
Angel's app

Jul 11th, 2015
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  1. Name: Angel
  2. age:22
  3. Species: Cat Ulv
  4. Gender: Female
  5. Alignment:Grue
  6. Personality: shy, Nervous, Seclusive, Easily intimidated, More likely to run away, Cowards too many time, She over thinks, Has self made fears, She is even afraid of herself, attempts to fit in but ends up, easily rejected, Doesn't talk much.
  7. Appearance: She has thick Black and white Patern going down her body(more like a zebras form of pattern), the patern is not present at her face though. She is also a cat ulv meaning her snout is shorter, and represents more of a cats form of facial features, her whiskers are also extremely short for some reason she also lacks Hind legs, and just have normal legs, and towards her feet seems normal almost. Most of her other features are normal cat stuff retractable claws(Except at the feet due to the feet being different than most Cat ulvs). She always have this Sad look on her face, like if someone she cared just died, and its impossible to tell if she is going to smile or not, due to many many many years of unable to smile
  8. Bio: Angel growing up was very difficult and probably not as great, as you know She is very different than a normal Khelan ulv having appearances very similar to a cat, just lacking hind legs like most cat Ulvs and long whiskers like most cats, this ended her up often being segregated from other Khelans. Angel life growing up and getting an education wasn't as easy ; most of her classments will say rude and cruel names at her which will often make her cry, and unable to hold back the massive tears, people than continues there bombardment of insults, and laughing at her it usually ends when school is beginning to start and there about to be late to class. Note this is when she is going to school, during school its much worse, seeing that her teacher will put where she would sit in a corner probably or far away from the class as possible. Not to mention that the teacher also avoids even contact with her as if she was carrying some contagious disease, when Angel asks why she gets a cruel insult such as "You may have flees" or "I don't want to catch what ever you had". When it comes to physical exercise with her fellow classmates well..when it comes down to picking teams she woudn't be picked with neither teams usually the unlucky team picks a rock instead of her. She ends up sitting by herself, and watching her classmates enjoy themselves while she just sits in the dark. but the worse was to the end of school when she comes back to her home the only place she feels that she is understand, and not judged by her looks she gets intercepted and gets a horrible beating either being major, or severe and can lead to her death. But she is often lucky, and she drags or limps herself as far as she can go, and usually she is sent immediately to a dev which are supposedly the only ones who doesn't act as cruel as others. But they still avoid eye contact or end the conversation as fast as they can
  10. Angel dropped out of School at the age of 8 only being 4 years in school. Seeing this cruelty also goes to her parents they woudn't get as much funds as they work for, and even managing food was hard as they were often stolen from them. She being an only child, and it being difficult to even feed one member of the family, usually they find what they can get either on the floor of the streets, garbage, and left overs. It will be a miracle if they managed to get something "Fresh" the amount of food scavenged per day usaully is only enough to feed one or two, so one ends up not eating that day, but the next day they'll eat and the one who previously helped themselves will not eat, and this go so forth. Angel was also not much of a girl of excitement seeing her experience, she was often shy, and not fond of large groups of people so she'll end up scooting away(Better safe than sorry).
  13. She hardly smiles, and having the fear of people being developed from the people in her early life, and even if she even comes out(Seeing it also happens to her Mother and Father). She was not really a fond of people, but shared no hatred towards them she just wanted to stay away and she never stand up for herself. As life coudn't get worse, seeing they also moved in a city which...reputation wasn't as well as others may have claimed espicailly going to the Lower class or poverty place, at 11 AM they had an encounter, her father was away and her and her mother was adjusting to the move came across a "visitor". Angel not aware of this Visitor all she heard was a yelp and than a silence. The man intruded Angels new room...and rapped her mother and Angel, first her mother...than her. Her mother recieved several brutal cuts, and not as much injuries as expected, Angel on the other hand though recieved several cuts, Several bruises, and broken bones, both being her tail, legs. Her father entered the room, and in a brutal encounter aka initiated combat, Her father managed to kill the man...but in the process...choking on his very blood having 12 stabs and a punctured lung, all Angel could do...was to watch. Angel was only 13 when this happened, her mother died a few years in the winter she died from discease, and Angel was than 16.
