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Worm CYOA rulez that I hope don't suck shit

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Jun 13th, 2015
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  1. Worm CYOA - This schema is predicated on the following: The story takes place in Brockton Bay, and that there are laws and stigmas which prevent most parahumans from keeping steady jobs once their identities are outed.
  3. - Protagonist as follows -
  5. Use the following word pool for the following selections [taken from Mind's Eye Theater]:
  6. Analyst, Architect, Autist, Autocrat, Avant-Garde, Benefactor, Bravo, Bureaucrat, Caregiver, Cavalier, Child, Competitor, Confidant, Conniver, Crackerjack, Critic, Curmudgeon, Decoder, Deviant, Director/Leader, Explorer, Fanatic, Follower, Gallant, Guardian, Hedonist, Honest Abe, Jester, Jobsworth, Judge, Loner, Manipulator, Martyr, Masochist, Masquerader, Monster, Optimist, Pedagogue, Penitent, Perfectionist, Plotter, Poltroon, Praise-Seeker, Predator, Rebel, Recognition Seeker, Reluctant Supernatural, Renunciate, Revolutionary, Rogue, Sage, Sensualist, Show-Off, Supplicant, Survivor, Sycophant, Theorist, Thrillseeker, Traditionalist, Trickster, Visionary, Waif, Wanderer
  8. 1. Character Nature : What is it that is their core being, whether they acknowledge it, know it, embrace, refuse it, or not. Chose one word from the pool; this is what drives your character. Surviving, preying, martyring; whatever it is, your character DOES IT and they are either embracing it, passively doing it, or fighting against it at any major point in the story.
  10. 2. Character Demeanor : What is it that drives your character's outer being; the shell that coats the thing which drives them? Pick one word from the pool; this is what your character appears to be to the outside world. It might subtly influence their inner drive, but this is more a perception of others or the self than it is a drive or a character's nature.
  12. 3. Character Foil : What it is that your character can never, ever be; the thing which repulses your character. Pick one word from the pool; this is what your character is NOT. Your character will NEVER perform actions that describe the kind of person this descriptor alludes to. If your character DOES act in this way unknowingly, or is forced to act in this way, they will feel shame, guilt, distaste, anger, etc. and seek to correct their behavior or the situation with a strong drive. If your characters meets someone with this quality, they are predisposed to dislike or hate them. They aren't likely to get along.
  14. example: A Monster | Visionary is someone like Jack Slash (though you might make the argument of which is his nature and which is his demeanor).
  16. Nature and Demeanor are meant to reign you in as an author. A character is obviously more than a two word descriptor; but this is meant to give you a core understanding of who it is that is playing star on stage. This is to prevent you from doing stupid shit, like creating ruthless war veterans with hearts and morals of gold or super analytical scientists with the ability to empathize with illogical insanity. It's meant to provide guidance, but it's just a tool..
  18. Foil is meant to make it such that your character cannot be friends with everyone. Even the most pacified of cloistered monks is going to find himself grated by a particular type of person. They can certainly see good in people they dislike, or even eventually befriend them, but it's not supposed to come easy.
  20. 4. Statistics Selection:
  21. This is to determine your character's exceptionalness. It is assumed your protagonist is a parahuman.
  23. If your character has triggered once, you have 5 points to distribute. You may put all five in one category, or split that five into multiple categories. I'm going to assume the reader knows what these categories entail. This is meant to describe your character's shard. eg A Tinker 3 Thinker 2 either has a minor thinker ability (perhaps pertaining to probability) and a tinker ability (perhaps pertaining to nuclear reactions), OR it may be that the Tinker 3 and the Thinker 2 work as a single ability, with a Tinker being good at making devices which improve thinking, or effect probability simulation.
  25. If your character has triggered twice, you have 10 points to distribute. You may put all ten in one category or split that ten into multiple categories. If your character has triggered twice, you MUST select a FLAW below. This is because a second trigger is more psychologically or physically demanding than the first.
  27. You may take an additional flaw as a first or second trigger, up to four. Each flaw you take increases your category points by 2.
