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Sep 18th, 2015
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  1. Log Name: Application
  2. Source: Application Error
  3. Date: 09/18/2015 11:30:21
  4. Event ID: 1000
  5. Category tasks: (100)
  6. Level: Error
  7. Keywords: Classic
  8. User: N / A
  9. Computer: Home
  10. Description:
  11. Faulting application name: httpd.exe, Version:, timestamp: 0x55a0eca6
  12. Name the failed module: php7ts.dll, Version:, time stamp: 0x55f9d7be
  13. Exception code: 0xc0000005
  14. Offset error: 0x000000000048742c
  15. The ID of the failed process: 0x2a58
  16. Faulting application start time: 0x01d0f1ec41984550
  17. Faulting application path: D: \ WEB \ apache \ bin \ httpd.exe
  18. The path of the failed module: D: \ WEB \ php7 \ php7ts.dll
  19. Scout report: 240ef362-5910-4857-838b-27e81116b035
  20. The full name of the offending package:
  21. Application code associated with the failed package:
  22. Event Xml:
  23. <Event xmlns = "">
  24. <System>
  25. <Provider Name = "Application Error" />
  26. <EventID Qualifiers = "0"> 1000 </ EventID>
  27. <Level> 2 </ Level>
  28. <Task> 100 </ Task>
  29. <Keywords> 0x80000000000000 </ Keywords>
  30. <TimeCreated SystemTime = "2015-09-18T08: 30: 21.000000000Z" />
  31. <EventRecordID> 78,328 </ EventRecordID>
  32. <Channel> Application </ Channel>
  33. <Computer> Home </ Computer>
  34. <Security />
  35. </ System>
  36. <EventData>
  37. <Data> httpd.exe </ Data>
  38. <Data> </ Data>
  39. <Data> 55a0eca6 </ Data>
  40. <Data> php7ts.dll </ Data>
  41. <Data> </ Data>
  42. <Data> 55f9d7be </ Data>
  43. <Data> c0000005 </ Data>
  44. <Data> 000000000048742c </ Data>
  45. <Data> 2a58 </ Data>
  46. <Data> 01d0f1ec41984550 </ Data>
  47. <Data> D: \ WEB \ apache \ bin \ httpd.exe </ Data>
  48. <Data> D: \ WEB \ php7 \ php7ts.dll </ Data>
  49. <Data> 240ef362-5910-4857-838b-27e81116b035 </ Data>
  50. <Data>
  51. </ Data>
  52. <Data>
  53. </ Data>
  54. </ EventData>
  55. </ Event>
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