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Aug 26th, 2009
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  1. [party] Shezbot2100: "i am going to crash it"
  2. [party] CheechLizard: "crash"
  3. [party] Shezbot2100: "r u rdy"
  4. Laser_Spider puts on his gold ruby ring.
  5. Outside: You notice Pico's cock getting hard.
  6. DoctorDre jiggles the electromag inductor.
  7. [party] Ruby: "yes"
  8. [tradenet] Falco says, "Still lookin' for a Blades 5 teacher."
  9. Laser_Spider puts a fancy fedora into his trail pack.
  10. Outside: Yeznik puts away his t-shirt.
  11. Outside: Yeznik gets out his magspike.
  12. Outside: Yeznik hands Pico a magspike.
  13. Outside: Pico cleans himself up and closes his first aid kit.
  14. Outside: Pico starts working on himself with a first aid kit.
  15. DoctorDre slides the electromag inductor up a bit.
  16. [tradenet] the_nacho says, "i can do it"
  17. [party] Shezbot2100: "well curses it is at 10/10 control"
  18. [party] Laser_Spider: "You can't crash the Das."
  19. [tradenet] the_nacho says, "come to ap"
  20. [party] DoctorDre: "just spam evade"
  21. [party] Granger: "its uncrashable"
  22. [party] Laser_Spider: "It is uncrashable."
  23. [party] Shezbot2100: "you can"
  24. DoctorDre wiggles the electromag inductor.
  25. [party] Shezbot2100: "you so can"
  26. [tradenet] Falco says, "Someone beat you to it."
  27. DoctorDre says, "woahh"
  28. [party] Shezbot2100: "it crashes but doesn't explode"
  29. DoctorDre wiggles the electromag inductor.
  30. [tradenet] The_nacho waves his tiny fist menacingly.
  31. DoctorDre asks, "turbulence?"
  32. Outside: Pico cleans himself up and closes his first aid kit.
  33. Outside: Pico heads down the stairs.
  34. DoctorDre slides the electromag inductor up a bit.
  35. [party] Shezbot2100: "it explodes outside but is not destroyed"
  36. I see no "panel" here.
  37. I see no "control" here.
  39. [][]. ||BC Bridge (in the Das Kochenhammer) 10:33pm
  40. []== /##== A huge, dark space packed full of bulky electronics, cables and
  41. []DA()||. other trappings of technology, crammed into metal cabinets with
  42. . []Re||. steel mesh sides. Beneath your feet is a floor made of more of the
  43. . []20||. metal mesh, with control cables and other important looking
  44. doodads arrayed impressively. A massive hemisphere of transparent
  45. metal forms the front windscreen.
  46. Outside you see Any Port helipad...
  47. A circular field of cracked cement. Faded chips of yellow paint mark a giant
  48. H. Cold stars glitter in the night sky. Thin cold rain drizzles from the dead
  49. sky.
  50. Lots of flyers are parked all around you.
  51. This flyer's registry code is: .xXx.666.xXx.
  52. A steel box with a big red panic button on its front is set in one wall. A
  53. security console is integrated into the control suite. The walls are scorched
  54. black in one corner from a recent explosion. A fresh bloodstain is pooled in
  55. one corner. There is a faint stench in the air. There's a pile of ash on the
  56. floor.
  57. You see two empty syringes on the floor.
  58. CheechLizard is taking cover here. Shezbot2100, Granger, and Laser_Spider are standing here. DoctorDre is standing
  59. here, picking a VoxGuard diamond.
  60. ARMOR [ 465/500 ] FUEL [ 100/100 ]
  61. CTRL [ 10/10 ] ALT [ 20/5000 ]
  62. [ You can fly east and southwest. ]
  63. [ Exits: +southwest(door to the southwest) +out(door to the corridor) ]
  64. Shezbot2100 pulls back on the stick.
  65. Acceleration pushes you down and back, as the Das Kochenhammer begins its ascent.
  66. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer lifts out of hover and begins to ascend.
