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Aug 2nd, 2009
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  1. <David> David was running fast. "Where, where, where is it? Leave it, where? What?" he was muttering to himself. "Where are those lemons, too? I hope they were loaded on the boat,er, ship."
  2. <David> He sprang across the pier onto his boat, and almost coathangered himself on the mast.
  3. <David> He ran downstairs, into the storeroom. Quickly, he began to pull things out of the way, searching frantically for something.
  4. <David> *
  5. <Sypha> "Oh hey, it's David. What exactly are you looking for?"
  6. <Sypha> *
  7. <David> David turned quickly, dagger appearing in hand. He peered about the dark room. "That sounds like... Sypha? Is that you?" he asked.
  8. <David> *
  9. <Sypha> "The one and only."
  10. <Sypha> "You seem... tense."
  11. <Sypha> *
  12. <David> David peered about again. He still couldn't see Sypha. "Tense? Probably. I probably am. What are you doing here?"
  13. <David> *
  14. <Sypha> "Uh, nothing much."
  15. <Sypha> "Just waiting for something interesting to happen.
  16. <Sypha> Must have slept through all the good stuff." At this, he walked out and meet David.
  17. <Sypha> *
  18. <David> David raised an eyebrow. "If by good stuff you mean me finding I'm a half-vampire, a creepy little girl appearing and almost killing everyone, Jessika and I killing a small army of bandits, and Jess and I..." he trailed off here. "Yeah, you missed some good stuff, alright. How did you sleep through it all? The battle was on this bloody boat!
  19. <David> "
  20. <David> *
  21. <Sypha> "I met the creepy little girl."
  22. <Sypha> "Other then that, I've been exhausted as of late."
  23. <Sypha> "I just needed a good rest to restock ether."
  24. <Sypha> *
  25. <David> David asked "Ether? What have you been doing that required you to sleep for almost a week on end?"
  26. <David> *
  27. <Sypha> "Uh, training."
  28. <David> David shook his head. "Emmy, right?
  29. <David> ((Oops.))
  30. <David> (soory, I had it lined up, my finger slipped. ))
  31. <David> (( =( I feel really bad now. ))
  32. <Sypha> "That little girl drained half of my life."
  33. <Sypha> "Then, after I smashed her over the shoulder with a staff of ice, she shot a laser at me that nearly proppelled me through a wall."
  34. <Sypha> "Oh yeah, she also invited me to train with her. I was on the Fenrir when this happened."
  35. <Sypha> *
  36. <David> "Emmy and I are 1 all for fights. First time, she shot me through the head with a blot of light. Second time, we both stabbed each other through the chest."
  37. <David> *
  38. <Sypha> "Hmm. Pretty intense. Anyway, the laser light show was augmented by some dress."
  39. <Sypha> "Hurt like hell."
  40. <Sypha> *
  41. <David> David nodded. "Yeah, that girl... she's not normal... but hey, that was all magick training, right?" he asked.
  42. * Aphex has quit (Quit: and then there was nothing)
  43. <David> "Are you any good at physical fighting? Because magick's no good if your head has been cut off."
  44. <David> *
  45. <Sypha> "Uh, I'd rather not go head on head lest I lose my head."
  46. <David> (( Very nice. ))
  47. <Sypha> At this, Sypha wandered upstairs, with the intent to get off of the ship.
  48. <Sypha> "See ya Dave. I need some fresh air."
  49. <Sypha> ((Follow me or something))
  50. <David> (( This bit comes after a bit I'm finishing with Uzi at the moment, I think. For it to make chronological sense. ))
  51. <David> (( *?))
  52. <Sypha> *
  53. <Sypha> ((Sorry.))
  54. <David> David turned, and picked up a small bottle, filled with a pale crystal liquid. He stuffed it in his pocket, and followed Sypha upstairs.
  55. <David> *
  56. <David> (( We've actually left the island, we're at sea. ))
  57. <David> (( Which means I have to edit an earlier bit... my bad. ))
  58. <Sypha> As Sypha got upstairs, he stopped from a bit of shock.
  59. <David> (( I'll fix it, it's all good. ))
  60. <Sypha> "Huh. I didn't know we left port."
  61. <Sypha> "Anyways, what did you put in your pocket?"
  62. <Sypha> *
  63. <David> David showed the bottle with a flourish. "It's something I need for some enchanting work I'm doing. It's a very rare metal called laurium. It's a liquid at room temperature."
  64. <David> *
  65. <Sypha> "Ah. I've heard of that once before..."
  66. <Sypha> At this, Sypha gazed off, with a spacey look in his eyes.
  67. <Sypha> The far off look quickly took to anger. The air around noticeably dropped in temperature.
  68. <Sypha> *
  69. <David> David backed off a bit. "You alright there Sypha?" he asked, cautiously.
