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Jan 14th, 2017
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  1. /vp/ VGC 2017 viability tiers
  3. A+ (Pokemon that dominate the meta, can run various sets/items making them unpredictable, most teams will use 2 or more of them)
  4. Arcanine
  5. Celesteela
  6. Garchomp
  7. Porygon2
  8. Tapu Fini
  9. Tapu Koko
  10. Tapu Lele
  12. A (Also strong in the meta but typically more constrained by move/item requirements and are more predictable than A+ tier threats)
  13. Araquanid
  14. Kartana
  15. Krookodile
  16. Muk-Alola
  17. Tapu Bulu
  19. B+ (Pokemon that are very useful in the meta, may counter A+/A threats or simply be threats that require more team support to function)
  20. Gastrodon
  21. Gigalith
  22. Golduck
  23. Mandibuzz
  24. Marowak-Alola
  25. Metagross
  26. Nihilego
  27. Pelipper
  28. Salamence
  29. Torkoal
  30. Vikavolt
  32. B (May counter higher tier threats, be used to patch up holes in team composition, or may be HIGHLY support dependent threats)
  33. Drampa
  34. Goodra
  35. Gengar
  36. Gyarados
  37. Hariyama
  38. Magnezone
  39. Mimikyu
  40. Milotic
  41. Mudsdale
  42. Nintales-Alola
  43. Oranguru
  44. Persian-Alola
  45. Politoed
  46. Porygon-Z
  47. Pheromosa
  48. Xurkitree
  50. C+ (Have some applications in the meta, but face poor matchups against or competition from higher tier pokes for a team/item sot)
  51. Aerodactyl
  52. Mismagius
  53. Raichu-Alola
  54. Snorlax
  56. C (Have a unique niche, but typically either don't offer enough utility for the slot or need more support than they are worth giving)
  57. Braviary
  58. Kommo-o
  59. Primarina
  60. Sandslash-Alola
  61. Silvally
  62. Talonflame
  63. Togedemaru
  64. Vanilluxe
  65. Whimsicott
  67. D (Generally very inflexible and not outstanding even in ideal conditions, but may be surprising to unprepared opponents)
  68. Bewear
  69. Buzzwole
  70. Comfey
  71. Clefairy
  72. Dugtrio-Alola
  73. Eevee
  74. Exeggutor-Alola
  75. Incineroar
  76. Liligant
  77. Parasect
  78. Poliwrath
  79. Smeargle
  80. Stoutland
  82. Unlisted (Pokemon that don't really have a place in the meta right now)
  83. Everything else. Some good/decent pokemon in past formats have been rendered basically useless by changes in the pace of the meta (Weavile, Lucario), losing tutor moves (Scizor, Weavile), facing competition from new pokemon or pokemon not viable in previous metas (Scizor, Trevenant).
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