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Jun 26th, 2012
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  1. The air of the crypt was still and silent, stirred only by Jaren's breath- the breath that caught in his throat with a heady mixture of fear and anticipation. If he was right, this was the tomb of one of Vivamort's greatest champions- and the recovery of his relics would elevate Jaren far above the petty fools who clamoured about him.
  3. Quietly, he moved forward, every sense attuned to the possibility of traps or unded defenders. He held the carmine disc of his holy symbol before him, a stark contrast with the sable leather of his clothes.
  5. Finally, the door was before him. "ARGATH THE RED" was the inscription- and a man like Argath needed no other introduction. A gentle push, and the door swung open, revealing a chamber preserved perfectly against the ravages of time.
  7. Blood-red silk draped the walls, making the obsidian sarcophagus the centre of Jaren's attention. The lid was carved into Argath's likeness- an aquiline nose, perfect cheekbones, and a fine, pointed chin. He moved it aside, straining against the heavy stone, to reveal the body- perfectly preserved, laid out exactly as the carving that was above it, dressed in black silks and with the smoky steel of his deadly blade atop his chest.
  9. Pulse hammering in his throat, Jaren reached out to grasp the sword- and a grip like an iron vice closed around his wrist.
  11. He looked up to see Argath's ruby eyes, and was transfixed.
  13. "You have disturbed my rest, mortal. What do you have to say for yourself?"
  15. Jaren took a deep breath and replied as truthfully as he could, "I sought your artifacts to serve the Master and exalt myself in his eyes."
  17. A cold, beautiful smile crossed the immortal priest's face. "A good answer, little one. You show promise- I may just keep you for a little time."
  19. Jaren felt himself melting away in the Vampire's gaze, but strengthened his will. "I am no man's tool!"
  21. With a flurry of motion, Argath vaulted from the coffin to stand beside Jaren, and slowly walked around behind him, one hand lightly caressing his neck.
  23. "Then I will have to make you want to stay with me..."
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