
Six of the five megasutras

Jun 28th, 2011
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  1. There once was a Maiden...
  2. ... who was twisted hither and yon by forces she didn't understand.
  3. She set out into the world, but left her shadow by her fire.
  4. A storm raged outside, the rain drenched her, yet she carried on.
  5. She bought a horse, it carried her far,
  6. She rode it too hard, and it died, yet she carried on.
  7. She found the sea, and boarded a ship to the other side.
  8. The storm still raged, and her ship was torn asunder.
  9. Yet she carried on, clinging to the wreckage.
  10. She washed up on the shore, and was woken by a lion licking her face.
  11. She asked the lion to bring her food, and it did.
  12. The birds brought her nuts, the bees brought her honey.
  13. Yet she carried on, and left them.
  14. She carried on walking, till she half walked around the world
  15. And reached her home again.
  16. There she saw her shadow, still lying in front of the fire.
  17. She lay upon her shadow, and the two became one.
  18. "Why did you come back?" her shadow asked.
  19. "Journey's end" said she.
  21. There once was a Maiden...
  22. ... who had learned her place in the world.
  23. She had built herself a home, high of roof, thick of wall,
  24. She dwelt within, and she was content.
  25. While she slept, a great tree fell, and broke her house.
  26. She rolled over in a dream, the tree struck her not, and woke her not.
  27. A friend called, who saw the broken house, and invited her to stay.
  28. So she moved, and they joked and laughed, and she was content.
  29. She met a youth, of slender build and joyful face,
  30. Who brought her poems, and gifts of careful beauty,
  31. He asked, she answered, they were wed, and she was content.
  32. She sang in the morning as she milked the cattle,
  33. She sang at noon as she tilled the fields,
  34. She sang in the eve as she danced under the stars, and she was content.
  35. One day, she left, and walked from her home to the city.
  36. Leaving home, husband and possessions behind.
  37. She sought knowledge, pleasure, and power in equal measure.
  38. Her grown daughter came to find her, and asked her
  39. "Did you love us not? Was not your life good"
  40. "Contentment was not enough." said she.
  42. There once was a Maiden...
  43. ... who won her battles, though the war continued
  44. She took her bow to an archery contest
  45. She shot the gem from a ring on a finger, and she triumphed.
  46. She ran a race, over hill, and over glen, through lake and under mountain
  47. She was pursued by many, but caught by none, and she triumphed.
  48. She fought a duel, she cut each piece of armour and cloth from her oppenent
  49. She lowered her blade as he stood shivering, he yielded, and she triumphed.
  50. She was accused of cheating, but she shouted her accuser down,
  51. She spoke of her skills and his lacks, he retreated and she triumphed.
  52. She was ambushed by his gang, but she called her friends
  53. She sent her friends here and there, they split the gang, and she triumphed.
  54. She bent over him, as he lay beaten and bruised, and he asked "Why don't you lose?"
  55. "Survival required victory" said she.
  57. There once was a Maiden...
  58. Who sought the truth, no matter where it might hide.
  59. She asked, she demanded, until she knew the answers
  60. She was poor and unhappy, others were rich and glad
  61. So she stole, and she extorted, untill she knew wealth.
  62. She was illiterate, and unlearned, and made many mistakes
  63. So she studied, and researched, until she knew the world
  64. She was afraid of the dark, and what might lie within.
  65. So she lit a torch, ventured in, until she knew the night.
  66. Shadow in her shape... echoes in empty rooms
  67. Dust in the wind... nothing is known
  68. The world asked her "Why?"
  69. "Exactly." said she.
  71. There once was a Maiden...
  72. Who saw the end. Who saw its darkness
  73. Who saw despair and finality and promise.
  74. She explained this to others, who asked questions
  75. Who investigated, who debated, who didn't really get it.
  76. But she didn't care. She was ready, whatever it was,
  77. She accepted it, by accepting it, was proof to its dread.
  78. Others fought, she aided sometimes, if there was reason
  79. But to fight, just to fight? She would not.
  80. The end came, she drew in her last breath,
  81. "Is this it?" said she.
  83. ***
  85. There once was, like, this girl...
  86. ... who shot a guy in the motherfucking head!
  87. In the head! She shot him in the motherfucking head!
  88. Her homies told her that the pigs were on her trail
  89. So she blew that town like it was 10 dollar ho.
  90. She hit the highway, and drove across country
  91. Till she found an old biker bar, far from anything
  92. Where she stopped for a burger and chips.
  93. A biker walked up and said "It's your time, baby"
  94. Then took his helmet off, showing a skull beneath.
  95. She took his feet out with a kick, and stole his motorcyle
  96. He gasped out, from the floor "I'll catch you, why run?"
  97. "I want to see how deep this goes", said she.
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