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a guest
May 30th, 2008
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  1. $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ ./ts2_server -pid=./ -httpdocs=./httpdocs -tcpquerydocs=./tcpquerydocs -ini=./server.ini -log=./ts2.log -sql=./mysql_sql -badnames=./badnames.txt
  2. dlopen: /usr/lib/, 2
  3. dlopen: (null), 1
  4. dlsym: ExternalInit = (nil)
  5. dlopen: (null), 1
  6. dlsym: _BorUnwind_RegisterIPLookup = (nil)
  7. dlsym: @Sysinit@ResSym = 0x8111528
  8. dlsym: @Sysinit@ResSym = 0x8111528
  9. dlsym: @Sysinit@ResStr = 0x8111728
  10. dlsym: @Sysinit@ResHash = 0x81117d0
  11. dlopen:, 1
  12. dlsym: uuid_generate_time = 0xb7f81080
  13. dlopen: /usr/lib/, 1
  14. dlsym: getSQLDriverMYSQL = 0xb7419948
  15. dlopen: /usr/lib/, 1
  16. dlopen: /usr/lib/, 2
  17. dlsym: mysql_init = 0xb7f85c0b
  18. dlsym: mysql_connect = 0xb7f85c57
  19. dlsym: mysql_real_connect = 0xb7f85cad
  20. dlsym: mysql_close = 0xb7f85d76
  21. dlsym: mysql_real_query = 0xb7f85dc2
  22. dlsym: mysql_use_result = 0xb7f85e23
  23. dlsym: mysql_fetch_field = 0xb7f85e6f
  24. dlsym: mysql_fetch_row = 0xb7f85eea
  25. dlsym: mysql_fetch_lengths = 0xb7f86006
  26. dlsym: mysql_free_result = 0xb7f86052
  27. dlsym: mysql_escape_string = 0xb7df1762
  28. dlsym: mysql_field_count = 0xb7df11eb
  29. dlsym: mysql_affected_rows = 0xb7df11f9
  30. dlsym: mysql_error = 0xb7df122f
  31. own_mysql_init called
  32. own_mysql_real_connect called: H:localhost U:xxxxxx P:xxxxxx
  33. File '/usr/share/libmysqlclient/charsets/?.conf' not found (Errcode: 2)
  34. Character set '#210' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/libmysqlclient/charsets/Index' file
  35. own_mysql_real_query called:SHOW TABLES
  36. own_mysql_use_result called
  37. own_mysql_fetch_field called
  38. field name Tables_in_ts2
  39. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  40. ROWS[1]: [ts2_bans]
  41. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  42. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  43. ROWS[1]: [ts2_channel_privileges]
  44. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  45. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  46. ROWS[1]: [ts2_channels]
  47. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  48. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  49. ROWS[1]: [ts2_clients]
  50. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  51. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  52. ROWS[1]: [ts2_server_privileges]
  53. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  54. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  55. ROWS[1]: [ts2_servers]
  56. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  57. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  58. ROWS[1]: [ts2_servers2]
  59. own_mysql_fetch_lengths called
  60. own_mysql_fetch_row called
  61. ROWS[1]: -
  62. own_mysql_free_result called
  63. own_mysql_close called
  64. ...
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