
Pervical Brockley - Background

Mar 8th, 2023
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  1. Percival Brockley (Probably not real name, dependant on [Parent Name])
  3. Percival has never really been able to appreciate the upsides of being the Heir of a powerful Mage family. His entire life has been one of rigid mental and physical abuse, as he has been molded to be [Parent Name]'s perfect heir. Painful arcane surgeries have left him dependent on alchemical reagents, and unable to present as anything more than an obedient son and model student. He has no true peers for most of his life, even his own family members apparently only meeting him once or twice before disappearing. He's known only servants, and [Parent Name]'s discipline and arcane experimentation. His only reprieves were arcane study, particularly in the family's trove of alchemy research, and in physical exercise, which blossomed into an obsession with martial arts, both for self-defense and to help build self-discipline, in an attempt to reduce the reliance on [Parent Name]'s potions and treatments and master the pain caused by their absence.
  5. It was with great reluctance that [Parent Name] submitted to the Mages Association's requests to have him study at the Clock Tower, but once he had arrived, he found it only deepened his isolation: The cutthroat politics and competitiveness drove him to be even more self-reliant, to be safe from the constant academic and physical threats. He performed well, thanks to both his world-class Magic Circuits, and the rare 'Average One' elemental alignment which allowed him to practice all 5 magical elements in his alchemy. He was something of a troublesome student by non-mage standards, but he never cast curses or poisons on his rivals, preferring to physically beat them up when he lost control, so these incidents were written off as teenage whims rather than actual concerns. The heightened sense of danger caused him to dive deep into study of where his family stood in MA politics, and in addition to [Parent's Background Villainy], he realised something horrible: His family, his relatives, they were all gone. All disappeared, presumed dead. And researching the alchemy of his family, he constructed a theory why.
  7. Mage families as old as his are supposed to have Magic Crests, which contain the family's magical power and knowledge, and granted to the heir as they grow up. And when he joined the Clock Tower, both he and his teachers assumed his abnormally high-grade Magic Circuits were the result of that Crest. But, a 500-year-old Crest should not have required those years of torture to implant, nor the constant potions from [Parent Name] to maintain. Also, Percival doesn't have the full knowledge he would expect from a Crest, and the Grand Order that would prevent suicide of a Heir is for him a much broader limit on his behavior and free will. But, most damningly of all...[Parent Name] obviously still has the Family's Magic Crest for themselves! Percival's circuits are instead recycled from other family members, etched into his own body using alchemy, widened and multiplied by years of pain and familial sacrifice.
  9. In the years since his graduation, Percival has bided his time as [Parent Name]'s attention has slowly been pulled elsewhere. Still playing the role of Family Face, he's quelled his growing outrage with a grand act of will (And the mastering of Bartitsu, the most Gentlemanly of martial arts), while developing his own alchemy to reduce his dependence on [Parent Name]. He eventually learned of the planned Grail War, and his disgust multiplied at the waste of civilian and mage life, yet again in the pursuit of unnatural power. But he realized that it might also give him an opportunity. He could never raise an arm to fight [Parent Name], thanks to the Order in his Artificial Crest, but he could still order another to, and a Servant would have the power...
  12. Follower: Vijay Ramjan
  13. A man in his 30s, of Indian and Sri Lankan descent, and Percival's personal manservant. For most of his life, Percival has gone through servants very rapidly, inevitably losing his cool and beating them over some minor mistake, prompting them to quit in fear. But Vijay, with a tour of duty in the british army, reflexively defended himself with a judo throw when attacked, breaking Percival out of his rage and awakening a glimmer of respect for others. Since then, Vijay has become a confidant to Percival, the one person other than [Parent Name] he never loses his temper with, and has been brought on board with Percival's conspiracy against the parent who made him this way. The man seems to have taken all these revelations of the magical world in his stride, and maintains a cool professionalism at all times, as expected of his station. But, he seems to be constantly bemused at the oddity of the mages world: perhaps he is so committed to the plan simply because it's so bizarre? Or is this the excitement he had never gained elsewhere in his life?
  15. Mystic Code: As-You-Will
  16. To all appearances, a gentlemans cane, an all-metal walking stick with a golden lion head. In the hands of a Bartitsu master, a defensive tool potentially deadly weapon. But in reality, this is a family heirloom, a construction of materials made in imitation of Adamant's Strength and the Fluidity of True Quicksilver. It can alter its shape and size at will, forming itself into blades, needles, or strings as needed, and has out-sized internal storage for dozen of alchemical tinctures. It can even form itself into a gun-like device to launch alchemical charges. Percival has attuned it to himself, and practised with it extensively, and in combination with Reinforcement Alchemy, can fight with it at supernatural levels. He can even activate it remotely, at a range of almost 20ft.
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