  67. Shezbot2100 says, "PEW PEW"
  68. [party] Granger: "like skydock"
  69. The acceleration eases as you reach cruising altitude.
  71. $$ Bridge (in the Das Kochenhammer) 10:34pm
  72. ()_,## o A huge, dark space packed full of bulky electronics, cables and
  73. <<() other trappings of technology, crammed into metal cabinets with
  74. .:::{} steel mesh sides. Beneath your feet is a floor made of more of the
  75. oOoO oO metal mesh, with control cables and other important looking
  76. doodads arrayed impressively. A massive hemisphere of transparent
  77. metal forms the front windscreen.
  78. Outside you see skies above freedom city...
  79. The crawling ruin of the city spreads out beneath you like a model train set
  80. smashed by a petulant child. You can see your house from up here! The black
  81. dome of night surrounds you, pinprick stars leaking sparkling white into the
  82. darkness.
  83. Thick clouds billow around you.
  84. Dark clouds billow to the north and northwest. A cloud layer hangs in the air
  85. to the southwest. Purple flashes illuminate threatening clouds to the west.
  86. This flyer's registry code is: .xXx.666.xXx.
  87. A steel box with a big red panic button on its front is set in one wall. A
  88. security console is integrated into the control suite. The walls are scorched
  89. black in one corner from a recent explosion. A fresh bloodstain is pooled in
  90. one corner. There is a faint stench in the air. There's a pile of ash on the
  91. floor.
  92. You see two empty syringes on the floor.
  93. CheechLizard is taking cover here. Shezbot2100, Granger, and Laser_Spider are standing here. DoctorDre is standing
  94. here, picking a VoxGuard diamond.
  95. ARMOR [ 465/500 ] FUEL [ 97/100 ]
  96. CTRL [ 5/10 ] ALT [ 500/5000 ]
  97. [ You can fly north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. ]
  98. [ Exits: +southwest(door to the southwest) +out(door to the corridor) ]
  99. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  100. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges crazily through the air.
  101. I don't understand that.
  102. DoctorDre wiggles the electromag inductor.
  103. Shezbot2100 jerks the controls hard.
  104. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  105. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  106. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  107. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  108. CheechLizard coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  109. CheechLizard coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  110. Shezbot2100 says, "-2 ctrl"
  111. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  112. DoctorDre says, "ahhh"
  113. Shezbot2100 says, "sad day"
  114. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  115. Whoooaaa!!
  116. Shezbot2100 says, "damn"
  117. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  118. DoctorDre says, "AHHH"
  119. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  121. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  122. Whoooaaa!!
  123. Outside: 17Tim says, " stuff..."
  124. Outside: 17Tim explodes, showering the area with blood and chunks of flesh.
  125. Outside: Tahin explodes, showering the area with blood and chunks of flesh.
  126. Outside: The body of Tahin's white cocoon capsule deploys around his gear with a foamy whoosh.
  127. Ruby says, "Uh oh"
  128. Outside: Mira looks dizzy as blood gushes from her body wounds.
  129. DoctorDre says, "fuck you guys"
  130. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  131. Shezbot2100 says, "AAA"
  132. CheechLizard laughs.
  133. DoctorDre says, "LMAo"
  134. [party] Ruby: "aahahahhaaha"
  135. Granger laughs.
  136. Shezbot2100 says, "oh er level"
  137. Outside: Blood gushes from Mira's many horrible wounds.
  138. Outside: Mira howls with rage.
  139. Outside: Mira crumples to the ground, gasps out her last breath, and dies.
  140. Outside: The body of Mira's blue cocoon capsule deploys around her gear with a foamy whoosh.
  141. DoctorDre says, "oh god"
  142. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  144. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and weaves through the air.
