
Formal Arrangements (ch2)

Apr 1st, 2018
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  3. I'm glad a few people are up for another Monochrome fic. Glad you've enjoyed it so far! Let's see what Weiss has in store.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  7. ------------
  9. Chapter 2.
  11. Weiss was surprised she managed to sleep at all that night with how terribly excited she'd been.
  13. The next morning she woke up feeling rather rested, but more than anything the bubbles of nervousness and delight were popping inside her chest. Blake was still asleep, so Weiss simply lie on her back for a moment, staring up at the ceiling.
  15. /I can't believe I really did it. And what's more, her parents actually said yes./
  17. She turned her head slowly and looked to her girlfriend. Blake was on her side facing her, her eyes closed, brow lax, hair ruffled, ears comfortable. She was breathing softly, clearly undisturbed in whatever dreams she might be having. Weiss watched her fondly for a long moment as her thoughts took off once again.
  19. /This means that soon, she won't just be my girlfriend. She'll be my fiancee.../
  21. She hadn't even said the word aloud, but imagining it in regards to Blake... being her fiancee... Her heart fluttered and started to race just a bit.
  23. With a smile Weiss turned over to face the sleeping Faunus girl and moved her face closer to hers on the pillow. She touched the tips of their noses together, then rested her forehead to Blake's, letting their cheeks brush. When she closed her eyes, her eyelashes tickled Blake's skin.
  25. Weiss inched herself a little closer, making it easier for her to find Blake's lips with hers. She kissed her very lightly, not wanting to wake her just yet, then settled her head beside hers, arms draped loosely across Blake's upturned side.
  27. A powerful swell of emotion surged up in Weiss' chest, one that was a bit too intense for her first thing in the morning. She couldn't stop a familiar sting from rising up behind her eyes. The tears slipped out slowly, running down her cheeks and into the pillow. She did her best to stifled the little gasps that accompanied them as not to wake her girlfriend.
  29. But Blake was roused from her slumber a few seconds later anyway. Her sensitive ears were constantly tuned in to Weiss, even while she slept. And as soon as her condition changed, Blake could tell instantly. She could sense the little waves of distress coming off of her, detect the speed of her heart through little pulses in the air.
  31. Blake recognized the signs that she was crying before she was even conscious, but ultimately that was what roused her from sleep. She heard the disturbance in Weiss' breath and in the way her heart stuttered with little jolts of hiccups.
  33. Blake opened her eyes in a rush, her chest tightening with dread as she found Weiss lying there beside her with tears running down her cheeks. Her voice was a croak but she reached out for her right away.
  35. "Weiss-?" Blake stroked her girlfriend's cheek with extreme care, trailing her hand down over her shoulder and along her side, rubbing softly. "Weiss, what's wrong-?"
  37. She was already pushing herself up onto her elbow, ready to bolt and make a call or fetch whatever Weiss might request of her.
  39. But when Weiss next opened her eyes, the blue of them was clear and shining, not clouded with grief or pain like Blake feared they might be. To her pleasant surprise a smile found its way onto Weiss' lips right away.
  41. "Blake- It's okay." She quickly wiped her eyes and cleared off her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
  43. "Never mind that." Blake cradled the back of Weiss' head gently and pulled her a little closer, petting through her hair. "Why are you crying?"
  45. Weiss sniffled, but the smile remained.
  47. "It's nothing bad. I'm just... so happy..."
  49. "...Huh?"
  51. "I mean just what I said." Weiss proved her words with her smile and reached out for Blake as well, gingerly combing her fingers along the base of Blake's ears and then down through her hair. "Everything's fine, Blake. I just... got to thinking about how much I love you and I couldn't help myself."
  53. Blake could hardly believe it. Out of all the worst-case-scenario things she'd been ready to hear, she hadn't even considered something this preferable. The fingers over her ears brushed softly, the backs of Weiss' nails stroking away the tension in her body as her hands trailed down to Blake's shoulders and rubbed in firm circles.
  55. Her eyes were so lovely, shimmering with tears of joy and love, her lips so beautifully curved. Blake let out a long shaky breath and pulled the girl in to her chest in quiet desperation.
  57. "You scared me..."
