
Magical Text Adventure FR Pt 1

Feb 11th, 2013
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  1. >Day Magical-Text-Adventure in Equestria
  2. >Who are you?
  3. A. Anonymous
  4. B. Anonymous
  5. C. Anonymous
  6. >Awaiting choice…
  7. >*Elevator Music*
  8. >You have chosen: D. Anonymous!
  9. >Great Choice!
  11. >Choose your Scenario:
  12. A. Medieval Knight sent to save the princess and kill the evil wizard who threatens your kingdom!
  13. B. Future Combat-Engineer fighting to survive a hellacious journey through the cosmos!
  14. C. Hard Boiled Detective in the midst of an investigation into a series of grisly murders that will take you from the sleepy suburbs of contemporary America, to the gritty underworld of Seoul, North Korea!
  15. >[spoiler]D. DATA CORRUPT DO NOT CHOOSE [/spoiler]
  16. >Awaiting Choice…
  17. >*Slightly Different Elevator Music*
  18. >You have chosen: D. *&$%@#
  21. >POSSIBILITY OF PROGRAM CRASH: 89.42% [/spoiler]
  22. 1/?
  24. >You are Anonymous.
  25. >And you find yourself in a room.
  26. >Wat do?
  27. A. Panic like fuck and Pickle your pants.
  28. B. Look at the room.
  29. >C. Check Inventory.
  30. >You've chosen : C. Check Inventory
  33. >You look about yourself, and take note of what you're carrying. You note that you are wearing a comfortable suit, including a pair of Suit-Pants,Black Socks, Dress Shoes, and a red Tie.
  34. >Your dress pants has three pockets, and your jacket has one breast pocket.
  35. >Wat do?
  36. A. Panic like Fuck and Pickle your pants.
  37. B. Examine the room.
  38. >C. Check your pockets.
  39. >You pat yourself down, making sure that you only have the four pockets to check, and discover a fifth hidden pocket on the inner side of your jacket. It is large enough to easily hold a wallet, secret documents, or a concealed weapon. You are saddened by the fact that it is empty of these items at the moment.
  40. >Your breast pocket holds a small cloth handkerchief that came with the suit. It is otherwise empty. It has enough room to hold a small knife, or a small stack of business cards.
  41. >Your left pant pocket is empty save for a dust mote or two. It has room enough for a handgun, a wallet, a flash light, or any number of small useful items.
  42. >Your rear pocket is empty, and does not have enough room to effectively hold much of anything. It is likely merely there for cosmetic purposes.
  43. >Your right pocket holds an unknown object that gleams with reflected sunlight, and feels warm in your palm. It does not weigh very much, and does not have any obvious purpose. You put it back into your pocket, perhaps you can discern it's use at a later time?
  44. >Wat do?
  45. 2/?
  47. A. Panic.
  48. >B. Examine the room.
  49. C. Masturbate.
  50. >You decide it's been too long since you gave your wonderful eyes a wonderful workout, and go about remedying that by taking in your surroundings.
  51. >You find yourself in a well lit room. The room smells of well read old tomes, and of good food. Someone recently dined on what smells like a very fruity meal. Judging from the light coming in through the open windows, it is just past noon. It also smells of horses, but not in an unpleasant way, an earthy smell that fills you with pleasant memories that feel as though they belong to you.
  52. >Come to think of it, you don't really know anything about yourself. You suppose you could try and remember, but perhaps when you're sure you're not in any imminent danger.
  53. >There are Bookshelves stacked around the room, taking up much of the wall space, each and every book has been kept fastidiously clean of dust. Whether through routine maintenance and dusting, or through use is indeterminable. As are the titles on the spines of each book.
  54. >You quickly leaf through several of the texts, attempting to find anything understandable, but are hit with feelings of anxiety as you realize that nothing here is legible to you. Is this what it feels like to be illiterate you think to yourself before noticing an odd figure standing in a doorway.
  55. >The small purple unicorn is merely watching you as you examine the room, occasionally scribbling observations into a notepad. You briefly consider attempting to hide from the odd creature, but as it appears to have already seen you, and is making no move to injure you, you pay it no mind yet.
  56. >Aside from the odd creature, which seems to shy away as you approach it to observe it's side of the room, the room looks very familiar to you, bringing up the word "Library" form your subconscious.
  57. >You see a spiraling staircase leading up to what can be assumed to be a second floor.
  58. >Wat do?
