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Mar 30th, 2015
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  1. >Jumpy Lumps is a pony who has always felt a little insecure about her weight
  2. >She's not really obese but she has a noticeable pudge
  3. >She has sort of managed to make it as minimal as she can, but it's still there and she's still a rather heavy mare
  4. >Jumpy likes food a lot, she could say that she loves it, most of the time when she feels like she's lost enough weight, she'll reward herself with a nice sugary cake... of course this is the reason why she has trouble actually losing weight
  5. >She spends most of her days at a fitness club for hefty mares such as herself, usually jogging on the track or the treadmills
  6. >Of course, inbetween workouts, she hangs out with the other ponies, and of course she's made a few friends
  7. >One of them is a much more tubby mare by the name of Canie Sugars
  8. >She is a great chef who makes lots of desserts and sweet treats that she shares with the mares at the club
  9. >One day she invites Jumpy over for just dessert
  10. >A multiple course dessert of many pastries, cakes, chocolates, icecreams, and much, much more
  11. >All sugary sweet and high in calories
  12. >Jumpy ate a lot of it and noticed that Canie wasn't eating any of it
  13. >"Are you sure you don't want any of this?" Jumpy asked
  14. >"No" Canie said, as Jumpy continued to eat the rest of desserts
  15. >When Jumpy stopped eating, she was surprised to see that she ate all the desserts on the table
  16. >Jumpy felt stuffed, she didn't know if she could have another slice or not, that is when Canie said "Oh by the way, I have more"
  17. >Canie pushed in a table full of giant cakes, obviously high in calories
  18. >Jumpy looked at it in delight, but then back at her tummy as she knew she shouldn't have more
  19. >Canie looked worried, "Aw, but I spent so much time making all of this, it would be a shame to have this go to waste!"
  20. >Jumpy felt that she could make room, "Well, alright then..."
  21. >Jumpy spent the next few minutes on the couch munching down on one of the cakes
  22. >She had already finished half of one when she felt she has had enough
  23. >"I can't eat more!" She said
  24. >Canie could only respond with "Oh come on Jumpy, I know your stomach can fit all of this, trust me"
  25. >"But I'll get fat" Jumpy worried
  26. >Suddenly, Canie's stomach grumbled. "Would you eat more if you had some help?"
  27. >"I guess so..." Jumpy mumbled
  28. >Canie reached over and grabbed the remaining cake in Jumpy's hooves, swallowing it in one gulp
  29. >Jumpy and Canie ate and ate, until the rest of the cakes were nothing but crumbs scattered across their fat tummies
  30. >"I feel... really full... I don't think I can't believe I ate it all, I don't think I feel like getting up"
  31. >Canie got up lethargically, taut belly slowing her down as she helped her to the bed room, which had a really giant cushion and a mirror ceiling, carrying her so she doesn't burn a single calorie
  32. >"C-canie, I'm going to get superfat, I need to jog for bit" Jumpy said trying to escape the grips of Canie, but then Canie opened up the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of pills
  33. >"If I were you, I'd stop worrying about it" as Canie let go of Jumpy
  34. >Jumpy was understandably panicked. She decided to risk upsetting her stomach, swinging her hooves wildly and causing the pill Canie was holding to fly straight down her throat
  35. >Canie tried to get up, but something about her prevented her from getting up, she didn't know why since her body looked alright aside from the stuffed stomach
  36. >But then she felt a rumbling in her over stuffed tummy...
  37. >It was a violent rumble, that could be felt in all parts of her body and roared in the whole room
  38. >To her horror, Canie was slowly getting heavier, and heavier, and thanks to the mirror on the ceiling, she watched as he body was swelling further and further
  39. >Jumpy watched in horror seeing Canie swell further and further, as the enzymes in the pill did their magic and made it so all the food in the stomach was immediately processed into fat
  40. >"H-help me!" the poor swelling mare uttered
  41. >"Sorry Canie! I didn't mean to do it, but you were going to make me fat with that!"
  42. >Canie continues to swell, getting bigger than Jumpy, she wants to think this is a nightmare, but sadly it wasn't
  43. >Jumpy continuously pokes Canie's belly, as it jiggles like gelatin. Poor Canie feels awkward and aroused by the movements of her blobbing up body as it fills up all the space on the cushion and she sees as it becomes less and less pony like
  44. >After an hour of Canie's body fattening up more and more and Jumpy teasing it in anyway she can think of, the swelling stops, leaving Canie as a gigantic, morbidly obese horse who weighs many tons and is almost unidentifiable
  45. >Canie's fear diminishes after she feels her stomach rumbling again, suddenly that fear turns into hunger as she feels hungrier than she has ever felt before
  46. >"Jumpy! I am hungry!" Canie roars from her throne
  47. >"I'm not much of a baker, but I'm sure I can whip up something your fat ass can enjoy," Jumpy says sweetly with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes
  48. >Preparing the cake, Jumpy wonders what she will do with Canie, maybe have her revenge for trying to turn her into a fatpone, maybe roll her up into a ball and roll her around Ponyville just to humiliate her, maybe invite her fatass friends to sit on her and see the new and improved Canie, or maybe just fatten her up even more.
  49. >As Jumpy finishes the cake, she feeds it to Canie, who happily eats it. 'It was a simple but good life,' Canie thought.
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