

Jan 29th, 2014
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  2. Download:
  3. QI Plan Part IV â Implementing and Revising
  4. Genesis Health Care Organization
  5. Write a 700- to 1050- word paper with the following sections:
  6. • Authority, structure, and organization
  7. • Describe the authority structure of the plan’s implementation. This must describe who is responsible for implementing the plan. Include a description of each role involved in the plan:
  8. • Board of directors
  9. • Executive leadership
  10. • Quality improvement committee
  11. • Medical staff
  12. • Middle management
  13. • Department staff
  14. • Communication
  15. • Identify who the performance activity outcomes are communicated to and who does the communicating. This describes who is responsible for overseeing data collection and preparing data reports.
  16. • Education
  17. • Describe how staff will be educated regarding the plan. This covers how each staff member will be initially oriented to the plan and how each employee fits into the plan based on job responsibilities.
  18. • Annual evaluation
  19. • Describe what elements of the plan are annually evaluated for improvement.
  20. • Identify how to monitor the effect of changes implemented from the decision-making process.
  21. • External entities
  22. • Describe the effect of external entities—governmental agencies, accrediting bodies, professional interest groups—on the quality and performance measure of an organization’s decision-making processes.
  23. Cite at least four sources to support your information. (Peer Reviewed).
  24. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
  25. Please provide a good introduction and Conclusion based on your findings.
  26. No Plagiarism
  27. Grading Criteria
  28. QI Plan Part IV – Implementing and Revising
  29. This assignment is due Week Five.
  30. Content
  31. 60 Percent Points Available
  32. 6 Points Earned
  33. X/6 Additional Comments:
  34. • Described the authority structure of the plan’s implementation, including a description of each role
  35. • Identified who communicates the outcomes and who receives them
  36. • Described overseeing data collection and preparing reports, including who is responsible for the tasks
  37. • Described staff education needs
  38. • Describes what elements will be monitored on an annual basis for evaluating improvement
  39. • Identified how to monitor the effect of implemented changes
  40. • Described the effect of external entities on quality and performance measure decision-making processes
  41. Organization / Development
  42. 20 Percent Points Available
  43. 2 Points Earned
  44. X/2 Additional Comments:
  45. • The paper is 700 to 1050-words in length.
  46. • The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
  47. • The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.
  48. • At least four sources were cited to support information.
  49. Mechanics
  50. 20 Percent Points Available
  51. 2 Points Earned
  52. X/2 Additional Comments:
  53. • The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, or appendixes, is consistent with APA guidelines for format as directed by the facilitator.
  54. • The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
  55. • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
  56. Total Available Total Earned
  57. 10
  59. Download:
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