  145. Whoooaaa!!
  146. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  147. [party] Ruby: "ahahahaha"
  148. Shezbot2100 says, "shit shit shit"
  149. [party] Granger: "hahahahahaha"
  150. Shezbot2100 says, "level it hurry"
  151. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  153. Outside: 9Joan comes down the street from the west.
  154. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  155. Whoooaaa!!
  156. Outside: 9Joan reads through the Galleria Sign.
  157. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  158. Shezbot2100 says, "what did you do"
  159. Outside: 9Joan picks up a leg of Tahin off the pavement.
  160. CheechLizard coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  161. [party] Ruby: "ahahahaha"
  162. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  163. DoctorDre says, "lmao"
  164. Outside: The body of Mira groggily gets to her feet.
  165. Outside: 9Joan picks up an issue of Boys Life magazine off the pavement.
  166. Outside: 9Joan picks up a leg of 17Tim off the pavement.
  167. [party] CheechLizard: "-2 control"
  168. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  170. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  171. Whoooaaa!!
  172. Outside: 9Joan says, "Muthu..ffuagaeepth..."
  173. Outside: 9Joan explodes, showering the area with blood and chunks of flesh.
  174. Outside: Mira explodes, showering the area with blood and chunks of flesh.
  175. The VoxGuard diamond in the door to the southwest beeps once and unlocks.
  176. DoctorDre opens the door to the southwest.
  177. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  178. Outside: Fireshad comes down the street from the east.
  179. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  180. DoctorDre says, "ahahahahaha."
  181. Shezbot2100 says, "fuck"
  182. Outside: fireshad heads north down the street.
  183. DoctorDre coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  184. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  186. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  187. DoctorDre coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  188. Outside: Twerp comes down the street from the north.
  189. Outside: Nina comes down the street from the west.
  190. Outside: Fireshad arrives on Twerp's heels.
  191. Shezbot2100 says, "fuuuck"
  192. Outside: fireshad starts picking things up.
  193. [party] Ruby: "ahahahah"
  194. Outside: You notice fireshad grabbing a leg of 9Joan as he continues picking things up.
  195. Outside: Randall_Flagg comes down the street from the south.
  196. DoctorDre coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  197. Outside: Twerp starts picking up nanite healers.
  198. Outside: Randall_Flagg heads north down the street.
  199. Outside: You notice fireshad grabbing a first aid kit as he continues picking things up.
  201. Re||<=. Bridge (in the Das Kochenhammer) 10:42pm
  202. 420||. Am A huge, dark space packed full of bulky electronics, cables and
  203. CP==()==== other trappings of technology, crammed into metal cabinets with
  204. ()VC||SUGS steel mesh sides. Beneath your feet is a floor made of more of the
  205. <>Br<>.\[] metal mesh, with control cables and other important looking
  206. doodads arrayed impressively. A massive hemisphere of transparent
  207. metal forms the front windscreen.
  208. Outside you see Fourth and High...
  209. Sheets of rusty salvaged metal patch together the crumbling buildings that
  210. crowd around the busy intersection. The sidewalks are glazed with filth. The
  211. bright neon lights of High Street buzz and flicker. Thin cold rain drizzles
  212. from the dead sky.
  213. This flyer's registry code is: .xXx.666.xXx.
  214. A steel box with a big red panic button on its front is set in one wall. A
  215. security console is integrated into the control suite. The walls are scorched
  216. black in one corner from a recent explosion. A fresh bloodstain is pooled in
  217. one corner. There is a faint stench in the air. There's a pile of ash on the
  218. floor.