  59. "I'm sorry. I'm all right, Blake."
  61. Blake felt the unease draining out of her system. As the realization that Weiss wasn't hurt or upset settled over her, a comforting warmth began spreading through her body. It wasn't much longer before a purr started bubbling in her stomach.
  63. Weiss hugged her tightly, nestling her face into the side of Blake's shoulder, and the Faunus girl brushed her cheek against the side of her head, pulling her as close as possible. The purr rose up and became fuller, louder, sending hearty rumbles and vibrations across Weiss' body as well.
  65. "I'm glad you're okay," Blake murmured.
  67. "Sorry for startling you first thing in the morning." Weiss let her hands roam all across her girlfriend's back, kneading her fingers in here and there and pressing herself closer. "I just... I love you so much, Blake..."
  69. Blake purred a little harder.
  71. "I love you too."
  73. She felt it for herself when Weiss' heartbeat evened out, the little sobs having faded by now. Blake's ears stood tall atop her head now, relaxed and elated as she continued to pamper the girl in her arms. She kissed Weiss' scarred cheek, and in return felt Weiss cupping each of her Faunus ears in turn, scratching softly.
  75. Blake closed her eyes again and let her body relax against hers. To think she'd found herself a girlfriend this wonderful, this adorable. A girlfriend who would wake up and start crying first thing in the morning just because she was thinking about how dearly she loved Blake.
  77. Blake felt a rush behind her eyes now as a few tears trickled down her own face. She wrapped Weiss more tightly in her arms and breathed into her.
  79. "I love you so much, Weiss."
  81. Weiss nodded, turning her face so she could kiss Blake's cheek.
  83. "The feeling is mutual."
  85. The two of them lazed about in bed for a while longer, simply cuddling close, playing with hair, and sharing chaste little kisses. When Blake started to purr, Weiss pressed herself fully against her to feel it rumble through her chest in time with the faint thumping of Blake's pulse.
  87. Weiss let out a small giggle at the tingling sensation that went through her stomach, and Blake's ears perked up to the sound. She purred a little harder and earned another laugh. Then she glided her fingers down Weiss' back, allowing her nails to brush in lightly. Weiss squealed and jolted in her arms.
  89. "Blake-!"
  91. But Blake wasn't backing down now. She pushed Weiss down onto her back and pinned her with a smirk before commencing the tickle attack.
  93. Weiss yelped and squeaked beneath her, trying her best to flip or turn over to avoid Blake's wiggling fingers, but Blake always managed to get a reaction. She tickled Weiss' sides, stomach, and the small of her back when she could, unable to keep the smile off her face at the adorable sounds. Weiss laughed and giggled between gasps of Blake's name, her eyes squeezed shut as she did her very best to defend herself to little avail.
  95. Blake played and had her fun for a few more minutes before she relented, easing herself down over Weiss and kissing her lips softly. She didn't linger on her mouth long though, letting her catch her breath as she moved instead to trail her lips along Weiss' cheek and temple.
  97. Weiss' arms wrapped around her back weakly, playing idly through her hair. Blake went back to her lips for one more kiss, then laid her head down on Weiss' chest. Her ears flicked as she listened to Weiss' heart, a fast and lively beat drumming against the sensitive fur.
  99. Blake nuzzled her chest softly, her body rising and falling in time with Weiss' as she caught her breath. She waited and listened until Weiss' pulse slowed and steadied, until she felt the hands in her hair regain enough strength to start stroking gently down her back and up to her ears.
  101. Weiss let out a heavy but happy sigh as her eyelids finally lifted. Blake perked up to look down into that beautiful blue.
  103. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself. Are you okay?"
  105. Weiss gave her a little smirk.
  107. "You're lucky I'm so exhausted. Or else you'd be suffering payback as we speak."
  109. "I'll count my blessings then." Blake leaned in to peck her girlfriend's lips once again, gave her one last squeeze to the mattress, then eased herself off. "To compensate, you stay here and rest and I'll make breakfast."
  111. "Not so fast." Weiss pushed herself up and let the blankets fall away. "I had plans for breakfast this morning."
  113. Blake rolled her eyes.
  115. "All right."
