
Percy Jackson pretty much complete draft

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. Percy Jackson jump
  2. Do you remember those old legends that people used to tell, of heroes and monsters? epics and gods that couldn't keep it their pants? in this world they are not just mythology, they are real, the stories and the protagonists, existing amongst us, and in their strangely accessible realms and now, you are there. Welcome to the world of Percy Jackson. Where the illegimate sons of those who rule the natural world as we know it attend to a summer camp and huge ancient monsters can somehow hide in newly constructed structure.
  3. Drop-In (free): You wake up in your starting location with your Divine Benefactor (if you have one) nearby. From there they'll give you your items and give you some cryptic advice. In the event you choose to have no benefactor you'll wake up with your items at your side.
  4. Monster (100): You're one of the various species of supernatural being. Your appearance is largely chosen by you within the bounds of being no more than double human height without perks. Your divine benefactor is your choice of being a deity who created you, a parent or just someone you managed to catch the attention of. Technically as a monster you're very hard to put down permanently due to your essence returning to the underworld and slowly reforming if you're vanquished but getting vanquished counts as a death so it's not useful until you’re done jumping.
  5. Magician (100): One way or another you've been inducted into the art of Egyptian magic or another similar style of magic. You were likely trained from an early age by at least one of your parents. Unlike most other backgrounds Magicians lack a connection to a divine patron by default. (Really needs more background)
  6. Demigod (300): You are a child of one of the various gods, you grew up with your mortal parent up until either a scout for one of the various factions that know of the gods found you or you wound up having to go on the run to avoid the monsters inevitably drawn to your location. From there you learned to survive and eventually made it to the camp one way or another. Your starting location is likely either wherever you've wound up on your latest adventure.
  8. Drop-Ins and Monsters must roll to see what pantheon they first encounter or belong to respectively. Demigods may also roll or pick from Greek or Roman for free, Magicians are similar but with Egyptian instead of Greek or Roman. You may pay 50 cp to change to any real world pantheon, (no omnipotence or monotheistic silliness) or 200 to import a full pantheon from another setting (Yes it has to be the full pantheon, no single gods and it also includes any divine rivals they might have had)
  9. 1 Greek
  10. 2 Roman
  11. 3-4 Egyptian
  12. 5 Norse (Fated heroes, other pantheons are annoyed with Odin for prophecizing Ragnarok so thoroughly)
  13. 6 American Indian (Spirits and such)
  14. 7 British, Celtic and such in a mash up (Arthur and his knights, Faeries, the Tuatha maybe some others, most patrons are very specific on honor)
  15. 8 Free choice of real world pantheons
  16. Age is 1d8+15
  18. Perks:
  19. Old Traditions (100 cp, first free for everyone) You are knowledgeable in the ways of the ancient civilization corresponding to whatever mythology you're most connected with. You can read their languages, know the proper ways to honor the gods, and have a decent grasp of their mythology. Otherwise unassociated Drop-ins may choose any one ancient culture to know of. You may purchase this multiple times, each time gaining insight into a new culture.
  21. Monstrous Strength (100, free Monster)
  22. Whether by oddity of birth, ancestry, or mystical experiments you have gained an inhuman form. On the plus side this boosts your physical abilities in proportion to how obviously unnatural your current form is. Generally your form will be some terrifying fusion of various aspects of animals and humans, it is your choice on the particulars though. This boost also applies to other monster discounted perks. Generally you can interact with mortals without their notice so long as you stick to actions that can be reasonably explained by the Mist but even then most of those familiar with the true nature of the world will be able to spot various tells.
  24. Mist Manipulation (100, free Drop-in)
  25. The Mist prevents mortals from seeing what's actually occurring in supernatural fights. With this perk you may also call upon it to cause mortals to see other minor illusions or make them more suggestible. More importantly once the jump is finished you may invoke the Mist to make whatever passes for normal people in your current setting view and remember your feats as having occurred through means they consider ordinary and your appearance as something similar in shape to you but largely mundane.
