

Dec 18th, 2016
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  1. Kopaka hurled hailstones the size of boulders, only to see Avak bat them aside. Then the Piraka paused, as if lost in thought. The next instant, a cage made of flaming bars had sprung into existance around Kopaka.
  2. "Now I make my own cells," Avak finished,"Any kind I need."
  3. Despite the intense heat, Kopaka smiled. Tahu Nuva had tried to imprison him in something similar once, and a fraction of his power had been enough to freeze the flames. He unleashed his elemental energies and a thin sheen of frost formed on the fiery bars. Then it just as quickly melted away. Kopaka tried a second and a third time, only to see his efforts fail.
  4. "I forgot to tell you," said Avak. "The colder you make it in there, the hotter the bars burn. Eventually you'll use up your power and the heat will finish you off -- if the smoke doesn't get you first."
  6. ~Greg Farshtey Bionicle Legends #1, Island of Doom, pg 105 - 106
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