  219. You see two empty syringes on the floor.
  220. CheechLizard is taking cover here. Shezbot2100, Granger, DoctorDre, and Laser_Spider are standing here.
  221. [party] CheechLizard: "ninaaaaaaa"
  222. ARMOR [ 465/500 ] FUEL [ 100/100 ]
  223. CTRL [ 0/10 ] ALT [ -1500/5000 ]
  224. [ You can fly north, east, south, and west. ]
  225. [ Exits: southwest(door to the southwest) +out(door to the corridor) ]
  226. Outside: Twerp finishes picking up nanite healers.
  227. Laser_Spider says, "laffo"
  228. Outside: fireshad follows Randall_Flagg north.
  229. [party] Ruby: "ahahahaha"
  230. Whoooaaa!!
  231. Shezbot2100 says, "oh good"
  232. Outside: Twerp heads east down the street.
  233. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  234. Shezbot2100 says, "shit"
  235. DoctorDre says, "NO"
  236. Outside: Datfukkenpig emerges from the northeast.
  237. Shezbot2100 says, "NOOO"
  238. [party] Ruby: "kill nina"
  239. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  241. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer spins and banks hard in evasive action.
  242. [party] Ruby: "please do it"
  243. Outside: Randall_Flagg comes down the street from the north.
  244. Outside: Nina heads south down the street.
  245. Shezbot2100 says, "stop evading you MONSTERS"
  246. Outside: Twerp comes down the street from the east.
  247. [party] Ruby: "crash into nina"
  248. Outside: Randall_Flagg says, "Wow."
  249. Granger taps on his wristpad.
  250. The door to the southwest swings shut.
  251. The VoxGuard diamond in the door to the southwest beeps twice and locks.
  252. Shezbot2100 says, "-1900 alt"
  253. CheechLizard laughs.
  254. Outside: Randall_Flagg says, "Damn Mira."
  255. Outside: The Punisher comes down the street from the west.
  256. Outside: Twerp heads west down the street.
  257. [party] Ruby: "We already crushed Tahin"
  258. Outside: The Punisher heads east down the street.
  259. Outside: Datfukkenpig says, "Ow."
  260. DoctorDre pulls back on the stick.
  261. Shezbot2100 says, "pull up pull up"
  262. Outside: Walter comes down the street from the east.
  263. Outside: A Meat Wagon comes down the street from the north.
  264. [party] Shezbot2100: "and mira"
  265. Outside: Walter heads west down the street.
  266. Outside: 78Jeremy comes down the street from the west.
  267. Outside: Falco arrives on the Meat Wagon's heels.
  268. [party] CheechLizard: "that was so funny"
  269. [party] Shezbot2100: "sad day"
  270. Outside: Tahin comes down the street from the east.
  271. Outside: Datfukkenpig says, "Glad I'm on the Endocrines."
  272. Outside: Falco heads east down the street.
  273. Outside: 78Jeremy heads north down the street.
  274. Whoooaaa!!
  275. The ground rushes at you as the Das Kochenhammer falls out of the sky! OH SHIT!
  276. Outside: Tahin picks up a pair of leech-hide trousers off the pavement.
  277. DoctorDre says, "wtf"
  278. Outside: Tahin heads west down the street.
  279. Shezbot2100 says, "shit"
  280. Outside: Datfukkenpig heads inside to the northeast.
  281. Shezbot2100 says, "ascend"
  282. The Das Kochenhammer smashes into the ground and explodes in a ball of fire! OH FUCKING HELL!
  284. Outside: Randall_Flagg explodes, showering the area with blood and chunks of flesh.
  285. Outside: The body of Randall_Flagg's white cocoon capsule deploys around his gear with a foamy whoosh.
  286. [party] Goasts: "give me bomb"
  287. [party] Goasts: "happy day"
  288. [party] Ruby: "ahahahah"
  289. Shezbot2100 says, "goddamn"
  290. Shezbot2100 pulls back on the stick.
  291. Acceleration pushes you down and back, as the Das Kochenhammer begins its ascent.
  292. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer lifts out of hover and begins to ascend.