  117. She stood before offering Weiss her hand, and once she had it they strolled into the kitchen together to start making breakfast.
  119. And as they cooked and cleaned and went about their daily weekend activities together, Weiss was able to forget about her nervous excitement for the most part.
  121. Only when she laid down for bed beside Blake again that night did her mind really have the time to wander back there.
  123. The thoughts still clung to the back of her mind and resurfaced every once in a while, but now that the act of speaking to Blake's parents was over with, it was more excitement than anxiety. She already had a plan for what she might do about a potential proposal. But she just needed a second opinion on it.
  125. That was going to be a job for after work tomorrow.
  127. So for now she simply closed her eyes, kissed Blake one more time, and let sleep come.
  129. -----------
  131. The next day, Weiss told Blake she needed to stay at work a bit later after closing time to discuss business with her father.
  133. It was the first time she could remember lying to her girlfriend since they'd moved in together. She felt terribly guilty about it, but not when she reminded herself it would all be entirely for the best in the long run.
  135. So while she knew Blake was heading home from the library to have supper by herself this evening, Weiss was closing down the jewelry store at the same time as always, with no actual business to talk with her father about.
  137. Instead of staying late at the shop to address business matters with him, Weiss gave him a hug and a kiss as always, then headed out to her car. Just as she started it, her phone buzzed and she checked her messages. One was from Blake, a motivational text:
  139. //Good luck staying late! Followed by several hearts.//
  141. Weiss smiled and typed a quick reply, estimating what time she would be home.
  143. The second text was from someone else. Her best friend of many years since college, Ruby Rose.
  145. //Weiss! Are you coming over now? When will you be here?//
  147. Weiss sighed and smiled as she pacified her energetic friend. She had asked if she could meet with Ruby this evening in private at Ruby's apartment. She and Yang lived together, but Weiss had made a specific request to have an evening alone with Ruby.
  149. Luckily enough, Ruby had told her Yang would be out tonight meeting a friend, so it worked perfectly.
  151. As Weiss started driving, she began to feel those familiar jitters all over again. She hadn't told Ruby why she'd wanted to meet with her tonight. All she'd said was that it was very important.
  153. It only took her about ten minutes to get across town to Ruby's and Yang's apartment complex. When she pulled into a spot and looked up, she was surprised to find Ruby standing there outside waiting for her. Weiss quickly parked and got out of her car.
  155. "Ruby? What on earth are you doing out here?"
  157. When she heard Weiss, Ruby perked up and rushed over to her.
  159. "Weeeiissss!"
  161. As soon as she reached her she threw both arms around her in a crushing hug. Weiss staggered back against her car as she caught her.
  163. "What's gotten into you?"
  165. "I'm just worried!" Ruby wailed. "W-What's so serious that you needed to come here alone and talk to me? Did something happen? Did you and Blake have a fight? Oh god please don't tell me you're breaking up-"
  167. "Ruby, calm down." Weiss almost chuckled at how the girl was over-reacting. She patted Ruby's head softly to reassure her. "Nothing bad happened between Blake and I. Everything's fine. More than fine, actually."
  169. "Really?! Oh, thank god..." Ruby slumped against her in relief. "I was so worried..."
  171. "And I appreciate that very much." Weiss coaxed her back a pace. "But shall we continue this conversation inside?"
  173. "Oh yeah, of course!"
  175. "Just to be certain, you do have a key to get back in, don't you?"
  177. "Weeeiss! I only locked us out twice before!"
  179. "Right."
  181. The playful banter served to lighten the mood as they headed up the stairs and up to the sisters' apartment. Ruby had to fumble in her pocket for the key but she had it, and she invited Weiss in.
  183. It was very similar to Blake's and Weiss' own apartment in terms of structure and space, but all of the personal touches were very different. There were a lot of posters, some workout equipment, and video games in the living room, but the major difference was that they had two separate but smaller bedrooms. And of course Zwei snoozing in his bed in the corner.
  185. Weiss took off her shoes and left them by the top of the stairs, and Ruby left her sneakers next to them before guiding her into the kitchen.
  187. "So do you want something to drink?"
  189. "Water would be lovely."
  191. "Got it!"
