
NONE CORE F2U Squirtle Custom Box

Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. <div class="al"><img width="150" src=""/></div><font face="amatic"><font size="4"><div align="center"><b>Name - Age - Region</font><hr><font face="Tahoma"><div align="center"><font size="2"><div align="center">:thumb414605320: :thumb482269713: :thumb482269707:
  2. :thumb414604873: :thumb482269713: :thumb482269707:
  3. :thumb414605634: :thumb482269713: :thumb482269707:
  4. <hr><div class="ar"><br><img width="150" src=""/></div><div align="left"><font size="1"><font face="Tahoma"><br>WRITE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT HERE:After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth. Shoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws into its shell when in danger. The shell is soft when it is born. It soon becomes so resilient, prodding fingers will bounce off it. The shell, which hardens soon after it is born, is resilient. Squirtel is a smoll bean. A very smol bean. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah</font></font>
  5. <hr><div align="center"><font size="2"><img width="110" src=""/> <a href=" LINK HERE">Link 1</a>:thumb438996747:<a href=" LINK HERE">Link 2</a>:thumb438996747:<a href=" LINK HERE">Link 3</a><img width="110" src=""/> </div></div></div><sub><code><a href="">Click here for credits and widget download!</a>
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