  70. <David> *
  71. <Sypha> Sypha snapped back to reality. The air slowly started to warm.
  72. <Sypha> "Uh, yeah... Just a bad headache..."
  73. <David> (( *? ))
  74. <Sypha> "I uh, need to rest a bit... more." At this, Sypha stumbled back downstairs.
  75. <Sypha> *
  76. <David> (( What do I do next?))
  77. <Sypha> ((I don't know, ad lib.))
  78. <David> David ran to Sypha. "Are you sure you don't want to meet the crew first?" he asked him.
  79. <David> *
  80. <Sypha> "I guess I can..."
  81. <Sypha> *
  82. <David> David smiled. "Jessika's asleep, but I can show you the others." He gestured her into the cabins. A tall thin man was sitting on his bed, sharpening his knife.
  83. <David> "This is Griffin." David introduced. "He doesn't talk much, but he's a very nice man."
  84. <David> Griffin looked at Sypha, nodded, and went back to his sharpening.
  85. <David> *
  86. <Sypha> "Nice knife. So Dave, the rest of the crew?"
  87. <Sypha> *
  88. <David> (( That's the first Dave I've got :'( ))
  89. <Sypha> ((... Is that bad?))
  90. <David> David turned, and bumped into a short wiry man, with a weasel face. "Ah, Silk. Nice to, er, see you. Silk, Sypha, Sypha Silk." he said, gesturing.
  91. <David> *
  92. <David> (( I dunno. It might be.))
  93. <Sypha> "Nice to meet you. So... what d you do around here?"
  94. <Sypha> *
  95. <David> Silk smiled, and his nose twitched. "I'm very good with a knife" he said, modestly. "And I'm the world's best thief."
  96. <David> *
  97. <Sypha> "Ah ha. Well, I'm good with a spear, I guess. Not much else." Sypha walked onwards after sayng this.
  98. <Sypha> *
  99. <David> David grabbed him. "You might want to check to see you aren't missing anything first." he warned.
  100. <David> *
  101. <Sypha> "Nothing of worth on me anyways. A good theif would see that from a mile away."
  102. <Sypha> *
  103. <David> Silk smiled, and produced a small book from behind his back. "What about this?" he asked.
  104. <David> *
  105. <Sypha> "I'd rather forget some of the stuff in there anyways. You can ead through it, but it's of no worth to anyone but me."
  106. <Sypha> "See, I can't remember anything more then the last 6 months of my life. That book has 2 years of my life written in it so I don't forget."
  107. <Sypha> "Check, the only thing that might interest you is the notes on alchemy."
  108. <Sypha> *
  109. <David> Silk shrugged, and handed the book back. "I can make my own gold much faster than alchemists." he said.
  110. <David> David cleared his throat, and look at Silk. Silk feigned innocence.
  111. <David> David glared at Silk, who slowly pulled out the crystal vial, and handed it back to him.
  112. <David> Silk then pulled out David's rings, and handed them back too. Soon followed his belt, his daggers, and his heavy purse.
  113. <David> "Thanks Silk." said David. "Hey, it was just for practise, ok?" said Silk.
  114. <David> David grasped Sypha's shoulder. "alright. Let's go check the others."
  115. <David> *
  116. <Sypha> "Alright, onward then."
  117. <Sypha> Sypha stopped for a moment.
  118. <Sypha> "Anyone here good at alchemy?"
  119. <Sypha> *
  120. <David> David looked at Sypha. "Alchemy? No." he stated.
  121. <David> *
  122. <Sypha> "... Alright... Then whose next?"
  123. <Sypha> *
  124. <Sypha> ((Sorry, preoccupied.))
  125. <David> David raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He lead Sypha upstairs to the wheel, where the last three crewmen stood.
  126. <David> David introduced them. "Mercelli, our expert navigator. He knows this ship better than I do." "Pleased to meet you." said Mercelli, in his thick French accent.
  127. <David> "Stanford, a talented swordsman..." Stanford nodded.
  128. <Sypha> ((Bathroom. Be back shortly.))
  129. <David> "... and Eagle, a talented marksman." A woman of stunning beauty smiled at Sypha. "Hi there!" she said warmly.
  130. <David> *
  131. <David> (( kk))
  132. <Sypha> ((Back.))
  133. <Sypha> "Hello. I'm Sypha. To be honest, I'm surprised."
  134. <Sypha> "Most people wold run screaming if they saw someone like me." Sypha sighed.
  135. <Sypha> *
  136. <David> David explained. "These aren't 'most people'. Most of them have their own problems..." he said ominously.
  137. <David> David looked blank for a moment, then suddenly shook out of it. "Anyway, that's the crew." he finished.
  138. <David> *
  139. <Sypha> "Alright. See you in a week or so. I'll be in the storeroom. Get me if anything interesting happens."
  140. <Sypha> Sypha walked down to the storeroom after this.