  293. DoctorDre says, "lollllllll."
  294. DoctorDre pulls back on the stick.
  295. The acceleration eases as you reach cruising altitude.
  297. $$ Bridge (in the Das Kochenhammer) 10:50pm
  298. ()_,## o A huge, dark space packed full of bulky electronics, cables and
  299. <<() other trappings of technology, crammed into metal cabinets with
  300. .:::{} steel mesh sides. Beneath your feet is a floor made of more of the
  301. oOoO oO metal mesh, with control cables and other important looking
  302. doodads arrayed impressively. A massive hemisphere of transparent
  303. metal forms the front windscreen.
  304. Outside you see skies above freedom city...
  305. The crawling ruin of the city spreads out beneath you like a model train set
  306. smashed by a petulant child. You can see your house from up here! The black
  307. dome of night surrounds you, pinprick stars leaking sparkling white into the
  308. darkness.
  309. Thick clouds billow around you.
  310. Dark clouds billow to the north and northwest. A cloud layer hangs in the air
  311. to the southwest. Purple flashes illuminate threatening clouds to the west.
  312. This flyer's registry code is: .xXx.666.xXx.
  313. A steel box with a big red panic button on its front is set in one wall. A
  314. security console is integrated into the control suite. The walls are scorched
  315. black in one corner from a recent explosion. A fresh bloodstain is pooled in
  316. one corner. There is a faint stench in the air. There's a pile of ash on the
  317. floor.
  318. You see two empty syringes on the floor.
  319. CheechLizard is taking cover here. Shezbot2100, Granger, DoctorDre, and Laser_Spider are standing here.
  320. ARMOR [ 465/500 ] FUEL [ 97/100 ]
  321. CTRL [ -1/10 ] ALT [ 500/5000 ]
  322. [ You can fly north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. ]
  323. [ Exits: +southwest(door to the southwest) +out(door to the corridor) ]
  324. Laser_Spider says, "Admins are going to be mad."
  325. CheechLizard says, "so funny"
  326. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  327. Shezbot2100 says, "level now"
  328. The last of the horrible smell of rotten eggs disappears.
  329. The Das Kochenhammer breaks out of the weather into clear skies.
  330. Whoooaaa!!
  331. Whew! The Das Kochenhammer pulls out of its death spiral.
  332. DoctorDre coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  333. Shezbot2100 says, "fuck"
  334. Granger pisses on the floor.
  335. Laser_Spider says, "I mean damn."
  336. DoctorDre says, "god damn"
  337. Granger wipes up the last of the mess.
  338. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  339. The Das Kochenhammer breaks out of the weather into clear skies.
  340. DoctorDre says, "what the hell is going on"
  341. Laser_Spider coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  342. DoctorDre coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  343. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  344. Laser_Spider coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  345. Shezbot2100 says, "you monster"
  346. [party] Ruby: "awesomeness"
  347. CheechLizard says, "DEATH SPIRAL"
  348. Shezbot2100 says, "well, no, it's my fault"
  349. Laser_Spider coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  350. [party] Ruby: "we killed like 4 players"
  351. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  352. Laser_Spider coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  353. DoctorDre says, "eternal death spiral"
  354. [party] Shezbot2100: "shit"
  355. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  356. DoctorDre says, "uh oh"
  357. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  358. [party] Goasts: "pls get their stuf"
  359. Granger coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  360. [party] Shezbot2100: "maaan i just wanted to blow up all the cessnas on ap but oh no what is this"
  361. [party] Ruby: "you're on the ground"
  362. [party] Laser_Spider: "fuk u"
  363. [party] CheechLizard: "ahah zotnet"
  364. DoctorDre asks, "is it over?"
  365. [zotnet] Ruby has joined zotnet.
  366. Whoooaaa!!
  367. Whew! The Das Kochenhammer pulls out of its death spiral.
  368. [zotnet] CheechLizard says, "shez is learning to fly"
  369. [zotnet] Yeznik exclaims, "DAMNIT DAS!"
