
bullshitter 5

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. Fuck my life. I don't know whether to just give the fuck up or keep the fuck going, you know what I mean? I might be able to talk freely here, as i don't really give two shits about what the reaction might be, but then AGAIN, I've got maybe an hour to get through this thing. Plus, I have trouble getting to the heart of the fucking matter. Well, let's get to it, shall we?
  2. We've got too many fucking crazy people with gun, going around, and thinking they're playing paint ball. YOU'RE NOT YOU FUCKING CRAZY BASTARDS! And now we've been getting stories of women going bat shit insane, because why not! the internet is gender neutral when it comes to giving us our money's worth in nightmare fuel. most recently, we've had tales of mother in laws killing for custody of their grandkids, Mothers going insane, nearly killing their entire family, but fucking up on the husband multiple times, even with many many many point blank head shots... Because she believed they'd be reincarated into a better life. Haaaawww.... Isn't that cute? BUT IT'S WRONG! And now we've got a mother of five killing four kids?
  3. god fucking damn it.
  4. Okay, so there's actually a common theme going on here that I've noticed.
  5. Men commit mass shootings.
  6. Women just kill the husband or the kids.
  8. Wtf... I don't know why, but I'm able to stomach the mass shooting a tiny bit better than these super focused murder sprees. I mean, both sides equally follow that script of "Well, fuck. I killed all these people, guess I better off myself, just to be sure." I would say I get it, but I still don't, not after all this time. And to be frank, tom, dick, and harry all at the same time, peoples?
  9. I don't want to get it.
  10. we live in an age where crazy fucking shit happens all the time, and as sad as it is, most of these would be murder suicides just... I don't don't know... They just feel half assed. The people commiting these atrocities don't follow through on the script anymore. They made the deal with the Reaper and then they don't kill themselves. God damned, not to turn this into a fuccking comedy piece, because that's the only fucking way I know how to deal with this level of bullshit, but come the fuck on! IT'S GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE 101, DELIVER ON THE FUCKING PUBLICITY YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! follow through or don't start at all!
  11. And yes, I've been a bit on edge lately with this rash of idiocy following the Orlando shooting. I wish I could say more, but I don't want to talk about this ayways, and it just makes me angry as all fuck, almost to the point where I start talking about other shit.
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