
Alkinesh the Stranger

Jan 12th, 2023
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  1. Alkhinesh the Stranger
  2. Male Dragonkin, Chaotic Evil
  3. Dragonpriest Level 10
  4. Armor Class 16 (Draconic Resilience, 13+3)
  5. Hit Points 82 (11dd8+22+10)
  6. Speed 30 ft
  8. Str 13(+1) Dex 17(+3) Con 15(+2) Int 16(+3) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)
  9. Proficiency +4
  10. Skills: Religion +7 Insight +5 Arcana +7 Persuasion +6 Stealth +5
  11. Senses passive Perception 11
  12. Languages: Draconic, Common (Ambrosian and Rasenni), Orcish
  13. Challenge 6(2,300 XP)
  15. Special Actions:
  16. Breath Attack
  17. Fire 10 by 60 ft. line (Dex. save)/30 ft. cone (Con.save) 5d10 Damage
  20. Draconic Rage
  21. Whenever this character is reduced to less than half of your hit points,
  22. roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a success, they enter
  23. enter a rage mode. AC becomes 15 + you Dexterity modifier. Unarmed strikes
  24. deal 1d6 + 4 slash damage. Bite deals 1d6 + 3 piercing
  25. damage. This ability lasts for 3 rounds and you can only use
  26. this ability once per long rest.
  28. Dragonic Wings
  29. As a free action sprouts two dragon wings. Wings are twice character height, fly speed is double walking speed. The wings can be used for a minute of flight per hour of rest.
  31. Enchanted Dagger, Mee Weapon Attack +8 to hit, range 20/60ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 +3 ) piercing damage. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. In addition this weapon has 6 charges. When you hit an opponent with this weapon, you may expend a charge to do an extra 2d4 fire, lightning, cold, or acid damage. The sword regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
  33. Light Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +6 to hit, range 80/320ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4 ) piercing damage.
  35. Spells:
  36. Spellcasting. Alkhinesh is an 11th-level Dragon Priest. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence(spell save DC 17, to hit with spell attacks +7)
  37. Cantrips (6 known, at will): Minor Illusion, Taumaturgy, Blade Ward, Fire Bolt, True Strike, Poison Spray
  39. 1st level (4 slots): Burning Hands, Compelled Duel, Heroism, DIsguise Self
  41. 2nd level (3 slots):,Blur, Invisibility, Suggestion
  43. 3rd level (3 slots): Fireball, Haste, Major Image
  45. 4th level (3 slots): Banishment, Wall of Fire, Death Ward
  47. Gear: Dragon Priest totem, wallet of 2 gp 140 sp, Potion of Haste, Potion of Invisbility, Potion of Cure Wounds, Scroll of Dimension Door (x2)
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