  29. You should declare a "shard name" which dictates the theme of which powers can be drawn from.
  31. Power Categories:
  32. Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master, Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Changer, Trump, Stranger.
  34. Flaws:
  35. Blind,Deaf, or Mute - A loss of a sense. This lost sense is caused by your power, it cannot be fixed conventionally (only through a powerful trump or tinker); OR it is caused by a mental block your character has (or some kind of weird situation in general). Maybe taken multiple times for each lost sense.
  36. Phobia - Blood, insects, technology, death, water, the outside, et cetera - A crippling fear seizes you in the presence of these things. Your character can overcome this fear, but it will be temporarily paralyzing under any and all circumstances, lowering the character's ability to perform in a stressful situation or inducing significant mental stress. Phobias can be cured, but only through extensive therapy or mental transformation (likely the climax in your story). This may be taken up to three times, for a different phobia.
  37. Lost Limb - Arm or leg. A lost hand or foot suffices. Panacea could heal this, but it's assumed your character isn't going to be getting it healed immediately. A prosthetic is required in most cases, though your character may use the lost limb as a reminder or oath.
  38. Dark Fate - Your character is destined to have a bad end. Your character knows this - they have seen it in dreams, have constant premonitions and visions, or have been utterly assured of it by some precog. An approaching death is a freeing flaw - your protagonist knows their end is approaching soon and no longer needs to hold back. A dark end on a good day is a simple, quick death. Be prepared for something /worse/ than death, like Bonesaw getting a hold of your protagonist for funsies. Nothing short of a miracle could negate this flaw. As a bonus, all precogs get unsettling images when they scry your future - near or far (their readings are not accurate when trying to predict your death).
  39. Bad Luck - Whenever your character enters combat in a scene, you must flip a coin or roll a die (or something). If the coin lands on heads, or the die lands on a specific range of numbers, or just a single number, your character will critically fail at combat that scene. They came unprepared, weren't skilled enough, or just had bad luck. This flaw may also be take for "non-combat" conflicts (persuading someone, for example). This flaw may be taken twice for both versions. Nothing short of a miracle or intervention of another character could overcome this flaw (perhaps a parahuman power).
  40. Fatal Bias - Your character is a neo-nazi, man-hater, woman-abuser, or pol pot sympathizer; whatever - you hate some major race or gender for an unshakable reason. Very difficult flaw to lose. May only be taken once.
  41. Fatal Attraction - Your character has a vice they cannot abstain from. Greed, drugs, sex, gambling - whatever it is, your character has a COMPULSION for it. Attempts to resist will almost invariably fail. The addiction can be broken, but should be extremely trying (debilitating your character for many scenes where they yearn for the rush of a drug or to gamble again). This may include psychological addictions like OCD (which should be less destructive but almost impossible to cure). This may be taken twice, for one kind of attraction.
  42. Hideous - Your character is hideous, disgusting, or just plain ugly. Nobody will ever find your character physically attractive. No miracles here. I hope your character is willing to invest in an illusion-based shard, if they ever want to hook up with anyone.
  43. Sloth - Except in life or death situations, or things which concern your character's nature, foil or demeanor, your character is invariably lazy. They take short cuts, don't try as hard as they could, are unwilling to go far for others, and are otherwise uncharitable with their time. They would rather play video games that study for a test, or sleep all day than go to work. They usually do this too, except when things get too bad.
  44. Pride - Your character has too much pride in themselves to let go. Your character has to be in charge, their thoughts heard, or their decisions met. It's very difficult for your character to be a good leader or to accept leadership under another. Alpha male/female. Having your pride mocked or broken should impair your character's ability to perform for a significant duration. Pride is a double-edged sword, providing drive and willpower at a cost of fairness and cooperation.
  45. Mental Deficiency - Your character cannot read and write, learn new skills easily, or perform/understand arithmetic (even counting is difficult without some nearby fingers and toes) due to a brain injury. This may be taken three times for each deficiency.
  46. Hopeless - Your character is fixated on fear. It is easy for their spirit to crumble; for them to give up and try something else. They are flaky and skittish. What hope they have quickly turns to fear, without intervention from another.