  193. As Ruby headed off to pour a glass of water for Weiss and milk for herself, Weiss retreated to the living room and sat on the couch. Ruby returned to her a moment later, and they took a moment to enjoy their drinks before Ruby couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. She sat down right next to Weiss, and the excitement wafting off of her was palpable. It only served to add to Weiss' own, and she felt her heart begin to backflip.
  195. "So!" Ruby said, grabbing Weiss' hand. "If it's not something bad that happened, it must be something good! So tell me! Are you guys moving somewhere bigger? Yang and I'll be sad if you leave town though-"
  197. "We aren't moving, Ruby."
  199. "Oh, thank god. Okay then, what else could you-" She suddenly cut off with a massive gasp. "O-Oh my god! Weiss, a-are you pregnant?!"
  201. "Wh- Of course not, you dolt!" Weiss lightly swatted Ruby away. "That isn't how pregnancy works!"
  203. "W-Well I dunno, there's all this modern technology these days..."
  205. "I'm not pregnant, Ruby. Neither is Blake," she added, sensing the follow-up question. With that out of the way, Ruby seemed to take her excitement down a notch.
  207. "Okay. Phew, I'm getting all worked up."
  209. "I've noticed. Now why don't you stop blabbering and let me tell you the actual reason why I'm here?"
  211. "Yeah, that sounds good!" Ruby gave a grin, and in contrast Weiss rolled her eyes.
  213. But now that she had the floor she felt the heat rush to her cheeks once again. Her posture was almost painfully straight and her hands started fidgeting in her lap. Ruby tilted her head like a confused puppy and sidled in close.
  215. "Weiss...?"
  217. Weiss drew in a tight breath, and when she let it out it was choppy.
  219. "Ruby... I'd wanted to ask for your assistance... in deciding on a ring..."
  221. Once the words were out they were met with silence. Weiss stared at her hands, breathing manually as she tried to assess Ruby's reaction with a flick of her eyes. She looked shocked, which was to be expected, considering-
  223. "Ring?" Ruby parroted. "Well, I mean you've always worn earring and necklaces, but I've never seen you wear any rings before."
  225. Weiss almost fell off the couch. She rounded on her friend instantly.
  227. "Not that kind of ring, you dolt! And not for myself! I need you to help me decide on an engagement ring! For Blake!"
  229. Now that Weiss had spelled it out for her, Ruby's eyes doubled in size. Her jaw dropped and she leaned back, almost swaying.
  231. "W...Whaaaat?! Ohmygosh, a-an engagement ring?! For Blake? Y-You guys are gonna get-"
  233. "Hush, now!" Weiss slapped a hand over Ruby's mouth. "Do you want your entire complex to know?"
  235. Ruby struggled against her grip until she'd wriggled free. But the second she did, she just threw her arms around Weiss so fervently she ended up bowling her over onto the couch.
  237. "Weiss! Oh my god! You're gonna propose to her?! Oh my goooosh!"
  239. Ruby laughed and squeezed her tightly, nuzzling into Weiss' shoulder as she pinned her down against the couch. Weiss wheezed beneath her weight, meekly patting Ruby's back.
  241. "That... is the plan... and I was hoping I could... discuss some things with you..."
  243. "With me?!"
  245. "Of course. That's why I just told you about it."
  247. "Oh, right!"
  249. Weiss sat up again, lightly pushing Ruby off herself as she readjusted her clothes and tried to regain her composure.
  251. But Ruby's giggles and squeals and the reality of what she'd just revealed made Weiss' cheeks heavily pink. Weiss put a hand to her mouth and cleared her throat. But before she could go on, Ruby was clinging to her arm and babbling away.
  253. "Oh my gosh, Weiss this is soooo exciting! I can't believe you're gonna-"
  255. "I told you to keep quiet!" Weiss covered Ruby's mouth this time. "Now can you please be quiet and hear me out just for ten seconds?"
  257. Ruby nodded with almost comical speed, pursing her lips as Weiss withdrew her hand with a sigh.
  259. "I plan to... purchase the ring from within the Schnee jewelry line. Being I've worked in the business for so long, I know the best of the best diamonds the world has to offer. Naturally, I plan to buy her the highest quality stone available, regardless of the price. I've been setting money aside for quite some time now, and I finally have enough."
