has rather below average features, and a sickly look to her, with bags under her eyes. An unnerving silence... probably has something to do with Atomos. Yeah.
  45. Overall, this bunch seems extremely excited about their new forms and spend turns making fun of each other and laughing as they wait for clothes.
  48. ---------------------
  52. You and Pritchard keep your eyes and ears peeled for some OPPORTUNITIES. Adenine, of course, is a bit too swamped to manage things for you here, but she does do what she can to help, giving you the names of a few people to try talking to, financial advisors here in Treno that do well for themselves giving economic advice to the nobility. One might could say that some of the more... unscrupulous ones here are part of the problem, though... You do find one that's helpful enough to get you situated by helping you get all the proper business licenses and what have you, as well as advice on how to handle your up and coming business - it seems to be slightly different from the process you underwent to register the Garden. In the meantime, you can start putting advertisements out through the Moogles like you did before, and some of the wholesalers you received school equipment from happen to have refurbished factory machinery on hand as well. What the advisor mostly wants to know is the scope of your business, what products you'll sale and how far you want to try deal.
  54. Pritchard on the other hand, asks around and finds a rather nice place to set up a factory. It turns out there's an old warehouse not far from the Knight estate that's currently not in full use - rather it seems the basement area of the place is being used as a semi-secret middle-to-low class eatery that serves at mostly affordable prices. Richard seems to be of the opinion that the businesses could help each other out, and it seems the owner of this establishment is willing to lease the warehouse area, which is probably far more affordable for you all at this point than a flat purchase. The Rooks also offer some of Bishop's unused storage areas for your own use in this, too!
  56. -------------------
  60. Seems like Adenine has finally got physical construction on that airport done! It's technically functional now, they just need to bring in staff and ships, and both are on the way. Operations are expected to start within the week. Ark and the Hearthstone are free to land in specially designated ports here whenever they like, no longer having to necessarily pick awkward spots like the lake out front of Theta's house or the Rooks' private airpad.
  62. Savannah and Myrina are officially going steady (to which some people are probably like, 'they weren't before?' and it is awkward and adorable. Myrina's making a concentrated effort to get to know your huge-ass family, including you, a bit better now. She also bought you one of those "Gaia's Greatest Dad" mugs, probably trying to suck up.
  64. Ayane is seriously starting to get kind of creepy, like Stepford Wives level of complacency and obedience. She's begun to tape up any sort of photograph or drawing of Theta she can find on the walls of her room, arranged in hearts. That said, she seems more and more depressed at points lately.
  66. Recently, a nasty rumor started up that Millie was offering 'off the record service' to customers at the maid cafe and she's been enduring harassment about it. She claims, of course, that this is absolute nonsense. You've probably also heard rather crude, similar jokes at this point concerning Ayane and Manikins.
  68. Dahlila's physical therapy is going well. She's able to stand for extended periods of times and can move short distances, but the wheelchair is still easier for her at the moment.
  70. (Is there anyone you want to hear about in particular?)
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