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a guest
Sep 1st, 2008
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  1. (09:16:06) ***gevaerts goes honme
  2. (09:16:35) fragilematter [n=barbu_do@] entered the room.
  3. (09:16:38) wpyh: gevaerts: did you try m6sl's rockboot.ebn?
  4. (09:16:40) krazykit [] entered the room.
  5. (09:18:03) bertrik [] entered the room.
  6. (09:31:55) PaulJam left the room (quit: ".").
  7. (09:42:34) gevaerts: wpyh: not yet
  8. (09:44:14) Llorean left the room.
  9. (09:44:52) krazykit left the room (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
  10. (09:46:58) gevaerts: wpyh: it doesn't send that one correctly
  11. (09:47:29) bertrik left the room (quit: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
  12. (09:50:04) wpyh: doesn't send that one correctly?
  13. (09:50:12) ***wpyh doesn't understand
  14. (09:50:28) ***wpyh sees the OK after the firmware is sent
  15. (09:51:05) wpyh: ah, gevaerts
  16. (09:51:06) gevaerts: It says Sending rockboot.ebn... and then it hangs
  17. (09:51:12) wpyh: hm....
  18. (09:51:41) wpyh: if it hangs, most probably it got a FIRMWARE_ERROR message
  19. (09:51:50) wpyh: I see that the format of rockboot.ebn is wrong
  20. (09:53:09) wpyh: it should end in 0xa5a5a5a5 0x5a5a5a5a
  21. (09:53:37) wpyh: (but I've successfully sent it to my M3 anyway, although it doesn't work)
  22. (09:54:27) ***gevaerts thinks we should move to #rockbox
  23. (09:54:32) wpyh: ah ok
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