  261. She paused to let it all sink in. She'd thought through this a million times already, but this was the first time she was saying any of it out loud. Ruby took her silence as a cue to jump in.
  263. "That's so Weiss-like of you! Getting her the most expensive ring on the market! But you know... I don't think Blake would care about getting the best ring in the world. She'd just be happy it came from you proposing to her!"
  265. Ruby's innocent smile was contagious. Weiss felt her lips curving as she draped an arm across her friend's shoulders and pulled her in.
  267. "I know that. I guess this is more of my being selfish, then. I want to get her the best ring possible. I want her to know that money isn't an issue, that I value her more than anything else, and that I love her with all my heart..." She let out another breath, feeling her heart begin to race again. "And besides... I know I can afford to do this, so why shouldn't I spoil her if I can?"
  269. "Aww, Weiss!" Ruby hugged her friend tightly once again, wiggling in her seat. "Blake's so lucky to have you! You're so thoughtful!"
  271. "Hush, now," she muttered, feeling the blush deepen. "Now I'd like to ask you about your opinion on... how exactly I should do it."
  273. "You mean how you should propose to her?"
  275. "Precisely."
  277. "Hmm... Well I feel there are so many different ways you could do it! You could take her out to eat one evening and have the waiter hide the ring in her tuna!"
  279. "Absolutely not! You did hear me just now, didn't you? I'm going to be paying a hefty load for this ring. No way am I going to put it in any food. Besides, that's dangerous! Blake could choke!"
  281. "Ah, okay okay, calm down! Okay no food then. Um let's see... You could surprise her at work! Like you can take off one Friday afternoon and show up at the library and surprise her! And then as you're about to take her home you just get down on one knee and propose right there!"
  283. Weiss imagined the scenario as Ruby explained it, and a smile spread across her face. But then she quickly realized a few things about it.
  285. "That sounds very nice. However I'm not sure I'd like to do it in a library. And in front of so many people... I think I'd rather keep it a little more private. And yet, I want it to be something more romantic than simply proposing to her in our kitchen or our bedroom..."
  287. "Yeah, I get it..."
  289. Both girls fell silent once again as they mulled things over, trying to think of something that would meet Weiss' criteria. They pondered for a moment, quite literally putting their heads together as they leaned against one another and thought...
  291. And then-
  293. "Oh!"
  295. The sudden gasp from Ruby startled Weiss so much she nearly choked on her own breath.
  297. "W-What is it?"
  299. Ruby turned to her friend with excitement brimming in her eyes.
  301. "Weiss, I've got it!"
  303. "Yes, I could infer as much. So tell me!"
  305. "Okay okay! So you know about the little carnival that comes to town every summer? Well it's coming again soon for a week! So why don't you propose to her then?"
  307. Weiss gave her a puzzled tilt of the head.
  309. "Ruby, didn't you hear me? I'd rather not cause a scene... I want it to be more private between Blake and I. I don't need strangers whooping and hollering at us..."
  311. "Wait, lemme finish!" Ruby shook Weiss' shoulder. "Not in front of everyone on the fairgrounds! After you go through the carnival all evening take her on one last ride; the ferris wheel!"
  313. When she finally revealed her idea, Weiss fell silent. She began to imagine the scenario as Ruby was painting it for her.
  315. "You ask her to take the ferris wheel, and then you go around a few times together. It'll be at the end of the day with the sunset and it'll be super romantic! And then you wait until it gets to the top and that's when you surprise her with the ring! So this way it's more romantic than just doing it in your apartment, but it's also still private!"
  317. Weiss had to admit she was impressed. Ruby hadn't always been one to demonstrate exceptional thinking skills, but there was a reason she'd been able to skip grades and end up in the same college year as Weiss and the others. Weiss was already smiling as she thought it all through.
  319. "That... That actually sounds perfect, Ruby."
  321. "See? Ohhhh my gosh, you're gonna propose to Blake!"
  323. Ruby was too excited to hold back, so she ended up tackling Weiss onto the couch once again.
  325. And Weiss didn't pry her off this time. She simply lie there beneath Ruby, wearing a blush and a smile.
  327. They both relished the moment for as long as they could before Weiss started thinking about other details. When they sat up again, she asked Ruby the specific dates the carnival would be in town, and then got to fretting about the weather.