  59. A. Panic.
  60. B. Approach the Unicorn.
  61. C. Head Upstairs.
  62. >D. Cry like a wimpy little bitch.
  63. 3/?
  65. >The strangeness and loneliness of your situation hits you like a wrecking ball, and you collapse under it. You take your head in your hands and begin to weep. It is a terrible experience, and when you've wept all you can, you are left with a tired, and aching mind. The small purple Unicorn has come closer in your time of sorrow, and appears to be trying to comfort you by cooing softly and presenting her side to sit up against.
  66. >Wat do?
  67. A. Panic
  68. B. Attempt to communicate
  69. >C. Nuzzle into it's side and attempt to compose yourself.
  70. >In your aching and unsuspicious state of mind, you gladly accept the motion of kindness, and sit up to hug the Small unicorn. It doesn't seem to shy away as you do so, so you drape your arms over it, and nuzzle your face into it's warm soft side. The experience reminds you of lost intimacies, and the word lover bubbles up from the depths of your subconscious.
  71. >Perhaps normally this connection would bother you, but right now, nothing feels off as you sit on the floor of a library in a foreign place, sobbing into the side of a small lavender scented unicorn. She nuzzles you with her muzzle, you look into her eyes, and see that even though she does not understand your plight, she is genuinely saddened to see you in such a state.
  72. >The two of you remain close, with you occasionally running a hand through her mane, and with her continuing her soft cooing.
  73. >Wat do?
  74. 4/?
  76. A. Panic
  77. B. Attempt to Communicate
  78. C. Stay in comfortable silence for a while longer.
  79. >D. Slay the adorable Unicorn.
  80. > A brief vision flashes before your eyes. In it, you are standing above the broken body of your Unicorn friend. Your hands are coated in her blood, and as the vision slowly zooms in from above, "You" turn and can see that you are in the process of devouring her body. Drinking the blood in a cruel gambit at immortality.
  81. >Thankfully your sense return to you as the vision comes to a close, and you find yourself trembling in disgust and terror. "Could this have happened to us? Could i truly be so cruel?"
  82. >The Unicorn is looking up at you with concern writ deep on her features.
  83. Wat do?
  84. >A. Panic
  85. B. Ignore the vision and Attempt to communicate
  86. 5/?
  88. >The horrid vision has shaken you to your core, and as the beautiful creature attempts to reach out to you, perhaps to offer her side in comfort once again, you reel in terror.
  89. >Now that the thought has passed through your mind, you feel that you cannot trust yourself to stay around the unicorn anymore. You attempt to turn and flee, lest you hurt the creature, but before you truly can, a pair of purple hooves hugs to your leg. You look down to see sorrow and concern dominating the face of your only friend. This kills any thoughts of fleeing, and bolsters thoughts of self-control.
  90. >It was only a vision of what could have been, not a premonition of things to come. You are your own man, and you will be damned before you injure her on purpose!
  91. >You Look down upon her, and give her a reassuring smile, before kneeling to her level, and holding her once more. You will never harm her. Never!
  92. Wat do?
  93. 6/?
  95. >A. Stay together in the comfortable silence.
  96. B. Break the silence and attempt to communicate.
  97. >You decide that your curiosity can wait for a while, For now, you feel that you should comfort the friend who has comforted you so. You sit beside her, noting how she appears to be studying your method of sitting with knees crossed, and motion for her to rest her head in between your legs. She appears to hesitate at first, but once she does, and you begin to slowly massage her neck, and groom her mane, she relaxes, and eventually dozes off.
  98. >The relaxing ministrations you are performing upon her, coupled with her warmth, and the comfort you feel while with her, all come together and before you realize it, you find yourself dozing off as well.
  99. >By the time you wake, your friend has disapered, and the sun has set. You've also been moved from the floor to what appears to be a bedroom. Perhaps your friend's owner came home to the sight of you snoozing, and managed to bring you up here without waking you?
  100. Wat do?
  101. >A. Go Back to sleep
  102. B. Examine the room you're in
  103. C. Attempt to find either your host, or your friend.
  104. >You decide it might not be the best idea to try and find your host or your friend in the middle of the night. they could be asleep for all you know. Plus the room will not change overnight, and if you've been sleeping for as long as you have been without danger, you're fairly certain that you can examinee the room in the morning, when it's lit up and easier to actually see.
  105. >With this justification in mind, you lay back into the bed, get comfortable, and attempt to drift back off for the rest of the night.
  106. 7/7
  107. End of Pt 1
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