  27. Minor Blessing (100 discount demigod)
  28. For one reason or another you've got a god who cares slightly about you and has seen fit to grant you some minor boon within their domains. Choose one god from any pantheon and gain a minor boon from them. The god will care slightly about you but unless you go on to further distinguish yourself it will be more of a minor interest in your affairs than someone they feel the need to help (Boons will be covered in the gods supplement, minor ones are stuff along the lines of breathing water, lucid dreaming, or appropriate vague extra senses, useful but nothing especially major).
  30. Legendary Training (200, first discounted for Demigod)
  31. Hero Training
  32. Born into a life of conflict and further trained by other demigods you've gained skill in combat and thinking on your feet. You're largely used to fighting by yourself or with a couple friends though and therefore tend to perform somewhat poorly when trying to fight alongside large groups.
  33. Or
  34. Legion Training
  35. You've been trained in the fighting styles of the Roman Legions, while not as effective as hero training for fighting by yourself, you and anyone else who's received basic training in this style (which you're able to give with a few days work) will be able to work together like a well oiled machine, swiftly reacting to orders and covering eachother's openings so long as they can maintain formation.
  37. Magic (200, free Magician) You have been taught the style of magic appropriate to your chosen pantheon. With this alone you are merely a novice but you can recieve further instruction. Generally you have an aptitude for a particular branch of magic appropriate to your patron within which you excel.
  39. Unnatural Skill (200, discount Monster) Whether from your heritage or just being that good you've got one particular mundane skill that your feats with border on supernatural. Whether you're a smith on the level of the Cyclopses, a near prescient tactician or a swordsman who is ny unstoppable with a blade your feats will be legendary. You are on a level within your skill such that only other beings of legend can hope to match you. This may be taken multiple times. You may not choose magic but you may choose a particular minor application of magic if you have magic already.
  41. Pull of Fate (200, discount Drop-In) You gain an ability to vaguely sense what prophecies are at work on people and get a general idea of what general role they play within those prophecies. Also you tend to have slightly improved luck. In addition you can minorly affect fate, while you can’t change anything already determined by a prophecy or similar you may shift minor roles or when something is going to happen slightly/
  43. Legendary Trait (400 discount Monster) Being big and nasty isn’t all there is to being a monster, to survive you generally want some special ability or quirk that makes you bloody hard to kill. Be it a pelt stronger than steel, poisonous breath, near instant regeneration, or the ability to turn people to stone with a glance, you’ve got something that nearly evens the field against most of your would be slayers. This may be purchased multiple times.
  45. Blood of Kings (400, discount Magician) You are descended from some great member of your background. For Magicians you claim descent from the Pharaohs (or other similar Priest kings) and gain greatly improved aptitude and strength of your magic (this jumps' only). Monsters are related to some truly amazing specimen of their kind and are generally stronger as well as getting a major boost to any esoteric abilities stemming from their species (Hydras regenerate faster and are more venomous, Minoutars get burlier and gain a greater talent for navigating architecture, and so on, yes this does stack with Primal Terror). Demigods have a relative a few generations back who was also a demigod with a different divine parent meaning you likely received better care and training in addition to some additional abilities passed on to you in a lessened state. (No clue what to do for Drop-Ins)
  47. Divine Child (400, free Demigod) You are the direct child of a god of your associated pantheon and gain various benefits from this. You gain lesser manifestations of your parent's domains as well as generally being better than an ordinary mortal. For no further cost you may choose a minor god as your parent, for 200 more cp you may take most any god as your parent but to take one of the heads of a pantheon as a parent you must take the "Fate finds you interesting" drawback receiving no points for it. Alternatively you may take the prerequisites for a higher tier of deity than your chosen parent and boost their abilities to be competitive with those of a demigod of the appropriate tier, you'll still be more specialized than most of that tier but your power within your domain will likely be somewhat more than standard thanks to the focus.
  49. Clear Sight (400, discount Drop-in) Whereas most supernatural beings can see partially through the Mist that conceals the mythological from mortals they still can be fooled by illusions and tend to have trouble seeing things that fall under the purview of other pantheons. You however are near impossible to deceive with such tricks, seeing the true form of beings regardless of their wishes (does not lead to turning to ash when looking at gods unless they fully unveil themselves anyway). Combined with Pull of Fate you have sufficient ability to become an Oracle, note that while this will give you extra insight into your prophecies you cannot affect the content itself.