  141. <Sypha> *
  142. <Sypha> ((Done?))
  143. <Sypha> ((It's pretty boring being confined to a ship.))
  144. <David> (( If you want. My other option was to suddenly attack you. ))
  145. <David> (( as in, "Defend yourself! snap training. Up to you. ))
  146. <Sypha> ((... Why?))
  147. <Sypha> ((I guess.))
  148. <David> (( You don't have to.))
  149. <Sypha> ((It's cool.))
  150. <David> David walked with Sypha down the stairs. "One last thing..." he said. He drew his sword, and made a lazy swipe over his head. "Defend yourself!" he yelled.
  151. <David> *
  152. <Sypha> Sypha quickly spun around with a hlaberd that seemingly appeared from thin air. The halberd went crashing through the air towards David's neck.
  153. <Sypha> *
  154. <David> David stepped backwards, beyond the reach of the deadly weapon. "A halberd?" he asked. "An odd choice for one such as yourself..."
  155. <Sypha> The halberd shattered into a million pieces, and then a spear was produced next.
  156. <Sypha> ((Crap.))
  157. <Sypha> ((Sorry...))
  158. <David> (( It's cool. We're even.))
  159. <David> David stared at the spear. "Where are you getting these from?" he asked.
  160. <David> He stepped forward and unleashed a deadly series of blows.
  161. <David> *
  162. <Sypha> Sypha quickly sidestepped the blows, swiping the spear near Davids face. It missed, but barely.
  163. <Sypha> *
  164. <Sypha> ((Parents were snooping. >_>))
  165. <David> (( Meddling kids... wait, that's scooby doo...))
  166. <Sypha> ((Meddling adults.))
  167. <David> David dropped the massive sword, and pulled two daggers out. He brought both of them up in an attempt to get to Sypha's neck.
  168. <David> *
  169. <Sypha> Sypha ducked, and just in time. The two knives met, and quickly froze together.
  170. <Sypha> *
  171. <David> David frowned. "That's cheating a bit, don't you think?" he said. He dropped the two daggers, and drew his special third one out. "I wouldn't try that with this one." he said.
  172. * David has quit (Quit: back in a minute, or your pizza is free!)
  173. * David (chatzilla@4A6C3385.E3DEF13.34AE569B.IP) has joined #arstar
  174. * ChanServ sets mode +a #arstar David
  175. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to David
  176. <Sypha> ((I demand free pizza!))
  177. <David> (( Meddling kids.))
  178. <David> (( *hands Sypha free pizza ))
  179. <Sypha> ((Yumyum))
  180. <David> (( was it my line?))
  181. <Sypha> ((Yes. You didn't finish at least.))
  182. <David> (( What did I say last? ))
  183. <Sypha> ((<David> David frowned. "That's cheating a bit, don't you think?" he said. He dropped the two daggers, and drew his special third one out. "I wouldn't try that with this one." he said.))
  184. <David> (( thanks. ))
  185. <David> He thrust forward with it, straight into Sypha's scaly chest.
  186. <David> *
  187. <David> (( =p ))
  188. <Sypha> Sypha frowned.
  189. <Sypha> With a slight step to the side, he attempted to grab the hilt of the dagger.
  190. <Sypha> *
  191. <Sypha> ((/attempted/))
  192. <David> David saw Sypha reach for the dagger. He grabbed Sypha's reaching hand, and pulled him over, onto the ground. He spun quickly, crouched, and held the dagger at Sypha's throat.
  193. <David> *
  194. <Sypha> "... Fair enough. You win."
  195. <Sypha> In a blinding burst of speed, Sypha got out from under the dagger and Davids grasp and got up.
  196. <Sypha> "Ugh..." Sypha started to wobble a bit. He didn't look to good.
  197. <Sypha> "What... happened...?"
  198. <Sypha> *
  199. <David> David looked worried. "Are you alright?" he asked. "We just practised fighting."
  200. <David> He looked at Sypha. "You don't look good at all." said Captain Obvious.
  201. <David> *
  202. <Sypha> "I remember the fight..."
  203. <Sypha> Sypha looked as if he were about to topple over.
  204. <Sypha> *
  205. <David> David stepped forward and steadied Sypha in his arms. "Has this happened to you before?" he asked.
  206. <David> *
  207. <Sypha> "... Not that I remember... It might have."
  208. <Sypha> Sypha passed out in Davids arms.
  209. <Sypha> *
  210. <David> David shrugged. He slung Sypha over his shoulder, and carried him off to a cabin.
  211. <Sypha> ((Haha.))
  212. <David> He set him down on a bed, and stared at him. "You're part dragon... and have memory loss... and strange mood changes. " he murmered. He sighed. "Whatever. Another misfit welcome to join our band of misfits."
  213. <David> He turned away, closed the door, and left.
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