
TSW 12: Mary's Dream Part 3

May 21st, 2016
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  1. [13:04] scya "Well , is there a way for me to help you?"
  2. [13:05] scya (and I got a scene with kasra that got closed thats to the mobile running out of juice, can you poke him if he got now , or in the next 2-3 hous time to finish it?)
  3. [13:05] scya (he is suddenly okay with her risking life and limb and starts to like her more :P)
  4. [13:05] IcePickLobotomy (Can do)
  5. [13:06] IcePickLobotomy (He's dealing with some car trouble today, so not sure but I passed word on)
  6. [13:07] IcePickLobotomy (Also nick)
  7. [13:07] =-= scya is now known as Mary
  8. [13:09] IcePickLobotomy "No, not for the moment. Stay safe, perhaps explore if you are so inclined, but I'm afraid that you cannot go where I am, at least not yet."
  9. [13:10] Mary "Well , is there a way to talk with you, or is it a moment where you send out a call to me ?"
  10. [13:11] IcePickLobotomy She shakes her head. "If you need or want to speak with me, I will be there if I am able."
  11. [13:14] Mary "What shall I look at in the other waking world, if this isn't a zen Riddle..
  12. [13:14] Mary takes a moment to note what she is wearing this time.
  13. [13:15] IcePickLobotomy (What she feels comfortable with)
  14. [13:15] IcePickLobotomy "I cannot say."
  15. [13:16] Mary (so she wakes up in it or does her clothing changes if the surronding changes, PJs are comfortable , but not soo comfortable in a dark cave :P)
  16. [13:17] Mary nods , clearly having prefered a more substantial answer
  17. [13:17] IcePickLobotomy (Probably something along the lines of jeans and a long shirt, maybe a jacket as well)
  18. [13:18] IcePickLobotomy "I'm sorry, but I am bound and restrained in my actions for now. If I could speak more clearly I would."
  19. [13:21] Mary "I am not blaming you there..
  20. [13:22] IcePickLobotomy "I know," She sighs "but that doesn't make me feel better about it."
  21. [13:24] Mary "I.. Als ohad a question if you where willing to answer it, Even if it is personal. You are a person , but , what else are you?"
  22. [13:24] Mary (angelic alien)
  23. [13:25] Mary (Megans daughter)
  24. [13:25] Mary (Rei)
  25. [13:25] IcePickLobotomy (Yes)
  26. [13:25] IcePickLobotomy (No)
  27. [13:25] IcePickLobotomy (Maybe so)
  28. [13:25] Mary (your Mom)
  29. [13:25] IcePickLobotomy (no ur mom!)
  30. [13:26] IcePickLobotomy (Roll Notice, +10)
  31. [13:33] Mary (urgh no drive here, can you look up if a 68 works?
  32. [13:33] IcePickLobotomy (Passed by /one/)
  33. [13:35] IcePickLobotomy "I am I." She murmurs to herself, the words almost lost to the clicking of the gears. "That is a question I cannot answer. I," She flexes her hand "am Lily. But Lily is not all that I can be."
  34. [13:36] IcePickLobotomy "If I were to tell you what I am now, it would mean little to you. When further truths have been made clearer to you, then that question will have a answer with meaning."
  35. [13:41] Mary (it was a triumpg :P)
  36. [13:41] IcePickLobotomy (trumpg?)
  37. [13:41] Mary "And what can you say about this.. who made it ?"
  38. [13:41] Mary tries to encompass the area
  39. [13:41] Mary (It was a triumph, a huge sucess /portal)
  40. [13:43] IcePickLobotomy She shakes her head. "This place has existed longer than I have. Perhaps it was crated by. . . the ones who came first, or perhaps it always existed."
  41. [13:45] Mary "the ones that came first?"
  42. [13:46] Mary (I got plot, and I am not letting go of her!)
  43. [13:46] IcePickLobotomy "Yes." She says, as if that name explains it "The ones who came first."
  44. [13:46] IcePickLobotomy "But they are not something you should worry about, nor I for that matter."
  45. [13:49] Mary "For now or because they are dead and gone?"
  46. [13:49] Mary (argh I think a problem here is that she is too..calm)
  47. [13:52] IcePickLobotomy "Because there is nothing anyone could do to even give them pause."
  48. [13:53] Mary "That is not a pleaseant thought there. But then , man is not the answer to all, And space , well.."
  49. [13:54] IcePickLobotomy "I would be more concerned with the immediate threat, than the first ones."
  50. [13:56] Mary "Well yeah but it was not quite clear that they might not also join the party as I am stumbling in the dark here.."
  51. [13:57] IcePickLobotomy "I can speak with confidence when I say I do not foresee their direct involvement."
  52. [14:01] Mary nods a bit more relaxed.
  53. [14:03] IcePickLobotomy She glances out the window. "The stars are back in full. Do you have any further questions?"
  54. [14:04] Mary "You do not knowwhen the next one comes, or anything like that? Is.. Can I do any preperation when I get her, and what lets me come and go from here?"
  55. [14:05] IcePickLobotomy "I do not expect the stars to go out again any time soon, but if they do that coin should provide you with some measure of protection. You come here when you sleep, and leave when you awaken, though the time does not match up between the two."
  56. [14:08] Mary "But it does not happen always.. or did I just forgot it ?"
  57. [14:09] IcePickLobotomy "No, you don't come here every time you sleep. I'm not sure what rhyme and reason there is to it though."
  58. [14:11] Mary "then I am thankfull for this maam, and may the stars shine on both of us.
  59. [14:12] IcePickLobotomy She smiles. "Thank you as well Mary." She stands up "Is there anything else? We may not see each other for a long time."
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