  51. Primal Terror (400, Monster only) Instead of being some relatively normal specimen of your species of monster you’re an exemplar of their kind. You are the measuring stick by which all others of your kind are compared and inevitably fall short. For example instead of being a hydra with quick regeneration and deadly venom you are The Hydra with near instant regeneration and your mere breath being capable of killing all that surrounds you if you will it. Your sheer might rivals that of the lesser gods and you can exceed the standard limit on size for your monstrous form. In addition you may create lesser monsters of your kind via a method of your choice, be this ritually converting appropriate mortals, budding them, or the usual way of making children. You do tend to regularly get various heroes and Demigods trying to kill you for reputation or as part of their quests every few weeks though, it’s largely more of an annoyance than a risk most of the time.
  53. Fate’s Chosen (800, discounted Drop-in) Whereas the other origins will generally have a great and terrible Fate ahead of them (in varying degrees of both) you will generally come off fairly decently in matters of Fate, and your interpretations of prophecies and other Fates tends to be the correct one, with you able to shift around some details if you feel necessary and have your changes turn out to have been the correct interpretation of the prophecy. More than that you may occasionally see what Fate has in store for you or a friend and actively defy it and succeed, don’t try this too often as Fate still doesn’t take kindly to such things and you tend to have a notable drop in your fortune for awhile after you do this with multiple attempts stacking.
  55. God Slayer (800, discount Magician incompatible with the Path of the Gods), You've been trained by the House of Life or some similar group in the art of fighting and sealing gods and their kin. You learn many spells or tricks very effective against those of divine blood. Keep in mind that while some monsters have divine heritage or empowerment, many don't and you won't be much more effective against those without it than somebody without your training.
  57. The Path of the Gods (800, discount Magician incompatible with God Slayer) You may choose one god that you're housing a fragment of the power of. You may channel this power for many great feats within the portfolio of that god, however the fragment has a consciousness of its own and you must be largely in tune with its personality to draw upon its full might. If you manage to truly offend the fragment then it can cut off your access to any of its abilities until you make amends. On the other hand truly acting as one alongside the fragment can temporarily make you into a force of nature with your powers and the fragment's truly merging and getting exponentially more powerful. This is however quite hard to accomplish and is taxing to maintain. Being the host to a god warps your magic further towards that falling within the domain of your patron, however you will find it far harder to cast any magic diametrically opposed to that of your patron. The host of Ra for example may find magic having to do with light, order and fire far easier but would have trouble trying to perform spells of darkness, chaos, and water.
  59. Glory to... (800, discount Demigod, requires Divine Child) Pick one
  60. Me: Your abilities as a demigod are all massively enhanced to the point that you could fight on par with some mid-tier gods. Using your powers is instinctual and nearly as easy as breathing. Also you gain benefits from your divine parent’s more obscure domains. A child of Hades might find themselves able to call up wealth and ghosts interchangeably while one of Apollo could burn his foes and heal his allies with his mere presence. Using your abilities extensively is tiring though and you should be careful not to wear yourself out too much by summoning a natural disaster where something smaller would’ve worked just as well.
  61. The Legion: Through a quick ceremony of sharing blood and declaring yourself blood brothers with a friend you may grant them a portion of your powers from this jump. Generally assume that for each bond you form the effectiveness of the powers drops by 1/5 of what it was with the previous number of bonds. So with just you and one buddy you’d both have the abilities at 80% of your normal operating standard, then if you add another person in it’s all three of you with 64% of your own undivided power.
  64. Items
  65. Legendary Implement (100, one free Demigod and Magician) Be it a celestial bronze sword that folds down into a pen, a staff that was custom built for you and helps channel your magic or any other useful mildly magical weapon or item this is what you’re after. Weapons may optionally be forged from one of the various divine metals, in which case they will do nothing to mortals but be amazingly effective against monsters or other creatures of legend (once the jump is over you may turn this on and off freely). The following add ons may also be purchased:
  66. Concealable (free) When not in use the item will turn into a small mundane item so as to hide its nature and help make it easier to carry
  67. Returning (50) The item if lost or stolen will return to you as soon as it would be useful. (This is much faster than the standard replacement of items and goes directly to you)
  68. Import (50) You may choose an existing weapon to gain the benefits
  69. Unique ability (100, one free non-weapon items) The item has some minor ability unique to it, from a cap that turns you invisible when worn to a Sword that trails water. This may be purchased multiple times to get multiple different abilities.