  329. But it was still too far in advanced to predict if it might rain on the night Weiss had in mind. She opted not to worry about that particular detail for now, because she had a million other things to worry about instead. Like the matter of what exactly she was going to say to Blake on that eventful evening.
  331. "I feel I should prepare and memorize a script," she said. "I could start on it tomorrow-"
  333. "Weiss, Weiss, hold up!" Ruby grabbed her friend's shoulders and had Weiss look at her. "I know that's kinda how you work, but I think maybe for this you don't need to memorize a script. Just tell Blake everything that's on your mind at the time.
  335. "Knowing you, you'll still find a way to make it sensible! But if you just go making a big script and stuff, you'll be so nervous the evening of the carnival you'll end up forgetting it all and it'll only stress you out even more."
  337. Weiss tried to think about this objectively, and when she did she realized Ruby was right. She exhaled another long breath.
  339. "Very well. I'll abstain. Though I fear whatever I end up saying to her might be... less than intelligible..."
  341. "That won't matter to Blake!" Ruby assured her. "She'll just be so happy when she realizes you're proposing."
  343. "Goodness," Weiss mumbled, putting a hand to her chest. "We really need to stop saying it out loud..."
  345. "Aw, Weiss, you're so cute when you're nervous!"
  347. "Quit it, you dolt."
  349. "Heehee~"
  351. The two of them bantered playfully back and forth in between planning things out for the proposal as best they could manage this far in advance. A lot of the conversation ended up being Weiss fretting about every little thing and Ruby offering reassurance. For once, Ruby was the sound one offering realistic advice, and Weiss was the one over-reacting.
  353. And Weiss was very grateful for Ruby's support. Which was why she made sure to pull her into one last big hug as she was getting ready to leave an hour later. Ruby happily squeezed Weiss in return, sighing into her shoulder.
  355. "I can't believe this is happening~!"
  357. "Neither can I. And Ruby, I swear, if you tell anyone, even Yang-"
  359. "I won't! I promise! I swear!" To prove it Ruby quickly grabbed Weiss' hand and locked their fingers into a pinkie promise. Weiss knew she'd never break a pact like that, and so she sighed in relief.
  361. "Good. And I trust I can... contact you about things relating to this matter...?"
  363. "Of course! Any time, anywhere! I'll do whatever I can to help, Weiss! Even if you just need to talk off the nerves and stuff!"
  365. Just hearing her say that made Weiss' heart relax just a little. She pulled Ruby in again and held her there.
  367. "Thank you, Ruby."
  369. "You're super-duper welcome!"
  371. At last the two friends parted and Weiss headed out the door. All the car ride home she had to admit she felt immensely better now that she'd shared her secret and discussed things with Ruby.
  373. But she wasn't about to relax anytime soon. She planned to look into purchasing a ring as early as the next few days. But after spending the whole day at work and now the evening at Ruby's, Weiss was beginning to miss Blake terribly.
  375. So she drove home as quickly as possible within legal limits and hurried up the steps to the apartment. She fumbled for her keys, but to her surprise she didn't even get to bring them to the lock before the doorknob was already turning. Blake opened the door for her just in time, and Weiss gasped in delight.
  377. "Blake!"
  379. "Weiss!"
  381. Without a word they threw their arms around one another and squeezed tightly. Blake gradually stepped back and coaxed Weiss inside, then shut the door behind her.
  383. The two girls cupped each other's faces and smiled before coming together for a long sweet kiss. Weiss' heart was thumping a mile a minute for so many different reasons, but more than nervousness now she was just so happy to be home with Blake once again.
  385. Blake's ears flicked as she picked up on Weiss' energy, sensing that she had been just as anxious to be away from Blake as Blake had been being away from her.
  387. After a moment the two girls parted from the kiss, if only to bury themselves more deeply into the embrace. They sighed in unison, just glad to have each other back.
