
[Aie] Mares in Black Part III INCOMPLETE

May 7th, 2014
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  1. >The room is pregnant with silence once more.
  2. >111
  3. >Princess Mi looks around slightly nervously.
  4. >"So, I assume you're tired from your journey! We're going to have a banquet in about an hour. If you'd like to freshen up?"
  5. >You give a slight shrug.
  6. "Actually, the journey literally took seconds... frankly, I'd be more interested in seeing some of the castle."
  7. >Twilight looks at you quizzically.
  8. >"I can show him around Cadance - but what do you mean it only took you seconds? Felt more like minutes for me."
  9. >You smile and lean against the sphere.
  10. "No offense meant, but your travel was unauthorized, unassisted, into a non-regulated portal. I'd like to think IPCO would take better care of their agents and their well-being."
  11. >She hmphs.
  12. >"It was a national crisis."
  13. "We know. In broad strokes of course."
  14. >Shining Armor and Twilight both narrows their eyes at you.
  15. >113
  16. >You can definitely tell the familial resemblence now.
  17. >It's in the curve of the mouth and in the eye placement.
  18. >"How?"
  19. >They even speak in unison.
  20. >How cute.
  21. >117
  22. "I am not at liberty to say, other than the information was volunteered. When you become an IPCO Agent, and are given clearance, I will show you the casefile."
  23. >Shining Armor nods, but Twilight presses forward.
  24. >"What do you mean? Why are you so secretive? The humans I met were not like this!"
  25. >You fold your arms across your chest.
  26. "They were -children-, your majesty. I'm a supra-governmental employee of an agency that does information control."
  27. >Twilight's wings droop slightly.
  28. >"I see."
  29. >She looks at you and extends a hoof towards you.
  30. "All right then, Agent Anonymous. Would you mind if my friends came? We don't really get to see enough of the Crystal Palace."
  31. >Princess Mi Amore blah blah blushes at the words of praise from her in-law, while you give them a smile.
  32. "I have no issue with it, but we'll have to talk about IPCO matters at another time then."
  33. >The other ponies start grinning, cheering, and generally excited about the prospect.
  34. >119
  35. >Heh.
  36. >Pretty cute.
  37. >Shining Armor's horn glows and he nods.
  38. >"I've just notified the rest of the guards - you should have access to all non-restricted rooms. We're still uncovering some unpleasant surprises from King Sombra's reign."
  39. >You start moving towards the door, with Twilight and Cadance flanking you, Shining Armor slightly up ahead, and the rest of the crony ponies behind you.
  40. "What's a King Sombra?"
  41. >Twilight: "He was an old unicorn king who ruled this place about one thousand years ago. The Royal Sisters defeated him, but he cursed the Crystal Empire to fade from Equestria for said one thousand years."
  42. >Princess Mi: "And then I fulfilled their prophecy of a Crystal Princess."
  43. >She gestures to a tattoo on her flank.
  44. >"They were overjoyed and unanimously let me ascend to the throne."
  45. >You whistle appreciatevely at some of the tapestries.
  46. "Impressive. So, you're technically a monarchy, not an Empire, correct?"
  47. >The pink alicorn nods.
  48. >"Yes - there haven't been any conflicts in Equestria for... Twilight, help me out?"
  49. >"The last -war- was about 750 years between the Griffon Kingdoms and Equestria. Princess Celestia works tirelessly as a diplomat to ensure peace between other nations as well. The last minotaur-griffon conflict was over 100 years ago."
  50. "Those griffons sound like quite the handful."
  51. >16 pairs of eyes look at you with no comprehension at all.
  52. >Right.
  53. >Hooves.
  54. "Er, that is, they seem to be quite the troublemakers?"
  55. >Twilight nods.
  56. >"Yes, they are probably the most belligerent."
  57. >Cadance: "But things have gotten much much better - in fact a griffon team has participated in the recent Equestrian games."
  58. >After climbing several staircases, the lot of you eventually make your way to the throne room.
  59. >Your eyes bulge out.
  60. >123
  61. >Ostentatious is one way of describing it.
  62. >Gorgeous is another way.
  63. "Wow. Just wow."
  64. >The Prince and Princess get smug expressions on their faces.
  65. >Princess Cadance: "Well, it's not every day we get complimented by an alien on the beauty of our palace."
  66. "I mean, look at this place! It's breathtaking!"
  67. >You throw your gaze around like an ugly stepchild.
  68. >Sunlight refracts in multitudes of prisms, cascading in rivulets of rainbows.
  69. >Other crystals glow with the intensity of the sun itself.
  70. >And some float on some kind of magic field gently twinkling like the stars.
  71. >Shining Armor: "Well, let's keep moving. There's no royal business to be done today."
  72. >More stairs yay.
  73. >Crud.
  74. >Uhhhh.
  75. >117
  76. >You think you did that one, but whatever.
  77. "So what's up with all these staircases? I understand that this is technically the central tower, but still."
  78. >RD: "Weeeell, the interesting thing about King Sombrlame was that he loved stairs. Loved them to death."
  79. >Twilight nods and gives a small shiver.
  80. >"Yes. One of the spells he used was that of an Infinite Staircase."
  81. "Like an escalator?"
  82. >"I'm not sure what that is."
  83. "It's a set of moving stairs that take you either up or down. If you're going the wrong way, it can feel like forever."
  84. >She shakes her head.
  85. >"No, that would be too useful. No, it was just an infinite staircase. Luckily I had a reverse gravity spell that allowed me to bypass the whole thing."
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