  14. Angel kept her mothers amulet in remembrance of her, and her fathers hammer that somehow never broke. But not all her life was just sadness and despair, the small family managed to enjoy what little they had, by teaching there daughter how to smith fine weapons and extraordinary too. her Father taught her from basic smithing to Mastery, as she was a quick learning given the time and having patience to that. Angel was also a great tinkerer some may say her invention and gadgets are so unique, that only she can create, she has created gadgets like watches, or retractable blades, and basic machinery to robotics, building massive golumns and she can even if given the proper equipment can transfer one soul into a mechanical body keeping the soul alive, and allowing aura to still be harvested naturally having all the mechanism and parts that a soul would need to do so. Some may say its an advance form of "necromancy" and not even Dev necromactics can perform such a feet. She can also build mechanism that can store aura, and she even make Containers able to store aura in them which is kind of neat. Going back on her smithing techniques, she makes extremely creative weaponary and for some way odd way as she forges into them the blade never dulls, or hardly ever. She even mistakenly made Holy Weaponary as she had a vial of holy water saved to give it to her father, and a block of silver she accidentally spilled it into the hot metal..and the water nd Metal infused together and poof Holy metal. a complete accident and she only knew about what it was when she brought it to the priest in her ended up her losing the metal and..beaten again.
  15. She joined the Guardian order to see if she can become a better smith and be of use of the Guardians and along with trying to be able to persuade the guardians about equality and they focusing on the Lower class people, people who has nothing to lose, and people who desperately needs attention. She also joined the Guardians for her own survival since she had no home, no way of income, and she coudn't really survive on her own.
  16. Now talking about combat...well...she is not the best and she needs some training to that, seeing an officer came to her forge one day and told her she needs to get out, and train seeing that there is no use being in the forge all day, doing nothing and not benefiting the Guardians at all She agreed to it, only for the officer to leave her alone. in all her life she never smiled, probably only when she was a baby, but that was it. The only thing the Guardians let her in is out of self pitty and her fine Smithing and mechanics, but no one knows about her necromactic talents that only the High ranks know of. She will refuse using them unless she is ordered, and given a reason,seeing the process her doing it
  17. She also refers Grue as the strength she never had, and she really doesn't pray as much as she needs too seeing she is afraid of being randomly beaten, even if she is a guardian and usually never tells what hapens'
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------IC Changes----------------------------------------
  21. Angel's Spear:
  22. Semi-automatic .950 rifle. The Spear, made by Widdershins, is equipped with a scope capable of adjusting to 3x to 12x magnification, whether the target is across the square in Sodom, or at the TZ ruins from Ghost Town, Angel's spear is a weapon made for high penetration and massive damage at an EXTREME range, although the gun is relatively heavy, and the magazine size caps out at 5 rounds. A muzzle break at the end of the barrel allows for magazines upon magazines to be emptied without rifle overheating. Finally, the scope can be detached, as by default an iron, aperture-style sight is welded into the gun.
  24. ST4R-RUNN3R:
  25. Fully automatic electric pulse rifle. Made in the state-of-the-art forges of Almanac Laboratories, the Star Runner is fires 5.56 bullets at an exceptionally fast fire rate. This bullet spitter has a sleek, futuristic and compact look to it, the magazine fastened in the back by the soft nanofiber stock, with the gun's official name etched in blocky lettering on the side. The gun is equipped with a standard red dot sight, with a "H4WK-3YE" toggable mode that can identify thermal and aural imaging. A small monitor is attached to the side of the gun near the H4WK-3YE sight that displays the gun's condition, magazine size, and allows you to toggle H4WK-3YE mode as well as another toggle for 'lethal' or 'tactical' rounds. Finally, utilizing a dead Almanac robot's power core, an electrical charge can be added to the bullets. The amps of the electricity can be adjusted from horsestring level, to a deadly, strong electrical current.
  29. Armor: She wears ceramic armors which covers her chest,abdomen region, shoulder pads, wrists, neck region, shins, the sides of her thighs, and abdomen.While the rest of the armor is composed out of steel infused Carbon fiber infused threading given additional protection to areas where the ceramic armor coudn't protect. this giving Angel her complete flexibility. finally only the cermic armor regions only has an alloy coated outside the armor, which can absorb the shock-wave of a blast, bullet, the Alloy does eventually wears off though after constant hits of the same area.
  32. Icly she has turned into a vampire and into a Messenger
  34. Messenger of Faith
  35. KazzKali: Rebel With A Cause: ILL SAY IT
  36. Rebel With A Cause: AND DON'T INTERRUPT mE
  37. Rebel With A Cause: 1.
  38. Rebel With A Cause: SUPERHUmAN STRENGTH
  39. Rebel With A Cause: 2.
  40. Rebel With A Cause:Superhuman speed
  42. (Speed of a cheetah going full on, but inhuman regular speed)
  43. Rebel With A Cause: 3.
  44. Rebel With A Cause: SUPERHUmAN SENSES
  45. Rebel With A Cause: HEARING, SIGHT, Smell
  46. Rebel With A Cause: 4.
  47. Rebel With A Cause: NO NEED FOR ANY ORGANS
  48. Rebel With A Cause: 5.
  49. Rebel With A Cause: REGENERATION
  50. Her regeneration is kind of slow, but bullets holes like .44, or .45, it would take 1-2 minutes for her to competently regenerate
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