  47. Faithless - Your character does not easily place trust in others. Broken trust is almost impossible to repair. Your character finds it easier to betray others.
  48. Soul Bond - Your character has a telepathic and empathetic link with a random but despicable person (likely a Foil of your character's). They may or may not realize this connection right away. They will use this connection to cause harm to their delight. They will fuck with thoughts and emotions to make the character second-guess themselves. The bond can grow stronger over time. The bond can be broken by the despicable person. The bond goes both ways, but your character can only talk to his tormentor normally (exerting influence requires a weakening of the tormentor's willpower or something like that).
  49. Others - You may designate other flaws where appropriate but they should be significant and difficult to part with.
  51. 5. Occupation
  53. Pick one and only one. You may not designate new ones, but feel free to "rename" one where appropriate.
  55. Student - Low income; your character does not have access to any special tools or skills. You have an easier time blending in, hiding your secret identity, and befriending characters like Taylor or Missy.
  56. Scientist/Engineer - Medium income; your character does have access to some special tools and/or skills. You cannot afford to have your secret identity exposed or you will lose your job. Your job gives you access to scientific supplies and enough money to own a home or acquire a small "lair".
  57. Teacher - Low income; your character does have access to some cheap tools but no special skills. You cannot afford to have your secret identity exposed or you'll lose your job. You have an easier time befriending characters like Taylor or Missy. You will have trouble blending in as you're a "public" figure.
  58. Manual Labor - Low income. You have access to construction-related skills and tools. You are streetwise.
  59. Law / Medicine - High income. You have access to special tools and/or skills. You are a very public figure and your identity is easier to expose as a result. You have enough money to acquire a small but discreet "lair".
  60. Protectorate/Law enforcement - Medium income; your character is is officially with the protectorate in some capacity. This gives you a lot of flexibility but also makes you a known entity to heroes and villains. You cannot outstep your boundaries or you will be fired and/or court-martial-ed. You will be watched by thinkers or overseers.
  61. Criminal - Variable income; access to a variable "lair"; working is bad for your health in this profession. There are high risks of jail, failure, bankruptcy, sabotage or death. There are also high rewards. You're very likely to have more than one ruthless boss with ignoble motives.
  62. Salary Man - Medium income. A job in a bank, office, own a business, etc. any number of ordinary miscellaneous positions. Getting outed means you'll be fired or ruined. You may have access to special skills or tools. You are more likely to have a specific subset of contacts.
  64. 6. Background
  66. Pick one.
  68. Low Class - Reduced income. Easier to blend in. Restricted access to tools or skills. You must attend Winslow or a run-down school. You are streetwise. You are skillful when it comes to avoiding or interacting with gang-related issues.
  69. Middle Class - You may attend any low or middle class school.
  70. High Class - Increased income. If your identity is outed, it will have severe consequences (being disowned, social problems or your family losing some of its reputation or wealth). It's harder to hide your identity.
  71. Foreigner - Your visa expired or you don't have one. You have no legal right to be in the country. You're fucked! Better not get exposed or you'll be deported or forced to go underground.
  73. 7. BONUS
  75. You may purchase any three of the following bonuses for two "category points" (from #4 above):
  77. Skills (sometimes conferred by a occupation) -
  78. Lockpicking (you can pick locks)
  79. Hacking (you can write programs to guess passwords, ddos, or circumvent security)
  80. Fighting Style - You are trained in any of the following: brawl, boxing, kendo, fencing, pistols, rifles, explosives, improvised weapons, etc. to a degree where you are capable of going toe-to-toe with skilled criminals and parahumans
  81. Science - You know that mixing X and Y makes Z, or how a car works explicitly, or why the sun is not a ball of gas (plasma doods), or something
  82. Engineering - You know how to make, read, and follow blueprints. You are skilled in the repair or constructions of everyday items like toasters, televisions, or computers. Even more advanced things like computer processors or bridges are within your ability to learn.