  389. Blake covered Weiss as much as she could, trying to warm her up from the evening chill. Her Faunus ears kept flicking as they picked up on Weiss' emotions, and she could tell Weiss was a little flustered about something. Blake conjured up a purr for her and rubbed soothing circles over her back.
  391. "How was it staying late? Are you okay?"
  393. "Yes, fine," she sighed. "I'm just... glad to be home."
  395. "Glad to have you back." Blake kissed her girlfriend's temple.
  397. Weiss reached one hand up the cradle the back of her girlfriend's head, stroking her ears gently.
  399. "Did you miss me that much?" she chuckled. "I was only gone for a few extra hours, Blake."
  401. "I know. But I can't help it..."
  403. Weiss heard the slight pout in her voice and relented.
  405. "Sorry to tease. I missed you terribly as well."
  407. "I can tell."
  409. They kissed each other's cheeks and lips once again. Then Blake began helping Weiss remove her coat.
  411. "Come on. I started dinner."
  413. From there it was just another typical evening in the apartment, only Weiss' mind was jumbled again with thoughts of what she planned to do in the coming weeks.
  415. When Blake asked her about the supposed meeting she'd stayed late for tonight, Weiss just made up a story and avoided going into detail. When she asked about Blake's evening here alone, Blake seemed to do the same thing. They didn't want to remember the times they'd spent without each other. They just wanted to enjoy the here and now.
  417. After dinner they showered, tidied up, and got ready for bed, and were all too happy to flop down on the mattress together. Several more moments were spent sharing kisses and cuddles before the two girls drifted off to sleep together.
  419. -----------
  421. Asking Blake's parents for her hand had been one thing. But Weiss knew that explaining things to her own father would prove to be another entirely.
  423. Their families were on friendly terms now and had been for several years since Blake and Weiss had started dating. But it wasn't the fear that her father didn't approve of Blake or anything like that. Luckily, Weiss' dilemma wasn't anything so serious. But still-
  425. "Anything you want, dear. Just say the word and it's yours."
  427. Weiss stood in the jewelry store with her father a little after closing time that evening. She'd somehow mustered up the courage to tell him she planned to propose to Blake soon and needed a ring. And he'd been just as enthused about helping her select a stone as he had been to hear about the imminent proposal.
  429. "As you know," he was saying. "We have all the finest diamonds available here, and if they're not in-stock I can put out an order as soon as tomorrow."
  431. "I know, Father. But there's no need for that. I've already decided on which one I'd like."
  433. "Do tell."
  435. Weiss inclined her head and invited him to follow. She led him across the store to a particular display case where some of their most expensive jewels were sparkling. They were all different stones and colors; emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and then the typical silver diamonds.
  437. But Weiss pointed out the only one of the bunch that was a unique color. It was a very deep purple, so deep it was tinted almost black. A very rare and precious gem indeed.
  439. Until now, Weiss herself had entertained many patrons who seemed interested, but all had ultimately turned away due to the price. When Weiss' father saw which stone she was pointing out, he grimaced.
  441. "Well... I'd expect nothing less from you, being as you are my daughter. You have impeccable taste in diamonds. Though I'm sorry to say that is a jewel I cannot simply give to you. However, I can give you a discount on it for sure."
  443. "That's all right, Father. I don't want a discount."
  445. This was where she knew the difficult part would come in. Sure enough, her father stiffened.
  447. "Weiss, darling. I couldn't possibly allow you to pay off a sum like that in full."
  449. "It's all right. I've been saving up for a long time. It wasn't always for a ring, but I knew I'd have to save for something big eventually. And so I want it to be this."
  451. Her father's brow furrowed a bit.
  453. "Then I can at least help you pay off a fraction of it. Think of it as an advance on your birthday present this year."
  455. "Father." Weiss took his hand and squeezed gently. "Please. I appreciate it. I really do. But you don't have to help me pay for it. I want to do this on my own. With the money I've worked for. It wouldn't feel right to get it for a discount just because I'm your daughter."
  457. She said it with every ounce of confidence she'd ever learned, her eyes calm and prideful. Her father frowned and ran a hand through his hair.
  459. "Weiss, are you sure about this?"
  461. "Positive. I can pay for it immediately."
  463. He let out a long sigh, but eventually nodded.
  465. "Very well then."