  370. Shezbot2100 booops.
  371. Whoooaaa!!
  372. [zotnet] Goasts says, "shezbot is flybot"
  373. Whew! The Das Kochenhammer pulls out of its death spiral.
  374. [zotnet] Twerp exclaims, "How many times can one plane crash!"
  375. CheechLizard laughs.
  376. [zotnet] Shezbot2100 says, "a lot"
  377. DoctorDre says, "fuckkk"
  378. [zotnet] Ruby says, "That was the best thing ever"
  379. [zotnet] CheechLizard says, "it is very bouncy"
  380. DoctorDre says, "here we go again"
  381. Laser_Spider pulls back on the stick.
  382. Shezbot2100 says, "cry"
  383. You text 'we crushed like 4 people with the Das' to Twerp on your wristpad.
  384. A beeping alarm sounds in the distance.
  385. Laser_Spider pulls back on the stick.
  386. [zotnet] Granger says, "we finally managed to pull it out of the huge fuckingd eath spiral shez sent it into"
  387. From your wristpad: Twerp pages, 'rip mira'
  388. The Das Kochenhammer breaks out of the weather into clear skies.
  389. CheechLizard says, "what we need is a death spiral from 5000 feet"
  390. [zotnet] Shezbot2100 says, "we were at -2300 alt"
  391. [zotnet] Shezbot2100 says, "sad day"
  392. [zotnet] Crowebar says, "that is scary"
  393. [party] Laser_Spider: "Someone pastebin all this."
  394. Laser_Spider pulls back on the stick.
  395. [party] Ruby: "I will"
  396. [zotnet] Twerp asks, "Are you alive and stuff?"
  397. [zotnet] Granger says, "yes"
  398. Laser_Spider's eyes glaze over for a moment.
  399. [zotnet] Ruby says, "we're fine"
  400. [party] Shezbot2100: "my screen is filled with looks"
  401. Laser_Spider . o O ( waaaaahhhhh )
  402. Laser_Spider . o O ( makin baby batter )
  403. Laser_Spider shivers as a wet stain spreads through the crotch of his double-ceramic exosuit.
  404. [zotnet] Granger says, "Being inside the skydock/das when you crash causes no damage to you"
  405. CheechLizard coolly guides the control stick, bringing the Das Kochenhammer to level.
  406. [zotnet] Granger says, "nor does it delete the zone"
  407. Laser_Spider unzips and wriggles out of his double-ceramic exosuit.
  408. [zotnet] Granger says, "or anything silly like taht"
  409. Laser_Spider puts on his bat-wing condom.
  410. Laser_Spider puts on his bat-wing condom.
  411. CheechLizard says, "pro pilot"
  412. With a look of determination, Laser_Spider starts putting on his double-ceramic exosuit.
  413. [zotnet] Twerp exclaims, "What an incredible griefing engine you wield!"
  414. Granger lays his palm on the VoxGuard diamond in the door to the corridor. BZZZT.
  415. [zotnet] Shezbot2100 says, "i am sad that necan removed our fireplace"
  416. [zotnet] Shezbot2100 says, "sad day"
  417. Laser_Spider settles into a bucket seat.
  418. [party] Granger: "this is boring"
  419. CheechLizard's eyes glaze over for a moment.
  420. CheechLizard . o O ( the circle of shit )
  421. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  422. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  423. [zotnet] Twerp says, "Bounce all over FC like a rubber ball until the admins wake up."
  424. CheechLizard cheers.
  425. [party] Shezbot2100: "let's hang out in necropolis~"
  426. Laser_Spider jerks the controls hard.
  427. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  428. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer stalls, then accelerates and spins in a daring evasive action.
  429. CheechLizard jerks the controls hard.
  430. [party] Goasts: "pls no"
  431. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  432. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer stalls, then accelerates and spins in a daring evasive action.
  433. [party] Goasts: "how do i get in!!"
  434. [zotnet] Ruby says, "we're workin on it"
  435. [party] Shezbot2100: "another plane :(("
  436. [party] Laser_Spider: "Dock with it."