  71. Ambrosia (200 discount Demigod) An unlimited supply of the food of the gods. Eating it will heal you but too much and you’ll die horrifically as you’re not a full god. Tastes amazing, and stores fairly well. Also may be useful for bargaining with others. Be careful not to let mortals eat it as they get the horrific death immediately.
  73. Daedelus Laptop (400 discount Drop-in) This Laptop contains the collected works and musing of the great tinker Deadelus. With some work you might be able to figure out how to build his wonders, ranging from self maintaining automata to lesser versions of The Labirynth. It will take quite a bit of work to figure out how to build stuff from here though.
  75. Divine Artifact (600) Somehow you have obtained a replica of a legendary item of your pantheon, be it the monkey king’s staff, Hades’ Helm of Fear, or Thoth’s original copy of the book of going forth by day. Just be sure to have a decent explanation of how you got it.
  77. Companions
  78. Band (100, 2 free) You may import or create a companion with 500 cp, if they take the same origin as you they get the origin for free. You may further supplement any companions with your points at a 1:1 ratio. As Fate likes its threes the first two companions are free.
  80. Drawbacks (Max of 600)
  81. Illiterate (+100) Most Demigods have issues with staying still and reading script other than Ancient Greek. While normally you’d be able to overcome this with a bit of work with this drawback it gets kicked into overdrive with it becoming nearly impossible to sit still for prolonged periods or read anything other than the ancient language associated with your pantheon.
  83. Divine Disdain (+100) One of the gods of your pantheon doesn’t like you. While it’s not flat out hate yet expect them to cause trouble for you within their domains and their servants to be less than helpful.
  85. Unwanted Suitor (+100) One of the gods has decided that you will be their next mortal consort. They’re a deity so such minor things as consent or romance are secondary to them. Even if they would normally be more civil about it there’s something about you that makes them not care about such things. Also this should generally be the god you’re least interested in. Repeated successful refusal may lead to them deciding to go for a Godly Grudge instead (this doesn’t get you extra points).
  87. Godly Grudge (+200) You’ve really pissed off a god. Expect frequent attempts to kill you through their domain, their servants to attack on sight, and them to play godly politics against you. Towards the end of the jump they may even try and kill you directly.
  89. A minor Mist-ake (+200): Well congrats the Mist took one look at you and decided that the only coverup appropriate to your power level was to make it so that you appeared to be a massive storm when going anywhere near mortals. On the downside you're kinda incapable of interacting with anyone on the more human side of things, on the plus side the police won't bother to try to arrest a hurricane.
  91. Bad Oath (+200) You might have made a near unbreakable oath that in retrospect was a gods damned terrible idea. Alternatively you made a few less bad ones but they can be played off of eachother to put you into a major pinch (have fun not refusing hospitality or eating the flesh of dogs).
  93. Fate Finds You Fun (+300) Expect frequent prophecies and monster encounters. Expect to have to fight at least one major Titan in your time here. You will live in interesting times. You will rarely get time when there isn’t some major threat occurring that you’ve been roped into helping fight.
  95. The Gates of Tartarus are Open (+300) Normally a few years from now Gaia will seize control of the Gates of Tartarus and force them open freeing many horrible monsters and wraiths and allowing monsters to reform in days instead of years until they were eventually closed again. Sadly this time they appear to just be stuck open for the entirety of your stay. Good luck dealing with the Titans, if they manage to conquer Olympus they're likely to try to start going after your pantheon as their next conquest if you're not Greek. Similarly a few years in Gaia and her giants will try and pull the same stuff.
  97. Apocalypse Now (+600) Without your interference the apocalypse will destroy the earth. Which apocalypse you ask? Why every single last one of them. Ragnarok will be occurring alongside Apophis rising to devour the earth having defeated Ra and so on and so forth. Good luck.
  98. [End Text here]
  99. Ascension to full godhood counts as choosing to stay.
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