

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. As many of you know, I've been researching site history for quite some time now. You may not know that I've also researched SCP Foundation roleplaying history for even longer. If the forums are to be believed, we've been trying to start a Foundation RP since the earliest days of the site, in the mysterious artform of freeform RP. In fact, the chat room was originally an in-character environment.
  3. Those days of rp were short lived, though, and eventually site19 evolved from being a roleplay environment to general chatter... but that's a story for another day. Right now, I'll give a brief overview of the major roleplay games in our past: Field Work, Active Duty, Serpents Hand, Tamlin House, Far Recon, and Origins.
  5. So! Without further ado, let's just jump right in.
  7. __**[[[|Fieldwork!]]]**__
  9. The original SCP RP. Started on April 2nd, 2009. It was a very, //very// popular game, for its time especially. The participation level was the closest we've ever come to a universally participated roleplaying game. Looking through the character sheets page, most of the major members of the time, and almost all of the staff, had characters.
  11. The roleplay environment could charitably be described as "non-serious". Fieldwork was an RP which had its gestation period during lolfoundation, so much of the tone came from that. However, it was not all silliness. Despite being a place where strelnicocks ran free and silly hats were abound, it had some good moments.
  13. ----
  15. From what I can see, it barely lasted for over a month, but was very very popular, with a character list appearing to have characters from almost every active SCP users at that time. Most of the senior staff were also players. As far as I can tell, the primary GM's were LBD, Rights, and Lurker. Fieldwork was never meant to be balanced, and as such was not always fun to play. However, the next Foundation RP would learn from the mistakes that Fieldwork made, and become
  17. __**[[[|Active Duty!]]]**__
  19. Active Duty, the balanced and serious successor to Fieldworks silliness and wild imbalance. It seemed like all we could hope for. My information about Active Duty has mostly come from the former player base, and as such it may have been more than a little biased. (Note that I also have not consulted any current or former GM's. IF you are a former AD player or Gm, and you see that I have made a gross error, please post in the thread and let me know!) Active Duty was about Foundation Personnel stationed at Site 23, which was located in the Australian outback. Its player base is one of the larger ones that I've found, with most current and former SCP rp community members having been members. It was even the genesis of the concept of the Tamlin House. However, from those I have spoken to, the end came around due to three primary reasons: repeated reboots that caused dissatisfaction with the user base, giving positions that were nominally NPC's to players instead of GM's, and having the rp focus around two characters. For one reason for another, AD declined, and was eventually put into hiatus. However, before we get into what comes after AD, we will have to talk about the RP proclaimed to be AD's "Sister" rp,
  21. __**[[[|Far Recon!]]]**__
  23. Now, speaking as a current player in Far Recon, I will avoid speaking about it in contemporary terms, because I would be biased. I know that it was founded a year ago, by Dr. Gears and Salman Corbette, based on the idea of Site-354, built to contain the red pool. It has one of the most complete log pages that I have found on the old Foundation rp's, with logs stretching all the way back to its creation being organized and labeled. While it is by no means complete or even that great, it is much easier to browse than some others. Several GM's have come on gone in FR's time, with former GM's including Daedalize, Heiden, Uncandescent, Scantron, and Dr. Gears. Currently run by Mr_Wilt and nominally Fifthman, it has the largest player base of the SCP RP's I've seen.
  25. Before I move on to the next RP, I should talk about the Serpents Hand RP. Although it appears to have not been very active, the characters and themes it inspired have affected nearly every other rp that came after it. Unfortunately, I do not have much information about it. After it died, it was met with the successor to both it and Active Duty, known as
  27. __**[[[|After Action]]]**__
  29. After Action is an rp based on what happens after the end of the world, and it combines the AD and Serpents Hand universes. Again, I do not know much about the history of AA, other than it has always been a private rp. It is run by EchoFourDelta. Simultaneously to AA, the old team behind Active Duty put together an rp known as
  31. __**[[[|Tamlin House]]]**__
  33. Tamlin House is the current official Foundation rp, based on the idea of a house that is a hub point for every reality that could ever exist, and every reality that ever has existed. Originally it used a system similar to the AD and AA systems that came before it, but recently has been rebooted to a totally different system.
  35. And that is a short history of the SCP Foundation rp's, from what I have seen and understood. However, if I am wrong, or if I have left out something important, please post in this thread so I know. The whole point is to learn more about the history of the scp rp's, since that is a subject in need of attention. Any little bits, or tidbits you have, or if you want to give your side of a certain rp's history, please post them here.
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