

Sep 9th, 2018
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  1. [2016-04-09 04:31:04] <Ironybot> Face, "turned out two be two-thirds hunger" probably contains a two/to error.
  2. [2016-04-09 04:31:46] <AFaceInTheCrowd> :<
  3. [2016-04-09 04:40:49] <AFaceInTheCrowd> to be fair, having both of them right next two each other in a sentence is just asking for trouble.
  4. [2016-04-09 04:41:04] <AFaceInTheCrowd> This also reminds me of a terrible, terrible joke.
  5. [2016-04-09 04:41:15] <AFaceInTheCrowd> Knock, knock.
  6. [2016-04-09 04:42:11] <Ironybot> ....who's there?
  7. [2016-04-09 04:42:18] <AFaceInTheCrowd> Two.
  8. [2016-04-09 04:42:29] <Ironybot> Two who?
  9. [2016-04-09 04:42:37] <AFaceInTheCrowd> It's pronounced touhou.
  10. [2016-04-09 04:42:45] <Ironybot> If this is a Touhou joke, no forgiv-yeah.
  11. [2016-04-09 04:42:54] =-= AFaceInTheCrowd was booted from #geak by AFaceInTheCrowd (D:)
  12. [2016-04-09 04:42:55] -->| AFaceInTheCrowd (~Face@one.many) has joined #geak
  13. [2016-04-09 04:42:55] =-= Mode #geak +h AFaceInTheCrowd by ChanServ
  14. [2016-04-09 04:42:58] <Ironybot> No forgiveness.
  15. [2016-04-09 04:43:08] <Ironybot> Not even for your internet sudoku just now.
  16. [2016-04-09 04:43:20] <AFaceInTheCrowd> You might recall
  17. [2016-04-09 04:43:24] <AFaceInTheCrowd> i did say it was very terrible
  18. [2016-04-09 04:43:33] <Ironybot> Yet you did it anyway!
  19. [2016-04-09 04:43:40] <AFaceInTheCrowd> Yeeeep.
  20. [2016-04-09 04:43:49] <AFaceInTheCrowd> Some pain exists to be shared.
  21. [2016-04-09 04:50:00] <Arkeus> :3
  22. ...
  23. [2016-04-10 09:21:28] -->| guile10 ( has joined #geak
  24. [2016-04-10 10:10:06] <guile10> ... I kinda want to spend all Sunday making the Likes Rolling 4koma
  25. [2016-04-10 10:10:32] <guile10> I should probably be preparing for that interview on monday, but... Likes roll.
  26. [2016-04-10 10:20:03] <Seventeen> No, you should spend all Sunday making more Hoburg nations. Dozens of them. Enough to drown out every other nation.
  27. [2016-04-10 10:21:59] <guile10> Clearly
  28. ...
  29. [2016-04-10 16:41:13] <guile10> Weren't chibis supposed to be easier to draw than usual proportions? They lied!
  30. [2016-04-10 16:41:15] <guile10> I did finish tho
  31. [2016-04-10 16:41:53] <guile10> Behold the shitty scribble that took me 2+ hours to draw:
  32. [2016-04-10 16:42:32] <Arkeus> :)
  33. [2016-04-10 16:43:53] <guile10> Anyway, you see face? You see what happens when you don't describe your characters besides being blue-themed? BAM! Fate/Stay Night Lancer.
  34. [2016-04-10 16:44:11] <guile10> Well, Lancer in a blouse thing.
  35. [2016-04-10 16:45:10] <AFaceInTheCrowd> pffffft
  36. [2016-04-10 16:45:13] <AFaceInTheCrowd> :D
  37. [2016-04-10 16:46:50] <Ironybot> Well, I'm impressed.
  38. [2016-04-10 16:47:05] <Ironybot> At your dedication, if nothing else. To the official fanart gallery!
  39. [2016-04-10 16:47:35] <guile10> pfft, having this next to Anone's work
  40. [2016-04-10 16:48:15] <Ironybot> You stand amongst giants of our time!
  41. [2016-04-10 16:49:31] <Ironybot> Seriously, though, even if the art isn't exactly polished the joke is portrayed well enough to get a laugh out of whoever reads it.
  42. [2016-04-10 16:49:40] <Ironybot> Which is rather the important thing, no?
  43. [2016-04-10 16:50:31] <guile10> It was, indeed, the entire point
  44. [2016-04-10 16:53:37] <AFaceInTheCrowd> Well, whichever you want to do with it
  45. [2016-04-10 16:54:36] <guile10> I'm totally down for putting it in the archive, I'm just catching up on anonkun chat
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