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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2016
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  1. Minecraft Username:
  2. Chiken2014
  4. Age (At least 16 years of age):
  5. 17
  7. Languages you speak fluently:
  9. English
  11. Location/Timezone:
  12. Canada/EST
  14. Do you have a working microphone?
  15. Yes
  17. Have you ever been Banned?
  18. Yes Falsely banned for kill aura but the ban was lifted in 10 mins of the ban.
  20. Experience:
  21. I've been playing Minecraft for over 4 years now and pika for 3 of those years. For 80% of those 3 years Iv'e played factions which I know a lot about (commands, rules etc.) I know a lot about the in game mechanics (farms, fac bases, cannons, spawners etc) I've made alot of base, cannons and grinders since I started playing so I can help anyone that might have a problem with them.I also know how a hacker looks like (Headtwiches, really high Cps, speed, b-hop etc.) I also know most of the staff commands since I was staff before. I have been a staff on a server by the name of Icycraft that unfortunately shutdown but on the bright side it brang me to pika. I can not find any trace of the server (forums, owner, other staff). But I learned alot from icy, staff commands, how to conduct a screen share etc. Which Is why I believe that I'm ready to become a staff on pika since I've played here for over 3 years and I know alot about the game itself and alot about staff commands.
  23. Motivation:
  24. I want to become staff because of the many problems that we have on factions (Hackers, bugs/glitches etc.) I would like to fix as many of those problems since I know what most hacks look like and what ban to give (1st time hacking is a perm ban, 3 banned accounts ip-ban). Also I've played factions alot so I know alot about the bugs, glitches and problems it has (Can't use factions commands in combat, /f who doesnt show player balances like it should) . I am on everyday so I can be on to help any player that need's help. Also I believe that I can be an approachable staff that can reply to anyone that asks for help and try to fix their problem.
  26. What would you do if someone is abusing his rank?
  27. If I saw someone abusing his/her rank I would first ask them why they did what they did and double check to see if its allowed/not allowed. If its a problem I can fix i would go ahead and fix it but if its a higher rank staff then me then i would get proof (video/screenshot) and report it to a higher rank staff.
  29. What would you do if someone was advertising?
  30. Advertising if one of the things that happens alot because people try to get players off pika to join their server. But when they do that its makes pika lose players which if why, if someone was advertising its just a straight ip-ban so they cant do it again. And if it was a donor I would have to /realname to show its actually them.
  32. Extra's:
  33. I am super active on pika so I can be there to help people most of the time. I know a lot about pika so hopefully I can teach/help others with any problems they have. I work well in a group/team an example of that could be school. When ever I get a group assignment I always listen to everyone's ideas because they might have better ideas that me. That would help me be a good staff because i listen to others ideas and try to make pika better than it is. In school I also had to plan a bunch of events movie night, dances etc. I was chosen by the school to do that because I had a lot of experience doing so and I always did good in group work. Which would help me organise events for pika.
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