  467. Weiss waited patiently as her father went back to fetch the key to open the display case. She had checked and double-checked her bank account in comparison to the price of the ring and knew she could sign that check with confidence and still have a bit to spare for the everyday expenses. She'd just need to cut back on personal shopping for a while, but it was an easy sacrifice.
  469. Her father returned and opened the case, carefully removing the black diamond ring. At the very least he insisted to give Weiss a box for free, and she allowed herself to agree to that.
  471. She selected a simple black velvet box and watched her father place the ring inside the padding. He closed the box and brought it to the counter, where Weiss had her check ready. It almost seemed to pain him to accept it, but Weiss handed it over with pride.
  473. She picked up the little black box instead and secured it within a deep inside pocket of her purse for now. With that, she thanked her father one more time, scurrying around the counter to hug him before she hurried out of the store to head home to Blake.
  475. It was the third evening within the past month that Weiss came home trembling from a mix of excitement and nervousness. And of course Blake was hugging her instantly and checking to make sure she was all right. Weiss assured her a thousand times over, attributing her condition to an impressive sale she'd made today.
  477. They made and enjoyed their supper together, and when they were finished Weiss offered to clean dishes. Which was an invitation for Blake to shower first.
  479. As soon as her girlfriend was in the bathroom and the water was running, Weiss hurried over to her purse and dug out the black box. She opened it just for a moment to admire the beautiful ring inside, then closed it once again.
  481. She knew exactly where she would keep it. She and Blake often did each other's laundry, so keeping it in her drawer was out of the question. Instead, Weiss hurried into the bedroom and made for the bookshelf.
  483. Behind all of the books they owned, Weiss had concealed a fake book with a hollow inside. She had hidden it behind several other books, ones she knew Blake had read recently and wouldn't be removing again anytime soon.
  485. Now, Weiss opened the hollowed-out book and placed the little box inside. She closed the cover, and to anyone else it would just look like any other book. She took great care in hiding it again, making sure the books she put in front of it didn't jut out differently than any of the others.
  487. It was a simple tactic of hiding the ring in plain sight, yet with a bit more cover just to be safe.
  489. Weiss stepped back a few paces and looked over the shelf, trying to see if she would recognize any differences if she were Blake. When she was satisfied with her work, she returned to the kitchen to take care of the dishes.
  491. Blake emerged from the shower a short while later, and Weiss brought her to the living room to dry and brush her hair for her. Blake purred all the while, leaning back against her girlfriend's chest in total bliss. Weiss put the brush aside and hugged her around the stomach.
  493. "Did you enjoy it?"
  495. "Mmm, you know I did..." Blake opened her eyes slightly and turned her face to look back at her. "You should take your shower now and I'll do your hair for you too."
  497. Weiss tensed up just a little bit at the notion of showering now. Her mind immediately started to jumble with thoughts of Blake just so happening to check the bookshelf now and discover the hidden ring. But Weiss shook her head sharply, knowing she was only worrying herself for nothing.
  499. "All right."
  501. She left Blake on the couch and went to collect her sleepwear before heading to the bathroom. And Weiss couldn't help but rush through it a little, just to be certain.
  503. But when she came back out in her warm nightgown, she found Blake in the bedroom reading like always. It was clear she hadn't magically discovered the ring just because it was in the apartment now.
  505. Relieved, Weiss sauntered into the room and sat on the bed with her, and Blake got to brushing her hair for her. Weiss did her best to relax as much as she could, reminding herself not to give anything away. Everything had to remain normal, like any other day. The carnival was in a few weeks, and until then she just had to act as she always did.
  507. For now, she closed her eyes and focused on Blake's fingers combing through her hair after the brush was pulled through, her nails scratching pleasantly along Weiss' back.
  509. Before long, Weiss was slumping back into her arms and cuddling up against her chest. Blake kissed her cheek and helped her lie down, pulling the blankets up over the both of them before wrapping Weiss in her arms.
  511. Weiss kissed her sleepily and murmured that she loved her. Blake purred and did the same.
  513. And just like any other night, they drifted off to sleep together.
  515. -----------
  517. A/N: Now Ruby knows and Weiss has a plan! Hopefully things will work out!
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