
Election 42! Fed Up of being told who will win?

May 9th, 2015
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  1. Election 42! Fed Up of being told who will win?
  2. Yes frankly I am. I have had enough of the if you don't vote LPC then CPC will win story. I am done with the "NDP allowed CPC to win last election" statements. I am pissed off at the facts the "never admit their error" LPC supporters rattle off! I am fed up of party supporters blaming other parties for their miserable results.
  3. You want to win an election speak to THE PEOPLE!
  4. DO NOT speat AT them!
  5. Look I care who wins election 42 because it will be the start of what can be the great recovery of planet Earth or the final destruction of the planet, for our children. I have paid attention for years on who says what and why! Any losses by any party are from their own mistakes. Their own belief that they could not be replaced
  6. To be told that you can not vote that way or this way because it'll mean the bad guy wins is prepostorous. What you are being told then is your vote means nothing .... unless you vote for the team they want you to. Vote red to defeat blue as no one else can do so? Isn't that like saying you can have the rotten apple or the really rotten apple your choice! SOME choice!
  7. We used to be told the same story in Quebec then the blue & red tanked so bad the BLOC got in as official opposition. It was said again in 2011 Election 41 then the NDP got in as official opposition. It was said again in 2015 in Alberta then the NDP won a majority provincial government. IN ALBERTA, the CONSERVATIVE BASE!!! So the old old old line of don't do it or the rotten team will win is moot now!
  8. This whole "do not vote for them they can never defeat the incumbent" is BS. Telling that to people is the reason that the "rotton" team wins. Tell enough people often enough that unless you vote for the red team the blue team will win is more or less telling those who DO NOT support team red their vote is wasted. Then we wonder why the voter turn out is so low!
  9. This isn't rocket science folks just common sense, something that has been avoiding the political arena for a while now.
  10. Make your own decisions based on your values. Yes if you can handle holding your nose and voting for the lesser of 2 evils then go for it. IF though you prefer to do your own research, to look at the parties policies and platforms then make your OWN informed decision the do so. All I ask is that you DO NOT let others tell you who or what your values represent. Look at the whole picture not others snapshots!
  11. Most important VOTE or someone else will be making decisions for you. See you at the polls
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