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May 25th, 2016
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  1. NORTH: -Sansa and Jon start rallying houses to support them in removing the Bolton-rule. -Brienne and Pod is sent to the Riverlands to try and get the help from the Tullys. -Jon, Sansa and Davos travel to Northern houses. -Sansa meets Littlefinger again, and he apologises for giving her to Ramsay, claiming he didn't know. Sansa wants nothing more to do with him. (Done – episode 5) -The Starks only get the support from the Hornwoods, another show-only house and they go to Bear Island and meet w. Lyanna Mormont.
  3. She support them, but have very few men to spare as well. -During this journey, Davos comes across Stannis' old camp near Longlake, where Shireen was sacrificed. He finds the wooden stag-figure he made for her / remnants of it or something. He gets very pissed and confronts Melisandre about it. She admits doing it.
  5. Riverlands possibly -The Brotherhood Without Banners is no more apparently. The remnants, led by Thoros of Myr are basicly "theifs of the highway" in the Riverlands or something. -Ian McShane's former knight-turned priest character (along w. several other people) is ambushed by the "Brotherhood"-remnants. (probably killed since he only appears in one episode) -One of the men accompanying Ian's character is The Hound. Not sure if Ian McShane's character is killed, but several others in their company are killed by the Brotherhood, and the Hound is forced to fight them. -He battles Thoros of Myr 1 on 1, and apparently wins.
  7. Bravos -Arya is sent by the Faceless Men to kill an actress. (Done – Epsidoe 5) -She refuses to do this for some reason and Jaquen orders the Waif to go after her. -Arya kills her and flees Braavos it seems. Pyke -Euron is declared king at the Kingsmoot. He wants Dany as queen. Theon and Asha meet up, and they form an alliance, and wants to go against Euron. They steal a ship or more (uncertain), and heads for Volantis. They will side w. Daenerys. -Euron does little this season. No plunder along the coasts and Oldtown (I think).
  8. North of wall -Bran has a vision about the Children of the Forest "doing something", when he awakes, he confronts Leaf or some other Child of the Forest about it, and they explain that they basicly created the Others to "protect something". (done – episode 5) -Bran also has a vision of the Night's King and his leutenants, and Night's King senses this (grabbing Bran's arm) and finds out the location of the cave. The wights attack. (done – episode 5) -Not sure what happens to the Children or the Three Eyed Raven, but a battle occurs, (they die) -Bran, Summer, and Meera is barely able to flee. (summer apparently is dead, btw is it possible summer might become a wight. I mean the WW have undead horses so. If so then I’m calling it ghost vs summer) -Hodor sacrifices himself to hold the "door", so they can escape it seems. (done – episode 5) -Wights are after them during their journey down to The Wall. -When they are pursued, they are saved by Benjen Stark apparently and taken to The Wall, before he departs again. (why the fuck would he depart again. And where the fuck has he been. I expect a really good answer to this) -Bran has a vision when he gets to the Wall, where he sees the last of the Tower of Joy-scene. -We see Ned and Lyanna and we see a baby crying. Lyanna whispers something to Ned that we don't hear. (possibly the last scene of season 6. An epic cockblock)
  10. Kings Landing -There will be no Clegane-bowl this season. Cersei is apparently refused trial by combat, but she sets The Mountain loose on some Sparrows, which he kills. He also smashes Septa Unella. -Not sure what happens to Loras or Margery, but Tommen kills himself. He apparently jumps out of a window in the Red Keep. -Quyburn kills Pycelle at least “sends his "Birds". (if he kills pycell than doesit also imply that he kills Kevin lannister as well, considering he takes the role of varys, OR in fact the little birds are working for varys)
  12. Riverlands -In the Riverlands, Brienne and Pod arrives in Jamie's camp. Bronn surprises Pod, with "strangling" him. His way of saying hello. (is bron an alien from scary movie 3?) -Brienne and Jamie has a discussion in Jamie's tent. He doesn't like that she is siding with the Tullys. -She explains the stuff in the North, but we see more of asshole-Jamie from s.1-2 and he doesn't believe in the Others, and he is sent to deal with the Tullys, not the Boltons. Not his problem etc. -Brienne goes inside Riverrun to meet w. the Blackfish. Jamie forces Edmure Tully to surrender Riverrun, as he is the lord, not the Blackfish. Blackfish shoots arrows after the Lannisters. -A battle ensues inside Riverrun, and Brienne is barely able to escape. -The Blackfish is presumably killed off-screen / uncertain in the ensuing battle. Not sure what happens to Brienne.
  13. -a lot of main characters die in the season finale.
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