  437. CheechLizard says, "shez"
  438. [party] Laser_Spider: "From a plane."
  439. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  440. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  441. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  443. player Ruby [ 100% ] caff
  444. player CheechLizard [ 100% ] horny cover
  445. player Shezbot2100 [ 100% ]
  446. player Granger [ 100% ] caff
  447. player DoctorDre [ 100% ] caff horny pee
  448. player Laser_Spider [ 100% ] caff pee revived
  449. Shezbot2100 says, "me"
  450. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  451. CheechLizard says, "crash it again"
  452. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  453. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  454. Shezbot2100 jerks the controls hard.
  455. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  456. Ruby says, "Yeah"
  457. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  458. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  459. Ruby says, "Do it"
  460. Shezbot2100 jerks the controls hard.
  461. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  462. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  463. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  464. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  465. Shezbot2100 says, "OH GOD"
  466. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  467. [party] Goasts: "no fuk u"
  468. DoctorDre says, "fukk"
  469. Shezbot2100 says, "OH NOO"
  470. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  471. [party] Goasts: "shezbot pls bomb"
  472. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  473. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  474. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  475. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  476. Laser_Spider presses a big red button.
  477. [party] Shezbot2100: "yes hokay"
  478. DoctorDre noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  479. Shezbot2100 jerks the controls hard.
  480. Granger jerks the controls hard.
  481. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  482. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  483. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  484. DoctorDre says, "uhm"
  485. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  486. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  487. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  488. DoctorDre says, "i think we broke the breaking"
  489. CheechLizard says, "-1 control"
  490. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  491. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  492. Ruby says, "Granger your pilot is too good"
  493. Shezbot2100 says, "well now it's back"
  494. [party] Goasts: "then fight nina"
  495. Ruby says, "Let shez do it"
  496. DoctorDre waves his tiny fist menacingly.
  497. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  498. [party] Goasts: "and take her stuf"
  499. Shezbot2100 says, "granger you jerko"
  500. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  501. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges crazily through the air.
  502. Granger waves his tiny fist menacingly.
  503. CheechLizard noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  504. Shezbot2100 says, "you are bringing the control back up"
  505. A solid sky pirate arrives from the door to the corridor.
  506. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  507. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  508. Ruby says, "Yeah"
  509. DoctorDre waves.
  510. The form of solid sky pirate fades away, revealing Necanthrope.
  511. Ruby says, "Uh oh"
  512. Shezbot2100 says, "necanthrooope"
  513. CheechLizard waves to Necanthrope.
  514. Laser_Spider salutes Necanthrope.
  515. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  516. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  517. Necanthrope says, "what are you idiots doing"
  518. Ruby says, "We're playing pilot"
  519. CheechLizard says, "exploring"
  520. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  521. Whoooaaa!!
  522. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer banks in a lame evasion attempt.
  523. DoctorDre says, "oh fuck"
  524. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  525. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer spins and banks hard in evasive action.
  526. Granger noses the Das Kochenhammer down into a dive.
  527. Necanthrope says, "I see I have to block the area off again"
  528. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  529. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges crazily through the air.
  530. Necanthrope lays her palm on the VoxGuard diamond in the door to the corridor. It beeps once and unlocks.
  531. Necanthrope opens the door to the corridor.
  532. Necanthrope heads through the door to the corridor.
  533. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer levels out.
  534. Outside: The Das Kochenhammer dodges and spins in a brilliant evasive action.
  535. [ DRS ]: ArchWizard says, "ArchWizard swallows an aspirin."
  536. [ DRS ]: ArchWizard says, "You wince and shrug off the aspirin."
  537. Shezbot2100 heads through the door to the corridor.
  538. [party] DoctorDre: "uh"
  539. You head through the door to the corridor.
  540. Laser_Spider asks, "Think we should leave?"
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