  83. Sewing/Handicrafts - Ceramics, sewing, artistry in general.
  84. Animal Ken - You know the needs and wants of animals and are capable of caring for common or exotic animals correctly. You can establish rapport with a favored animal.
  85. Leadership - You know how to take charge in a stressful situation, make good long and short term decisions. You have experience as a manager, boss, director or tactician.
  86. Empathy - You understand people deeply. You need to get to know them, but you are able to psychoanalyze or provide relief to troubled people to reduce stress or treat mental issues.
  87. Streetwise - You can navigate urban areas well. You learn new urban areas easily. You recognize subtle things which denote gang territory. You are good with giving and following directions. You glimpse a city's history and current standing just by looking at it.
  89. Talents -
  90. Gifted - You're smart. You retain information well, learn new skills easily, and can identify things people miss. This is especially potent with a Thinker power. It is generally useful as will allow your character to more creatively use their shard instead of settling into a single set of habits of use. Cannot be taken with mental deficiency.
  91. Fate-Breaker - A precog's ability is 33% less effective against your character. What this is means is that there is a stronger possibility of fate being overturned, of a future or past being slightly mis-read, or of details becoming occluded. This is meant to make it so that super broken powers like Contessa's are not stone-walled, simply made slightly less "I win". Thinkers with cognition powers will quickly become aware to the disturbance you create and it may draw unwanted attention to you. Thinkers can overcome this resistance by continuing to scry your character (at a cost of enduring thinker headaches). Cannot be taken with Dark Fate.
  92. Athletic - You're strong and enduring; salubrious. You take hits others shouldn't be able to. Your body is flexible and healthy. You're less likely to be sickened or fatigued. You can fight longer, run harder, and push yourself beyond the average person.
  93. Polyglot - You know two or more languages, up to four. This may be taken two times for a competence in eight spoken languages. Cannot be taken if your character is not healthy.
  94. Hopeful and Faithful - You have an unshakable hope for humanity. You are an optimist, whether you acknowledge it or not. Attempts to break your spirit are difficult. You are able to trust people you shouldn't, for their benefit. Hope can turn to fear, but not in your character's case. Hope drives them; they are not passively hoping for success. Your character has an easier time trusting others and repairing lost trust. Cannot be taken if your character already possess some kind of faithlessness or hopelessness flaw.
  95. Charity - Your character can give when they shouldn't. They are not entirely selfless but find being selfless easier than most. This usually works out to their benefit. Cannot be taken if your character already possesses some kind of Greed flaw.
  97. Other - You can designate other bonuses but keep them light. Flaws should be heavier than bonuses.
  99. 8. Hook
  101. 1. Your character is in a "loop" - Your character will relive the same period of time over and over until they stop dying. Breaking the loop means accepting something internally or destroying an enemy externally. Only the antagonist and one other supporting character should learn about the "loop". If you take this hook, you should take an additional flaw.
  102. 2. Your character has future-knowledge - Your character has meta-knowledge about Worm's plot and characters after a dream or "something". If you take this hook, you should take an additional flaw.
  103. 3. Your character has a history as a hero / villain and becomes embroiled in the events surrounding Brockton Bay and the rise of the Merchants, E88 or ABB.
  104. 4. Your character has triggered as a result of a mistake of their own doing. They need to set the mistake right. Their triggering gave them a vision of Scion that stuck in their head and made them realize /something/ wrong was going on in the world.
  105. 5. Your character has triggered as a result of a misdeed of another. They need answers or revenge. "Why them?" Their triggering gave them a desire to cause conflict and they realize this desire isn't their own. They want answers.
  106. 6. Your character is a case-53 with no memory of what transpired. You may take 3 additional category points but cannot have an occupation. You may take 1 more additional category point if you're a monstrous case-53 with weakened social skills.
  107. 7. Your character is a normal person that had an unwanted trigger. They might just want a career singing or in medicine but their identity is outed and they lose their position, forcing them into a life of crime, justice-doing or creative money-making. Your character is deeply unfulfilled and wants to do something about it.
  108. 8. Your character is literally a self-insert. You should take three flaws because I literally hate you.
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