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Dec 15th, 2016
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  1. [INFO][]:MCEdit2 version 2.0.0-beta6 starting...
  2. [INFO][]:No OpenGL_accelerate module loaded: No module named OpenGL_accelerate
  3. [INFO][]:Loading app settings from F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\mcedit2.ini
  4. [INFO][]:Making checkerboard texture...
  5. [WARNING][]:UserFilesDirectory: F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files
  6. [INFO][]:Loaded translator.
  7. [INFO][]:Loaded stylesheet.
  8. [INFO][]:Loaded main window.
  9. [INFO][]:Loaded panels.
  10. [INFO][]:Setting u'objectinspector/objectname' changed to (u'')(...) (was (None)(...))
  11. [INFO][]:Loaded debug widgets.
  12. [INFO][]:Loaded menus.
  13. [INFO][]:Size hint: PySide.QtCore.QSize(120, 73)
  14. [INFO][]:Size : PySide.QtCore.QSize(120, 100)
  15. [INFO][]:Setting 'minecraft_installs/current_install_path' changed to ('')(...) (was (None)(...))
  16. [INFO][]:Checking install at D:\Users\Edward Stevens\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
  17. [WARNING][]:Default install not usable: Minecraft folder has no minecraft versions
  18. [ERROR][]:No item selected in savesFolderComboBox!!(?)
  19. [INFO][]:Loaded world list.
  20. [INFO][]:Loaded status bar.
  21. [INFO][]:Updating recent files menu: (0) []
  22. [INFO][]:Loaded settings.
  23. [INFO][]:Setting u'worldview/camera/max_view_distance' changed to (64)(...) (was (None)(...))
  24. [WARNING][]:Failed to read definitions file defined_blocks.json
  25. [INFO][]:Loaded app dialogs.
  26. [INFO][]:Loading timer started
  27. [INFO][]:Downloading version manifest
  28. [INFO][]:Finished
  29. [INFO][]:Parsing version manifest
  30. [INFO][]:Downloading version info
  31. [INFO][]:Parsing Minecraft 1.10.2 info
  32. [INFO][]:Downloading Minecraft jar
  33. [INFO][]:Downloaded 1.10.2.jar
  34. [INFO][]:Finding plugins
  35. [INFO][]:Loading plugins from F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins
  36. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  37. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'koch.KochSnowflakePlugin'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  38. [INFO][]:Loaded (Koch Snowflake)
  39. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  40. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'hilbert.HilbertCurvePlugin'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  41. [INFO][]:Loaded (Hilbert Curve)
  42. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  43. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'simple_options.SimpleOptionsDemo'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  44. [INFO][]:Loaded (simple_options)
  45. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  46. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'city.CityGeneratePlugin'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  47. [INFO][]:Loaded (GFX: City)
  48. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  49. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'world_editing_demo.WorldEditingDemo'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  50. [INFO][]:Loaded (world_editing_demo)
  51. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  52. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'storagedrawers.StorageDrawers4EditorWidget'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  53. [INFO][]:Loaded (storagedrawers)
  54. [INFO][]:Trying to load plugin from
  55. [INFO][]:Registered class <class 'count_blocks.CountBlocksPlugin'> of plugin F:\Minecraft\World Editing Programs\mcedit 2\mcedit2-win64-2.0.0-beta6\MCEdit 2 Files\plugins\
  56. [INFO][]:Loaded (count_blocks)
  57. [INFO][]:Opening worlds from command line.
  58. [INFO][]:Setting u'open_world_dialog/starting_dir' changed to (u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures)(...) (was (None)(...))
  59. [INFO][]:Loading mods from D:\CurseForge\Instances\The Adventures of Al'isah\mods
  60. [INFO][]:Adding menu item for cls <class 'simple_options.SimpleOptionsDemo'> text Simple Options Demo func <bound method SimpleOptionsDemo.showDialog of <simple_options.SimpleOptionsDemo object at 0x0000000014F87E08>>
  61. [INFO][]:Added action <PySide.QtGui.QAction object at 0x0000000014F87E48>
  62. [INFO][]:Adding menu item for cls <class 'world_editing_demo.WorldEditingDemo'> text World Editing Demo func <bound method WorldEditingDemo.showDialog of <world_editing_demo.WorldEditingDemo object at 0x0000000014F87F48>>
  63. [INFO][]:Added action <PySide.QtGui.QAction object at 0x0000000014F87F88>
  64. [INFO][]:Adding menu item for cls <class 'count_blocks.CountBlocksPlugin'> text Count Blocks func <bound method CountBlocksPlugin.countBlocks of <count_blocks.CountBlocksPlugin object at 0x000000001549F048>>
  65. [INFO][]:Added action <PySide.QtGui.QAction object at 0x000000001549F088>
  66. [INFO][]:Loading block models...
