

Apr 11th, 2012
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  1. >You are a programmer.
  2. >You adore cute animals, especially fluffies, but you also suffer from heavy allergies.
  3. >What do.
  4. >Decide that if you can't have one IRL, you'll just have to simulate one.
  5. >You begin coding a program that will render a fluffy pony in a virtual environment.
  6. >It will be the perfect facsimile of a fluffy, down to its A.I.
  7. >Spend weeks programming things like speech patterns, textures, and realistic fluff rendering
  8. >After a great deal of work, fluffypony.exe is ready to be launched.
  9. >Briefly consider the lucrative opportunities in selling this software to abusers so they can torture infinite virtual fluffies.
  10. >Guess that wouldn't be too bad; after all, they're not real.
  11. >Put the thought out of your mind for now. It's time to test this baby out!
  12. >Initialize fluffypony.exe
  13. >Virtual fluffy pony renders
  14. >Stands there in front of a whole lot of blank space, looking confused.
  15. >Environment renders
  16. >Toys render.
  17. >Virtual fluffy pony is now happily bouncing around the virtual safe room, playing with a virtual ball.
  18. >All is going well.
  19. >A minor bug in the coding causes a buffer overflow.
  20. >Virtual fluffy pony drowns.
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