  67. [INFO][]:Loading block models 0/1452
  68. [INFO][]:Loading block models 100/1452
  69. [INFO][]:Loading block models 200/1452
  70. [INFO][]:Loading block models 300/1452
  71. [INFO][]:Loading block models 400/1452
  72. [INFO][]:Loading block models 500/1452
  73. [INFO][]:Loading block models 600/1452
  74. [INFO][]:Loading block models 700/1452
  75. [INFO][]:Loading block models 800/1452
  76. [INFO][]:Loading block models 900/1452
  77. [INFO][]:Loading block models 1000/1452
  78. [INFO][]:Loading block models 1100/1452
  79. [INFO][]:Loading block models 1200/1452
  80. [INFO][]:Loading block models 1300/1452
  81. [INFO][]:Loading block models 1400/1452
  82. [INFO][]:Loading 5137 hidden blockState models...
  83. [INFO][]:Found 1393 additional models for hidden states
  84. [INFO][]:Preloaded 395 textures for world V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle (524 kB)
  85. [INFO][]:Terrain atlas created for world V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle (524/560 kB)
  86. [INFO][]:Cooking quads for 2527 models...
  87. [INFO][]:Begin clone: None
  88. [INFO][]:Updating blocktype list widget (multiple=False) for <BlockTypeSet (Alpha)>
  89. [INFO][]:Updating button with []
  90. [INFO][]:Updating button with [<BlockType (1:0) (Stone (minecraft:stone[variant=stone])>]
  91. [INFO][]:Updating blocktype list widget (multiple=True) for <BlockTypeSet (Alpha)>
  92. [INFO][]:Updating button with []
  93. [INFO][]:Updating blocktype list widget (multiple=False) for <BlockTypeSet (Alpha)>
  94. [INFO][]:Updating button with []
  95. [INFO][]:Loading BrushModeWidget setting: found fill at 2
  96. [INFO][]:Setting u'editortools/brush/size' changed to (PySide.QtGui.QVector3D(5.000000, 5.00000)(...) (was (None)(...))
  97. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  98. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  99. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  100. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  101. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  102. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  103. [INFO][]:Updating brush cursor
  104. [INFO][]:Updating blocktype list widget (multiple=False) for <BlockTypeSet (Alpha)>
  105. [INFO][]:Updating button with [<BlockType (1:0) (Stone (minecraft:stone[variant=stone])>]
  106. [INFO][]:Updating blocktype list widget (multiple=False) for <BlockTypeSet (Alpha)>
  107. [INFO][]:Updating button with []
  108. [INFO][]:Updating button with [<BlockType (1:0) (Stone (minecraft:stone[variant=stone])>]
  109. [INFO][]:Chose generator <koch.KochSnowflakePlugin object at 0x0000000015F98748>
  110. [INFO][]:Going to dimension
  111. [INFO][]:Obtained a GL context with this format:
  112. Valid: True
  113. Version: 4.5
  114. Hardware Accelerated: True
  115. Depth buffer: True, 24
  116. Double buffer: True
  117. Rendering profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CompatibilityProfile
  119. Driver info:
  120. GL_VERSION: 4.5.14008 Compatibility Profile Context (4, 5)
  121. GL_VENDOR: 'ATI Technologies Inc.'
  122. GL_RENDERER: 'AMD Radeon R9 200 Series'
  124. [INFO][]:LAYER Blocks VISIBLE True
  125. [INFO][]:LAYER MonsterLocations VISIBLE False
  126. [INFO][]:LAYER Items VISIBLE True
  127. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntities VISIBLE True
  128. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntityLocations VISIBLE False
  129. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockColors VISIBLE True
  130. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockLocations VISIBLE False
  131. [INFO][]:LAYER ItemFrames VISIBLE True
  132. [INFO][]:LAYER TileTicks VISIBLE False
  133. [INFO][]:LAYER ChunkSections VISIBLE False
  134. [INFO][]:LAYER HeightMap VISIBLE False
  135. [INFO][]:LAYER Places Where Creepers Can Spawn VISIBLE False
  136. [INFO][]:GL resources loaded for TextureAtlas for V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle
  137. [INFO][]:Changing MinimapWorldView(u'None') to dimension WorldEditorDimension(dimName=u'', adapter=AnvilWorldAdapter(u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle"))
  138. [INFO][]:Added: client MinimapWorldView(u"V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle: ")
  139. [INFO][]:Obtained a GL context with this format:
  140. Valid: True
  141. Version: 4.5
  142. Hardware Accelerated: True
  143. Depth buffer: True, 24
  144. Double buffer: True
  145. Rendering profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CompatibilityProfile
  147. Driver info:
  148. GL_VERSION: 4.5.14008 Compatibility Profile Context (4, 5)
  149. GL_VENDOR: 'ATI Technologies Inc.'
  150. GL_RENDERER: 'AMD Radeon R9 200 Series'
  152. [INFO][]:LAYER Blocks VISIBLE True
  153. [INFO][]:LAYER MonsterLocations VISIBLE False
  154. [INFO][]:LAYER Items VISIBLE True
  155. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntities VISIBLE True
  156. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntityLocations VISIBLE False
  157. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockColors VISIBLE True
  158. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockLocations VISIBLE False
  159. [INFO][]:LAYER ItemFrames VISIBLE True
  160. [INFO][]:LAYER TileTicks VISIBLE False
  161. [INFO][]:LAYER ChunkSections VISIBLE False
  162. [INFO][]:LAYER HeightMap VISIBLE False
  163. [INFO][]:LAYER Places Where Creepers Can Spawn VISIBLE False
  164. [INFO][]:Changing OverheadWorldView(u'None') to dimension WorldEditorDimension(dimName=u'', adapter=AnvilWorldAdapter(u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle"))
  165. [INFO][]:Obtained a GL context with this format:
  166. Valid: True
  167. Version: 4.5
  168. Hardware Accelerated: True
  169. Depth buffer: True, 24
  170. Double buffer: True
  171. Rendering profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CompatibilityProfile
  173. Driver info:
  174. GL_VERSION: 4.5.14008 Compatibility Profile Context (4, 5)
  175. GL_VENDOR: 'ATI Technologies Inc.'
  176. GL_RENDERER: 'AMD Radeon R9 200 Series'
  178. [INFO][]:LAYER Blocks VISIBLE True
  179. [INFO][]:LAYER MonsterLocations VISIBLE False
  180. [INFO][]:LAYER Items VISIBLE True
  181. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntities VISIBLE True
  182. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntityLocations VISIBLE False
  183. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockColors VISIBLE True
  184. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockLocations VISIBLE False
  185. [INFO][]:LAYER ItemFrames VISIBLE True
  186. [INFO][]:LAYER TileTicks VISIBLE False
  187. [INFO][]:LAYER ChunkSections VISIBLE False
  188. [INFO][]:LAYER HeightMap VISIBLE False
  189. [INFO][]:LAYER Places Where Creepers Can Spawn VISIBLE False
  190. [INFO][]:Changing CutawayWorldView(u'None') to dimension WorldEditorDimension(dimName=u'', adapter=AnvilWorldAdapter(u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle"))
  191. [INFO][]:Obtained a GL context with this format:
  192. Valid: True
  193. Version: 4.5
  194. Hardware Accelerated: True
  195. Depth buffer: True, 24
  196. Double buffer: True
  197. Rendering profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CompatibilityProfile
  199. Driver info:
  200. GL_VERSION: 4.5.14008 Compatibility Profile Context (4, 5)
  201. GL_VENDOR: 'ATI Technologies Inc.'
  202. GL_RENDERER: 'AMD Radeon R9 200 Series'
  204. [INFO][]:LAYER Blocks VISIBLE True
  205. [INFO][]:LAYER MonsterLocations VISIBLE False
  206. [INFO][]:LAYER Items VISIBLE True
  207. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntities VISIBLE True
  208. [INFO][]:LAYER TileEntityLocations VISIBLE False
  209. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockColors VISIBLE True
  210. [INFO][]:LAYER CommandBlockLocations VISIBLE False
  211. [INFO][]:LAYER ItemFrames VISIBLE True
  212. [INFO][]:LAYER TileTicks VISIBLE False
  213. [INFO][]:LAYER ChunkSections VISIBLE False
  214. [INFO][]:LAYER HeightMap VISIBLE False
  215. [INFO][]:LAYER Places Where Creepers Can Spawn VISIBLE False
  216. [INFO][]:Changing CameraWorldView(u'None') to dimension WorldEditorDimension(dimName=u'', adapter=AnvilWorldAdapter(u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle"))
  217. [INFO][]:Scanning for regions in D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle...
  218. [INFO][]:Dim : Found 10428 chunks in 0.34 seconds.
  219. [INFO][]:Going from OverheadWorldView(u"V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle: ") to CameraWorldView(u"V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle: "): Center was Vector(0, 0, 0)
  220. [INFO][]:Removed: client OverheadWorldView(u"V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle: ")
  221. [INFO][]:Added: client CameraWorldView(u"V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle: ")
  222. [INFO][]:Camera: centering on Vector(0, 0, 0) (moving to Vector(-12.8171276411, 8.45236523481, -12.8171276411))
  223. [INFO][]:Center is now Vector(-12.8171276411, 8.45236523481, -12.8171276411)
  224. [INFO][]:Setting cursor SelectionCursor(None, visible=True, children=0, states=[]) for tool < object at 0x0000000016020588> on view < object at 0x00000000160B8108>
  225. [INFO][]:Adding session menus: [<PySide.QtGui.QMenu object at 0x0000000014F87488>, <PySide.QtGui.QMenu object at 0x0000000014F87A88>, <PySide.QtGui.QMenu object at 0x0000000014F87B48>, <PySide.QtGui.QMenu object at 0x0000000014F87C88>, <mcedit2.plugins.command.PluginsMenu object at 0x0000000014F87DC8>]
  226. [INFO][]:Setting 'open_world_dialog/recent_files' changed to ('["D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventure)(...) (was (None)(...))
  227. [INFO][]:Updating recent files menu: (1) [u"D:/CurseForge/Instances/The Adventures of Al'isah/saves/V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle/level.dat"]
  228. [INFO][]:Adding V1 grid map - EXOTIC AND DESERT TREES - an EREMILION'S Bundle
  229. [INFO][]:Setting view angle to single-player player's view in dimension None.
  230. [INFO][]:Camera: centering on Vector(867.458549358, 59.2076026252, 114.236432296) (moving to Vector(867.458549358, 59.2076026252, 114.236432296))
  231. [INFO][]:Did not get texture path.
  232. [INFO][]:Error getting player info: {u'errorMessage': u'The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time', u'error': u'TooManyRequestsException'}
  233. [INFO][]:Did not get texture path.
  234. [INFO][]:Error getting player info: {u'errorMessage': u'The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time', u'error': u'TooManyRequestsException'}
  235. [ERROR][]:Unknown format.
  236. Traceback (most recent call last):
  237. File "mcedit2\", line 1106, in importSchematic (self is a EditorSession)
  238. File "mceditlib\", line 233, in __init__ (self is a WorldEditor)
  239. File "mceditlib\", line 66, in findAdapter
  240. UnknownFormatError: Cannot detect type of file F:/Minecraft/Object Respository Files/BO3-BO2 Files/TerrainControl/worlds/world/WorldObjects/Rocks/Sandstone/DesertRockLarge1.BO2.
  241. [INFO][]:Pushing command Box Selection
  242. [ERROR][]:Unknown format.
  243. Traceback (most recent call last):
  244. File "mcedit2\", line 1106, in importSchematic (self is a EditorSession)
  245. File "mceditlib\", line 233, in __init__ (self is a WorldEditor)
  246. File "mceditlib\", line 66, in findAdapter
  247. UnknownFormatError: Cannot detect type of file F:/Minecraft/Object Respository Files/BO3-BO2 Files/TerrainControl/worlds/world/WorldObjects/Rocks/Stone/boulder5.bo2.
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